Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1) Page 7

by Izzy Williams

  I’ve watched him on YouTube before but watching him live is so much different. On-screen is hot enough but watching him in real life . . . I can't explain it - the noise of the bikes - the obvious power they have. Why is it so hot watching him? I don't like that I'm thinking about him way too much. I need a dose of reality. I haven't been able to be just me in such a long time, just being ‘mummy’ for the last four years, that I think I'm letting it go to my head - here in this country where everything is foreign.

  Don't forget Robyn what he said about you.

  But that’s been sorted now, hasn't it? He’s been nice to me more times than he’s been mean, I mean I know we spar against one another but that’s just banter now. But there’s the fact that he’s an absolute manwhore that shags anything that moves and then bins them off afterwards. That is an important part of him and the reason I should stay well clear. Still, I'm sure he would be particularly good at scratching that itch I seem to have at the moment - one I haven't felt in . . . well ever.

  Chapter 10


  Once practice is over, we head off to the bar at the hotel, just for a quick drink then we get ready for dinner. We’re going out to a club later; all the teams go to one club and it turns into sort of a biker after-party meet-up. It's something that happens regularly.

  I decide to wear a new dress that I bought for the trip. I didn't have any nice dressy clothes so I went online and did a quick order - I found a gorgeous dress, it was so different than anything I’d ever chosen to wear before, it was really short and strappy, the material at the top was quite loose, a little like a vest top, but the bottom was girlie with small print, Grey coloured with small flowers. It has a multi-length flowy hem. Did I mention it was short? I had some tangerine coloured wedge heels and a tangerine bag that went with it. I did my hair down and wavy and put full makeup on. I looked in the mirror, I felt good . . . young. My eyes were shining, I don't feel like I’ve seen them do that for a while. I'm excited . . . I feel like being fun. I like this side of me, I thought she’d ran off, but she was still there - waiting for me to start living again.

  Sophie and I make our way down to dinner. I see her check her phone again. Come to think of it, she’d disappeared for a little while this afternoon. I'm wondering if that guy Rocco had anything to do with it - need to find out more on that.

  We walk into the restaurant area and look for the guys. I feel a few heads look in our direction - men’s heads, and it makes me feel good . . . empowered. We spot them and they turn to look at us as we make our way, but its Jack’s stare that I feel pulsating all through my body. I can feel his stare, how is that even possible?

  “Hey everyone,” Sophie says as we get close.

  Someone whistles, I think its Denny. “Jesus Christ, you two scrub up OK don't you?”

  I'm embarrassed and smile, Sophie links me. “Well, we’re young free and single, so who knows what the night will bring?”

  Jack speaks up “You both look gorgeous.” But he’s looking at me when he says it.

  “Thanks Jack.” I say and sit down.

  The meal goes by quickly in chat, banter and drink. The waitress is all over Jack - it makes me sick, she has no scruples whatsoever.

  We get it hun, you're into bikers.

  She makes it so obvious it pisses me off, but I don't want anyone to see it. Thankfully, we leave her and move on to a bar to have a drink before heading to the club. Harry comes to the bar, he has no intention of coming clubbing with us, he’s getting us a round in. He comes back with a big jug of sangria for Sophie and I, and a beer for each of the lads. I feel sorry for Jack and Denny - and the other guys really - they can't get drunk, Jacks riding every day apart from the Wednesday when we're due back, so it’s just Sophie and I that can do what we want. Ah well. Them’s the breaks.

  After a while, Harry says goodnight and Sophie wants to dance. I dance with her, but Jack’s gaze doesn't leave me, I know he’s watching me like a hawk. Topic’s ‘Breaking me’ starts to play, I love this tune. I get lost in it, but I can feel him watching me - I would say it was because he doesn't trust me, but I know it’s not that. There is hunger there. I'd be lying if I said it wasn’t affecting me. It is. I feel hot all over. It makes me feel confident - he wants me. I take the dancing up a notch, losing myself for a while.

  Moments later I feel him at my arm, he leans into my ear. “Can I talk to you?”

