Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1)

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Rider Forbidden: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Badger's Mount Book 1) Page 11

by Izzy Williams

  “I think I should go.” I go to get up and wrap the sheet around me.

  He strides over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Hey, you OK?”

  I look up at him, god he’s gorgeous, those long lashes, those deep blue eyes. I'm gonna fall for him if I'm not careful.

  I smile. “I'm fine, I don't want to outstay my welcome.”

  He growls. “Fuck that.” He whips the sheet away from me so that we’re both stood together naked. “We have a lot of positions to get through.”

  My eyes widen. “What? No we don't.”

  “Come on . . . Let's not kid anyone here, we both know when you get home you won't be giving me the time of day. And that’s OK, I won't be heartbroken, but we might as well make the most of it while we're here - don't you think?”

  Is that what he thinks? Is he right? Maybe, but more because I don't want to cause trouble with him with my dad than not wanting anything to do with him - but then, isn't that what he wants? He doesn't do the more than one night in a row thing. But then wait a minute, he’s had two nights with me in a row. . .

  “I can stay a little longer . . .” I smile at him.

  “Good, you're on top this time Danish. A fantasy of you I can't get out of my head, so we need to check that one off.” He draws me in and kisses me, and I feel him hardening again between my thighs.

  Chapter 13


  The next day Sophie and I oversleep, we rush around to get ready and get to the track early. Jack was so lucky - both he and the bike are fine. They've replaced the exhaust which was the problem in the first place and now he’s good to give it a trial run again.

  The sun is shining, I decide on my denim cut-offs which I'd worn previously with a simple vest top and my converse, I had a panic this morning when I got out of the shower to see that Jack had left rather a distinct bite mark on my shoulder.

  I smile when I think of last night, it was so hot. Everything about it. I never knew sex could be like that. This trip has been a real eye-opener for me. Who knew that’s what I was missing all this time? So that I don't get grief from well . . . everyone - I tried to cover the bite with foundation as much as I can, did a fairly good job too - it's barely visible. I don't have anything left to wear that would cover it up so it's going to have to do, I just hope if someone notices it, they're gonna think it’s a birthmark or a mark they haven't noticed before. Who am I kidding? It's totally obvious.

  Sophie and I need a catch-up. I came back to my room around 2 am - Sophie was fast asleep. We didn't have time to do anything this morning other than rush around and get dressed. We've grabbed a muffin and a coffee from the breakfast buffet and just got in a cab.

  She turns to me. “So come on . . . spill.”


  “Come on, where were you last night when I got in?”

  I blush. “I . . .” I decide to tell her the truth - I need someone to talk to, I can't keep all this bottled inside. I'm feeling and experiencing things I’ve never experienced or felt before and I need to share.

  “Sophie, I think I’ve done something really stupid.”

  “Says every single girl ever born, when they go on holiday to Spain . . .”

  I laugh, she’s so right. “It’s Jack.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You went there didn't you? I warned you. He shagged you and binned you off.”

  “What? No . . . well, yeah to the shagging part, but he didn't bin me off, he wants to spend the night with me tonight. He wants us to go for dinner just the two of us, then he wants me to spend the night with him in his room.”

  “Er, this is Jack we’re talking about, right?”

  I nod. “I like him Sophie. I don't want to. I know in my head it has to be just sex, that’s all he’s capable of, right? And my dad, Jesus if my dad found out, he doesn't think much of Jack as it is - so if he found out that something had happened between us, he would lose it. Dad and I - we have our issues, he won't listen to me, so nothing can ever come of this - dad would ruin things for Jack, for all of you - it would take you forever to find another investor and you'd miss the season.”

  “It doesn't sound like Jack though - the Jack I know doesn't go back for more. Which makes me think he likes you too.”

  “Either that or I'm available right now, and convenient?”

  She shrugs. “Could be that I'm not gonna lie, but he wants to take you for dinner? Like a date? That’s weird, that doesn't sound like him. Plus, everyone is gonna know that you two are disappearing together.

