You're Mine ~ A Sweet & Steamy Romance

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You're Mine ~ A Sweet & Steamy Romance Page 5

by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

  “And a half,” he finished. “Good guess.”

  “What kind of women do you usually go for?” Lord, why did she veer into asking him personal questions all of a sudden?

  Laughing behind her, Banjo drew stares from passer-by’s “I knew you would ask. Just so you know, I’ve not seen Desiree’s underwear.”

  A chuckle leapt out of Rachael’s mouth. She gave him a funny look and shook her head. “Why would you say a thing like that?”

  “Tell me that’s not the sole reason you asked the question. You’re bothered because you think I’ve slept with Monaco’s pride, huh?”

  She shrugged, laughing. “I’m just curious.” But in her chest, relief walked freely. “Who’s Monaco’s pride? Desiree?”

  “I don’t have a specific type. Once I’m attracted to a woman, I go there and if I’m not, end of story.” He completely ignored her comment about Desiree.

  “So what’s the pledge you have with Desiree?”

  “It’s a little pact I made with her and I’m not telling you.”

  Blinking at his direct quip, Rachael shrugged. If he was interested in Desiree, he would not have given her the cold shoulder earlier. “Is there someone you’re attracted to hiding somewhere in the world?” Now she was convinced, her head needed to be scrutinised.

  “Yes!” There was no hesitation. Only a firm retort. Rachael winced, but she tweaked her fingers around her purse to still her shaky limbs.

  “And you? Where’s the man who got you pregnant? Is he coming back any time soon?” There was a glimmer in his eyes and a bounce to his steps.

  “Why does my bump bother you? Anyhow, you might meet him, but not on this trip.”

  “Does he travel a lot, or is he in the military?” Yet again, Banjo grinned, pulling a funny face.

  “No,” came her simple reply as she made a right turn and led him into a shoe shop for men.

  And for the next ten minutes, Banjo tried on six pairs of black shoes before he settled for the second pair he tried on at the start.

  “Do you think it fits impeccably?” Banjo asked as if he needed her approval before purchase.

  “I think every pair you tried on was great.”

  “That’s not the answer to my question,” he breathed down her neck while they sat on the red ottoman.

  For the umpteenth time, Rachael wondered why her opinion meant a great deal to him. Every move he made spelled authority and confidence. To be honest, a nice feeling was growing in her chest. “Yes, the pair you have on now will work best with the outfit.”

  “Thank you. Let’s go to the till,” he urged.

  They walked to the payment desk and Banjo paid by card. Rachael reached out one had to collect the bag from the saleswoman, but Banjo beat her to it. He took the bag and nodded at her to walk ahead of him.

  Obediently, she marched out of the shop, hoping Banjo had not seen the smile working its way to her lips.


  Along the pathway, beneath a dazzling chandelier, she heard Banjo ask. “Are you hungry, Rachael?”

  “My stomach has been grumbling for a while now. But I can hold on until we get home.”

  Shaking his head, Banjo frowned. “I apologize for starving you. I should have stopped for us to grab a bite sooner. Now, let’s find somewhere to sit down and eat. Our shopping is done.”

  Waving away his suggestion, she countered. “There’s no need to eat out. Your mom would have cooked dinner.”

  Halting in front of her, Banjo touched her shoulder. Little sparks spread through her collar bone, working its way farther down.

  “I want us to chat without mum in the background. I told her not to bother cooking, so relax.”

  Looking up at him she maintained eye contact. “You had it all planned out, huh?”

  Nodding with a genuine smile on his face, Banjo squeezed her shoulder a little. An action that spilled emotion out of her chest and spread it around her body so fast, she thought she would lose her balance.

  “Where’s the best restaurant to eat around here?” With a gentle caress, Banjo cleared wisps of hair from her face.

  Tenderness swirled around her nipples. The hint of a sit-down meal with Banjo in the city centre on a Saturday night filled her with unexpected euphoria. It had been some time since she indulged in such fancy treats. It was not that she did not enjoy eating out. Circumstances had restricted her in so many ways.

