Bartered: A Western Romance

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Bartered: A Western Romance Page 10

by Mary Wehr

  “Finally, I found just the one.” Trudy peered around the partition. “What in blazes do you have wrapped around your chest?”

  Emma kept her reply short and sweet. “I cut up an old bedsheet and jerry-rigged it to flatten my bosom.”

  Trudy rolled her eyes. “What happened is not your fault. Who was this jerk, anyway?”

  “It was two jerks actually. Jeb Montgomery is the one who grabbed me and his son, Chad, tried to kiss me when he caught me in the barn alone.”

  Trudy’s face blanched.

  “What’s wrong? Do you know them?”

  “Not really,” Trudy replied a bit too quickly and scurried back to the closet. “Take off that old rag and put this on.” A robe was slung over the top of the partition. “When you’re finished, sit in front of the mirror so I can brush your hair. I need to find another dress.”

  Emma pushed her arms into the long sleeves and tied the sash. Sitting down, she watched Trudy rummage through the multitude of dresses hanging in the closet. “What’s wrong with the one you found?”

  “Hold on a minute.” Trudy held up a silky green dress.

  Emma gasped in awe. “It’s beautiful, but so was the first one. You didn’t have to bother looking for another one.”

  “It didn’t suit,” Trudy replied, running a brush through Emma’s hair. “And before you ask why, your tits are too big.”

  Embarrassed, Emma changed the subject. “My hair looks gorgeous.”

  “You look gorgeous,” Trudy corrected, her gaze lingering on the dress. “This green dress belongs to Claire. I’ll look for another one just in case she wants to wear it.”

  “It’s really nice. I hope Claire won’t mind me wearing it,” Emma replied in concern.

  The door opened and Claire walked in. She noticed Emma’s new hairdo and nodded in approval. “You got beautiful hair, honey. Why do you keep it all scrunched up in a bun?”

  “It’s a long story,” came Trudy’s muffled reply. She poked her head out from between the dresses. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to see how one of your dresses would look on Emma.”

  Claire hesitated then said, “Won’t mine be kinda big in the chest? I ain’t insulting ya, honey.”

  Emma waved away the apology while Trudy stood there grinning like a fool. “You’ll need a corset too. I take it you don’t have any bloomers?”

  “All I have is what I had on when Pa dropped me off.”

  Claire offered to help and the two women began sorting through various sizes of undergarments. She showed Trudy a pretty lacy corset. “What about this one?”

  One quick glance and Trudy shook her head. “Too small in the bust.”

  Claire frowned. “Okay, now I’m really confused. What’s going on here?”

  “I found just the one,” Trudy exclaimed and flew past Claire, grabbing Emma along the way.

  Emma found herself behind the partition once again. She eyed the corset and remarked, “I never liked to wear these contraptions.”

  “You have a tiny waist so we won’t have to lace it too tight. You need something to keep your breasts from bouncing. Claire, I thought it’d be okay if Emma wore your green dress. Just for a short outing.”

  “Sure, honey. I had this one for a long time. It’s kinda worn. You can keep it if it fits,” Claire said and sat on the bed.

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  “Positive. I can’t wait to see how it looks on you.”

  As soon as the corset was tied and the bloomers on, Trudy dropped the dress over Emma’s head.

  The silky material glided down her body and was a perfect fit. Emma lifted her hair out of the way so Trudy could lace up the back. Anxious to see herself, she turned to face the mirror.

  At a loss for words, Emma stared at her reflection. Never in her life had she worn such a fancy dress. The bodice was a light green trimmed with matching roses while the skirt was a darker hue bringing out the color of her eyes. “I can’t believe it’s really me.”

  “It’s you,” Trudy said. “Come on, let’s hear Claire’s opinion.”

  When they stepped from behind the partition, Claire’s mouth dropped open. “Holy hell, it looks better on you than me.” She eyed the neckline. “Where have you been hiding those beauties?”

  Emma glanced down at her own chest and gasped. “My heavens, Trudy, I can’t go out with my chest exposed.”

