Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1) Page 4

by Izzy Williams

  I turn to Sophie. “Jack is here.”

  She looks over and waves. “Yeah it's his local, this place, he’s usually here.”

  I'd forgotten what living in a small village was like. It's hard to get away from someone.

  “Oh, he’s coming over.”

  I hadn't filled her in on the conversation I’d overheard on my first day, she didn't know there was any animosity between us, so it’s not her fault, and they are friends.

  I hear one of the girls say, “Hey Jack.”

  He glances over to them as he reaches us. “Hey girls.” He doesn't address one in particular.

  I can't help but notice how hot he looks. He’s wearing black jeans and a dark blue fitted shirt - he oozes confidence and swagger. This guy’s ego is the size of the pub. A hot motorcycle racer in a village like this? Jesus, I bet women just offer themselves up to him all the time.

  He turns back to Sophie and me. “So, you brought out the new girl.” He says to Sophie.

  “Yeah, I did, Robyn's one of us now, aren't you?”

  I smile at her, thank god for her. “Thanks Sophie.”

  I address him even though I don't want to. “Yeah, she’s been so welcoming since I got here, I don't know many people around here, so she’s been a lifesaver.” I give her a big smile and I hear Jack take a sharp breath in, I look over at him and catch him watching me strangely.

  He takes a swig of his bottle of beer but doesn't take his eyes off me. “It's real nice of you to mix with the poor people. Is it some sort of outreach programme?”

  Sophie gasps “Jack, don't be an arse, why would you say that?”

  “Oh, he has a problem with my existence honey, don't worry about it - I can handle it.”

  “Come on Sophie, she’s only here to spy on us so she can report back to Daddy.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I'm here because Sophie asked me to be and she doesn’t think I have an ulterior motive, she’s just aware I have no friends here and is doing a nice thing. Why am I not surprised that you think that about me?”

  “Come on, why else would you want to hang out here?” he snorts

  Sophie is just watching our exchange; she looks like she’s at a tennis match her head bobbing one way then the other.

  “You don't know anything about me, Jack.”

  His eyes flare and he gives a bitter laugh. “Oh, I know all I need to know.”

  “You know what - I came out to have a nice time and let my hair down with my new friends. I don't need you coming over and being mean.”

  Sophie speaks up “No, she doesn't - I think you better leave us to it if you can't be nice.”

  “Whatever,” He says taking a swig from his bottle again and walking off “just don't tell her anything that she’ll use against you on Monday.”

  I wish I had laser beam eyes superpower right now. I would laser beam his arse.

  I turn back to the three girls sat down, they're staring, looking gob smacked.

  I try to explain in as few words as possible. “Jack hates me. My father is the investor for his racing and has employed me to check on his investment. Which means basically I have to follow everyone around and report back to dad. Jack hates that. Sorry about that.”

  Grace shakes her head “Don't be silly, that’s not your fault. I’ve never seen Jack be so mean to someone. Cold yeah - if he’s finished with a woman and she doesn't get the memo - but never mean like that.”

  I laugh “Nice to know I bring the best out in him then.”

  We stay in the pub for a few hours before getting in a minibus to the club. I haven't seen Eli’s dad, which is a relief. The girls are really good company and Jack doesn't bother us again. Just knowing he’s there in the pub, it has me on edge . . . in a way I can't fathom. I can't help but be attracted to him. I recall last Saturday when we went for coffee, he was so nice, charming, and so sexy. I’d thought about him more than once after that; until I started work and realised who he was - but my body hums when he’s around, I feel like all my senses are heightened, which is crazy because we hate each other, right? But the more I have to drink, the more my body is taking over my mind. Admitting I find him physically attractive isn't a bad thing anyway, I’d have to be blind. He’s so mean, I could never like him in that way. But the physical reaction? That’s definitely real - not that I’d ever admit it to anyone.

