Bartered: A Western Romance

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Bartered: A Western Romance Page 15

by Mary Wehr

  Jake headed in the direction of the Blue Bonnet. He’d join Martin and Katherine for a cup of coffee then tell Emmaline the good news, but first, he had to beg her forgiveness for leaving the way he did without as much as an explanation.

  “Hold up a minute, Jake.”

  Jake stopped dead in his tracks. His head began to thump. “What do you want, Foley?”

  “Was that Warren and his daughter I just saw walkin’ up the street?” Ray asked, sweating profusely. He began coughing and spittle flew everywhere.

  Disgusted, Jake backed a step. “Christ, man, it’s only midmorning and you’ve been hitting the bottle already? You look as sick as a dog.” For the first time in a long time, he felt happy and no one was going to ruin it. “Go the hell home and sleep it off.”


  His patience wearing thin, Jake turned around and forced himself to be polite to the father of the woman he loved. “What do you want, Foley? I’m in a hurry.”

  Ray dug into the front pocket of his pants. “I got the money I owe for that bottle of whiskey. Tell Emma she can come home now.”

  Fuck politeness. Jake grabbed Ray by the collar and tightened his hold. The temptation to keep on squeezing until the man turned blue almost overtook common sense. He dropped his hands and watched Ray gasp for breath. “You say that as if she’s a thing you can barter.”

  Ray pulled a wrinkled dirty hankie from his pocket and mopped his brow. “It was supposed to be a joke, don’t you see? I never expected her to be away this long. I thought for sure she would’ve been back home by now. You two never got along. I figured you’d be begging me to take her off your hands.”

  “And to what end? You only take her back if I sell you the saloon?” Jake thumbed back his hat and wagged his head. “You sure got balls, Foley, I’ll give you that, but not your daughter.”

  “Dammit, Jake, she’s an unmarried woman living in a place full of drunks.”

  “No fuckin’ shit.” Jake ran a hand down his face in frustration. “You’re the one who dropped her off like a bag of trash, asshole.”

  Ray’s face turned a deep shade of red. “Come on, you of all people know how she is. Fiery tempered and defiant. She’s nothing like her mother. She’ll never learn her place or keep her mouth shut. She wouldn’t be a dutiful wife to any man and that’s the truth.”

  “You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you square in the face.”

  Ray hung his head in what appeared to be in shame. “She’s all I got, McCabe.”

  The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched. “Tell that to someone who cares.”

  “I’m tryin’ to change. I’m goin’ to the church and have a heart to heart with the parson right now. Would you at least tell her that?”

  Chapter Thirty

  Jake made his way to the Blue Bonnet. His exchange with Ray kept replaying in his head. Normally, he’d dismiss anything that came out of the man’s mouth but something about his attitude didn’t sit well with Jake.

  Jake entered the Blue Bonnet, still bothered over Ray’s words. Amelia suddenly appeared at his side and took the liberty to escort him to the table where Martin and Katherine were waiting.

  Grace greeted him with a wide smile. “Jake, we just heard the good news. You’re finally rid of that filthy saloon.” Bracketed between Amelia and her mother, he couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “Did I ever tell you what a fantastic cook Amelia is? Today’s special is roast beef smothered in homemade gravy and freshly made biscuits. Now I realize it’s rather early for such a heavy meal, but we can make an exception for you.”

  Jake untangled himself and shook his head. “Something just came up. Martin, Kat, I have to get back to the saloon. Coffee some other time, eh?”

  Martin put down his cup and got to his feet. “What’s wrong, Jake?”

  “I’m not quite sure. I ran into Foley on my way over and he was talkin’ stupid.”

  “More than usual?” Martin asked seriously.


  Kat threw down her napkin. “I’m going too.”

  * * *

  “For shit’s sake, Ray, what the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to be getting the parson and taking him to your place.”

  “I’m on my way. Just stopped by to let you know I saw Jake.”

