by Amy Rose
“I was about to send out a search party for you” he laughs. Closing the linen closet behind me, I offer him the tea towel, extending it in between us.
“No need, you found me. Sorry again for running into you Mr. Sands, I seem to do that a bit don’t I?”
As I make an effort to walk past him, his arm snakes out and takes one of my hands in his, stopping me in my tracks. Was he going to kiss me again? I’d be up for that, “Angela, I would prefer if you used my first name, my friends call me Elliot, only my employees use my last name.” At his choice of words, I can’t help myself, I burst into laughter. He looks at me with questions written all over his expression “what’s funny?”
I shake my head. “Oh Elliot. Technically, come Friday I am your employee.” he looks at me for a moment and with comprehension washing over him, he joins in laughing too.
After a minute or two our laughter dies down. “I guess you are right Angela. You are technically my employee, a freelance contractor, if you will. However, you are the first employee I have ever kissed.” He turns around and heads towards the kitchen. I follow him still dazed at his confession, when I enter behind him he has already picked up one of the plates and was in the process of drying it. Fancy that, a millionaire standing in my kitchen, hand drying dishes.
I take my place beside him and drop my hands back into the warm soapy water to pick up the wine glass that had dropped. “Don’t even think about it unless you want me to wet your shirt again.” It should have sounded menacing. I’m sure he was trying to. If it had been Dylan standing here beside me, that threat would have had me cowering in the corner, but from Elliot it seemed like almost a dare. One I wouldn’t go through with, but oh how I wanted to if it led to another kiss.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, boss” I shot him a quick smile and saw that he was smiling too.
“So, you have some sort of policy preventing personal relationships with employees?” I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to know where we stood. Why did I just ask that, now he is going to think I’m seeking out a relationship with him.
“Something like that” he answered, “My father always told me to keep work at work and home at home, so I don’t mix the two.”
“That makes sense.” What did that mean for us? Would we kiss again? I couldn’t believe that my libido was telling me that I wanted to.
His next words break the silence. “I haven’t before, anyway.”
I decide to let that comment go without a retort, we finished washing the dishes in quiet, I let the water out of the sink and returned all the dried items back to their homes in the cupboards. “Would you like to have some dessert now?” hoping very much that he would stay for a little while longer. Elliot pulled up his sleeve and looked at his beautiful watch, checking the time.
“I should probably get going, let you get some sleep. We both have work tomorrow, then a flight to catch just after lunch Friday so it’s going to be a busy couple of days.”
I am shaken with just how disappointed I feel that he was heading out. “Want to take a couple of cannoli for the road?”
He nods his head, “sounds good to me” I pull the desserts out of the fridge and find a container for Elliot to carry them home in, holding it out to him once they are safely inside, his hands taking it in their firm grip, brushing my fingertips in the exchange.
Turning towards the door he follows closely behind me, “I’ll be at the house most of the day, but I might drop by tomorrow. Would that be okay with you, Angela?”
I open the door and without second guessing myself, plant a soft, quick kiss on his cheek. “I’ll be at work till 5:00 pm, but after that I should be home. Let me know.” Watching him step outside and walk down the hallway I close the door and stare at the blank hard timber surface.
Tonight did not go at all like I expected. I learned new information about his business. I opened up a little about myself and most importantly and most memorable was the part when he kissed me. I lift my hand to my mouth, running my thumb over my lips, where his lips had been such a short time ago.
I don’t know what is going to happen next. There is one thing I now know for certain; I am so excited to see where this was going, and I hope that I will see him tomorrow.
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
Work on Thursday is fairly uneventful, more than likely due to the weather outside. Instead of sunshine it’s horribly dreary. Weather that you just don’t want to be anywhere in and which meant the rain kept most people indoors. It’s unlike the normal weather for this time of year. Looking at my calendar, I am thankful that I don’t have any onsite appointments today. I am someone who doesn’t enjoy being caught in the rain, and the wind, ugh, I feel my temper flare if I’m out in the wind for even a minute. I look around my office and am insanely grateful I am in here, warm and out of the nasty weather outside.
