Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1)

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Monsters' Crew (Crude Hill High Book 1) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know why. He keeps her in his office now. I can’t believe we have to bring her underwear to him. It’s freaky,” the brunette said.

  “Don’t let anyone hear you say that.”

  “It’s weird, Anne. Come on. If your dad asked to see your underwear at the end of each day?”

  “She doesn’t know,” Anne said.

  “Poor girl.”

  “Look at the life she lives, Lee. She’s not hurting for a good life.”

  Lee snorted. “This is a good life? Look at the way she moves her bedroom. She’s terrified. I’ve seen the bruises on her and I’ve heard her crying. She’s all alone here. We have better lives. What he makes her go through… You may not feel for her, but I do. I care.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s going to be a rich wife, and we’ll be nothing but washed-up old maids. You’re right, no panties.”

  “What do you think he does with the panties?” Lee asked. “Sniffs them or something?”

  “Ew, gross. I don’t know. Don’t care. He’s obsessed with her staying a virgin and I hear the Monsters are sniffing around her. It has him even more pissed.”

  They left the bedroom and I stepped out of the closet.

  Wow. Fucking wow.

  I’d been kidnapped. Trapped. Unable to get out. Tortured, close to death, but I didn’t know what was worse. Knowing I was going to die, or living a life I didn’t know if there was any out of.

  Emily lived this life every single day.

  She got up knowing there was going to be pain. Waiting to see what her father would do next. It was why she never had friends. She kept to herself.

  I moved toward the bed, resting my feet up, and looked over at her drawer.

  In my hand, I already held the blade she had used to save Gael.

  Out of curiosity, I opened the drawer and found some notebooks. I picked one up and flicked it open. It was blank.

  The one underneath, I opened that to find a literal diary of her day. Going to class, what she studied. It was more of a monologue of activity. I went to English. We read Shakespeare. A couple guys said something stupid. Bell rang. There was no flow, and I knew she could write.

  This was clearly done because she knew even in her own personal thoughts, she wasn’t alone. Her dad had people watching every single moment. I didn’t know how she could cope with that.

  Closing the book, I was about to put it back in when the recognizable point of a blade caught my attention. It was beneath a few other things wrapped in some cloth. I pulled it out and looked at it.

  There was something about the blade that captured my attention. I didn’t know what it was.

  She had a knife on her in school. Now she had one next to where she slept at night.

  Why did she have it? For what purpose? With the bruises I’d caught sight of, she could have killed her father or brother, given the chance.

  I heard the footsteps approaching, but I made no move to put the blade away.

  Emily stepped into her bedroom, pausing when she saw me. Her face went pale and she looked behind her before closing the door.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, whispering.

  I held up the knife. “What is this?” I asked.

  “Is this any of your business?” She rushed toward me as if to take the blade off me, but I held it out of her reach.

  “Don’t be a dick,” she said.

  “You use some naughty words. Does your dad know how bad you are?”

  She glared at me and tried to reach. I moved, nudging her hand out of the way so she had no choice but to collapse on top of me. Her curvy body pressed to mine, and I couldn’t handle it, so I rolled her until she lay beneath me.

  I dropped her blade to the bed and smirked down at her. “Well, well, well, this is a rather interesting position.”

  “This isn’t funny.” She wriggled beneath me. “Let me go.”


  “If my father catches you here, you’re going to be dead.”

  “And start a war with my dad?” I tut. “No one’s that stupid. Unless you believe your dad has a death wish. Keep on moving. I love it.” I pressed my hard cock between her thighs. I thought about those women coming into her room, invading her privacy, and it pissed me off.

  “This isn’t funny, River. Why are you here?” she asked.

  At first, she was tense, refusing to give me an inch. Slowly, she relaxed beneath me. I held her hands down to the bed, keeping her locked in place.

  “That’s not so hard, is it?”

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing and I don’t like it.”

  I sighed. “I’m not playing a game. Why do you have a knife?”

  “For protection.”

  “Emily, I saw the damage you did. If you had a knife to protect yourself, why don’t you ever use it?”

  “I don’t know who you think you are. Sneaking into my bedroom puts you on the weirdo scale. You know that, right? I’m sick and tired of all of you. Leave me alone.”

  I pressed my hips between her thighs and she gasped. “I don’t think you want us to leave you alone. In fact, I think you want us to be very, very naughty to you.”

  “You have no idea how wrong you are.”

  I laughed. I just couldn’t help it.

  She jerked her hands from beneath me and placed them over my mouth. “Please, I don’t … he will hurt you.”

  “No one can hurt me.”

  “Damn it, River, you’re not immortal.”

  “That you know of.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  Flicking my tongue out, I stroked over her hand and she gasped, pulling her hand away.

  “Why are you here?” she asked.

  “I thought you could use some company. I was bored as well.”

  “Great, so you come here for your amusement.” She tried to wriggle away.

  “I came here to see you.”

  “Because you couldn’t wait until school?”

  I couldn’t. I was bored and she was on my mind. “You know, I’ve been thinking about your face.”

  She frowned. “Why? You want to carve it up?”