  Rachael smiled. Maybe God had not completely forgotten she needed a little happiness. Whatever it was, she was going to forget all her problems for one night of delight.

  At the door of Le Vistamar Restaurant, Rachael stopped and curved slightly to face Banjo. “They have great French food here. Do you want to try it?”

  “You lead and I’ll follow. As long as it is called food, I can hold it down.”

  A smile bloomed on her lips and in her gut. A waiter ushered them to a table with four seats right on the edge of the terrace, away from the buzz in the dining room.

  Banjo stood still while his eyes skimmed across the city. Down below, strips of blue waters shimmered, channelling into the ocean. Small boats berthed at narrow harbours. Tall palm trees lined the streets. And across the waterway, the mountain boasted beautifully designed hotels with fancy lights and brown roof gazebos.

  “The view from this point is the best I’ve seen by far,” Banjo remarked, nodding his approval.

  “My guess was right. I’m glad you like it.”

  Once they were seated, Banjo placed his packages on one of the free seats beside them. He stretched out his legs and they ordered two course meals and drinks.

  Discreetly, Rachael stretched her back along the high back seat. Then she gradually rolled her neck, left and right to relieve the tension within.

  “Looks like your neck and back are aching,” Banjo noted with a creased brow.

  While they shopped, she had not thought about her comfort. “Now I’m seated, I can feel small twitches in my back and neck. It’s only a slight discomfort anyway.”

  Quick as lightning, Banjo got on his feet and dashed to stand behind her. Rachael shut her eyes and held her breath. Gently, Banjo’s fingers stroked her lower back and spine. Breathing slowly, she sighed as his scent wrapped her up in a strong wall. Though his fingers were hard, his touch was as soft as wool. She leaned forward, moaning as the tension in her neck defrosted.

  As minutes ticked by, the pain in Rachael’s back flipped into a thousand caresses, flooding her spine with a new longing. Beneath the table, her legs trembled, and inside her bra, her breasts grew heavier.

  “Okay,” she breathed harshly. “Stop!”

  As if Banjo did not understand her command, he carried on stroking her back lightly. Tension gripped her belly and her lips shut up tight, swallowing her gripe. Nothing had ever felt so good, or so right.

  “Close your eyes and relax,” Banjo spoke softly near her lips.

  All she had to do was turn an inch and her lips would salute his mouth. But she was too scared to go that far. If they were at home, she would have curled up in his arms and pretended to fall asleep. For now, Rachael refused to think past the feelings mounting in her spine.

  Moments later, full-on heat unplugged every restraint she had, as she moaned and grabbed Banjo’s wrist. “Please, don’t carry on. Without doubt your fingers shut out the ache, but I can’t take the pleasure that comes with it.”

  With his head lowered to her neck, he nodded. “I’m glad I was of help.”

  “Never touch me again, Banjo,” she grumbled as sparks flared in her spine.

  Banjo’s eyes penetrated hers. “Why? Because you like my caresses so much it hurts.”

  “Because you spell disaster for me. Leave me the hell alone!” Already, her legs felt mushy. Now his words set the sparks within her on fire.

  Winking at her outburst, Banjo placed his hands on the back of her chair. “Too late. You already spell something more sinister to me. I can’t get you out of my head. You tell me why you ma
ke it so tough for me to forget about you.” Looking as cool as cucumber, Banjo sat opposite her, willing her to face her emotions with sincerity.

  Tilting her head, Rachael covered her mouth with the back of her knuckles. “Don’t ask me. I don’t have the answers. You and I hardly get on. The reality is, I don’t need any more stress in my life.” The insinuation they were attracted to each other was ridiculous.

  “Neither do I need more pressure. Besides, if it makes you feel better, I’m not emotionally available. But tell that to my body.”

  Snapping her fingers in his face, she declared. “Forget about me, forget about any of this thing we imagine is happening. Let us eat.”

  The food and drinks arrived as if she had called the waiter without speaking.

  “If only we had a switch on and off button,” he countered after the waiter made a speedy exit.

