Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  When I was finally able to open my eyes, I was so freaking angry. I started to hit him. Once, or twice wasn’t enough. Removing my seat belt, I turned and began using my fists, but again, I felt like there was too much distance.

  Without thinking, I crawled over across the gap and started to hit him some more, only to stop when I realized something hard pressed between my thighs. Gael had stopped trying to block me and instead, held on to my hips. There was no mistaking the hard cock touching me, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it. Holy shit.

  How did I get myself in this predicament?

  Staring at him now, I couldn’t really think.

  I’d thought about death so often. It was like a favorite pastime for me. It was how I gained power away from my dad. If I was thinking about dying anyway, it meant I wouldn’t put up as much of a fight. I’d focus and I would see an out. I wouldn’t scream or beg, even though that would be logical. I did scream when the pain got to be too much, but that was merely down to a physical reaction. It didn’t mean I wanted to actually do that.

  Gael’s grip got a little firmer on my body. I shouldn’t like this. Just like I shouldn’t have liked the kiss Caleb had given me. Anyone who touched me like they owned me, I should naturally hate, and yet, here I was, grinding myself on top of him, loving every second of it. This was a giant mistake. My dad would kill me.

  The doctor would give a reason for him to hurt me some more. No doubt about it. I was under no illusions that even if I felt I had some control, my dad did. Killing myself was a last resort.

  Neither of us moved or spoke.

  His breathing sounded heavy. Did I even want to move? I wasn’t sure what the answer was because the truth was my heart raced so fast. What would it hurt to just enjoy this? Would it really be so bad? There was no way this would lead to sex, so the doctor could do his exam, and I’d feel smug in knowing I’d had some fun at least.



  Well, fuck me.


  This woman has some amazing hips on her. Not to mention how good she felt straddled across my lap. In my time, I’d had a lot of chicks in this position. Admittedly, none of them had made me feel like Emily. They hadn’t killed someone for me. Emily was different. She’d taken a life all for me, and that kind of action deserved loyalty, even if she did fight it.

  There was a darkness inside her. We all could see it.

  She didn’t want to see all the pretties and pretend like was fucking normal. No, we were all past that. We saw the pain and suffering in the world. We were the true monsters in this world, and there was no way we could get past that. I didn’t want to.

  I liked to hurt people.

  My favorite thing was to humiliate them. Like Lauren, I had no desire for her. She was easy, but putting her in her place, showing the entire cafeteria she wasn’t worthy of the Monsters was the fun part.

  “I need to move,” she said.

  I wouldn’t let her. Tightening my grip, I nudged my pelvis up against her. It wouldn’t be long before we were joined anyway, and I didn’t see a better way to enjoy this moment than with her inches from my dick.

  “Why the rush?”

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, Gael. Do not use me.”

  “Have you ever thought about using me? Playing some game? Your father can get his doctor all he wants, but there are other games to be had.”

  “There’s way more to life than sex.”

  She wriggled again and I groaned in response.

  “Will you stop that?”

  “What? Enjoying how close your pussy is to my dick?” I moved my hands to the top of her thighs, sliding up the skirt.

  Her father thought he was keeping some kind of control over her by making her wear dresses and skirts, but in truth, he was making her so much more vulnerable. I liked it.

  When my hands touched skin, I moaned.

  She glared at me. Her hands went to my wrists in an attempt to stop me, but her grip was shit.

  I slid my hands up. “I bet you’re soaking wet.”


  That wasn’t the correct response. If she told me no, I’d stop. I was many things, but a rapist wasn’t one of them. When it came to women, forcing them wasn’t my deal. None of us had that in us.

  Sure, we could scare some chicks, make them think we were capable, but we weren’t. It was what made us different, but there were a lot of other things we could do.

  “What’s the matter, Emily? Am I scaring you?”

  “You don’t scare me.”

  “No? Then what do I do? Do you want me?” I nudged my cock against her again, but this time, I covered her panties with my hand. I couldn’t help but smile. They were wet. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

  She slapped my chest but I pressed my thumb against her clit. She gasped, crying out. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back. She looked so fucking sexy.

  I wanted to fuck her, was desperate to.

  But until I knew for sure it wouldn’t get other of us killed, I was going to have to enjoy playing.

  In the distance, I saw the cars coming closer.

  I didn’t want her distracted. Reaching out, I put the radio on, having some song blast loud over the noise of the engines approaching.

  Slipping my fingers beneath the fabric of her panties, I grazed over her pussy, and she whimpered.

  So wet.

  Her eyes were still closed. Her teeth sinking into her lip. The hands that had tried to shove me now gripped my shirt, and all I’d done was put my thumb against her clit. With her cheeks flushed, the temptation to say screw it to all the shit with the law within our circles was so strong.

  She was spoken for. Until our parents dealt with that problem, my father had asked me to just protect her.

