Madman’s Method: Madman Duet Book One

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Madman’s Method: Madman Duet Book One Page 16

by Mason, V. F.

  “Yeah?” he asks, as his thumb brushes my cheek and his voice drops a few octaves. “I’ve never done this before either.”

  I gasp in shock, because how is this possible? But he doesn't give me the opportunity to dwell on it.

  His cock rubs over my core right before he enters me swiftly, with one harsh thrust, and my scream dies inside his mouth.

  It hurts!

  I try to wiggle free from his hold as I slap his shoulders, but he presses me into the rug, holding me still while kissing me deeply, but he pauses, giving me time to adjust to his girth. Slowly, the shock wears off, and I relax in his arms, answering the kiss with my hands laced in his hair. I hug him tightly, needing to be as close to him as possible even though the position doesn't leave any space between us as it is.

  A sting replaces the pain, and my heartbeat speeds up. A fire burning in the pit of my stomach demands something different, and I wiggle my hips. Instantly, a thrill rushes inside me, filling every bone, and I gulp a breath, needing more.

  “Arianna,” he growls into my neck, grazing his teeth over my skin, but instead of listening to the warning in his voice, I wiggle again, and this time his palms cradle my hips. He stills my movements and hisses through his teeth, “One more fucking wiggle, and I’m going to fuck you through the floor, Arianna.” A beat and he adds, “Trust me, that’s not what you want for our first time.” Eudard’s green eyes lock with mine for a moment, a myriad of emotions flashing in them one after another, so quick I'm unable to catch any of them. He breathes heavily, his pupils dilated, and I understand he is barely holding himself back for my sake.

  A droplet of sweat slides down his Adam's apple, and I rise up, swiping it with my tongue. His pulse beats violently against my index finger. “Make love to me, Eudard,” I whisper.

  I never felt more connected to him than in that moment, wanting to forever be his and never regret this decision.

  No matter what happens.

  Everything changes in the span of a second; he moves back and then slams inside me again, sending bliss all through me. He waits for my reaction, and when my only reply is a moan, he jerks forward again, filling me deep, and my core clamps around him, keeping him in a tight hold.

  He continues to glide his cock in and out of me. His hands hike my knees over his elbows and he increases his strokes. I arch my torso and sink my nails into his back, drawing him closer for a kiss.

  With each movement, he brings me closer and closer to the brink, pushing deeper and deeper inside me, consuming me.

  The cabin fills with our raspy breaths and my moans of pleasure. As he pushes harder, I wonder where I am for a second. “You are everything,” he whispers against my skin. He wraps my legs around him and sucks gently on my nipples, sending sensations directly to my clit, and that’s when he gives me a harsh thrust, and the fire inside me ignites.

  He swallows my cry, his tongue playing with mine, all while he slows down and continues to make love to me leisurely, but I can feel the tension vibrating through him.

  Finally, he groans, jerking inside me, and everything stops.

  Our hearts beat against each other as the candles crackle, probably dripping wax, while darkness settles over the place. Over his shoulders, I can see our shadows on the ceiling. Two bodies wrapped around each other so tight it seems nothing and no one can separate them.

  He feels heavy and heavenly at the same time, but I have to breathe. “I love your rigid muscles and all, but I need air.” Immediately, he changes positions, with me on top of him, and as a result, my hair falls over me. “Eudard!” He chuckles and hooks the strands behind my ear, and for a second I’m mesmerized by his genuine smile that he hasn’t given me in the last few years.

  Placing my palm on his cheek, I lean down to give him a soft kiss and wince a little, something his hawk-like eyes don’t miss.

  He flips me on my back again, into a comfortable position, and my eyelids droop as exhaustion hits my body.

  I’ve never felt better than in this moment, and to think we had to experience this crazy day to get here.

  Which reminds me of the last scene near Cole’s house. The words are out of my mouth before they fully register in my head. “Eachann—”

  I want to voice what happened and how grateful I am that I followed him.