  Startled, I nod “Sure.”

  I walk off the dancefloor and he leads me to another part of the pub, away from our table, right at the other end of the bar. I frown at him. “What’s up?”

  “I thought I’d save you from yourself.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know that ‘fuck me’ dance that you were doing. It was going to get you into a lot of trouble.”

  Anger and disbelief flood me. “You have got to be kidding me!”

  He shakes his head. “Every fucking guy in the room was watching you . . . like you didn't know.”

  “I . . . I was just dancing. No one was watching.”

  He stares at me for a moment. “Jesus, you're telling the truth . . . you had no idea.”

  “No one was watching me. You stopped me from having fun.”

  “I stopped every guy in here from having fun. They'll all be jerking off thinking of you tonight, in that ‘please come fuck me’ dress and heels, looking like you do.”

  “You are horrible to me. Go away and leave me alone.”

  “I want to!” he shouts, “I don't want to be watching you all fucking night but for some reason, I can't take my eyes off you!”

  I'm silent, I get it, I feel drawn to him too when I don't want to be.

  He’s quiet when he says, “I want to kiss you.”

  He reaches his hand up and gently strokes my cheek, I close my eyes - his touch igniting my skin, making my body hum. “Actually correction, I want you to kiss me.” His voice is soft, I open my eyes, he’s looking at me as though I'm the best thing on the planet, it's like a drug, drawing me to him. I step forward so my body is flush with his and reach up to put my hand at the back of his neck, feeling the hair at the nape. Even with these high heels, he’s still way taller than me. I nudge his head so that he'll bring it down to mine. He doesn't need much nudging, his mouth is on mine. I dart my tongue out and lick along the seam of his lips, he groans and his arms close around me, he opens his mouth and his tongue brushes with mine, I feel it right in my core. I deepen the kiss, I feel his hands dig into my hips as though he’s trying to control himself. He tastes and smells divine . . . I get lost. I forget where I am, forget that I need to stay away from men like him, and just kiss. We both break off breathless, staring at each other. His hand comes up to cup my face, I love it when he does it, it’s a surprisingly tender move from someone I didn't think was capable of tenderness. If these are his moves, I can understand why women want more - he acts like everything means something. Those blue eyes stare into mine as though he can see into my soul. I have pretty much zero experience with men - maybe this makes me vulnerable to his moves, but god they don't feel like moves.

  “I shouldn't be kissing you.” I breathe.

  “Yeah that’s going around, I shouldn't be kissing you either but fuck me I can't resist.”

  “You're a good kisser.”

  He smirks “Thanks, I'm good at other things too.”

  I flush “I won't be finding that out.”

  “No?” He is so smug. “We’ll see.”

  He watches me. “Jeez relax, you've gone so tense. It was just a kiss OK? No harm done - I get it . . . I'm bad for you, I agree, I am. And you are bad for me. It's just a bit of fun - come on, let's go back to the others.”

  He grabs my hand to lead me back to the others, I love the feel of my hand in his - too much. I fleetingly wonder if it’s because I know I shouldn't go there that makes me want him more. We always want what we can't have, right? Or that’s the human way, but I’ve never been
like that. These last years with Eli I’ve never wanted anything more. I’ve been happy . . . until him.

  Just before we get back to the others, I pull my hand away, he looks back at me and smirks, knowing that I don't want everyone to see.

  We head to the club shortly after. It's big and airy - not like a normal club - I like it. Jack and the guys know lots of people here, mostly men, some women who look at Jack and Denny like they want to eat them for supper but look at Sophie and me with disdain. This is a meet up for bikers that happens every year, they come to Spain to chase the weather, it gives them a real practice run before the competition starts for real, so most of the people in here are the ones that he’ll be racing for real in a month or so.

  I see Sophie searching around for someone. “Looking for someone?”

  She laughs “Maybe someone said they'd be here tonight, maybe I’d like to see him again.”

  “He’s hot, and Sicilian with a sexy accent - I don't blame you - go for it!”