I keep myself busy with getting up to date, knowing that I would only be here for a few hours tomorrow. I tidy up my desk, shredding some confidential information that was no longer needed. By the time lunch comes, I’m famished. I skipped breakfast this morning in order to get in early, and get a jump start on the work ahead of me.
I enjoy some tasty leftovers for lunch, thanks to Elliot’s catering for ten people last night. James pops in, no doubt after the smell of the chicken parmigiana heating up wafted out to his desk. “That smells great. what’s on the menu today, Ange?”
Smiling at him, I answer “chicken parmy, margherita pizza, and seafood marinara. I’ve got too much to get through myself. Want to join me?” I wave my hand over each of the items as I say them out loud.
Pulling out the seat beside me he takes up position. I can almost see him salivating. “I’ll help you get through it, Snow White. Don’t you worry a second about that.”
Once I have retrieved the last dish from the microwave, I set them in front of us. James makes short work of the seafood pasta. As he picks up a piece of pizza he asks the question I hoped he wouldn’t. “So with all of this food left over, you either had a party I wasn’t invited to, or perhaps, did you have a date last night?”
I almost choke on my mouthful of chicken. Reaching out for my bottle of water, I have a sip, and swallow, glad that I got through that without coughing. “What makes you think that? I could have cooked all of this.”
He snorts in response, “Ange, c’mon it’s me you’re talking to. I know you don’t have the skills to make all of this.” Pointing to his near-empty container of pasta, he had a point. I couldn’t have cooked this banquet that was in front of us, even if I wanted to.
I figured the truth with a lack of details would work. “Well, since you’re insistent on knowing, a friend was in town, and since they were heading off today, I scored the leftovers. Its good food, hey?” I hoped that he wouldn’t press any further.
“A friend, hey? Someone from your past maybe?” I just look at him, enjoying my pizza. I’m not going to answer this. If I stay quiet for long enough, he will continue. He raises his eyebrows and continues. “It sure is good food. Where is it from?”.
“Vinnie’s Italian. Do you know it?”
Taking a bite of his pizza, he stays quiet for a moment, concentrating on swallowing his pizza. “Yeah I know it, I took a girl there a couple of months back.” I raise my eyebrows, he sees it and continues. “I had to take someone, since you keep ducking my invitations. The food was great. I didn’t order any of these items, though, so it’s good that I’m trying them now. I’ll definitely be going there again.” He takes a swallow from his water bottle.
“And how did the date go, then?”.
“Are you jealous? The conversation was terrible. I haven’t contacted her since”.
Jealous, me jealous? Of James going on a date? Certainly not, I’m glad that he has finally gotten the hint, well I think he has; he is looking at me expectantly, he wants an answer. “Of course I’m not jealous, James. I’m glad you went on a date. I’m surprised you haven’t been snapped up by now. I’m telling
you, it’s only a matter of time.”
He looks at me, smiling. “I could have told you that. What is it Jenny said to me the other day, all of the good ones are either gay or taken. I’m not either.” He continues to eat. I want to get away from where this conversation is heading. I can feel the mood shifting. Time to get onto safer waters.
We continue to eat in silence for the next few minutes. When we are finished, I stand up to grab the cleaning cloth from the sink. When I return, James clears his throat. I look at him expectantly. Please don’t ask me out again I think to myself. “So, I heard you’re leaving early tomorrow. Big plans for the weekend?”
I wipe down the table with the damp dishcloth, picking up the empty containers with my other hand. “Yeah, heading out of town for a couple of days. How about you?” Tapping his fingers on the table in front of him, he looks up at me.
“Cool, I haven’t gone out of town for a while. Enjoy yourself. Nothing much here. Got an open house on Saturday, then I might go for a hike or something on Sunday if the weather is good. Thanks for letting me share your lunch, Ange.” And with that, he walks out the door. It’s one of the things I love about James. He never digs too deep. He lets me keep my own secrets.
