Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 18

by Tammi Lynn

  He leaves the room and I put on a gold pair of sandals. I check my hair in the bathroom real quick making sure it stayed straight with a slight curl at the end. Small gold hoops go in my ears and a gold ‘Mom’ necklace Miklo got me for mothers day goes around my neck. I already did my make-up so I’m ready. Not ready for my baby boy to graduate into high school, but ready to go be proud of him for how far he’s come.

  We get to the school gym where the graduation ceremony is being held with ten minutes to spare. See? I can be on time when I really want to be. The guys have a whole row saved a few sections back from the front, with Dre and his family on one end and the rest of us on the other. Emma’s sitting on Jayson’s lap and I slip into an open seat left between Cade and Roman and lean around to wave at Dre, Lisa, and the kids.

  When the ceremony starts I grab onto Roman and Cade’s hands, we’re all going through a next chapter. Miklo starting high school this next year, moving in with the guys, the baby. We’ve only been living in Washington for around ten months, but it feels like a lifetime. So much has happened in the space of those months. New memories I will never forget.

  The whole ceremony doesn’t last very long and the Principal is calling out Miklo’s name to receive his diploma before we know it.

  We just might be the loudest in the gym when our whole row jumps up to hoot and whistle for him. Our joined families enthusiasm bringing others levels up too. When he takes a pose with the Principal holding his diploma, I take a picture and look over at Dre. He’s taking pictures as well and the pride in his eyes almost brings tears to mine. He finally sees it. He sees how amazing the beautiful life we created is. I’m proud of Dre too. He has completely turned around and makes sure to contact Miklo at least a few times a month. Clearly, Jesse’s punch jogged the ‘how to be a parent’ switch. Miklo will be going home with them for the first month of the summer and then will be back for football tryouts. I swear this kid is giving me grey hairs, first the motorbike and now football? He’s turned into an adrenaline chaser.

  Dre turns and catches my eye. We share a smile, and I feel like everything is finally perfect. Or as close to perfect as it can get at least. Nothing’s perfect. Everything is going to be okay though, I can feel it deep in my bones that this was how things we’re supposed to happen and I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

  Once all the graduates have their diplomas they line up along the gym wall for everyone to congratulate. We get to Killian first and I give the kid a big hug and a card with a fifty in it. He’s growing on me, and has more than proven his friendship to Miklo. He didn’t let Miklo be down about Andie leaving for too long even though you could tell her departure affected him too. He’s kept him busy these past few weeks and they’re always up to something. Please don’t let it be up to no good. They’ve started hanging out with a new group of guys too and I haven’t met all of them yet. This parenting stuff is rough. I nearly snort placing a hand on my belly. Now we are about to do it all again.

  When I get to Miklo I wrap him up in a hug and don’t let go, making others have to go around us in line. “I’m so proud of you Bubbs!” I give him a kiss on the cheek leaving him a nice lip print behind. Hehe. Stepping back I let the others congratulate him before coming back in for one more hug. “We’ll meet you out in the parking lot when you’re finished here.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  Our whole group walks out to the parking lot to wait for Miklo and Dre’s SUV is parked near Jesse and Roman’s jeeps, Cade’s motorcycle between them. Okay, it is a little awkward and I don’t really know what to say as we all stand around the vehicles.

  “So how was your drive?” Small talk works.

  “It was lo-.” His eyes take my body in fully for the first time and they’re stopped on my protruding stomach. Did Miklo not tell him? Back to awkward. “It was long but not too bad. The kids watched movies or slept, the whole way.” His eyes come back up to my face and he smiles, I'll admit it is a bit awkward of a smile but he’s trying. “Congratulations.”

  “Congratulations?” Lisa looks from him to me. “Oh my god! Mia, you’re pregnant?” She walks over to me and places her hand on my stomach. Normally I’d get all, no touchy touchy with boundary issues, but her hand is actually comforting. This chicks pretty cool. I like her. “You didn’t even say anything, how far along are you? Do you know what it is?”