  “Yeah if he’s here, we will see. What about you, anyone catch your eye? I cant believe what went down at the track today - I noticed that Domenico was very entranced by you, you know that’s, like, Jacks arch-nemesis, right? They hate each other, they're both similar and their races are always so close. The way Jack acted when he mentioned you though . . . wow. Can't imagine what would happen if you actually showed an interest in Dom.”

  “It was really intense, it all happened so fast. You are interested in one of his team though, is that not the same thing?”

  She laughs “No, not at all, Jacks not interested in me - I'm like his sister, but it's not Domenico I'm talking to its just one of his team, it's different. They wouldn't be impressed if it was Dom.”

  “Nothing is going on between Jack at me.” I don't mention the kiss, we both decided that was a mistake.

  “We've all noticed something between you two, you hate each other one minute, next minute you're getting on like a house on fire. He can't take his eyes off you when you're in a room, and I honestly thought when you walked in tonight that his jaw was gonna drop on the floor like in a cartoon.”

  I laugh secretly loving that she thinks this. “Bad boy with a hatred for people with money and treats women like they're disposable? I don't think that’s my dream guy.”

  “Who needs a dream guy? You just need to have some fun and Jack was made for fun. As long as you know what it is and don't go into it thinking more, then what’s stopping you? You're young, gorgeous, single, and so is he. Have some fun. Just make sure that’s all it is, OK? He isn't capable of more than that. I’ve seen so many women think that they can be the one to change that. I’ve never seen it yet - they just get hurt. It's not his fault though, he makes it clear what he’s available for.”

  I think back to the kiss, how tender he was when he placed his hand on my cheek and the way he looked at me. I understand why women think that he means more than he does.

  Maybe I should have a little fun with him? If we both knew what we were getting into then maybe it would be alright. It's not like I’ll be working with him forever, I'm only with him this season. That thought makes me sad - not just because of Jack - but all the team, they're like a family and they've accepted me in, even though they know who my dad is, they accepted me for me and not my family name. I'm not sure I want to give that up so soon. I haven't had that in a long time. My brain right now knows it’s a mistake to do anything with Jack, but my body is crying out for that mistake to be made.

  I turn to Sophie “You want to go and talk to your guy?”

  She nods eagerly “Yeah, but will you come with me or it'll look totally obvious? I don't want to throw myself at him.”

  I nod and link her, the alcohol and atmosphere making me bold. Jack is with Denny and the rest of the lads in a booth in the corner. We walk over to the three guys that we were talking to this afternoon to say ‘hi’.

  Rocco spots her straight away, he nudges his friends. “Sophie! I'm glad you are here tonight. You must dance with me, yes?”

  She looks at me for approval and I nod, she looks back at Rocco. “I’d love to”

  That didn't take long, he is as keen as she is for sure. I look back at the other two, Dom is looking at me intensely, wow this guy is just a big bundle of smouldering intensity. I fleetingly wonder if he ever kicks back and has fun. I don't think so. I bet he would be a monster in bed though . . . domineering. Bloody hell, what is it with me tonight? I think I need to get laid soon; my vibrator obviously isn't doing the job.

  “Hi, can I get you a drink?” Dom asks

  I shake my head. “No its OK, I have one back at the table, thank you.”

  “You are beautiful.” He says leaning into me.

  I give him a polite smile. “Thank you.”

  “Are you Jack’s?”


  “Do you belong to Jack?”

  I know his English isn't particularly good, but it still sounds so wrong, but maybe a little bit excellent?

  Just as I'm about to shake my head, Jack is there beside me. Jesus, he’s like my shadow tonight. “Stay away from Robyn, Dom.”

  I turn to him. “Jack, we were just talking.”

  Dom holds his hands up and stares at Jack but doesn't say anything. The atmosphere between them is so thick. I need to do something. “Anyway, nice to see you Dom.” I grab Jack’s hand and pull him away.

  Once I get him away, I turn to him “What is that about?”