  “No, I was wondering how you looked when you came on Gael’s fingers.”

  Her cheeks went bright red.

  “I’ve never envied Gael anything. But I can’t help but wonder how you look, or those tits as they shook when you came.”


  I leaned in close and brushed my lips across her neck. I flicked my tongue over her pulse.

  “I need to go and shower.”

  The instant I let my guard down, she took full advantage, running toward her bathroom.

  I chuckled.

  She could run all she wanted to.

  I’d already checked and there was no lock on that door.

  Sitting up, I felt the hard ridge of my cock pressing against my zipper. I waited for about two minutes, picked up my blade, and entered the bathroom. I always needed my knife on me or close for me to be able to threaten. I didn’t like being alone. Without it, I was weak. I was one of the best when it came to fighting with a knife. I’d killed with it. I liked the artistry it required.

  The door was closed. The steam filled up the bathroom. I saw the outline of her, and I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity. I wasn’t washed either. I needed to get clean.

  Stripping out of my clothes, I didn’t make too much noise.

  I opened the shower door and she spun toward me, gasping, trying to cover her body to no avail. There was a lot of her to keep hidden. Big tits, a nice cunt. Gael had told me how sweet she was. He hadn’t gotten a taste of her, but tonight, that was what I was going to do. He may have gotten the first orgasm, but I’d get the first taste.

  “What the hell, River?”

  I closed the shower door.

  “Put that down,” she said.

  “You keep a blade near you because it gives you back the power, doesn’t it?” I said.

  “I have n
o idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, you do. You know everything I’m talking about. I’m right. You’ve probably had that knife with you for a long time. Maybe when the first punch came. Or was it a slap?”

  She stared at me. Her hands were still covering her body and doing a bad job of it. She licked her lips. “It was a slap.”


  “Around the face. I wasn’t expecting it and I landed on the floor hard. I hit my head. It was the first time it had ever happened.”

  “And you have the knife because you know the hits will keep on coming, and this is your way to keep your control. He can’t keep taking from you. One day, you intend to take from him.”

  “I don’t—”

  I silenced her by slamming my lips down on hers. At first, she didn’t respond, almost like she was a little unsure of what she was supposed to do. Seconds ticked by. Maybe even minutes, and finally, she responded.

  She kissed me back, her hands going to my chest.

  I wrapped my hands around her back, drawing her close, feeling her naked body pressed against mine. Fuck me, she was everything I thought she would be. The points of her nipples rubbed against my chest, begging for attention. My dick was so fucking hard and I wanted to be inside her. For now, I’d have to hold back. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I’d do it for her.

  Sliding my hands down to her ass, I cupped the rounded cheeks, feeling her moan against my lips.

  I broke the kiss and trailed my lips down her neck to her pulse, licking her.

  Slowly, her hands slid down my back, to my hips.

  I waited to go to her pussy as she touched my cock. Her grip was uncertain and I loved that. I didn’t want her to be completely sure with what she was doing. I liked her being hesitant, waiting for me.

  Once, twice, she pumped my length. Even with her inexperience, I was so close to coming. I pushed her hand away and I sank to the floor of the shower.

  “What are you doing?”

  I lifted her foot, putting it on the ledge. Kissing the inside of her knee, I smirked up at her. “I think you already know.”

  She had fine hairs on the lips of her sex. I parted them with my fingers, and even though her entrance was what I wanted, I focused on her clit, tasting her for the first time. Her head tilted back and a cry erupted from her lips.

  I couldn’t help but look up at her as I licked her cunt. So pretty. All mine. She belonged to all of us, and even as I took this first, I couldn’t wait for her to come on my friends’ tongues as well. Damn, it would be even sexier if she came while I was balls deep inside her. Now that would be sexy as fuck.

  It didn’t take her long to come and when she did, I knew I would treasure this moment forever.



  Crude Hill High was abuzz with anticipation. One for the ball the Monsters were throwing. Invites had been sent out, and my presence had been requested. There was no option to turn it down. I’d been given a direct order. Anyone else may be fucking terrified and I was like everyone else, because that was exactly what was happening. I was scared.

  I didn’t know if I’d be dead when the ball happened. My dad kept looking at me like he wanted to wring my neck. Sometimes I taunted him by keeping my neck exposed, just to tempt him.

  I was going crazy.

  First, I let Vadik kiss me in the girls’ bathroom, wanting him to do a whole lot more. Then there was River who broke into my house and waited for me in my bedroom, where I let him lick my pussy. Not to mention what happened with Gael in his car. I didn’t know what was going to happen next. My body was like a constant, tight ball of needs.

  Caleb found reasons to randomly touch me.

  Gael was always hinting at what he wanted to do to me. They were everywhere. Apart from today. They had to go out and do all of their manly stuff. I got to eat lunch, seated in my regular seat without being the center of attention, which brought us to the next buzz of attention.

  The school had a brand-new student.

  Ashley March. So far, not a lot of interest had happened. I’d seen her. A beautiful brunette with kind eyes, but and here was the big but, she was already considered an outcast. Not only was she not the biological child, she was the daughter of one of the minion’s mistresses.