  Dre wraps his arms around her and pulls her back to his chest. That move would have had me jealous as fuck in the past, but now it makes me smile. “Let her breathe, Lisa.”

  “Hey guys! Ready to go? I’m starving for some barbeque.” Miklo runs up and throws his arm around my shoulders. “Killian’s going to stop by a little later, is that okay Mom?”

  “You know he’s always welcome.” I turn to Dre and Lisa. “We’re having a little get together and bar-b-que for cake and presents over at the house. You all are welcome to join us.” How awesome it is that we could all come together for Miklo. All that’s missing is my mom. She’s currently on some beach in the Carribean and sent him a huge check. He’s not upset she isn’t here, just that she didn’t take him with her.

  “That sounds good, we’ll follow you.”

  Everyone gets in a vehicle to go and I’m just about to get into Jesse’s jeep when Cade grabs my hand and walks me to his bike. “Cade, I’m in a tight dress.”

  “You’ve ridden on the back in a skirt before.” In the rain, and drunk off my ass. He places a helmet on my head and buckles it under my chin. “Here, wear my jacket and it’ll cover you.” Handing me his jacket, I put it on and relish in the warmth his body created inside.

  He straddles the bike and I climb on behind him, having to hike my skirt up to my thighs to put my leg over. His jacket is big on me and comes down on either side of my legs covering my thighs. When I lean forward to wrap my arms around him my belly presses into his back and he stiffens.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. You shouldn’t be on the bike in your condition.” Really? In my ‘condition’?

  So overprotective. “It’s not even that far. Besides everyone else has already left.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “I’ll be fine, Cade. Come on, just one last ride?” Pressing my chest into his back I grip his waist tighter.

  A low growl forms in his throat and he stands to back us out of the parking spot. “There will never be a last ride with you and me, Baby Girl.” The bike roars to life and he takes off for home.

  Everyone’s still just getting out of the vehicles when we pull up and I can’t help but notice Dre staring when I get off the back of Cade’s bike. We all head into the big house and I get the hot dogs and burgers out of the fridge I had Roman prep and spice last night. No way was I touching raw hamburger. Gag. I hand them to Jayson, and him and Dre go outside to start up the grill. Jayson is probably the safest bet to leave him with. I can tell all the men are awkward around one another, but ever since Dre started paying attention to their ‘lil man’ more and less to me, things have gotten less tense.

  All the boys go into the garage to check out Miklo’s motorcycle and Emma takes their daughter into her room. She latched onto her as soon as everyone got inside and decided to play Mom. She’s been so excited about my pregnancy and has been full of questions. She’s ready to have someone around to play with.

  “I’m going to go upstairs and get changed into something more comfortable, be right back.” I start to head up the stairs and Roman follows but then heads into his room. Finding a loose maxi dress with chevron along the bottom in the pile of clothes still on the bed that I rejected earlier , I set it aside to put on.

  Lifting my dress from my legs to pull over my head, it’s tight and gets stuck on my arms. I’m basically standing naked except in my bra and thong in the middle of the room and can’t see through the dress blocking my view. I try wiggling to get it up but it won’t budge. Crap! “Roman!” I yell out, my voice slightly muffled from the dress and wait. Maybe he can’t hear me? Did he
already go downstairs? I try to walk in what I think is the direction of the open door and yell out again. “Roman! Please, I need your help!”

  Large hands are placed on my hips to stop me and then run up my sides to my arms. “Whoa, Angel. You just about walked into the wall.”

  “I need help.” I sag in defeat and he laughs.

  “I don’t know, are you sure? Look pretty fine to me.” If I could see him I know that gorgeous full lipped mouth of his would be lighting up his face.

  “Puh-puh-please, Roman?” Ain’t too proud to beg, at least him.

  The dress is pulled up but not all the way. Roman brings it up just far enough that it slips above my mouth and nose, staying just under my eyes. At least I can breathe now, I was starting to get claustrophobic. Sensual and sexy as fuck, he leans in and kisses me. Slowly moving his tongue in a dance with mine and sucking on my bottom lip. I may need to change my underwear now too that he has my temperature rising.

