Tower of Ancients

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Tower of Ancients Page 11

by Jaeger Mitchells

  “Yes, my new friend, so it seems. But tell me, what have you been doing all this time? You were a legend, and in fact, you still are.”

  “Well, that would probably be a good story for when we get to our new destination. But let’s just say that we’ve been traveling the continent, making enemies and friends wherever we went. If we survive today, we might get help from a couple of places. Not much, but enough to keep us going for the time being.”

  “Is that how you lost most of your—.”

  “No, they’re not lost, Lord Raziel. You misunderstood. This is my family. My wife and my children. All of my officers and people I could trust have been left in interesting places around the continent. They are building up their power either economically or physically. We even have one with the Dwarves of Von'Todhur. I’ve tasked them with creating as many weapons and armor as they can.”

  “The Dwarves? Why up there? It’s too barren for Vampires to prosper.”

  “Oh, no, it isn’t. We made a pact with one of the smaller smithy clans. Half of them have even been turned.”

  I looked at him for a long moment, not quite sure if I was able to believe him, but then he brought the claws closer and I had a good look at them.

  “That’s pure Mithrill,” I whispered.

  “It is. And look at the armor, specifically the lines.”

  I leaned in closer and stared long and hard, but couldn’t make out what would make them so special. At least not from my first glance.

  “What is it?”



  “Adamantium? I have no idea. They found a crater deep in the mountain where a comet struck who knows when and have a huge stock of it. What’s strange is the fact that it somehow grows inside the comet, so given enough time it replenishes whatever they dig up that year.”

  “Yeah, that’s all good and well but how does it fare against Mithrill?”

  “Try it out. Just don’t aim for the head, alright?”

  I shrugged and pulled out my blade from its sheath, aimed, and struck. Nothing happened. The armor didn’t even dent in the slightest while the blade’s edge got slightly damaged. Well, not damaged, but slightly folded in on itself where it struck the Adamantium.

  “You should have told me it would damage my weapon,” I growled, not in the least amused.

  He shrugged.

  “Would you have believed me if I told you it would bounce off?”

  He was right. I wouldn’t.

  “Not really. But tell me, why is it made like that? I’m sure there’s Mithrill in there as well.”

  “The Adamantium doesn’t allow the Mithrill to expand or crack. The strands are already enough to dissipate any possible damage dealt by anything under a pure Adamantium weapon. A heavy one at that.”

  I sighed and scratched my neck.

  “You got any more of that?”

  “Only what we’re wearing. But once we settle down, I’ll have my wife contact the coven up North and have them make some for you and your officers—but it would take anywhere from seven to twelve days.”

  I was taken aback by his generosity. I didn’t know anyone personally who would be willing to give away such a treasure.

  “It would be more than enough for the start, Dimas. But tell me, what do you want in return? No matter what we might think of each other and what help you might want from me regarding Lefrand, that’s quite the price you’re paying.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Let’s say his life is worth more to me than anything I might possess in this life except for my family. Oh, and that of those two serpents next to him, the Queens.”

  “For all I care, you can cut them all up if you want, I won’t hesitate to help you.”

  “Good, then we’re in agreement. I can’t promise to stay with you until the end of time, life is long and full of surprises, but we’ll at least stay until he’s taken care of and we can all breathe with ease.”

  “Of course, I understand. And yes, that would be excellent. I hope we can sit down soon and have that long talk. I’m dying to hear more about the years since you left and about the North.”

  “We will, trust me. Speaking of the past, we made sure there were no records left of us before leaving back then. It’s no wonder you don’t know much about me other than what kind of weapons I’m using.”

  “Indeed. I’ve been trying to find more about what happened back then, but it’s just as you said, there was nothing.”

  “So, what now? I think this is enough for a first-time chat, don’t you think? Next time I’ll introduce you to my family.”

  “Alright, I won’t pry. You have my thanks for hunting the Tusks and everything you’ve done so far. I’ll get back to my own business, for now, Dimas. It was good meeting you and I’m overjoyed having you with us.”

  “Likewise, Lord Raziel.”

  “Please, call me Raziel. You’re an Elder unlike me.”

  “Very well, Raziel.”

  The Elder Vampire turned around and disappeared, only to reappear next to his Coven over fifty feet ahead. What a turn of events. He was more valuable than most of the army I had with me.

  I sat back down where the rest were still waiting. The Elven sisters joined to either side of me but remained otherwise quiet.

  “So, boss, what about that big guy? And why did you attack him suddenly?” Slayer asked. Calina’s eyes roamed over the sisters. I couldn’t blame her, as I had trouble keeping my own eyes in check.

  “He was showing off with a new type of armor he was wearing. It’s made with a metal called Adamantium.”

  “Hmm, never heard of it. Is it good?”

  “It folded my sword.”

  “What?” both Slayer and Stalker hissed and jumped up. “It bent your weapon?”

  “It sure did. What’s more, once we’re settled in, Dimas will make sure we’re equipped as well with the best they have to offer.”

  “Shit,” Slayer whispered. “We’ll be unstoppable!”