  To the food chain within this school, it made her lower than Drake, and a lot of people wouldn’t even help her. She’d arrived at three classes at the wrong time. Had been shoved into lockers.

  I spotted her arriving at the cafeteria five minutes ago to the whispers of whore, slut, bitch, cow, and many other names.

  I opened up my bottle of water and went back to reading the notes on a current assignment when a tray slid opposite me. I looked up and saw Ashley. Her smile was genuine.

  “Hi, I hope it’s okay for me to sit here.”

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Her smile remained in place and she nodded. Guilt ate away at me. This girl was in the deep end and heading in one direction, down. The sharks here wouldn’t let her survive long. I didn’t know why I felt this way. I’d seen newbies come and go, but Ashley was different. She wasn’t one of us.

  “Look, it’s not you.” I lifted my book. “I’m not good company. I don’t have friends.”

  “Are you, er, are you like me?” She still hadn’t sat down.

  “I’m a girl, so I guess that makes us similar.”

  Her smile widened. “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” She sighed. “I mean, are you like, a mistress’s kid?” She nibbled on her lips and I shook my head.

  “I’m a minion’s kid.”

  “Oh.” She was all alone.

  She wasn’t a bastard, or a secret love child. She was a no one.

  “Sit,” I said. If I made this new friend, it might actually send the Monsters running in the opposite direction and I wouldn’t have to worry about being disappointed when they lost interest in me.

  “I don’t … if you don’t…”

  I smiled at her. “Please, sit.” I never smiled. In this place, turned-up lips meant weakness. I wasn’t weak, but I also wasn’t going to turn her away. Snapping my book closed, I stared at her. I didn’t bother to see we’d become the topic of conversation. Not only was I considered a Monsters’ whore, but I wasn’t cavorting with the wrong crowd. What-fucking-ever.

  They had to deal.

  “I’m Ashley March,” she said, holding her hand out.

  “Emily Crane.”

  We shook hands.

  Ashley glanced around the room. “I didn’t realize a place like this exists. It looks like a normal school.”

  “Your mom tell you about this place?”

  “My stepdad. I don’t know if he is my stepdad. I don’t know what to call him.” She pressed her lips together. “I will understand if you want to bully me.”

  “Wow, okay, I don’t do that. Not here. I don’t bully. There’s a difference between being a bully and surviving. I survive in this school and that’s what you’re going to need to do. Here, you’re the lower being. You’re something they want to crush. What you’re going to need to do is show that you don’t give a shit. Do you care?”

  “What? That they all call me a whore and dirt, and want to smash my face in?” she asked. “Of course, it bothers me, but at my old school, I was called trash, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”

  “What kind of school did you go to?” I asked. I shouldn’t be learning more about this girl than I needed to.

  “A normal one. You know, where jocks are just football players, and people are normal.”

  “We’re all normal here. Just with a few added extras.”

  Ashley sighed. “It was a lot easier when my mom didn’t fall in love with a guy with a few added extras.” She pouted.

  “Don’t cry,” I said. “Here, crying is the kiss of death. What you need to do is learn to have a backbone. They will hurt you here.”

  “See, this is what I’m talkin
g about.” Ashley shook her head. “I already miss being called trash. You know, I had a note in my locker telling me they were going to cut my face up.”

  I sighed and rubbed at my temple. “Do me a favor. Carry a weapon or mace, or something.”

  Ashley’s eyes went wide. “You think they’re telling the truth?”

  “They don’t make threats they don’t keep. Sorry.”

  Her chest rose and fell. “I’m sorry. Just a lot to process right now.”

  “It’s one of them. Take your time.” I sat, spearing my fork into my fries and popping them into my mouth, chewing.

  “So, do you have to fight for yourself as well?” she asked.

  “I tend to go under the radar. Or I did until recently.”

  “What happened recently?” Ashley asked.

  I didn’t get a chance to respond as Lauren, who’d still been trying to deal with the very public rejection Gael had subjected her to, poured the gravy pot over Ashley’s head.

  Laughter filled the room. I hadn’t been paying attention. Otherwise, I could have stopped that.

  Lauren looked toward the room, wanting their respect again.

  I never got involved. I always stayed in my own quiet corner. One moment, I was sitting with my back against my trusty wall, the next, my lunch was across the table as I lifted up my tray. Before she could react, I had hit her across the face with the metal.

  Silence met my outburst and Lauren went down, blood instantly spurting from her nose.

  My heart raced, but I had this twisted sense of satisfaction. Then, while she was still down, I grabbed the trash bin and, fuck, it was empty, but I wasn’t done. I lifted it up, and all the scraps dropped out onto her.

  I didn’t know if Ashley was crying, but I didn’t care.

  “You’re nothing but trash, Lauren. Don’t ever forget your place or Gael may have to put you back in it.”

  I grabbed Ashley’s hand, and I didn’t scamper out of the back door. I led her across the dining room.

  No one at this time would touch me. Not while they know the Monsters were my allies.

  I left the cafeteria and took her to the gym shower.

  She was crying.


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