  After a quick pause to pray, Rachael grabbed hold of one piece from the Alpilles rack of lamb and took a large bite. She chewed and swallowed the spicy meat. “I’m changing the topic. Share what’s going well in your life at the moment.”

  Banjo also stopped to pray, but he spoke out loud. “Thank you, Lord for this food and for good appetite. Help us to share our food with those who are hungry, and help me and Rachael to understand what’s going on between us.”

  “Amen,” she muttered, frowning at him.

  Nodding, he swiped his tongue over his top lip before he answered. “Good question. We just won several contracts to build sports equipment on luxury boats. So I’m going to be busy for the next couple of years.” With all his fingers, Banjo went straight for the lamb, chewing with a wide grin on his face. The hard edges of his jaw slackened and he looked ruggedly handsome.

  Rachael’s eyes widened at the truth Banjo’s stay in Monaco would be a brief one. Of course she knew it was pointless to crave anything more.

  “Share yours. What’s the good stuff in your life now?”

  Tucking away her minor disillusionment, Rachael piped sweetness into her tone. “Teaching older people how to use the computers and smartphones are my new projects at the community centre. It’s great to see their faces light up when they discover new features.” She chopped baby potatoes and scooped a bite into her mouth along with slices of roasted tomato and carrots.

  “Your project sounds exciting.”

  His praise filled her with surprise gratification. “Oh yes, it is. And staying with your mom is a blessing you can’t even begin to comprehend.”

  “Where did you reside before you moved here?”

  Taking her time to swallow, she took a sip out of the glass of red wine. “I lived and worked on Tybee Island in Georgia.”

  “There’s a pretty ring to your hometown.”

  “Oh yes, Tybee Island is a beautiful place, full of cherished memories for me and I have lots of family members over there.”

  “I’ve not heard anything about your dad yet.”

  Giving him a non-committal shrug, she wiped her lips with a napkin. “We don’t have a relationship. My mom brought me up as a single-mom. He’s not part of our lives. And where’s your dad from?” She clipped back the question on her lips, which was, why did your dad walk away?

  “Dante Ricci’s from Ancona.”

  “Aww! That little paradise on earth found in the Adriatic Sea. Lord! Where did he meet your mom?” Curiosity was a disease. And she needed a cure.

  Hooded eyes peered at her over the piece of lamb in his firm grip. “How they met is a long story. But Ancona is a city in Marche, Italy.”

  “I’ve not even been to Italy.”

  “We must correct that in earnest. I’ll take you there sometime.”

  Butterflies flapped in dizzying circles in her stomach, so she let the comment slide. Dismissing his retort with a nod, she revisited her inquiry about Desiree. “And what pact exactly do you have with the pride of Monaco?”

  Suddenly, his eyes twinkled with humour. “She wanted me. But I offered my friend instead.”

  Irritation swam along her spine for a minute. Then she talked herself out of her jealousy. “So why didn’t you jump at her generous offer?”

  Cocking his eyebrows, he held her gaze. “Because I prefer to hunt instead of being hunted.”

  Glee lit up her stomach and a giggle slipped out of her lips. “When you say it like that, you sound predatory.”

  “But I am predatory.” Raw sexuality exuded from his distinctly shaped lips and dimming eyes.

  “Are you hunting right now?”

  “You’re not far from reality.”

  Tingling silence followed. Her stomach clamped together and her throat grew thirsty. Reaching for her glass, she took a slow sip from her drink.

  After he devoured half his lamb, Banjo then went back to his previous chat. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you come over to Monaco?”

  Rachael tightened her fingers around her fork. Then she took in deep breaths and breathed out slowly. “Even if I mind, you would still ask. Can I answer the question tomorrow?”

  At first, Banjo narrowed his eyes, and then he shrugged. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

  “Thank you.” Today was special and she did not want anything to taint it.

  As they ate dessert, she asked without thinking. “What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Try not to lie.”

  Grinning as he probably recalled something, Banjo shut his eyes. “The worst date was when a woman I really liked stood on her seat in a restaurant after our meal and took off her top. She wore no bra.”