  “The armor doesn’t cover your whole body, you idiot!” Calina yelled, slapping his left arm over again. “What if someone hits your face with an arrow or cuts your head off?”

  “Hey, stop it! You’re embarrassing me!”

  “I shook my head and let out a low chuckle. I couldn’t help it but love the two in my own way. Love. What a strange word. Yesterday I ‘loved’ Alara as much as my own life, yet today the feelings were already fading. It was the curse of being a Vampire, which was very comparable with a saying of old. Far from the eye, far from the heart. We could love like no one, but once they were no more, the bond broke and the feelings withered away like a flower without water.

  I glanced at Sylvana over my right shoulder. I knew she noticed but remained motionless. Her cleavage didn’t leave much to the imagination, and I was sure she was sitting like that for me. And if I was wrong, then fuck it.

  The sound of hooves slamming down on the muddy ground drew my attention. One by one, the riders appeared and gathered around us. None of them had anything to report. Good. At least we weren’t being chased for now. Sure, we would have probably seen as much from the tree earlier if an army was close by, but you could never be sure. Vampires were tricky creatures.

  Another twenty minutes passed and the second group of riders arrived, giving the same response as the first, then joined everyone around the fires and waited for the meat to be cooked. I didn’t have to eat so I distanced myself with the sisters as we waited on the last group of scouts to return. I tried to stick to the shade as the sun wasn’t a big friend of mine.

  “How come you know Elder magic?” I finally asked, breaking the silence. “And how advanced are you?”

  “My mother left us a pendant. Inside there was a note on which a couple of spells were inscribed. They’re nothing fancy, but it’s a foundation on which we can build. Speaking of which, how come you don’t have a specialization? Didn’t Lefrand give you one?”

  I shook my head sadly. Oh, h
ow I wished I had one, no matter what kind it was. Now that I thought of it, I ate Crozan’s heart and with that I absorbed some of his powers, at least that’s what my gut told me.

  “Do you have any idea how to awaken a Bloodline?” I asked, my undead heart racing in my mind. Helena looked up at me as if I was mad, while Sylvana seemed intrigued.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I ate Crozan’s heart and with that, I felt his power course through me. I might awaken a part of his powers with some luck.”

  “Why don’t we go and try out?” Sylvana smirked.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You know, there’s a reason why he didn’t let you awaken them,” Helena sneered. “You’re far too powerful, or that’s what he used to say.”

  “And you’re just telling me now?”

  “Why should I have said anything earlier? I don’t know you, and I don’t like the way you’re staring at my sister’s tits. Or mine for that matter.”

  “Helena!” Sylvana snapped. “He’s our benefactor no matter how you look at it! If he hadn’t killed Crozan, we would have been sitting around in Lefrand’s dungeon, getting mistreated or even killed! Not even to mention being raped by that bastard!”

  Helena turned away and murmured something, but remained sitting there on the log.

  “It’s alright. We’re all under pressure, Helena even more so as she needs to show us the spire and get us entry. As to staring at your tits, as you blatantly said so, I don’t see what’s wrong with appreciating something you’re putting out there for everyone to see, young Elf.”

  Helena snapped her head around and glared at me, but turned back around without snapping at me. How interesting, she could show restraint. An uncomfortable silence ensued. No one said anything as we sat there for a while, staring in the distance.

  “Do you want to try and awaken?” Sylvana asked after a while.

  “Say, Lord Raziel,” Helena whispered, interrupting her sister. “Do we have to fight Lefrand or can we let him be?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me. If he keeps on sending his army after us, I don’t think we’ll have a choice.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Sylvana added. “Surely you don’t plan to go back there, right?”

  “I won’t be returning there any time soon. Somehow I got a feeling we could have a decent life if we managed to get ourselves a secure home, don’t you two think?”

  Sylvana shuffled from foot to foot. I could see she was uncomfortable, but when you had become the property of a Vampire, you could never go back to being normal again. It became second nature to want and serve someone from the same Bloodline, and when it came to Bloodlines, I had a lot of Lefrand’s blood in me.

  “You feel just like him,” Sylvana murmured. “Only warmer to a degree.”

  So I was right thinking she was reacting to my blood. Helena fidgeted around with her hair and daggers, but she seemed slightly less on edge and willing.

  “Can you hold it in?”

  She shook her head and looked over at her sister, but Helena refused to meet our gaze.

  “Go,” she whispered instead, got up, and walked off to sit at the fire.

  “Where do we go?” Sylvana asked timidly. I sat there thinking about the whole situation. Alara’s corpse was barely cold, but being what I was made it easier to get over her loss. Sure, I would repay her death many times over, but the lust and longing had just evaporated and there was nothing I could do about it. Would others think of me as heartless? Probably. Would I care? Most likely not.

  “The tree from earlier? We still have some time left until the Tusks are ready and they finish eating them.”

  “Alright, go ahead. I’ll follow you while cloaked,” Sylvana whispered and disappeared. I could still feel her presence and even her labored breathing, which meant she didn’t go ahead.

  I slowly made my way to my officers and stopped for a moment.