  I give her an embarrassed look. “It seems like everyone knows there's something going on between us anyway - I don't think it would be much of a shock - turns out we've been making it pretty obvious.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Harry and the other guys said something last night - they said that they've noticed things. I denied it though - plausible deniability for them - if something went pear-shaped. They must have warned Jack against me. They must be worried. Christ though Sophie, I can't seem to stop myself.”

  “Are you going to see him tonight then?”

  I nod. “I just want to be Robyn for one more night, I'm missing Elijah so much and I'm so excited that I get to see him tomorrow, but for my last night, I just want to be young single Robyn, you know? This holiday/work thing, whatever it is, has made me realise that I need to be this Robyn once in a while, and I feel like its Jack that’s brought that out in me. I like the me I am when I'm with him - I'm fun and carefree. Not sensible all the time.

  She laughs. “Well you're definitely not being sensible.”

  I roll my eyes “I know right. But what I told you, that I didn't have any experience in the bedroom department - well not much anyway - well Jesus, Jack knows his way around - I never knew - never knew it could be like that.”

  “Ew, that’s like you're talking about my brother. I'm glad you finally got laid properly though hun, it certainly was a long time coming!”

  I nudge her. “Anyway, what about you? Fill me in on the tall dark mysterious Sicilian.”

  She shakes her head. “Ah, it’s just sex. Hot naughty sex, but just sex. Nothing will come of it, but I’ve sure had a good time while I’ve been here.”

  “But won't you see him again, at the track in the UK?”

  She shrugs. “Maybe we’ll cross paths, we’ll see. I'm not reading anything into it though.”

  We arrive at the track and make our way to the pit where the crew are.

  Denny spots us. “Ah, you two decided to grace us with your presence.” He checks his watch. “What time do you call this?”

  Jack turns around and his eyes land on me. “Hey.” He says softly.

  Denny's eyes flip to Jack.

  Jack strides over to us both, he grabs my hand and pulls me away. I look back at everyone watching as he pulls me behind the coffee shop area, where there’s only us two. He guides me up so that my back is against the wall, he puts his hand on my hip and leans in to kiss me. He puts his other hand on my neck, his thumb stroking my jawbone. I kiss him back. Its gentle, soft. The kind of kiss with a future in it. I lift my hand to put it on his.

  “Hey.” I breathe.

  “You agreed to go out with me tonight - do you remember?”

  I nod, eyes wide. “I remember.”

  “I can't think of anything else but spending time with you again, alone.”

  He kisses me again and then releases me. “Come on we better get back. I just wanted to say hello properly.” He looks down at my shoulder. “Fuck, did I do that?”

  I raise my eyebrows at him as if to say, ‘who else?’.

  He laughs and kisses the bite mark. “Sorry baby.” He whispers which sends shivers all through my body. He’s like a drug. A drug that I can't get enough of - just counting the hours until my next fix.


  “Come for a walk with me?” Jack asks as he holds my hand across the table. We’ve had our meal, Jack’s paid and we’re just about to leave.
  I nod and get up. He stands up and holds his hand out for me to take it. This has been the perfect date. He’s been such good company, we've had fun, it's so easy with him, he’s so easy to like. I see the looks he gets, women watch him when he walks through a room - but he hasn't given anyone a second glance tonight - he’s been all mine, all for me. So attentive.

  “So, you spoke to Elijah tonight?”

  I nod, “Of course, he wants to know if Jack is looking after me.” I laugh.

  He raises his eyebrows. “How’d that come about?”

  “Oh he thinks you’re a bloody superhero, that’s how. He has you up on a pedestal - you can do no wrong.”

  “He’s a good kid. You're a great mum, I’ve seen you with him, such a natural.”

  I warm all over. “That’s actually one of the nicest things anyone could ever say to me.”

  “Well I mean it, and see I told you I can be nice.”

  “Yeah well, when you want to get in my knickers.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me. “I thought that was a sure thing?”

