Madman’s Method: Madman Duet Book One

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Madman’s Method: Madman Duet Book One Page 6

by Mason, V. F.

  Why does a boy who is cruel to everyone evoke weird sensations in my body that makes me want to slap him and…

  And what?

  That second part of “what” is always hard for me to understand because the thoughts that come to mind seem too shameful to admit.

  But then he laughs, the mockery of it not lost on me, and he leans closer so that our lips are almost touching, and asks, with sarcasm lacing his tone, “Is this what you expected? Hate to disappoint you, love. I’m not your saintly crush. I don’t apologize for shit.”

  And here comes the all-too-familiar fury that always attaches to him no matter how old he is. It’s always there in my presence, suffocating me to death.

  Ever since we turned six and went to first grade, Eudard used opportunities to throw his bitterness on people but especially me.

  Maybe because Eachann preferred to spend time with my family at my house more than him; I don’t know. But Eudard has always been a dick of epic promotions, and I was on the receiving end of his cruelty.

  Even if a long time ago he used to be my best friend and protector.

  “It surprises me how you two can be related, let alone be twins.” I immediately know I crossed a line when his eyes flash with rage, his fingers digging deeper, and the cigarette falls by his feet.

  Fear penetrates me, and I mentally groan at my stupid tongue, since I’ve never seen him this angry before. I was never afraid that he’d physically hurt me, but who the hell knows with a guy like him?

  I should have known better than to question his bond with his twin, which is legendary, even if everything else about him is evil.

  “Let go of her,” comes a voice from next to us, and both of us simultaneously swing our heads in the direction of the command.

  Eachann stands a few feet away from us, headphones hooked around his neck and a backpack hanging on his shoulder. His posture is absolutely calm, as if he is simply telling us to stop bickering.

  But then he always stays unfazed during our intense moments.

  “Let go of her,” he says softly again, addressing his brother, and for a moment flicks his gaze to me, scanning me from head to toe before shifting his focus to Eudard. “Let go, brother.”

  The twins silently communicate for what seems like forever, and then finally the grip on me loosens, so I quickly step back, stumbling on my dropped books.

  Eachann comes closer, kneels to pick them up, and then gives them to me while I stand stunned along with the crowd, because he has never spoken up before.

  He either sits silently in class or sings in the church’s choir. Otherwise, he never engages with anyone or anything socially or school related. Except today in class.

  And probably in another town, he’d be considered a nerd who everyone could pick on, but his brother and family name give him the kind of protection that some people could only dream of.

  “I’m sorry for this” is all he says before he places his hand on Eudard’s shoulder. “We need to go. Everyone is waiting for us.” He motions his head to the car with their driver, holding a door wide open for them.

  Instead of listening though, he snatches his arm back, giving me one last once-over before turning around and entering the school with a loud kick, the door slamming shut after him.

  God only knows what he wants there anyway. It’s not like he bothers showing up to classes, not after a fight on the football field with the visiting team almost a month ago.

  Even his father’s power couldn’t help him then. I’m not sure how he plans to enroll in college with such an attitude.

  Eachann sighs but trails after him, and everyone gapes at him until he too disappears behind the doors.

  Patricia jumps on me from behind, fanning herself. “Did the Campbell twins just fight over you?” I say nothing and shake my head, dragging her to her car, ignoring the curious looks. With Pat at my side, no one will come any closer and question me about the encounter.

  In moments like this, I appreciate the hierarchy our town has, even though on most days I hate it.

  This day is so bizarre, from Ethan’s proposition to Eudard showing up here out of the blue even though he has strict orders not to.

  Patricia is wrong though.

  They didn’t fight over me.

  The last incident is not weird at all with the other freaked-out shit happening today.

  Because Eudard always wants to hurt me, and Eachann is always there to protect me from his fury.

  Evil and goodness wrapped up in one face, two sides of the coin.

  Back then, I had no clue my bond with the twins would be my undoing.

  Back then, I didn’t know true evilness hid behind a good façade and intentions.

  Back then, I didn’t know loving someone could cost you your life.


  Cracking my neck from side to side, I raise one foot up and place it on the bar, stretching my spine, moaning when the muscles in my back relax a bit as the tension eases.

  Holding the position for five minutes, I switch legs, wincing a little, because my knee has been acting up in this humidity for a couple days now.

  I’ve never believed in all the crap about weather and injuries, but my knee has proved me freaking wrong through the years, reacting to even the slightest of changes.

  Done with stretching, I switch on the stereo and classical music slowly fills the room bringing the familiar calmness that sinks into me from every corner and soothes me after the earlier encounter with the priest.

  A humorless chuckle escapes me when I think that.

  Figures that the saintly Eachann would pick a path where no one could question his authority.

  The music speeds up a little, so I shift to the middle of the studio and take up the position ready to pirouette. I push off with my back foot, bringing it to my knee as I spin, then spin again before stretching it back.

  All while allowing for every note to move through me, playing with my hands imagining all the pain and heartache the composer must have felt while creating the masterpiece.