  “I’m out to check something. Sentinel, you’re in charge until I’m back. Don’t let these idiots do anything stupid, alright?”

  “My Lord,” he replied with a slight nod.

  I passed the caravan hurriedly and made my way toward the tree. It took me about three minutes to get there and another one to climb up to the spot where I found them earlier. I could still feel Helena’s presence and even smell her scent. Shit, this wasn’t good. Doing it to one sister was fine, but to do them both? Would they even want to stay around if it happened?

  I growled low and took off my armor, placing the parts on thick branches where they wouldn’t fall. A now-familiar presence appeared behind me, standing there and helping me undo the last few pieces of armor and placing it with the rest.

  I turned around and saw Sylvana standing there with both hands on her shoulders, pulling at the strings that held her dress up. I stepped in and slid the straps down her arms and hips. The dress fell to the ground without making so much as a single sound.

  “How do you—?”

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want, Sylvana,” I whispered. “After all, I’m doing this for you,” I said, trying to downplay it as a favor and not think of my desires. The way she looked back told me she didn’t share my opinion. Still, she remained motionless, waiting for me to make the first move.

  I bent over slightly and picked her up, my left arm under her back and the right under her legs. She looked away, embarrassed by her nudity, so I knelt and placed her down gently. The twin mound stood upright as if held up by some kind of magic, her nipples the size of a small golden coin. Her body was perfect without a single inch of her out of place. A narrow waist and hips, long legs that looked as if they stretched on into infinity and a tiny strip of black between her legs.

  My hand traced up her right leg and waist, across her chest and ending up on her neck. I leaned down and bit her right breast, drawing a trickle of blood. The sensation was so much better and stronger than anything I’ve ever had in my life.

  Sylvana struggled under my grip, but I was much too strong for her. I kept her pinned down and licked the drops that spilled from the small puncture holes, then moved my head down to her navel and bit again, drinking some more.

  “W-what are you—doing?” she protested, clenching her legs tight around my shoulders and neck.

  “Tasting you,” I growled, licking every single drop of her extremely sweet nectar. “No wonder that bastard kept you for himself.”

  “Please don’t—speak about him—while we’re—.”

  I spread her legs again, moving down and bit her inner thigh. The soft skin punctured easily as my fangs protruded. I didn’t even know anymore what I was doing by that time. All I wanted was to drink her up and then fuck her hard.

  My two fingers slid inside her already wet slit, moving them slowly, enjoying every moment of it. My tongue slid up the wounds and replaced my fingers, sliding inside her and moving along her lips, tasting her sweet juices. I wanted to bite her then and there, but I was afraid it would be too much and she’d be repulsed.

  A slight breeze washed over us, cooling and slowing me down. I knew it was her doing, but I didn’t mind. She deserved to be taken in slowly.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked, pulling back my head and looking up at her.

  “No, but it’s—embarrassing what you’re doing,” she whispered, her voice innocent and sweet just as her pussy was.

  I moved up her body, planting my lips against hers. Her body was warm and it was becoming even warmer as she got excited. My tongue slid into her mouth as I used my fingers to enter her again, moving them steadily. She twitched and melted against my touch as our tongues intertwined.

  A sweet scent started evaporating off her skin, putting me into a trance-like state. My body felt as if it was moving on its own, every thrust with my fingers and every kiss on her lips, even the bite in her neck.

  I shook the feeling off and stopped sucking her blood, but kept my hand moving. She moaned and gasped as her body twitched around, her muscles contracted an
d I felt her release. Her weak hands came up and pushed me off her. Sylvana got up to her knees and pushed me over, tracing her long nails down my chest, leaving two lines of scarlet where she broke the skin.

  Her long, flowing hair seemed alive as it moved around her body with the playful wind. I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty more than anyone else in my life. Now only if I could get her sister on board. Heh. I might be way ahead of me, and if she knew, she might get mad. For now, though, I had more important matters on my mind like enjoying what was about to come.

  “Can I?” she asked but didn’t finish, instead leaned down and placed her hand around my rock-hard shaft. After getting mistreated by Lefrand for so many years, I would have thought her to be a bit tamer, but she didn’t hold back and leaned in further as her hand kept moving steadily, kissing the tip.

  Sylvana’s full lips pressed down as her tongue swirled around in circles. She started sucking in the rhythm of her moving hand, picking up on speed. Tingles ran down my spine as I felt her use magic to stimulate me along with the wind that played around with our bodies.

  “You’re—a naughty one after all,” I growled as she let go and slid her body along mine, then slowly mounted me, using her hand to guide the tip of my cock and rubbed it against her wet slit.

  “I never said I wasn’t,” she whispered. “If you treat me right, you’ll get to enjoy so much more,” she whispered and looked down into my eyes. “Maybe even Helena.”

  I smirked. It wasn’t hard to guess what might be on one’s mind after seeing Helena walk around with barely anything on. Sure, the dresses the two changed into during the travel came down to their knees, but the cleavages were quite deep and the slit in the dresses sides didn’t help much with hiding their long legs and shapely asses.


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