  But the name of his twin is enough for him to grow stone cold against me, and only too late I realize the mistake of my actions.

  * * *

  Eudard parks the bike by my house, the lights off indicating to me my parents are still out with their friends. She mentioned that before dropping me off to Cole’s that she and dad decided to have dinner with the golf partners in a nearby town.

  I hop to the ground, removing the helmet and giving it to him, but he doesn’t even look in my direction, just snatches it from my hands.

  Even though he doesn’t say a word, his tension is evident in every move and it swirls around us with dangerous energy. “I’m sorry,” I whisper and see his jaw tic. Desperation rushes through me, because this silent treatment is unbearable.

  The minute Eachann’s name slipped past my lips in the post-orgasmic bliss, Eudard rolled off me and searched for his cigarettes, lighting up one while he put on his clothes.

  I was so embarrassed I quickly followed suit, afraid of his coming anger, and for the first time in my whole life, I couldn’t blame him.

  Who says the name of another man, let alone his twin, after a guy takes your virginity?

  But at the same time, I got annoyed with him, because he didn’t even listen to what I had to say. It’s not like I imagined Eachann instead of him.

  No, in the moment our bodies entwined, I completely belonged to him, and those emotions confused me. If I crushed on Eachann my whole life, how could I have given myself so easily to Eudard?

  Is it possible to crave one man’s body with everything that you are but still have a crush on another?

  Or was my theory right, and I always wanted him but transferred all those feelings on Eachann, because I couldn’t justify crushing on a guy who was so mean to me?

  “Even now, you question it.” I blink in surprise when Eudard speaks up, his voice deep yet husky, lightly caressing my skin, but at the same time nipping at it as I feel the bite in his words. “You stand here in front of me and wonder why you chose me.”

  I’m searching for suitable words to explain my emotions but fail, groaning inwardly in frustration and hating this. I don’t want to hurt Eudard, but at the same time it’s not like I’m in love with him. Right?

  So I chose the most cowardly way.

  Avoidance. “I have to go. My parents will be back any moment now. I don’t want to get in trouble.” I go to dart in the direction of my house when his hands wrap around my waist, stilling my movements, and with a gasp I end up pressed against him while he still sits on the bike.

  His hands lace in my hair as he angles my face and brings his mouth to mine, whispering against my lips. “You are mine, Arianna. Always have been. You never belonged to Eachann. You just turned to him, because I orchestrated it.” What an idiotic conclusion, but I have no chance to protest it.

  He kisses me passionately, deeply, possessively as his tongue slips inside and entwines with mine. My moan dies in his mouth as he fists my hair harder, probing his tongue deeper before biting on my lower lip and pulling it. “Accept it or don’t, but always fucking remember I, and only I, exist in your thoughts. Only I touch this body, and only I fucking exist here.” He slides his hand to my heart that beats wildly under his touch.

  Another kiss, and he pushes me back, putting on his helmet and making the engine roar. With one last glance in my direction, he rides off into the night, leaving only dust behind him while I’m left standing speechless, my body and lips sore from him.

  Lightly grazing my lips with the tips of my fingers, I allow joy to spread through me and smile.

  You are mine.

  Why do such words create excitement from within me

  Twirling in a circle, I let the bubble of laughter erupt, and dance off to my house where I take two steps at a time and fly inside.

  Turning on the light, I want to slip off my shoes and take a shower, but my phone dings in my dress’s pocket. I forgot I even had it with me!

  Fishing it out, I see Patricia’s text flashing on the screen.

  Where are you?

  I huff in disbelief. This is the first thing she is going to text me after she kissed Eachann?

  Surprisingly, the thought no longer brings hurt or anything like that, but still, who cares about the kiss? It’s what it represents. She hurt me tonight, so she can go to hell.

  I’m about to place it down when it dings with another message.

  I drank too much. I’m in the no-man’s-land. I have no clue how I ended up here, but do you know how freaking high those cliffs here are?