  I bat him on the arm and we carry on walking.

  “Shall we head to the beach?”

  I nod and let him lead me there. “You know, you're pretty good company when you want to be.”

  He stops and turns towards me. “You make it easy for me to be good company.”

  He leans forward and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “Come on we’re nearly there.”

  We reach the seafront and start walking down the promenade - it’s a beautiful night and the sun is setting - it’s perfect, romantic even. Even though romance is supposed to be out of the equation - and this, between Jack and I, can never be anything - this is probably the most romantic night of my life - how ironic.

  We walk for a while - happy that I put my comfortable wedges on with my white dress, until we notice the sky going dark.

  I look up. “Its gonna rain I think, how is that possible? It was so sunny a couple of minutes ago.”

  I don't get a chance to speak again before a loud clap of thunder sounds overhead, so loud it makes me scream. The next minute the rain starts pouring, like a bucket is being thrown over us, it's coming down so fast. The sky suddenly lights up with the lightening. This storm is coming in fast.

  I look at Jack and he’s grinning. “I fuckin’ love thunderstorms. Come on.” He grabs my hand and runs towards the beach. We run laughing as the rain starts pouring down on us. It's coming down so heavy as we run, we can hardly see in front of us.

  Suddenly Jack pulls me to a stop.

  “Come here . . . you're fucking gorgeous.” His mouth is on mine, never have I ever had a moment like this before. Pouring rain drenching us through to the skin, a gorgeous man with his arms around me . . . wanting me - and I want him so much. Sod the consequences right now. He’s mine for tonight. I reach up and wind my arm around his neck deepening the kiss. Our tongues meet and I almost feel like the lightning has struck me. His hands reach up to cup my face, rain dripping off us both. It feels sensual. Feelings that I thought had long been buried come rushing to the surface.

  “Jack, can I ask you something?” I say breathlessly into his mouth.

  A loud clap of thunder deafens out his response. He repeats “Yeah.”

  “If we weren't who we are - do you think you would want more from me?”

  A look crosses over his face that I can’t read. “I know I would. And believe me baby, that comes as much of a shock to me as it does to you. Monogamy isn't my style.”

  His admission makes me want him more. “I want you Jack.”

  “Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? Come on.”

  We speed walk to the beach, watching the rain pelt down on the ocean and bounce off, the waves crescendoing higher than ever.

  We walk around the cove towards a deserted area, the sea is right out, so we aren't in any danger. The rain doesn't look like its letting up any time soon. The roads have started to flood now, I’d heard about heavy rains that you can get in Spain, but I’ve never seen anything like it. Back home we don't know what a storm is compared to this.

  He pulls me around and leans me against the rock. We’re secluded here and I'm not wasting any more time. I pull his wet t-shirt towards me and lift it, so he lifts his arms. I throw it on a nearby rock and look at him. He’s perfect. His body in perfect physical shape - abs so defined that he has eight, not six. I feather touch his scars, scars that make him who he is, his injuries from racing. I reach my head down and lick his peck, then move further down, licking his nipple, taking it into my mouth and lightly grazing my teeth on it.

  He sucks in a breath. “Jesus Christ, Robyn”

  I could worship him all day. His hand comes down to the back of my head as I go lower and lower. I reach the waistband of his jeans. I want in there now. I’ve never done it before, but I know I want to do it now. I want my mouth on him.

  I start to unfasten his belt. He moves my hands away and finishes the job, his jeans now soaked through are hard to unfasten, he shoves them down to his hips. He doesn't have underwear on. His cock springs free, and it's just as magnificent as the rest of him. I lick my lips and get on my knees. My hair is clinging to my face now, I look up at him.

  He groans. “Have I died and gone to heaven? Is this fucking happening right now because I feel like I’ve zoned out?”