  I haven't been in many nightclubs, having a child at twenty will do that for you. I did a little clubbing before I got pregnant, it doesn't look like anything has changed much, dark, flashing lights . . . loud. I go to the bar and order us a bottle of Prosecco again and glasses. I’ve had enough to drink, but I like the nice buzz it's giving me, and I haven't let myself go like this for, well . . . years. A good song comes on and as I wait for the bartender to come back with my order, I sway my hips to the music, humming along. I feel someone come up behind me and put a hand on my hip. His body is so close. I like the feeling.

  He leans down to say in my ear. “Throwing your cash around to make some new friends, are you?” and my body freezes, of course it's him.

  I spin around, our faces are almost touching. “Piss off Jack, leave me alone.”

  Obviously having had a lot more to drink at this point he leans into me; he puts his nose in my neck and breathes in deeply. “Hmmm, expensive perfume does make you smell fucking fantastic though.”

  I push him away from me and turn around back to the bar, collecting my drink and paying. I see the bartender look past me. “Jack! How are you doing? The usual?”

  Great, everyone loves him or sucks up to him . . . one or the other.

  I collect the bucket and motion for one of the girls to come and get the glasses and I move away from him without giving him another glance.

  It’s fun, we drink, we dance - I have a great time. I try to not think about the fact that Jack is here and just enjoy myself. My feet are killing me, these shoes look the business, but boy are they making me suffer. I leave the rest of the girls dancing and go over to our seats to give my poor feet a rest. I look at the time - 2 am . . . wow, I haven't stayed up this late in forever. Well, not a night that didn’t involve temperatures and stomach bugs. I'm quite proud of myself that I'm not past it yet, that I’ve made it to this time. I sip my drink watching the world go by. I got a text hours ago from mum to say that Eli had a fun night and is fast asleep, so all is good in my world. I lean my head back on the couch cushion and just close my eyes for a second.

  “Can't keep the pace up, huh?”

  I snap my head up . . . great . . . Jack. “If you've come to have another go at me just please turn around and go away.”

  He comes and sits next to me. “I just want to talk.”

  I sigh, he’ll have had considerably more to drink than the last time I saw him at the bar. I don't know that it's a good idea to talk to him. “What about?”

  He shrugs “I may have been a little hard on you tonight, I wanted to apologise.”

  I narrow my eyes at him trying to work out if he’s being sincere or not. “OK . . . you seem to have to apologise to me a lot.”

  “Yeah I do, you seem to bring out the worst in me.”

  “That’s what every girl wants to hear.”

  He chuckles “Sorry, maybe I was too harsh on you . . . maybe I have my own issues. I should get to know you better.” His eyes are hooded “You are gorgeous, you know.”

  I roll my eyes. “Jack, there are many girls in here that want to go home with you tonight, and I'm not one of them. Go and find one of the ones that were hanging off you earlier. Unless you've had them all before, which you probably have. Am I the only one in here that you haven't fucked?”

  He sucks in his breath “Hmmm . . . I like you saying the word ‘fuck’.” He leans into me “Maybe I want to fuck you. Maybe I’ve been watching you all night.”

  “So you can tell your friends you've had the rich bitch? The one you were warned not to have?” I have his number. He wants to have me so he can brag about
it and have one over on me and my dad. Well no way, maybe when hell freezes over.

  “You are a bitch, aren't you?”

  I smile fake sweetly at him. “What can I say? You bring out the worst in me.”

  He stares at me for a moment and the air around us goes thick.

  He growls “Fuck it.” The next thing I know his mouth is on me. And god, I know what I should do. I really do - but do I do it? No, I don't. Instead of pushing him away I groan and pull him into me as though I’ve never been kissed before. I think all the arguing must have awoken things inside me that have been dormant for a while. Passion is passion after all.