  Chad grabbed Ray by the arm and pulled him aside. “You risked everything to tell me that?” he hissed.

  “I also saw Warren and his daughter.”

  Chad’s eyes widened. “Lucille is here in Dodge?”

  “I only saw the back of the lady, but it sure looked like her. Shit, who else would Warren be with? Jake’s supposed to meet them at the Blue Bonnet to celebrate something.”

  “Are they getting back together?”

  Ray shrugged. “Don’t know what else they’d be all gay about. Thought I’d say something in case Emma gave you trouble.”

  Chad hurried back to the front of the saloon. He stared thoughtfully at the door. Kicking his way in would only draw attention. “Go get the parson.”

  Ray left and a few minutes later Emma stepped out of the saloon.

  “Emma, am I glad to see you.”

  Nervous, Emma looked around but there was no one else in sight. “Chad, what are you doing here?”

  “I had to see you again,” he said. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you staying here any longer. I didn’t expect to see you out all alone this early. Is Jake inside? I’d like to talk to him.” He tried to keep his eyes on her face, but the sight of those gorgeous breasts barely covered by the knitted shawl tempted him beyond reason. He had to have her.

  “Jake isn’t here right now. Why are you here so early and what do you want to talk with him about?”

  “I’d like to take you for a morning ride; that is, if you’re willing. I wanted to be polite and ask him first. I don’t want to cause trouble.” The mounds of flesh rose and fell rapidly beneath that shawl. Her green eyes sparkled with anger and he smiled inwardly. Exactly the reaction he had been hoping for.

  “I do not need Jake’s or any other man’s permission to do what I want.”

  Pretending to be thoroughly chastised, Chad bowed. “Yes, ma’am.” He offered her his arm.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Emma slipped her arm through his. She ignored the nagging emptiness she felt deep inside and, without looking back, she allowed Chad to take her away.

  * * *

  Hank stood outside the saloon with his arm around Trudy’s shoulders. Her eyes were red and swollen.

  Jake’s gut twisted. Something was wrong. He dismounted and hurried over to Hank and Trudy. “What’s going on? Is Emmaline here?”

  “Go on, Trudy, tell Jake what you told me.”

  “Tell me what?” Jake demanded harshly. Trudy began sobbing and he quickly dialed back his angry tone. “Is Emmaline inside?”

  Her expression grim, Trudy shook her head. “No, when I woke up she was gone.”

  “Damn,” Jake cursed. It was all his fault. He never should’ve left the way he had. They should’ve talked things out. He should’ve told her he loved her. Hell, he should’ve carried out her fantasy. “Did she say where she was going?”

  Trudy hesitated, looking anxiously at Hank, who smiled encouragingly.

  Jake took hold of her elbow and they walked off to the side. “Trudy, please, if you know anything, anything at all, you gotta tell me.”

  Trudy crossed her arms over her chest. “Only if you promise to go easy on her and never hurt her again?”

  If the situation wasn’t so dire, he’d laugh. “I never intended to hurt her. I love her.”

  “But you did hurt her. She was absolutely devastated and told me she couldn’t face you after she told you about her, um, idea.” She lowered her voice. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  The fantasy. Emmaline must have confided in Trudy about the fantasy. “That was completely my fault. It’s difficult to explain. I guess I still see her as the same little girl that used to aggr
avate the hell out of me.”

  “She mentioned that very same thing. You don’t see her as a woman.”

  “But I do,” Jake argued.

  “Then prove it,” Trudy shot back. “Find her and tell her how you feel. Throw her over your shoulder if you have to, but please bring her back.”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “Do you know where she went?”

  “That’s the thing,” Trudy replied. “She came upstairs early this morning looking so sad. She told me this cockamamie story about talking Chad into getting married. I warned her that he likes to get rough and she promised to sleep on it. I thought I talked her out of it, but when I woke up she was gone.” For the first time since he had known Trudy, she threw her arms around him. “Please hurry and find her. The man is a vicious animal.”