  I smile and reach up to hold his cock. My hand moves up and down his shaft. I watch pre-cum glisten at the end and I bend my head to lick it away, taking the head in my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. His hands come to my face to move my hair back, so he can watch me. I lift my eyes to look at him and take him all in my mouth slowly, sucking as I do. He throws his head back and groans. This is such a turn on - seeing what I'm doing to him. I hope I'm doing it right, but with the way he’s acting, I think I'm doing OK. I work his cock again, back in and out, using my tongue, my lips, and my hand. I use my other hand to knead his balls.

  “Fuck . . . yeah . . . shit, you're good at this baby, oh god . . . yeah . . . “

  The thunder claps loudly above us. I want to carry on, but I want more all at the same time. The lightning blankets the sky and lights it up bright as day.

  “Stand up Robyn.” he gasps.

  I release him from my mouth, throbbing, I want him in me - so badly. I stand up to full height, which takes me to just up to his shoulders, I grab the hem of my dress and pull it off over my head, leaving me in my underwear. There is no one around, the place is deserted. I want him so much I can't even think straight. Reaching behind me I unclasp my bra and shrug it off letting it fall to the floor and then shimmy out of my knickers.

  I get down onto the sand. I don't say anything, I sit up on my hands and bend my knees, opening my legs, inviting him . . . waiting for him.

  He is stood over me, looking down at me with his eyes hooded. He reaches behind him for a condom, rips open the packet and slides it on, still watching me, his eyes raking up and down my body - pure hunger in his eyes. “Do you have any fucking idea how off the scale sexy you are? No wonder you have me in fucking knots. Never in my life have I met a woman like you.”

  He bends down and covers me, falling between my legs. It's still raining, making this all the more sensual. All my senses are heightened to the fullest right now. How do I not remember this moment for as long as I live, here on this beach in the rain with this beautiful man? I'm living - living life to the fullest right now - right alongside him.

  His head lowers to take my breast in his mouth. “I love your tits - they're perfect - I want to suck, lick and play with them all day long.” He grumbles, more to himself than anything.

  I feel liquid pool between my legs, I'm so turned on. I would do anything he asks of me right now.

  He looks down at me and then his mouth is on mine, his tongue in my mouth. I brush my tongue against his and grab his head, pulling him into me as I lift my hips - trying to get him inside me. He grants my wish when I feel him at my entranc
e - but teasing me, he holds back.

  The rain is loud, but I hear him when he asks “What do you want Robyn?”


  “What do you want? Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you.”

  His eyes darken. “What do you want me to do to you?”

  “I want you to fuck me, hard.”

  He smiles. “There’s my girl.”

  He slides inside me, withdraws, and then surges in hard. We fuck. He moves in and out of me, quickly . . . forcefully . . . exquisitely.

  I feel so hungry for him, I can't get him deep enough. I'm covered in sand at this point, I don't give a shit. I want him to go harder and harder.

  “You feel so good. I don't want this night to end.” I pant, letting all my barriers down.

  “It ends when I say it ends.” His voice breaks, “Oh fuck, Robyn.”

  “I'm close Jack . . . oh god, yeah…”

  “I want you to scream my name when you come.”

  “What if someone . . .”

  “There’s no one fucking around, the rain is so loud no one would hear you anyway. Scream for me, please.”

  That’s not going to be hard. I feel it building inside me, I clench my muscles in readiness of my orgasm taking over every part of my body and scream out. “Jack, oh, harder . . . god, yeah.” I'm loud and it feels so freeing to be able to do that.

  He groans and grunts as he thrusts into me hard, quick, losing any rhythm. “Yeah, Robyn. I love hearing that.”

  I come, I see stars. “Ahhh yes, Jack yes!” I shout out as I ride it out, I feel him stiffen and hear him groan loudly. Wow, who'd have thought it would have been so good being loud. It's freeing. I want to do it again!

  He moves in and out of me slowly as his breath evens out, then slides out of me and stands up. He fastens himself back into his jeans and looks around the rocks. He finds my dress and passes it to me. We don't speak but we don't take our eyes off each other. It's not an awkward silence, it's an amazing silence - if that’s possible.


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