  Chills run down my spine, and I quickly type back, my anger forgotten for the time being, in the current circumstances.

  Don’t do anything stupid, Pat. I’m coming.

  She is uncontrollable while drunk and does a lot of stupid shit that might end up dangerous for her. If she doesn’t know how she ended up there, it means she might have driven there.

  Oh, God.

  Come, come! Let’s have fun. Why is everything spinning?

  What am I going to do?

  Without thinking on it, I dial Eudard’s number, but he doesn’t pick it up. I try again, and this time it goes to voicemail. Is he intentionally avoiding my calls?

  Why did he kiss me if he’s still angry?

  Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, I type him a message on my way outside.

  Pat is drunk at the cliff in no-man’s-land. Could you please come there asap once you get this message? I’m afraid to go there alone.

  I hit Send and grab the keys for Mom’s car, since they took Dad’s, but that’s when I see headlights in my driveway and recognize Ethan’s car.

  Placing the keys back on the cupboard, I rush toward him as he does the same and shouts, “Pat is at the cliff. I just got her message.”

  “I know. We need to stop her before she does something stupid.”

  He nods, goes back to his seat, and says, “Hop in.” Even though I don’t know him that well, the safety of my friend comes first.

  Who knows what might happen to her if I wait even a little?

  I quickly do as he says and pray for Patricia to be all right, but also for Eudard to come. How funny is it that just hours ago he was the boy who scared and tormented me, and now he is the one I associate my safety with?

  If I hadn’t been so concerned for my friend, I would have stopped to wonder why Ethan came to my house.

  But I didn’t and allowed the monsters to lure me into their darkness.


  Glancing in the mirror one last time, I twist from side to side studying my outfit that consists of black tights, a navy blue wrap skirt, and finally my black long-sleeved mock turtleneck crop top. The top is made out of thin cloth, so it shouldn’t bother me much in the heat.

  All in all, it’s decent enough for this town, but more importantly it’s comfortable for dance practice. I intend to use my time in the studio today to shoot several new videos, inviting the locals to participate in classes I have scheduled. Patricia won’t help me much, not that I expected her to, but I have to make my studio one of the hottest spots in town this week. This way I will earn the trust of the locals and fuel the fire of envy already swirling in Patricia’s and Dorothy’s veins.

  Because people clouded by emotion tend to do stupid things that have the worst consequences.

  Tugging on my long ponytail sitting up high on my head, I give myself a thumbs-up before grabbing my bag from the floor along with the travel mug from the counter.

  Getting out of the house, I lock it and then quickly jog down the stairs, ready to speed walk to my studio to enjoy this beautiful day, when I halt on the last step, noticing Ethan standing on the sidewalk of my house, giving me a sheepish grin and wiggling the see through paper bag in his hand with a donut in it.

  Putting on my sunglasses, I take a sip and stroll right to the road leading to the studio without giving him a glance, fishing for my headphones.

  “Cassandra,” he calls, running up to me and gulping for breath as he keeps up with my speed, but I ignore him, focusing on the road ahead of me and breathing in the fresh air that soothes the edges inside me that are still fresh after yesterday.

  Liza got me home in record time, considering Brown’s mansion is at the other end of town. She drove without any questions and she wished me a good night before driving off into the sunset.

  I was so shaken up I got into the shower and then slept badly with nightmares haunting me in my sleep. I woke up several times coated in sweat with screams stuck in my throat until I gave up on it all together.

  Not having decent sleep last night made several things clear to me though.

  My vengeance will not be as easy as I first anticipated. I thought ten years, therapy, and everything else prepared me for the amplitude of emotions awaiting me here, but I was wrong.

  I wanted it to last for months, luring them into my web, creating trust and love before destroying them in ways that threatened their sanity.

  Now though, I know it’s impossible. My hatred for them is too strong, along with my memories, to suffer that long.

  I have only a month tops to finish it off without going insane and forever put the past behind me, but how can I, if I still give them the power to rule me?