  With each spin on my toes, I let go of all the anger and chaos clouding my inner thoughts while Lachlan’s words echo in my ears.

  If your heart rules your head, you are set for failure. The path of revenge should be devoid of any emotion, even the angry ones. When there is emotion, people can control you. Don’t give that kind of power to anyone. You will lose, even if it seems like you won.

  Step, step, step, and jump.

  Spin, spin, spin, and jump.

  I focus my eyes on the wall as a focal point and decide to do several spins again, going back in time where I performed such things on ice, gliding while the frigid air stuck in my lungs and the sound of scratching filled my ears.

  All while I jumped in the air and spun so many times I felt like I was flying above this town in a faraway land where nothing existed but the beauty of the sport that had been mine since I was three years old.

  Until it wasn’t.

  The agony of the last thought hits me so hard that for a second I can’t breathe, and I lose my balance in the spin, falling backward, but strong arms catch me several inches above the floor.

  A masculine scent penetrates my nostrils and my eyes snap open to see a stranger looming above me, his arms wrapped tightly around my middle, his face in a shadow by the light streaming behind him.

  Instantly, my skin itches wildly as if thousands of ants nip on it, and I fist his shirt, pulling myself up and getting away from him while trying to keep my composure.

  The touch of any male is not welcomed.

  Resting my hands on the back of my neck, I spin around and muster a smile. “I’m sorry for that.” The last thing I need is for townsfolk to think I’m suspicious or weird.

  My reputation should be squeaky clean for what I have planned next.

  My brows furrow though when something else dawns on me. “What are you doing here?” This studio is located on the outskirts of the city, near my home. I bought it a f
ew weeks ago specifically for that reason.

  I needed a place to unwind but also a studio to use as a cover story to feed the people, allowing them to trust me enough to sink my claws into them and inject the venom that’s been building up inside me for years.

  A venom that will kill them in the end, but not before each one of them suffers the greatest of agonies.

  “You falling into my arms was not how I imagined our reunion.” The deep and husky voice has the same effect on me as a bucket full of ice water.

  I freeze on the spot, barely breathing when he shifts closer, his dangerous presence filling my sanctuary.

  A boy who used to torment me, because he couldn’t handle my love for his twin.

  But ironically, he is the only one who didn’t hurt me that night, not with actions at least.

  He is still handsome as sin with his hair falling freely, ending by his ears, while various tattoos on his chest peek out from the V of his shirt. He’s become more muscular but also has developed a darkish allure that wasn’t present before. Jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket showcase his bad boy persona, and you wouldn’t have guessed that one of the most sought-out billionaires in the States stood in front of you.

  He fists my hair, angling my head, and I have no choice but to arch, giving him access to my neck as he skims his lips over it, gliding his tongue on my heated skin.

  My hands lock behind his neck, pressing closer to him as desire I’ve never known before spreads through me, heating my blood and needing things I’m not familiar with.

  He travels up, nipping my chin before he bites on my lower lip, tugging it, and I gasp at the sting of pain shooting through me, but it’s instantly replaced with pleasure when he soothes it with his tongue. His mouth captures mine and our tongues tangle in a toe-curling kiss that stakes an invisible claim on me.

  His hands slide to my waist and he hikes me up, my legs wrapping around him while he takes us farther and farther away from the road and prying eyes where I don’t feel anything but him.

  Even if I hate him the most in this world, my body belongs to him while my heart belongs to his twin.

  I go to the window, snapping it open and breathing in the fresh air while it cools me from the flashback popping into my head.

  How can a man have this kind of effect on me after ten years?

  But then his words register in my mind, and I become even colder, although I keep my face blank. “Reunion?” I ask curiously, frowning for good measure. “I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I’ve just moved to town.” I extend my hand to him, smiling warmly even though I want to run away or snarl in disgust, just like when we were kids. “My name is Cassandra Scott. Nice to meet you.”

  His brow rises as amusement flashes on his face before he nods. “I must have indeed. This studio used to be Allison’s.” He mentions a twenty-year-old girl who sold it to me so she could run away to California with the hope of becoming a famous actress. The last thing she wanted was to take care of the business her grandmother, who recently passed away, established. “Eudard Campbell,” he closes his palms over mine, his skin sending electricity through me while memories slam into me one after another, but they are a different kind from Ethan and Eachann.

  Eudard’s touch has always been like that, even on that night.

  Mentally slapping away the images, I grin wider and shake it before removing it and crossing my arms. “So you are Father Eachann’s twin,” I say in a friendly tone and walk toward the bottle of the water in the corner to take a sip. “And Laura’s brother, right?”

  His gaze slides to my throat, and a sensation that disturbs my mind rushes through me, but once again I ignore it, watching him curiously as if interested in his answer. “That’s correct. Some people say I have to thank you.” He leans closer and his scent tickles my nose, along with the tobacco smell that always accompanies it. “You’ve created quite a sensation around this town already by moving here.”

  Or more like gave them something new to gossip about while the founding five plan ways to control me. Newcomers tend to scare them, because no one wants an uprising in their carefully planned town.