  I’m breathing hard with exhilaration when he lifts my dress the remaining way from my head and arms to toss on my ever growing pile of clothes. The way he’s looking at me sends electric pulses to my clit and I have to squeeze my thighs. He grabs my new dress and helps me into it. “Don’t worry, Angel. I’ll let you get back downstairs. We can save this for later.”

  This dress is so much more comfortable, tight on top and loose from my boobs down, reaching the floor. Leaving my shoes off I grab his hand and walk downstairs. “Where is everyone?” The house is empty, looking around I see the back arcadia open and can hear Miklo’s bike in the distance. The kids must have convinced them to take it out.

  I walk outside with Roman, the grass feeling soft beneath my bare feet to the edge of the lawn where the tree line starts. Miklo is giving his younger brother a slow ride around the trails. How cool is it he gets to share so much of his life here with them? Dre is talking with the guys about the bike while Lisa is running around the yard with the girls. Miklo’s older brother just watches and waits for his turn.

  Cade sees me and walks over, spinning me into his arms, my back against his chest. His hands drop down to splay across my belly and I melt back into him. “You know he doesn’t seem too bad except for the whole being a fucking douche to women and taking too long to be in Miklo’s life. He’s a funny guy, has a lot of decent jokes.” I know that was probably hard for him to say, but I appreciate it. High fucking praise about the jokes… I am funny as fuck and never have heard that. I have mad props and so much respect for them trying to be cool with my ex for Miklo’s and my sake.

  “He can be really cool when he wants to be.” I didn’t just like him for his looks all those years, we had our moments.

  At that moment Miklo drives by in front of us and revs the engine with a roar. I feel a swift kick in my stomach and freeze. Other than the butterfly feelings in my stomach that’s the first time I’ve felt the baby move. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed that feeling. That amazing feeling of a life growing inside me, my heart swells and I drop my hands down to place over Cade’s.

  “Was that the baby?” Turning my head to look into his eyes Cade has the most amazed look on his face.

  I laugh. Well if it wasn’t, that was a pretty powerful gas bubble. One of the embarrassing things about pregnancy I don’t miss.

  Cade comes around to the front of me and drops to his knees. Kissing my belly he starts talking to it. “Did that loud noise scare you baby? Don’t worry you’ll come to love the sound of a motorcycle engine.”

  I just stare down at him. Cade can be so sweet, but usually not in front of so many people. Not a care in the world he’s on his knees in the grass talking to the baby in my belly, a baby that may or may not be his, with everyone watching him. I was worried at first that the men would get caught up on ‘who’ the baby belonged to biologically, but it turns out that it really didn’t matter to them. They were just happy to be a part of this. Together. The look on Dre’s face is confusing to me, he’s just taking it all in, observing. When Cade stands, he leads me back towards the house. The burgers are done and I’m starving.

  It’s a nice day out so we all eat on the large logs outside by the fire pit. Miklo suggests lighting a fire in it and after a quick trip to the store by me and Lisa we are all roasting marshmallows and making smores by the time the sun starts to set.

  The kids go into Miklo’s room to play games and the guys go in to set up the table to play dominoes. I’m sitting on one of the logs just staring into the flames of the fire when Dre comes and sits next to me.

  “Hey.” I turn toward Dre to see a look of guilt on his face.


  “You look really happy, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you smile like you have today.” He says looking as though there was a lot on his mind.

  “I am really happy Dre.”

  “They treat you okay? I can’t even get my mind around you with all of them.”

  “They treat me amazing, they’re everything I’ve been needing and wanting all these years and didn’t even know it.” Everything I was trying to get out of him, but what he had wasn’t for me. I know my statement might sound odd, since he is my ex, but I wasn’t going to sugar coat things for Dre.

  “I asked Lisa if she’d consider a sister/wife and she told me no, but I could have a brother/husband.” He laughs. “Not for me, but I do want you to be happy Ma. I do love you, always will.” He places a hand on my shoulder.