  “I will, young lady. Don’t you fret none.”

  Jake walked her back to Hank, who drew her into his arms. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Obliged, Hank, but I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have no idea where she could have gone.” Helpless, Jake walked out onto the dusty street. He looked up and down the road. Dammit, woman, where did you go?

  Had he hurt her so much to make her desperate enough to run into Chad’s arms?

  “Jake, would Ray know where she went?”

  Martin’s mundane question hit him like a slap in the face.

  “Son-of-a-bitch. He made a point of telling me how sorry he was for dropping her off at the saloon. As a matter of fact, he made a point of telling me he was on his way to see the parson to ease his conscience.”

  “Ease his conscience? He ain’t got one,” Hank remarked.

  Jake mounted his horse. “I’m going over to the house.”

  “Shouldn’t you check the church first?” Martin suggested. “Maybe he’s still there.”

  A sick feeling churned in Jake’s gut. “I ain’t about to go wasting precious minutes.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “No, Martin. I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather go alone. This whole thing could get ugly.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Having second thoughts, Emma sat with her hands twisted in her lap. The last time she looked over her shoulder, the town was almost completely out of sight.

  Every once in a while Chad would glance sideways and smile. She responded in kind. Telling him she had changed her mind would only set him off. He’d offered to take her for a ride. She could handle his company for a time, but her idea about marrying him was definitely not on the table anymore.

  Chad had quite a following in town. Unmarried women young and old would flirt with him while waving a fan in front of their faces. He really was a handsome man. His shoulders may not be as wide as Jake’s and his eyes didn’t sparkle when he smiled, but that wasn’t a reason to be rude.

  Emma placed a hand on her stomach. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t dismiss the sick feeling that still plagued her.

  She had learned a lot during her short stay at the saloon. She never knew spanking could be so exciting or having her pussy licked would make her toes curl. Jake never hid the fact that he enjoyed spanking a woman.

  Trudy tried to warn her about Chad’s fondness for using his fists. She should’ve listened and stayed at the saloon. Jake was not Chad.

  Palms sweating, Emma resisted the urge to look over her shoulder. It felt as if they had been on the road for quite a long time. Her anxiety heightened.

  Chad grabbed one of her hands and she jumped.


  “Um, no, you just startled me.” She asked as calmly as she could, “Where are we going, Chad?”

  “I love it when you call me by my first name.”

  A tingle of suspicion ran down her spine. He was avoiding her question. “I’m sorry to do this, but I’d like to go back to town. I don’t feel so good.” She forced herself to touch his arm. “Perhaps another time?”

  Chad stared straight ahead as if she hadn’t spoken.

  “Chad, did you hear what I said?”

  He flicked the reins, striking the palomino’s backside. The horse whinnied and the wagon lurched forward.

  “That was not necessary. This isn’t a race, for heaven’s sake,” she admonished vehemently, hanging on for dear life. Highly displeased by his lack of manners, Emma shifted sideways and glared at him. His set expression frightened her. “Chad, would you please take me back to town?”

  “Other plans were made,” he replied gruffly.

  “Then change them, please,” she bit out. There had to be a way to get away from him. Emma looked over the side. The ground zoomed by in a blur. She’d most certainly break her neck if she jumped.

  “Can you at least tell me where we’re going?”

  “To your house.”

  “My house? Is something wrong with Pa?”

  He cracked the reins again. “Patience, darling. It’s a surprise.”

  As far as she was concerned he used that whip with way too much familiarity. A shudder went through her and she slid as far away from him without falling over the side. She didn’t care what surprise was waiting for her. This was a big mistake.

  When they reached her house, she jumped to the ground and took off running.

  “If you don’t get back here I’ll plug the parson.”

  The fact that the parson was here along with the stabbing stitch in her side brought Emma to her knees. The crunch of boots came closer and stopped in front of her. She ignored the outstretched hand and struggled to her feet.

  Wincing, she clutched her side. “The parson is here?”