  “For what?” I’ve never had a more idiotic but at the same time breezy conversation in my life, and more importantly it’s not one I’ve imagined with Eudard of all people.

  Not after what his family has done to me.

  Not after what his brother has done to me.

  Not after what he ignored.

  Familiar rage swirls in the pit of my stomach along with the smell of gasoline and organ music that are permanently glued to my memory, never giving me a reprieve.

  “You are her first client. Thanks to you, she sold a house.” He passes the helmet from hand to hand while his green eyes continue to drill into me as if drinking in my features. “She is on cloud nine, believing her career will soar.”

  Putting the water down, I shuffle through the music while waving in a don’t-mention-it gesture to him, avoiding his gaze. “Oh, no need to thank me. The house is gorgeous. The pleasure was all mine.” Clapping my hands together, I announce, “If that’s all, I’d like to get back to rehearsing. I have to plan a program before I open up, so—”

  His cold tone interrupts me, not giving a shit about my plans. “I’m not thanking you.” I spin around to face him when he utters these words, casually strolling around the studio and studying the freshly painted walls. “You only made it worse.”

  “Oh? How come?” Some things in life never change, like Campbell’s complete lack of acceptance of Laura’s differences.

  Even as a little girl, she preferred to cook with my mom for hours, laughing about the different taste of pastries on the days she was allowed to come to our house. But her father forbade her mingling with his employees and enrolled her, at the age of eleven, in a class to prepare her for a career in business administration.

  I rarely saw that girl smile after that.

  Clearly her brother shared their father’s view on things. “Now she believes she has a shot at the whole realtor thing.” He traces his fingers over the wall and goose bumps rise on my skin, reminding me of how it felt to be at the receiving end of his total focus.

  A man who could be so cruel during the day, was surprisingly gentle during the night, like in it, his colors truly showed for the world to see.

  Oh, God. How come my body didn’t give a shit about this for ten years, and in his presence all those memories are suddenly awakened?

  “And that’s a bad thing? Now she has more reasons to go forward.”

  A humorless chuckle echoes in the space when he shifts back to look at me, twirling the helmet on his finger as if it were a basketball. “No, now she has more illusions that she can make a career out of it.” If it was anyone else, I’d probably agree with his statement. But in the current situation, I have to be on Laura’s side, even if I don’t understand her choices either.

  “That’s a harsh thing to say, since you’re her brother.”

  He shrugs, inspecting the floor with the tip of his boots. “I don’t sugarcoat her dreams. You are the first newcomer in fifteen years. How many more houses do you think she’ll sell?” he wonders but doesn’t wait for my reply, since he answers it himself. “One or two if the odds are in her favor. She is wasting her natural talents just so she can stick it to our dad.”

  “She wants to follow her own path.” I don’t question her desire to stick it to Ridge Campbell of all people, but I’m surprised with all the money she has, why hasn’t she moved away from here?

  A young girl like her has no ties in this town besides her family, and clearly she doesn’t get along with them. What could possibly hold a woman in one place as dull as this one?

  “No, she is stubborn and this will ruin her life. I almost convinced her to work in the company. Until you showed up.” His voice drops a few octaves and I shiver under it, but I don’t shrink from his anger.

  He can go and shove it down his throat though; I’m no longe
r the hopeless girl who was afraid to say anything to the mighty Campbells. “That’s one way to greet me” is all I say before pointing at the door and gritting my teeth. “Now get the hell out of my studio and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.” I’ve had enough interaction with the Campbell twins for today, and my emotional state attests to that.

  I wasn’t prepared to meet them today at all and it messed with my responses, but next time, everything will be different.

  I can’t allow them to crack my secrets, at least not till the moment I’m ready to do it myself.

  An unreadable expression crosses his face, and he steps in my direction, stopping inches away from me. I stand still, straightening my back and not giving him any power in this exchange. He leans forward, and familiar tension rocks between us when he speaks. Each word is calm yet laced with venom that spreads in my blood, awakening old wounds. “If I were you, I wouldn’t kick the mayor of this town out.” My eyes lock with his when awareness flashes in them and a smile curves his lips, sinister in its nature. “I have the power to take away everything.”

  “Is that blackmail?” I ask with boredom, even though heat spreads through me and I can barely stop myself from shaking.

  He tsks. “Of course not, Cassandra. Just a warning. I’m not all that civilized like the men you are probably used to.” This time, danger lurks on the edges of his tone along with a possessiveness that surprises even me. The thought of other men in the life of a woman he just met displeases him this much?

  What a freaking whore!

  I blink at the rage that rocks my system at the idea of him interested so much in a woman, like I should care or have any claim on the man. Besides, didn’t I come here to use my beauty as a weapon? Why then does the idea of him falling for it create chaos inside me and awaken the green-eyed monster I didn’t know even existed within me?

  I need a break from this and all the preparation, because I seem to be acting insane.

  Or maybe because Eudard is the only one semi-innocent in this entire story, even though his indifference brought greater pain than that dished out by the other founding five.


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