  Needing Eudard to step into the situation is enough to attest to that.

  I can’t be the helpless girl once again, the one who stands still while everyone tears her apart.

  “Cassandra,” Ethan repeats my name and brings me back to the situation at hand. Since I stay silent, moving forward with my sneakers slapping against the concrete, he sighs in frustration. “I’m sorry about Dorothy. What she said was awful and not true.” I enjoy my tea, putting in my earbuds one by one and scrolling through songs. “I mean, I like you of course, but my intention was not to charm you into bed.” I settle on one and immediately the music blasts, allowing me to close my eyes for a second and block his annoying voice from my ears.

  Ethan is really such an idiot who probably never apologizes to women, if his half-assed attempt is anything to judge by.

  He raises his voice, talking louder, and unfortunately it does penetrate through the haze of my nirvana. “Dorothy and I married four years ago. She caught me during a bad time in my life, and I sort of succumbed to the temptation even though I knew I shouldn’t. The marriage was a mistake from the beginning. She constantly demanded attention, and if I didn’t give it to her, she would show up at my work drunk and throw insults my way.” I snort at this bullshit, because none of it is true. Dorothy has been quiet as a mouse since high school, and the only scandal she ever got herself involved in was skipping a class during our senior year, and it was one we’d all agreed to do.

  She became a drunk because of him, but then Ethan White is not someone who tells the truth, so….

  He takes my reaction as encouragement to keep going, so he elaborates further on the subject. “I begged her to go to rehab, but she wouldn’t listen. So she left me no choice but to divorce her. I couldn’t live like that anymore.” From the corner of my eye, I see him glancing down while threading his fingers in his hair, resignation written all over him.

  God, this sob story must really work well on ladies, because it sounds like an overplayed song. “Regardless of our situation, she shouldn’t have insulted you the way she did.” He continues as I turn right and can already see my studio in the distance, the sun beaming all over it. “I want you to know I warned her not to do that again, and so did everyone else. You won’t encounter it again.”

  Step. Step. Step.

  He huffs in frustration and wraps his hands around my biceps, stil
ling my movements, and slowly I shift to face him while he tries to gauge my expression behind my sunglasses. “Please say something.”

  Licking my lips, I don’t miss how his gaze settles on them before I speak. “What do you want me to say? I can’t believe this situation.”

  He exhales in relief and nods eagerly. “Yes, I know. Dorothy has been a nightmare and—”

  My splayed palm stops him, and he frowns while I pick each word carefully, knowing what kind of effect they will have on him. “What’s unbelievable is you bad-mouthing your ex in front of me.” His eyes widen in shock; he clearly didn’t expect to hear that. “And honestly, I don’t want to be in the middle of all this. So please take your donuts”—I point at his paper bag—“and shove them down your throat.”

  “But, like—” he rasps in shock, but I spin around, hitting him with my ponytail, and stride to my studio, almost shaking with anger.

  Honestly, I have no patience to seduce men or earn points among them. I need to deal with the outcast and the popular girl first, before I move my revenge to the jocks.

  A smile curves my lips when I don’t hear him move, which tells me, although he is stunned with my reply, he still wants to win me over.

  Ralph, Ethan, and Frank are competitive, so they will be chasing after my skirt the more I play hard to get.

  While their interest will be brewing in their groins along with desire, as they will see me here often, I will take care of their women and then…

  Then I will call Arson to take care of them, so I can watch as they are tortured over and over again.

  Just like they did to me.

  But not before the whole world knows about their dark deeds.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, and frowning, I snatch it out only to see a message flashing on the display.

  < Eudard > I told you to stay away from them.

  What in the hell!

  How do I have his number programmed into my phone, and how does he know about Ethan?

  Doesn’t matter though.

  I quickly type a reply, stunned with the audacity this guy has. I might be grateful for him helping me yesterday, but he can shove his chauvinistic attitude.


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