  I can see Cade through the arcadia door and he stiffens at the contact. Placing a hand on Dre’s I move it from my shoulder. He doesn’t need to touch me. I no longer crave his attention. “I’ll always love you too Dre, as a friend, as the father of my amazing son, a huge part of my past. But I’m not in love with you anymore. This time it’s you that isn’t enough for me. I need and love them.” This is it, the closure I needed from him. “You have no idea how much you’ve hurt me, how much pain you’ve caused. I don’t blame you for it anymore. I do want to thank you for making me stronger though. Everything happens for a reason, and without my past, my struggles, I never would have ended up where I am now. I never would have found them. So… Thank you.”

  I can tell that Dre is struggling with this. Knowing him as I do, a part of him wants to be Dre’-ish, the other part, the part that wins is all honesty. “Please don’t thank me. I’ve been going over a lot in my mind since New Years. I put you through a lot. I was selfish and and should have let you go a long time ago, but I just couldn’t stand you not being in my life. You’re my little devil, remember? I told you that? That no matter how hard I tried to stay good in my relationships you were the seductress with horns making me want you when I shouldn’t.” Looks like we were both struggling. “I’m sorry, Mia. Truly. I just can’t ever see you not being in my life somehow.”

  “You’ll always have me as a friend, Dre. We have Miklo, and he needs you. You being in his life more has made so much of a difference in his life. He’s a part of you.”

  “He is amazing. And even though I’d normally be too proud to admit it, I like that he has your guys to be here for him too, since I can’t be all the time. Whenever I do something new with one of my boys I always think about Miklo. Is he learning this too? Does he need my help? I only hope that when he does something that I should be there for he won’t be alone. I know he has you. Fuck this is hard. Look I’m sorry, Ma. Can we just forget it all and start new?”

  A small sad spasm in my chest occurs because Dre is always going to be Dre. This was an effort for him and for the sake of Miklo, I can appreciate it. I’ll never forget, It helped make me who I am today and brought me to the next chapter of my life, my future. “New start, let’s just be the parents Miklo needs us to be.” I give him a quick hug and stand. “I know you guys aren’t leaving until the day after tomorrow. We’re having a gender reveal tomorrow, and you guys are welcome to come.”

  “‘We’ll be there.” He look at my belly and smiles. “Congratulations again, I know how much you’ve a
lways wanted another baby, even if you didn’t say anything.”

  I walk into the house and step into Cade’s arms. “You okay, Baby Girl?”

  “I’m more than okay.” I snuggle into his chest then look up at him, staring into his mesmerizing green eyes. I breathe in everything and speak honestly, “Everything’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.”

  Chapter Nineteen



  “Rome, go see what’s taking her so long, we’re going to be late, again.” We’re all waiting downstairs for Mia, ready to go to the ultrasound, except for Miklo, he went with his dad and family to the beach today. Jesse’s getting impatient. We all are. Me? I’m freaking the fuck out. But he’s been unable to stay still since he woke up this morning, excited to find out what Mia’s having. What we’re having?

  I’m sitting at the bottom of the stairs while the rest are standing around so I hop up and head into Cade’s room, but when I get there she’s curiously absent. “Mia?” I say it out loud to find where she is.

  Noise comes from my room and I go in to investigate. Mia’s sitting at the end of my bed slipping her feet into a pair of flip flops. Her hair is in a ponytail and she’s wearing a pair of my black basketball shorts with a red tank top. An extremely revealing tank top. Her breasts have grown almost a cup size along with her adorable belly. She thinks she just looks big, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful.

  “You almost ready, Angel?” I walk to my closet and pull out a plain red tee before walking over to her. She stands and I hand her the shirt. Hey I may like looking at what’s under it but I don’t want anyone else outside our circle to.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. What’s this?” She grabs it and holds it out.

  Raising my brows I look down to her cleavage and then back up into her hazel eyes. “If not mine, you’d better find another one of your shirts.”


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