  He shakes his head, giving Dom the evils over my shoulder. “I fucking hate him. He knows how to push every one of my buttons and he seems to have his eyes set on you.”

  “So what if he has? It doesn't matter does it?”

  He stares at me and sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “I guess not.”

  I tug his t-shirt, “Come on, let's go back to the others.” I look around and Sophie and Rocco are kissing on the dance floor, she’s wrapped around him.

  We get back to the table just in time for a large tray of shots to be delivered. One of the lads, Craig, decides it’s time for a game of ‘never have I ever’. It’s gonna be a sobering game for me as I have lived a very sheltered life. At least I’ll win. With these guys, I'm sure it'll be an eye-opener.

  Craig stands first, holding a shot in his hand. “Never have I ever had sex with two women on the same night but not at the same time.” He says and knocks his shot back.

  Jack knocks his back, no surprise there, the other two, Gary and Jock, don't drink theirs.

  They laugh, Craig points at Gary, he stands up. He looks shy. I think if I wasn't there, he'd enjoy it a whole lot more. “Never have I ever gone down on a woman and been so drunk I had to run to the bathroom and throw up.”

  We all roar in laughter, no one else takes a shot. Just him then.

  Craig points at Jock, he stands up “Never have I ever had sex in a public place.” Everyone downs a shot that time, except me.

  I notice Jack giving me a curious glance. “What? Not everyone has had sex in a public place.”

  He shrugs and laughs. “My turn.” He stands. “Never have I ever had a threesome.” Of course he has. Denny knocks his back and Jock, only Gary and I were the odd ones out that time.

  “Come on Robyn, you're gonna be sober at this rate.” Craig shouts “Your turn.”

  Shit, what am I going to say? Why wasn't I thinking about this before it was my turn? Sod it, I might as well shock them. I stand up. “OK . . . never have I ever only had sex one time in my life and gotten pregnant.” I knock back my shot, scrunching my face up as it goes down. I look around at the guys and they're all staring at me.

  Denny says, “You have got to be kidding me?”

  I shake my head and laugh. “Pretty bad luck, huh?”

  “Fuck.” Craig says “That’s the worst luck in the world. So you've only ever had sex once?”

  I'm embarrassed now. All the others didn't get questions about theirs - why am I getting the Spanish Inquisition?

  “Fraid so - then Elijah came along nine months later and that was that.”

  Jack is staring at me, I can feel his gaze burning into me. Maybe that wasn't what he expected.

  “I feel like that is some sort of sin against nature Robyn, looking like you do.” Denny says laughing. Thank you Denny, for lightning the atmosphere.

  We stay for another hour or so then Jock and I decide to dance. I'm having the best time - the guys are so much fun. Sophie is nowhere to be seen, so she’s obviously somewhere getting herself some. As I walk on to the dancefloor in my drunken haze, I notice three girls watching me, they don't seem very friendly. I ignore them - sometimes girls can be that way. I dance with Jock and we have fun, purely platonic, being silly doing the ‘Macarena’. I lean into Jock who has some girl dancing close to him, showing an interest, “I'm going back to the guys for a drink.” He nods and gives me a wave.

  I head off and the three same girls block my path.

  “Excuse me.” I smile at them.

  “Aw, polite aren't you? Stuck up bitch.” They're English.

  “Can you let me past?” I try to manoeuvre around them.

  “We've seen you with Jack all night, you know I’ve had him, right? He wanted to come back for more too - but I'm not always available, you know? Don't know what you think you're doing - he’s not your type anyway.”

  “Jesus girls, get a life, get out of my way . . . now.”

  “Fucking bitch.” One of them says and throws a pint of cider all over me. I'm drenched and mortified. What have I done to these girls? Absolutely nothing. Girls can be mean. I’ve had it all my life. They decide I look a certain way and judge me before they even know me. Mum says it’s because of how I look - who knows. I shove past them and make my way to the table. I don't get far, Jack has seen the whole thing and is striding towards me. He grabs my hand and walks over to the women, not saying a word to me.


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