Returning to my desk, I check my phone. I’m surprised that I haven’t heard from Elliot all day. He had mentioned that he was going to contact me sometime today. I was secretly hoping he might want to see me, too. However, so far nothing. My mind floats to him, what he must be doing. He must be keeping busy with his new project, meeting contractors possibly? No text messages or missed calls. I am a little sad that he hadn’t messaged me this morning, or called me at lunch. Then again, why would he?
He had been a constant companion to my thoughts today. Remembering last night’s dinner and the kiss we shared, that mind blowing kiss. The heat that filled me when his lips touched mine, the burning sensation left on my lips; he has the ability to light me on fire, a fire that I don’t think I have the ability to put out if it gets out of control.
Deep down I know that I shouldn’t get attached. After this weekend, I wouldn’t see him again for quite some time, and even then, it would only be for a day here, or two days there, to discuss the renovation of Belle Meade Homestead. That will be the only reason for him to contact me. He would be busy in New York running his company and living his life, while I will he doing the same here in Nashville, hundreds of miles away.
I feel a lump form in my stomach, why am I giving so much thought to this? I know immediately why: I’m falling for him. Somehow, he has gotten under my skin, and I don’t know if I can get him out. That kiss took things to a different level. He isn’t just someone who is handsome, athletic, confident, successful. No, he is also the man who kissed me, who makes me burn for him.
Hearing Valerie’s voice saying goodbye to someone drifting in from outside my office, helps me to shake my head, clearing the foggy thoughts of Elliot. Looking at my simple gold watch on my wrist. I understand why. Most of the agents headed off around 3:00 pm due to the office being so quiet. I could also head off, if I wanted to. I stand up from my desk and see Jenny. “Which of us are still here?”
She turns to look at me. “Just you and James.”
I nod “Okay, I’ll stay.” I wander back into the office and pull up the latest email from Sandra. Once complete, I read another, and another. This afternoon is going to go so slowly.
It’s quiet for the remainder of the afternoon. I start shutting down my computer for the evening. As I bend down to open my bottom drawer I hear the office door bell ring, indicating someone had entered. I groan inwardly to myself. Really? This time of night? I close the drawer and sit in my seat, just in case it’s a seller needing to speak to an agent. Jenny knocks on my office door twice. A moment later I see her head poke in through the door she just opened. Her cheeks are pink. This should be interesting. “Ah, Angie. I have a Mr. Sands in reception asking if you’re still here. What would you like me to tell him?”
My mind quickly goes blank. Why was he here? Since I hadn’t heard from him all day, I figured he would want to either call or meet me back at my place, or possibly at the restaurant at The Hermitage. The butterflies start to flap their wings in my chest. He is here, to see me. A small smile forms on my lips. “Did he say what he wanted. Jenny?”
Shaking her head, she continues, “Not exactly.” She takes her bottom lip in between her teeth.
“Well?” I ask.
“He told me that you would be expecting him today.” She lifts her eyebrows. It is so obvious she wants me to tell her what’s going on.
“Give me two minutes and then show him in.”
She nods “Sure thing. Oh, and Ange. He is pretty good looking, isn’t he?” I shrug my shoulders, pretending I hadn’t noticed. As if that was even remotely possible. I mean literally, it was impossible to look at him and not see how breathtakingly handsome he was. “Come on, surely even you, Miss Angela White, think he is hot?”.
I smiled and looked up at her. “I’m not completely immune to good looking men, you know, Jen. I may not date, but I look. So yes, I noticed.”
Smiling at my response, she turns and walks back out of my office door. As soon as the door closes, I bend down and pull my handbag out. I quickly locate my lip gloss and apply a thin coat to my lips, rubbing them together. Next I pull out my perfume from the bottom of my handbag and spray just once onto my wrist, then to my neck, throwing it back in my bag. I then run my fingers through my hair hurriedly, then shaking it to give it volume. Once complete, I position myself in my seat, behind my desk, picking up a random contract from my desk and opening it to a random page, then taking a pen in my hand. This could work. To anyone else, it would look like I’m busy.