  Rachael erupted into an unguarded laugh. “Was she drunk? I mean really drunk?”

  “Maybe,” he chuckled. “Two tequilas, three wineglasses and a dessert laced with rum. Yes, she might have crossed over from tipsy to drunk. But it wasn’t funny at the time.”

  Although Rachael covered her mouth with one hand, she laughed harder. “I bet that was your last date with her.”

  “After she showed off her titts to the men in the restaurant, I called it quits. Was your worst date in history better?” he asked with a quirky grin on his wide lips.

  Oh yes, Banjo’s shaped lips were made for a deep kiss. If Rachael ever locked lips with him, she would not be in a hurry to get back to whatever she was doing.

  “Was it so bad, you can’t speak?” Banjo joked.

  Dragged out from her pretend kissing spree, Rachael sighed. “My worst date happened when he turned up with his fly unzipped and he wore nothing underneath.”

  Banjo laughed so loud, it sounded like a howl. People seated around the terrace smiled or frowned.

  Lowering her head, she murmured. “Banjo, calm down, people are staring.”

  “They have eyes for a reason, ignore them.”

  Averting her gaze from the few people staring at them, Rachael fixed her eyes on the man still shaking with laughter in front of her. “I see you find it hilarious. I was so shocked I cancelled the date.”

  “Come on, he wanted to show you what he had to offer. Maybe it was a practical date he had in mind.”

  Leaning forward, she scowled. “Grave mistake. I wasn’t stimulated by the sight.”

  Banjo groaned. “Ouch! How long ago was this?”

  “Several years ago, thankfully. I don’t even want to recall the look on his face.” At last, she giggled, finally finding the humour in the failed date from yester-years.

  “If I left my fly unzipped, would you tell me?”

  It was a question Rachael was not expecting at all. Shutting her eyes briefly, she breathed in slowly. “Not sure.”

  “Why?” Banjo asked as he finished his meal.

  “I might think you were showing off. If I left my zip undone, would you tell me?” she asked for fun sake.

  “No. I’d zip it up for you.”

  Yeah, any excuse for Banjo to touch my butt, she thought. “Okay, so why did you leave your fly halfway unzipped when you came out in that undersized trousers at the shop?”

  “Because I wanted t
o leave an impression.”

  Shaking her head, she wiggled her finger in his face. “It’s bad enough you refuse to wear a top, now you want to go bottomless as well.”

  “For your eyes only, I promise.”

  At first Rachael giggled, then she stopped and glared at him. “What do you think you’re doing, Banjo?” Now was a good time to confront whatever it was he had in mind.

  “Making you want me.”

  Crossing her arms on the table, Rachael sniped. “I thought we just agreed we’re both emotionally engaged.”

  Folding his arms together, Banjo refuted. “It doesn’t stop us admiring each other. “I see your boobies peeping out of your dresses and tops, you don’t hear me complaining.”

  Wide-eyed with shock, Rachael shot back. “My dresses and tops are decent.”

  “I agree, but you’re blessed with full boobies. No top or dress can hide your twin gems.”

  Within the safety of her bra, her nipples peaked and ached for his fingers. Instinctively she looked down at her breasts and the hardened crests poked out of her bra, through her dress like gun Tasers. Tempted to shield her titts, she swallowed.

  “You’ve got great titts, Rachael.”

  Slowly, she lifted her head as her body tried and failed to quench the flame roaring between her legs. “I’m proud of my twin gems and peaks,” she agreed with a grin.

  “No matter what happens, at least you know I admire your boobies.”

  On impulse, Rachael adjusted the neckline of her red, clingy dress. Then with both hands, she lifted her big boobs and shook them in a sensual dance. Her aim was to shut his mouth for good.

  Straightening up in his chair, Banjo spat out through gritted teeth, his eyes squinted at her chest. “What are you doing, Rachael?”

  “Following your lead and hoping to turn out to be your second worst date in history.”

  Groaning, Banjo grabbed her wrists, hissing, “I love big boobies, so don’t tease me or I’ll unleash the terror asleep inside me.”


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