  I wanted to do more than protect her. I wanted to slide into her juicy pussy, take that cherry for my own. Glancing past my shoulder, I saw all three of my friends’ faces. They wanted the exact same thing. Right now, they all wished they were with me. I could imagine Caleb’s tight knuckles on the steering wheel, wondering just how tight her pussy was. I wouldn’t find out today.

  Slowly, I moved my thumb across her clit, watching her face as she started to move against my hand. Did she even realize how she responded to my touch? How good she looked?

  Damn, if this was a prelude to who she’d be when I could fuck her, I couldn’t wait. I wanted her so badly. Tonight, I’d be taking care of myself.

  She whimpered and even though the radio was loud, I heard it.

  With my other hand, I went to the buttons of her shirt and started to unbutton them.

  “No,” she said.

  She let me go long enough to hold her shirt together.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you.” Pressing on her nub, I rocked my thumb back and forth across her clit.

  Those teeth sank a little harder into her bottom lip.

  “Trust me, Emily.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “But you could get to know me. I’m a really nice guy, and you’d like me a lot.” I was far from nice, but she didn’t need to know that. There was so much I wanted to do to her. To fuck her. To claim her. To make her mine.

  But in the back of my mind, I knew I wanted to see her with Caleb, Vadik, and River. For a long time, I knew I was fucked up in the head. I wasn’t like other people. I wanted my woman to come apart in my arms. To give herself over to me, but I also loved my friends so passionately that I wanted my woman to be with them.

  So fucking sick and twisted, but it was one of the reasons we shared.

  I didn’t know their reasonings. I knew I would love to see her come apart. To finally let go and to just be completely taken over by sex, fucking, all of it.

  I may be eighteen years old, but I knew how I liked my sex. I liked it dirty and hard. There was nothing clean or nice about it. Sex wasn’t about turning the light off.

  Emily didn’t stop me as I unbuttoned her sh
irt. Each plastic piece giving way, exposing more of her skin until I saw the plainness of her very virginal bra. At least it had a catch on the front, which I took care of with a single flick of the wrist.

  I was under no doubt that once she came, and when that high she was riding right now disappeared, I’d suffer for it. For now, it would all be worth it. Anything that meant I got a piece of her would always be worth it.

  “Oh, fuck!” The curse fell from her lips.

  I saw the change in her body, so I quickly moved the bra cup out of my way, seeing her beautiful tits for only the second time. They were as perfect as I remembered. So full and ripe.

  I’d never given a fuck about how big nipples were or what color they were. Emily was different in every single way, and I loved every single part of her. The beauty of her was all for me at this very moment. I was the envy of my friends, and I didn’t care.

  Having this woman ride my hand until she came was all I wanted.

  Leaning forward, I flicked one of her plump nipples before sucking it into my mouth, hearing her cry out.

  She exploded. Her body rode my hand as she started to come and did so hard.

  Pretty, so fucking pretty.

  I didn’t let go of her breast. Even as she whimpered, clearly finding it a little difficult to ride out her release, I made her go a little more. She had no idea just how amazing she was or what her body was capable of. When she couldn’t take another second, I eased my touch until my hand lay flat against her.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” she said, her voice sounding a little hoarse. She panted for breath.

  “You liked it.”

  “And you think putting the radio on stopped me from knowing your friends were watching?”

  She grabbed her bra, sliding the catch back into place, and I smiled at her. For my effort, she slapped my chest. “I fucking hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.” I grabbed her ass and lifted up her skirt, cupping those cheeks. She didn’t even wear a thong.

  “Stop it.”

  “Why? You know they want to see you.”

  She reached behind her and shoved the skirt down. “I don’t think you’re funny. None of this is funny.”

  “It is to me.” I winked at her.

  She hit me again and turned, sitting down, buttoning up her shirt. “Take me home.”

  “In a minute.” I opened my car door then slammed it closed.

  Caleb, River, and Vadik had all climbed out of their cars and leaned against the trunk. River was the only one with a smile on his face.

  I held my hands up. “She didn’t tell me to stop!”

  “Stop looking so smug.”

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face though. I was the first one out of our group to bring her to orgasm.

  “Wait until you see how beautiful she looks. Nothing is fake about her. She’s not trying to impress us.”

  “I’m standing right here,” Emily said.

  I glanced behind me to see she stood there, now fully composed. Her uniform in place. The only sign that something wasn’t completely right within her world was the blush on her cheeks.

  She wasn’t fooling anyone.

  “Are you taking me home or are you determined to get me killed?”

  Caleb pointed at his car while Vadik shook his head at me.

  She moved toward the back door, climbing in.

  “You don’t fool me, Emily. You could have stopped me any time. All you had to do was say the words.”

  She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me. I had to wonder if she’d be pissed if I mentioned how cute she looked. I kept that piece of information to myself, but it was true. She looked cute.

  She climbed into the car and slammed the door closed.

  “I’ll take her home,” Caleb said.

  River looked between Vadik and me and then settled on moving toward me.