  “Don’t be so ridiculous,” Claire scolded. “I see ladies in town with the same cut neckline. The only difference is the lace hankie they shove down the front.”

  Trudy offered to outline her eyes with some kohl and color for her lips. While Trudy fussed, Emma sat in front of the dresser with eyes closed and her head filled with trepidation.

  “There, now we’re ready to go into town.”

  Opening her eyes, Emma was tempted to pinch herself just to be sure she wasn’t dreaming. A little bit of kohl and lip color could certainly go a long way. “Thanks, Trudy. You too, Claire, for giving me this beautiful dress.” With her palm pressed to her belly, she cast one last glance in the mirror. “I’m ready.”

  Emma waited for Trudy to take the lead then grabbed a clean lace hankie from the top of the dresser and tucked it between her breasts. On her way out the door, Claire snatched the lace and grinned. “Now you’re ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Emma caught up to Trudy and they both descended the stairs.

  Coming out from behind the bar, Hank smiled. “You both look as pretty as a flower. I want you to be careful in town and don’t forget to get back here on time.”

  The warning was meant for them both, but Emma noticed how his gaze had lingered on Trudy.

  Outside, Emma tucked her arm through Trudy’s. “Okay, Miss Trudy, what’s going on between you and Hank?”

  “Nothing. Isn’t it a beautiful day?”

  “Don’t you dare change the subject,” Emma admonished sternly. “You can tell me.”

  Trudy sighed. “I liked Hank right from the beginning. He’s kind and compassionate and handsome. I think he likes me too.”

  “Did you tell him how you feel?”

  “What good would it do? Night after night he sees me go upstairs with different men. I’m a whore, Emma. His mother wouldn’t want a whore for a daughter-in-law.”

  They walked together in silence. Emma’s heart went out to Trudy. Her stepfather was the one to blame and she had to suffer for it. “Maybe if you explain why...”

  Trudy cut her off. “It wouldn’t change a thing. I’d still be an embarrassment to him and his mother. Let’s just forget the whole thing and try to enjoy ourselves.”

  Emma quickly agreed. “If I bring up the subject about Hank again feel free to smack me.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Trudy said with a giggle.

  As they were walking passed the Blue Bonnet, Emma glanced in the big picture window and saw Amelia. Smiling, she waved to her best friend. Instead of returning the gesture, Amelia stuck her nose in the air and turned away.

  Clearly insulted, Emma stopped abruptly. “What was that all about?”

  “Just ignore it,” Trudy replied. “You’ll find a lot of that now.”

  “Let me guess. It’s because I’m staying at the Long Horn.”

  Trudy’s silence only affirmed the statement.

  “But that’s outrageous,” Emma sputtered. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m only staying there until I find somewhere else.”

  “Don’t matter.” Trudy grabbed Emma by the arm. “It’s best to ignore those kinds of people.”

  “But it’s wrong,” Emma protested heatedly. “Amelia and I have been friends since we were little. Wait here. I’m going to find out what exactly her problem is.”

  With head held high, she snubbed Trudy’s last plea and entered the Blue Bonnet. All chatter stopped abruptly except for a few gasps. With renewed zeal, Emma strode up to the counter.

  Amelia’s mother stepped out from behind the counter. “What are yo
u doing here? This is a respectable place of business, Emma.”

  Emma looked around. Suddenly, Amelia was nowhere to be found. “Hello, Grace, I’d like to speak to Amelia.”

  The woman’s usual welcoming smile was gone. “Emma Foley, your ma, rest her soul, was a good friend of mine. If she knew what you were doing she’d roll over in her grave.”

  “And just what am I supposed to be doing?” Emma asked, using the same haughty tone.

  Grace stared in disbelief. “My dear girl, I might be persuaded to look past the fact that you spent the night inside a den of inequity, but after what I heard it’s just not possible.”

  Emma’s brows knitted in puzzlement. “What did you hear?”

  “Don’t stand there and pretend you don’t know. You turned down a perfect opportunity to get out of that place.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Emma argued.