  He opens his mouth as I open mine and the kiss deepens, his tongue is in my mouth and his hand comes up to cup the side of my face, the tenderness surprising me amid such a fierce kiss. I fist his top, trying to bring him closer to me and he responds by moving into me, so he’s practically lied on me, kissing me with a hunger that scares and exhilarates me all at the same time. He slides his hand around to the back of my head and makes a fist in my hair. I moan. God this feels . . . good. My hand slides around his waist pulling him into me.

  He breaks off. “Fuck, Danish. You can kiss.”

  My breath is rapid, my pupils no doubt dilated. I’ve just been kissed how the female population deserves to be kissed every single time. He looks at my mouth and back up to my eyes. His thumb grazes my bottom lip, where it is swollen from the frantic kiss we've just shared. I don't say anything, I just stare at him in a daze.

  He’s just about to say something when someone walks over to where we’re sat - a man.

  He clears his throat.

  “Fuck off,” Jack says to whoever it is. He hasn't even looked away from me.

  “Robyn? Is that you?”

  I feel like I’ve been doused by a freezing bucket of water. It can’t be. I would have seen him in here before now. I look up and my heart sinks. “Bobby?”

  I straighten up, release Jack’s t-shirt that I was embarrassingly still fisting and straighten my top down. Jack sits up and faces him, eyeing him warily.

  “What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in years.”

  Is he for real? “Yeah, four to be exact. I don't want to talk to you.”

  “Come on, we have catching up to do.”

  “I don't want to, please just leave me alone.”

  He goes to say something, but Jack gets there before him. “You heard her . . . fuck off.”

  He looks between the two of us. “Are you two together?”

  I'm silent. Obviously, we’re not, but I want Bobby to think that we are so that he’ll leave me alone. Maybe Jack picks up on this, who knows, because he slides his arm around my shoulders. “She’s with me, yeah.”

  I silently thank him.

  Bobby nods and looks back at me. “We need a catch up though, right Robyn?”

  I go cold. He can't want to see Elijah now, can he? Shit. I sober up instantly.

  “I have nothing to say to you. If you need to contact me you know where my parents are, you've known all this time, but I haven't heard a thing from you. So if you want any contact now, you go through my dad.”

  “Maybe I will.” He said and nods to Jack and walks off.

  Jack turns to me. “Who's that guy?”

  I start to get my things together; I need to go home. “It doesn't matter, thanks for helping me out then.” I look at him, that kiss should not have happened - I just need to leave.

  “Is he the reason you left four years ago?” he asks

  I shake my head. “Not really, no - I’ve got to go.” I try to push past him.

  He grabs my hand as I walk past. “Whoa, slow down, you can’t leave on your own.”

  “Why not?”

  “It's not safe this time of night alone.”

  “Don't be silly, in this village? It's the safest place there is, I’ll get a cab - I’ll be fine. See you Monday.”

  I pull my hand free from his and make my way to the exit. Then I remember that I need to tell Sophie I'm leaving. I send her a quick text on my phone telling her something came up and step into the cold night air.

  I can't believe he was here. I hate him. I'm terrified of him, terrified that he’s going to want to see Eli. What right does he have now? I thought I’d done the right thing by Elijah coming back but have I made things worse? I'm going to get the best lawyer there is, I can't bear the thought of Elijah going to him for visits. I don't even know the guy. I can't do this.

  Why did I come back here?

  Chapter Seven


  That kiss. That fucking kiss, I can't get it out of my head. What possessed me? The God knows how many beers I had probably helped in the decision making, and she just looked so fucking hot in that lacy top and those fuck-me heels, those blue-green eyes looking at me with disdain.

  She certainly didn't act disgusted when my tongue was in her mouth. Why does she bring out the worst in me? I'm not an arsehole, but I sure am coming across as one to her. I sleep around, sure - but the girls know what they're getting into before I get into them. It's not my fault that they think they can change me, they think that they will be the one to change me into the perfect boyfriend, if only they knew from the beginning that they're wasting their time, I try to tell them. But her . . . she riles me up the wrong way, she’s privileged, her daddy gave her a job, she’s everything I dislike. So why am I finding myself thinking about her all the fucking time?