  “See you guys later.” I wanted nothing more than to claim a kiss from her, but I knew there was no chance of that.

  I’d made her come and she was already pissed at herself for allowing me so close. One day soon, I was going to have it all. I’d have my dick balls deep within her and those lips on mine.

  Caleb climbed into the car, pulled back onto the road, and left us all behind.

  I turned over my ignition, slamming my door closed, and followed.

  “So how was it?” River asked.

  “You really want to know?”

  “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know.”

  “She’s so fucking perfect,” I said. “When you get her in your arms, you’ll know what I mean. She’s fire and ice, and everything that’s perfect in the world.”

  I couldn’t deny it. She was everything and then more. This was only the start. As far as I was concerned, Emily may belong to someone else at this point on a contract, but in truth, she was a Monster, and we were going to claim her regardless. Consequences be damned.

  Chapter Nine


  Even though I came in Gael’s lap, or more accurately, on his lap, for the rest of the week, school was uneventful. That was the truth. It was like none of the chaos or commotion had happened.

  They were in all of my classes, apart from art class. Just Vadik was there, but he didn’t invade my space. I had to wonder why. He knew I was shit at drawing or creating. The teacher had forced us all to draw what we considered a tree should look like. Where some of the class went for autumnal colors, with the leaves on the ground as if a gust of wind had swept them away, others did tress in full summer bloom. I did a thick trunk, and then some lines to give way to branches. That was it.

  I didn’t have a single artistic bone in my body. I knew it, Vadik knew it, the entire class knew it. Yet, the teacher told me I put others to shame.

  In answer, I walked right out the door. There was no fucking way I was listening to her bullshit.

  I went straight to the bathroom, which was empty. Sometimes there were girls hanging out, or fucking was going on. A virgin I may be, but if my eyes were the judge of said innocence, I’d be far from it.

  Running some water, I splashed it onto my face. I didn’t know what was worse right now. The tension at home was at a whole new level. My mom was coherent once again, and trying to play the perfect doting mom. When I got in, because my dad had a little less control over my body by bruising it, he’d instead started to pay extra attention to my classwork. I now had to study in his office. He never had any important phone calls, but there was a desk set up so he could keep an eye on me.

  I no longer had the luxury of being in my room with my back to the wall.

  My dad knew my problems, and he’d made it so there was space behind me. He had a secret door that I had yet to identify, but it was where my brother appeared from so many times. I knew my dad was playing with my head. He got off on making me feel less than him.

  “You okay?” Vadik asked.

  A laugh escaped my lips. Turning off the water, I grabbed some of the tissues and dried my face.

  “This is the girls’ bathroom.”

  “You think I haven’t seen inside this room before?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course you have.”

  “No one believes her,” he said. “They all know who’s paying for her jewelry and pretty things.”

  “I don’t give a shit.”

  “Running out of a class doesn’t exactly make me believe you.”

  “You think I care about what you believe?”

  “I think you do, yes.”

  “Well, you’re wrong.” I threw the tissues into the trash. Sure enough, there was a used condom in the bottom.

  This school. Was it like this at normal schools?

  “What do you want, Vadik? Why did you follow me?”

  “Is it so hard to believe I wanted to make sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, it is. You think I don’t know that every single person has an agenda here? I know it. I get it even. How could I not? It’s not like we
all keep it a secret we want to kill each other. We all have a death wish.”

  My words echoed around the room. Or did they just go off in my head?

  Vadik allowed the door to close and he advanced toward me. I took a step back, not liking how threatening he seemed. Even as he closed the distance between us, my pussy instantly went wet.

  My heart pounded.

  None of this was fear, but anticipation. What would he do?

  I was trapped between his body and the sink.

  His hand went to my hip. “Do you have a death wish?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You do. Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.”

  I glared at him. It was none of his business what I thought, felt, or did. “What really needs to happen is you and the rest of your friends leave me alone.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “You don’t like being the center of attention?”

  “No.” It was the truth. Overnight, I’d become the envy of the school. Girls looked at me with equal measures of adoration and disdain. I didn’t care. The guys, they wanted to know what it was about me that had the guys so curious. They were more interested in what their dick wanted.

  I couldn’t give a shit what any of them wanted.

  My peace. My freedom, what little I had, was gone. I hadn’t been able to hang out at the library.

  Since the day I let Gael touch me in the car, there had been a driver at school to take me home to hell.

  Between their attention at school and what I had to deal with at home, I was at a breaking point. To survive, I needed to be cautious. At any point, I could end up dead.

  Not that death was such a huge problem.

  The sad truth was I looked forward to it. There were moments I thought about pushing my father to the next level. He couldn’t have his precious money or deal if he killed me. I’d love to know I fucked up his life because he ended mine.

  I needed to get my shit together because that wasn’t fucking funny.

  “You’re going to have to get used to it.” The hand on my hip wasn’t bruising. He stroked me through the fabric of my uniform.


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