  “I know Hank’s mother. Her offer to keep you was generous and downright neighborly and you basically threw that offer back in her face. I would appreciate it if you no longer had contact with my Amelia. Good day, Miss Foley.” With a haughty toss of her head, Grace went about her business.

  Amidst the curious stares, Emma left the restaurant fighting back the urge to cry.

  Outside, Trudy took hold of her hand. “I saw Grace waving her arms about and her mouth moving a mile a minute. I guess she had a lot to say, huh?”

  “She sure did,” Emma replied grimly. “Did you know Hank’s mother invited me to stay with her?”

  “I had no idea. Come on, let’s go to the store. Maybe that’ll take your mind off of Amelia and her mother.”

  “Will we get thrown out of there too?”

  Trudy giggled. “Old man Percy lets us shop here any time we want. Claire caught him going into the Wild Mustang and made sure he knew it.”

  Emma’s mouth formed an O. “He cheats on his wife?”

  “Whenever he can.”

  After a half-hour or so of browsing the shelves, they decided to head back to the saloon. Emma was no longer in the mood to shop. Besides, she didn’t have a single coin in her pocket. As they drew closer to the saloon Emma saw a man up ahead leaning against a post. Her heart hammered inside her chest. It was Chad Montgomery.

  He removed his hat and bowed, catching Emma by surprise. “Emmaline Foley, is that really you?” His gaze traveled over her entire form, resting on her bosom far longer than was respectable. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He smiled wide and for a split second, Emma thought him handsome.

  “Hello, Chad, how are you today?” Emma asked politely.

  Chad graced Trudy with a quick glance before turning back to Emma. He offered his elbow. “May I have the pleasure of walking with you for a bit?”

  Although the offer was pleasantly voiced, she remembered Jake’s rules, especially her reddened bottom. “Thank you, but I really should return with Trudy.”

  “I completely understand,” he replied graciously. “I heard Jake has certain rules for his girls to follow. You should do the right thing and obey.”

  Emma felt her hackles rise. He was actually patronizing her. “First of all, I’m not one of Jake’s girls. Secondly, I do what I want.” She turned to Trudy. “Go on ahead. I’ll catch up to you.”

  Trudy hesitated. “Are you sure?” At Emma’s nod, she sighed. “Okay. I’ll get the cream ready.”

  “What’d she mean by that?” Chad asked.

  Emma dismissed the sudden tightening of her buttocks. “Nothing important.”

  Chad guided her over a rough patch in the road. “Emma, I owe you an apology. That day in the barn when I tried to kiss you without your permission has been haunting me every night, believe you me. I can’t sleep and now that my father is crippled the work on the ranch has doubled mainly because I’m tired from lack of sleep. Please forgive me for being such a brute.”

  He sounded so sweet and sincere. It’d be rude on her part if she refused. “I forgive you, but I won’t apologize for smacking you and blackening your eye.”

  Chad threw back his head and laughed. “You sure did blacken my eye, but I deserved it.”

  By this time they were standing in front of the saloon. “Emma, I don’t like the fact that you’re staying at a saloon and in the most notorious part of Dodge. I told your pa exactly what I thought of him.”

  His admission took Emma by surprise. “You did? What did he say?”

  Chad took hold of her hands and squeezed. The first thing that popped into her head was how weak and clammy they felt compared to Jake’s warmth and strength.

  “Believe you me, he said words I refuse to repeat in front of a lady, but that’s not important. I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime.”

  * * *

  “Is this a private lovey-dovey moment, or can anyone else join in?” Leaning against a post with his arms crossed over his chest, Jake stared at the couple. His first instinct was to tear Emma away from Chad and beat the man soundly before throwing him out onto the street. He managed to hold onto his temper by a single thread.

  Emma pulled away from Chad and propped her hands on her hips. “Jake McCabe, for heaven’s sake, you don’t have to shout.”

  “I ain’t shouting.”

  “Oh, yes, you are and it’s very rude,” she snapped.

  Jake almost laughed out loud. Him, rude? The brat had no idea what the word meant. Rude was Chad practically drooling over those creamy mounds of flesh rising up and down with each dignified breath.

