Curse of a Dragon's Claim

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Curse of a Dragon's Claim Page 9

by Ciara Lake

  Carefully, he worked his way from her waist up, closing her gown. A shiver rushed up her spine. “You fear me?” Clayne asked close to her ear.

  Arianna shook her head. “No, it wasn’t a shiver of fear.” She turned to look at him.

  “Oh.” Clayne kissed her neck.

  Arianna moaned, leaning back into him.

  “Arianna?” He laved her neck with a series of kisses. “You taste delicious. I could spend hours, no days, just devouring you.”

  “Hmmm? Should I worry about that?”

  He kissed her shoulder. “No, my bride, I want to experience you over and over again.”

  “That feels nice.” She tilted her neck, fully submitting to him.

  “Arianna, I’m perplexed. I thought you said I’m a snake, and I’m not a male.” His voice was tight on the word male. “Now you like my attention?”

  “I said you’re not a man. And I think a serpent’s an accurate statement. I guess you’re not a snake, really.” Arianna turned her head to look him in the eyes and glimpsed a hint of sorrow within their depths. “I want to be mad at you, but I’m finding it difficult.”

  “The ‘I’m not a man’ part really pisses me off,” he curtly responded. His kisses stopped.

  Arianna turned in his arms to kiss his jawline. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled his mouth down to meet hers.

  “The being a dragon part really pisses me off,” Arianna replied. “You’re awfully sensitive for a scaly creature. I would have thought you’d be tougher. Are you sure you’re not a warlock who conjured some wings just to impress me?” Arianna teased. “No, I guess you’re not tough.” She shrugged.

  “I’m a dragon, not a warlock, who, by the way, I happen to know are to be avoided, and I’m tough enough.”

  “Do you see why I might have a hard time with this, husband? I’m not really sure what to believe. But I can’t seem to resist you when you’re this close. I’m certainly under your spell. I don’t want to think too hard about it.” Arianna ran her fingers through his hair, releasing it from the queue. His hair was silky to the touch, it smelled clean and fresh. “I like the feel of your hair. It looks like a halo when you stand in the sun. Perhaps you’re a fallen angel?”

  “No, I’m not an angel.” He grinned. “Like I said, I’m a dragon. We’re fated mates. This pull of desire is as it is between mates. It’s hard to resist each other.”

  “Do you want to resist me?” Arianna stepped back to look up at him.

  “No, not anymore.” Clayne took her mouth with his, preventing her from asking another question. He tasted fresh, like mint. His mouth hot, his kisses heated her. He picked her up in his arms, taking her to the edge of the bed.

  Arianna pulled back from him. “You did?”

  “I did what?”

  “You tried to resist me? It didn’t seem like you tried very hard.”

  “Yes, before I met you I tried.” Holding her in his arms, he kissed her deeply.

  Arianna felt his cock grow while he was pressed against her. She wanted him. The need to feel his thickness within her, pounding against her, raced through her mind. She shared the imagery with him. He growled deeply.

  “If anyone is perplexed, I am, Clayne MacDagon. I’m perplexed by all of this, by you. I want to be…upset, angry, scared, but I’m feeling needy for your touch. It’s magic. Is this real?”

  There was a hesitant knock at their door. Irritation flared in Clayne’s eyes as he pulled his mouth from hers. “Who is it?” His voice was harsh.

  “Excuse me, Signor MacDagon. Signor Allegretti sent me to see if you’re able to attend the breakfast in your honor.” The voice sounded terrified.

  “Yes, give us a moment. We’ll be right down.”

  “Si, Signor. I’ll let Signor Allegretti know you’ll be attending.”

  Footsteps faded away.

  Clayne set Arianna free from his embrace. “Damn, I want to fuck you.” He watched her put on her slipper shoes. “Yes, this is all real. We’ll resume this soon, and I do mean soon.”

  Clayne straightened his clothing. Arianna noticed his body had fully prepared to enjoy what she offered.

  “Let me quickly finish your buttons.” He turned her around and deftly buttoned her up.

  “What do you mean before you met me you tried to resist?”


  “You said you resisted me before you met me. You’re trying hard to avoid my question.”

  “Yes, I’m avoiding your question. Yes, I did try to resist you.” He kissed the side of her face. “You look lovely, Arianna. This yellow gown enhances your coloring. You’re a beautiful female.” After finishing the last few buttons, Clayne turned her to face him. Lowering his head, he kissed the curve of her breast where it escaped from her gown.

  “You’re handsome too, yet you expertly avoid my direct questions.”