  Now I have the taste of her, the scent of her - which was some fantastic perfume. If she can kiss like that what else will she be good at? I don’t have to like her to fuck her, do I? I shake my head. There’s the arsehole coming out in you again, Jack.

  I walk into work, a little spring in my step because I know that she’s going to be there and squirming about what happened Saturday. I bet her daddy wouldn’t like that she kissed my face off in the middle of a nightclub. And what about that guy? Who the hell was he? He spooked her, she took off so quickly after she’d seen him, it was like she’d seen a ghost. Maybe she has a deeper past, one I’m interested to find out. I wonder if Sophie knows. I bet she wouldn’t tell me anyway. Still, wouldn’t hurt to have lunch with her, see what I can find out . . .

  I walk into the cafe area and find it pretty deserted - apart from her, she has her head down reading some paperwork, probably looking how much I spent on toilet roll last week or some other stupid shit. Its 11 am, Sophie will be in her office and everyone else will be in the pit. I need my coffee right now. I get it and then walk over to her taking a sip, nearly burning my tongue. “Morning, Danish.”

  “Stop calling me Danish.” She says with a scowl.

  “I can’t help it, Danish’s remind me of you now, after our first meeting.”

  She looks thoughtful “Yeah, back when I thought you were nice.” She doesn't say it meanly though, she looks like she’s being playful.

  “Yeah . . . then.” I smirk “May I?” I point at the empty chair at her table.

  She looks around. “All the other tables are free in here, why do you want to sit at mine?”

  “Is that how we’re starting Monday morning? After we had such a good time on Saturday?” Jesus Jack, reign it in, stop being a bastard - unless you want her to get up and walk out of here.

  “Fine, sit down and shut up. I wanted to talk to you anyway.”

  “Did I use too much toilet paper?”

  She looks baffled. “What?”

  I laugh, “Nothing . . . what’s up?”

  She checks around her to make sure there’s no one around. “We need to talk about what happened on Saturday night.”

  I lean back and put my arm across the back of the chair. “Do we?”

  If looks could kill. “Yes, I don't know what happened, but I know that it was wrong. Please don't do it again?”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Oh, so it was all me? Did you not participate at all?”

  She blushes - it’s so fucking cute. “I . . . I didn’t instigat
e it. You did - for some unknown reason. Can we please pretend it never happened, and make sure it doesn’t happen again?”

  I look at her for longer than I should. She is beautiful, she has such perfect features, and a little lonely freckle just below her right eye near her nose, I wished, if it was going to be my only chance, that I’d kissed it. Missed out on that one. I need to stop thinking about it because it's making me want to do it now.

  “Fine, I’m sorry - it shouldn’t have happened - I’d had a lot of beer and thought it was a good way to shut you up.”

  She scowls at me. “Fine. You can go now.”

  “I’m gonna sit here and annoy you I think.” I like winding her up.

  Just as she’s about to say something, Harry pops his head around the door. “There you are. Come on we need you; we need to go through the results of the findings on the last race.”

  I give Robyn a wide grin and wink at her as I walk towards Harry with my coffee. “OK boss, lead the way.”


  I check my phone . . . four already - I'm done here, I think.

  I’ve sorted through things with Harry, had a little test drive - nothing major - just to see if the tweaks had been fixed. I’ve just gotten off my bike and taking my helmet off when a little boy comes running up to me, he looks around three or four.

  “Wow, I like your bike.”

  I look around to see who he’s with, but I don't see anyone with him.

  I crouch down to talk to him “Who are you with little dude?”

  He doesn't take his eyes off my bike. “I'm with my grandad, he picked me up, we've come to see mummy - she works here. She normally picks me up but she’s working later tonight. I’ve just started a new school, do you like my uniform?”


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