  “Yo, Montgomery, you got a problem?”

  “Nope, do you?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. Emmaline, wait for me in my office.”

  A spark of defiance flashed in her eyes.

  Jake gave her ‘the look’ and she immediately backed down. He was tempted to grin for winning that round, but she managed to one-up him.

  “Thank you for walking me back, Chad. You are a true gentleman.”

  “My pleasure. I hope to see you again.”

  Chad received a courteous nod while Jake was given a hot glare.

  As soon as Emma disappeared inside the saloon, Jake wandered over to Chad. “I’m afraid you’ll have to find your pleasure with someone else, Montgomery.”

  Chad puffed out his chest. “You go too far, McCabe. That’s up to the lady to decide.”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed. “Emmaline is my responsibility. Remember what I said, Montgomery, or there’ll be two cripples your ma will have to tend to and I’d hate to do that to such a nice woman.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Emma paced the length of the office twice then sat on the cot. She had completely forgotten about that certain ‘look’ until now. As a young girl, he’d use that ‘look’ as a warning that he was at the end of his rope dealing with her shenanigans.

  At the time she wasn’t afraid he’d do something drastic, but the circumstances now were much different. If she had sassed him like she wanted he may have taken her over his knee in front of Chad and whoever else had been loitering about.

  A thrill of anticipation zipped down her spine. In her wildest dreams, she never thought of a spanking being sensual. It was simply a form of discipline. Yet, when she stood in front of Jake and saw those large hands clasping his belt, the most private part of her had grown wet.

  Even now she should be angry as all hell. He had no right ordering her to wait in his office as if she was a naughty child in need of punishment. And yet she couldn’t ignore the wetness pooling between her legs. What woman in her right mind would crave to be manhandled in such a way? It was immoral. Shameful.

  When the door opened and Jake walked in with his hat pulled down low, looking all stern and handsome, Emma came up with another word for her wicked thoughts. Lustful.

  He pulled out the chair from behind the desk and sat down. “Come here, Emmaline.”

  Unable to control herself, she obeyed. He grabbed both her hands and yanked. With a squeal, she toppled into his lap.

One finger traced the daring curve of her neckline. “You mind telling me where these came from?”

  Emma swatted his hand. “Are you trying to be funny, Jake McCabe?”

  “Not at all. I’m just curious about how you kept them hidden so well.”

  “You are a crude man staring at me in such a wicked way. In answer to your question, I used an old sheet. As for the dress, Trudy wanted to show me how pretty I could be.”

  “She did a damn good job, although you’d look good dressed in a sack.”

  Her heart hammered in her chest. “You think so?”

  “That’s what I said, darlin’. Furthermore, I’m not the only crude man around here. Mr. ‘Believe you me’ had his eyes practically glued to those beauties while you were busy giving me a tongue lashing.” He tweaked her nose. “I don’t cotton to the fact Chad got a gander at them before I did.”

  His eyes dropped to her throat and down to her breasts once again. She willed herself to remain still as he scanned every inch of her bare flesh and found it virtually impossible. Everywhere his gaze landed left a burning need for him to touch her there.

  Could he be jealous of Chad? She sure was jealous of other women who claimed his attention. She wanted him. Not just for a day or a week or a month. She wanted him forever. If he was jealous then that had to mean he considered her more than just a friend.

  She shifted in his lap. “Papa Jake?”


  “Why did you turn down Hank’s offer to take me home to his place?”

  He looked up in surprise. “How do you know about that?”

  Emma explained her conversation with Grace. “Ma and Grace used to be the best of friends. So were me and Amelia. Now that they know I’m staying in a saloon they want nothing to do with me.”

  Jake sighed. “It’s just the way things are, Emmaline. Your father knows that. If he was here right now I’d wring his neck.”

  “But it’s not fair.” She lowered her head. “I heard Grace welcomes you because she thinks you’re a good match for her daughter.” Emma did her best to keep the jealousy she felt deep down inside creep into her tone. “I also heard Amelia’s smitten with you.”


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