I look up when I hear two quick knocks on my office door. “Come on in Jenny.” As the door opens, I inhale a shallow breathe. It wasn’t Jenny standing in the doorway. No it was most certainly not Jenny.
“Nope, it’s just me. Jenny said I could come in.” His voice is rich, his smile warm and friendly, his eyes wide open and looking directly at me.
I wave him over. “Indeed, you’re not Jenny. Come in Mr. Sands. Take a seat.”
I stand as he approaches my desk, and offer him my hand. He takes it in his own and lifts it to his mouth, kissing my middle knuckle once. I feel the blush forming on my cheeks. I raise my free hand to my cheek as he releases my hand and sits down in the seat directly opposite me. He gets himself comfortable, lifting his right leg to cross his ankle over his knee, his arms lay loose on the arm rests, his eyes never leaving my own. “I take it this is a pleasant surprise?”
I sit down in my own recently vacated chair. “Of course it is, Elliot”.
“It sure is nice to see you again, Angela. I thought I would drop by and see if you wanted to have a coffee to discuss our travel arrangements for tomorrow?”
I was interested to find out which airline we would be traveling on. “Sure, yeah we can do that, I was just about to leave anyway. Do you have somewhere in mind that I can meet you?”
He answers straight away. “There will be no need to meet me anywhere. I thought we would go together. Nashville is your home turf after all. Do you happen to know of any good cafes?”
I am acutely aware that he still hasn’t broken eye contact with me, as if breaking eye contact would somehow break the spell he has over me. I really should look away, but how can I when the eyes before me are breathtaking?
Here inside my office they are a lot darker shade of blue then yesterday in my apartment, reminding me of the great depths of the oceans. And how can I forget that he had just mentioned us together as “we.” How I loved the use of that word. It shouldn’t have this kind of effect on me, but it does, delusional as I am. I can enjoy it while it lasts, after all, the next three days are all I am going to get, so might as well live in a fairy tale land.
I feel a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. I can do this, I can take control, handle these feelings, keep them at bay,
be professional. After all, he is just another client. I open my bottom drawer and retrieve my handbag and phone, closing the drawer again and stood up. “Sure, shall we go now? There is a reasonably good café around the corner.”
He shoots me a seductive grin. “I’ll go anywhere with you.” I almost drop my handbag. I know my mouth drops. I try to cover it up with a pretend sneeze. Real smooth Angela, like that was convincing, I say to myself as we walk out of my office.
I wave to Jenny on my way out “I’m off now, Jen. Remember, I’m only in for a few hours tomorrow. I’ll be leaving for the day at lunchtime.”
She holds her forefinger up at me while checking her computer, “I just rechecked and you have no appointments at all tomorrow, and your first one on Monday isn’t till four in the afternoon.”
Slipping my scarf around my neck I look toward the door. “Thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yes, you will. See you, Ange.”
“Thanks for showing me in, Jenny.” Elliot’s voice comes from so close that I can feel his warm breath against my ear. It takes everything in me not to move.
“You’re welcome, Mr. Sands. Have a lovely evening.”
“Oh, I shall,” he says, placing his palm on the small of my back. “Should we go?” he asks. I nod and walk ahead of him, wanting to get out the door and away from prying eyes as soon as humanly possible.
As I step outside the office, I am thankful that the rain had eased almost completely. I didn’t need to pull my collapsible umbrella from my handbag. Elliot and I walk in silence for a couple of minutes. I need the quiet time to try and wrap my head around what is going on. What was that back at the office, acting all boyfriendy, putting his hands on me? Doesn’t he know what that does to me? I almost melt on the spot when he talks to me, come to think of it; some of the looks he gives me almost have the same effect.