  “That’s right, and if you pull another stunt like this again I’ll make sure his preaching days are over.” Chad seized her by the upper arm and marched her to the house. She stumbled and instead of waiting until she regained her footing, he dragged her down the path to the house.

  “Get up.”

  Battered and bruised, Emma got to her feet. He grabbed her wrist and practically threw her into the house. “Grab a chair and sit down.”

  Mouth pursed, Emma chose the chair closest to the parson.

  “Ray, get the rope and tie her up.”

  Ray struggled to stand up, but kept falling back down. After a third try, he groaned, “Whad didja say?”

  Chad pushed past him and secured Emma’s hands behind her back. “Your father is as useless as tits on a bull.”

  Emma watched in disgust as her father tipped the half-empty bottle of whiskey to his mouth and took a long swig. He was way too sloshed to understand the insult and from past experiences, it’d be a waste of time to try to reason with him. “You won’t get away with this. This is insane. For heaven’s sake, Chad, you’re holding the parson at gunpoint.”

  Chad leaned against the doorjamb pretending to examine each fingernail carefully. “I want us to get married. All you have to do is say the magic word and the good man can be on his way.”

  “I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on this very earth,” Emma spat.

  “And it would be unethical of me to perform a wedding ceremony if the bride is unwilling,” the parson declared with conviction. He was tied to a chair as well and out of the corner of her eye, she could see him wiggling his wrists.

  Swift as lightning, Chad was at the parson’s side with his gun pressed against the holy man’s head. “Tell me, Parson, would you rather be unethical and alive or dead and principled?”

  “Leave the man alone, Chad.”

  Exhausted, Emma leaned back her head and closed her eyes. There had to be a way out of this mess without marrying this madman. If it was only her life on the line she’d fight with every fiber of her being. The man sitting next to her was innocent and didn’t deserve such brutal treatment.

  There had to be something she could do. Perhaps a bit of discord between her father and Chad would help her situation.

  “So tell me, Pa, what’s in it for you if I agree to marry Chad?” Emma knew her father wou
ld sing like a canary. He always did when he was drunk.

  Ray slapped his knee. “A damn fine son-in-law, that’s what.”

  “Obliged, soon to be father-in-law.”

  “But that wasn’t what you told me the other day. You said he’d make a fine worker you could boss around and not have to pay since he’d be related.” Her gaze flew to Chad to gauge his reaction.

  “Why, you fuckin’ old goat. You’ll be singing a different tune when I refuse to give you the money to buy the saloon.”

  “I was just joshing, Chad.” Ray glared at his daughter. “You shut your mouth, gal. The only word I want to hear from you is yes when the parson here recites them wedding vows.”

  Emma lifted her chin. “Then you’ll be waiting a long time.”

  Ray snorted. “And you’ll be doing some waiting of your own if you think McCabe will come looking for you. He’s back in town getting reacquainted with his ex-wife.”

  A wave of nausea rose in her throat. Please, God, don’t let it be true. Emma forced herself to appear indifferent. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Warren’s in town and he brought her along. She and Jake looked mighty cozy laughing and all.”

  Pain like she had never experienced before sliced through her heart. He must’ve known Warren and his daughter were coming back to Dodge. Humiliation washed over her. Her fantasy. No wonder he had taken off as if his hair was on fire. And she acted like a whore by spreading her legs and letting him stick his tongue inside her.

  But the worst part was that she told him how much she enjoyed what he’d done. Her nausea returned with a vengeance. Emma bowed her head in shame.

  “Now who’s looking a bit peaked?” Ray threw back his head and laughed.

  Swearing out loud, Chad swiped the knife lying on the counter and caught a fistful of Emma’s hair. He yanked hard so she could see the knife. “Me and you are going for a nice little walk.” He circled behind her. “Move and I may end up slicing a vein.”

  Emma willed herself not to tremble as he sawed through the rope. Once freed, the blood rushed to her hands and fingers.


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