  “You’re a Forsaken. I had my reasons for my hesitation. This isn’t the time for this discussion. Soon, my bride, but now we must break our fast. Then you’ll pleasure me, as my mate should. After we’re both satisfied, we’ll have a long talk. Let’s get to breakfast.”

  “Clayne, I’m sorry for saying you’re not a man. I didn’t mean you’re not male. I can vouch you are most definitely male.” Arianna’s body temperature spiked as she spoke to him. She hugged him again, her arms around his waist. “All you’ve shared with me is so much for me to take in and accept. Literally, my entire reality has changed drastically overnight. I have so many questions.”

  “I know, and if not for your dragon and Forsaken blood you wouldn’t have reacted as well as you have. When I look at you, I forget you’re ignorant to my world, my reality.”

  “I’m not a dragon, and what the hell’s a Forsaken?” Arianna shook her head. “The name sounds awful. I have forsaken no one.” She pulled away to look up at him.

  “I’ll answer your questions, I promise.” He kissed her lips lightly. “Don’t fret. Let’s go to breakfast, before they come to get us. Then we’ll go to my townhouse so we can be alone to learn each other.”

  Arianna watched him gather his hair into the queue. She pulled her hair up in a loose bun and began pinning it in place.

  “Can we have a truce?” Arianna offered.

  “Sure, I wasn’t at war with you anyway. But if you wish to call it a truce, I’m okay with that. Must you wear your hair up? I like it down.”

  “It’s not appropriate to wear it down all of the time, especially to breakfast with guests.”

  “This world you live in is full of silly customs with so many rules. So much ignorance abides here.” He shook his head.

  “All right, I’m ready after I put this last pin in,” she said with a smile.

  Clayne grabbed her hand as she moved toward the door. “Arianna, I’m sorry for being impatient with you earlier.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. “I’ll tell you all you wish to know. I’m pleased with you. I appreciate your attempted apology to me.” He hugged her closer. Their bedroom door swung open on its own. It closed swiftly behind them after they walked through.

  “Clayne, someone could see. You must be careful. They’d want to banish us, or worse. Plus, it gives me the chills. What do you mean an attempted apology?”

  “Don’t worry, no one was about to see anything. You’ll have to get used to our ways. And if you’re chilled, I’ll warm you.” He winked at her. “I’d call it an attempted apology you made to me. Nevertheless, I accept.” He held her close as they made their way down the stairs. “It’s the effort which counts.”

  The breakfast was wonderful. Many happy toasts were made for the newly wedded couple. When it concluded, Sarah and Arianna spent an hour together chatting and laughing. The servants brought Arianna’s trunks down to the great hall and loaded them onto Clayne’s carriage along with his items.

  Sarah hugged Arianna goodbye. “Arianna, I’ll be visiting Florence in a couple of weeks. I’ve lots of shopping to do. Perhaps your husband will allow us t
o shop together. At least it’s what I’ll plan for.” Sarah looked toward Clayne.

  “Of course, if it pleases Arianna.” He bowed to Sarah, then helped Arianna out the front door.

  On the front steps, Arianna’s papa hugged her and kissed her goodbye. “I’ll see you soon, my daughter. I’m staying ’til the conclusion of the Allegretti’s party. Be a loving and obedient wife. Make me proud.”

  “Yes, Papa, I’ll try my best.” Arianna kissed his cheek.

  Clayne helped Arianna into the carriage. As soon as they were seated, the carriage took off.

  “That was enjoyable for a human function,” Clayne said as he watched her try to get comfortable across from him. “Come, sit on my lap.” He patted his knee. His eyes sparkled.

  “Why must I do that?” Arianna rolled her eyes.

  “Because I want you to. Your papa told you to be obedient and loving. Sitting on my lap is a combination of both efforts. Besides, my lap is more comfortable than the bench.”

  Arianna hesitated.

  “Come here, Arianna.” He held out his hand.

  She shook her head. “We have to behave in here.”

  “Who says?” He cocked his head. “Who makes those rules? Who’s going to tell if we don’t behave?”

  Arianna shook her head again.

  “You’re a stubborn girl.” Clayne moved across the aisle to sit next to her. His body was warm. It soothed her. “If you won’t come to me, I’ll come to you. I’d like to come in you too,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck. His kisses were slow, sweet, and seductive. Arianna tilted her head, giving him better access. “See, you like this.” He nuzzled her neck.

  “Oh, yes,” Arianna moaned. She placed her hand on his knee and lightly squeezed. Clayne turned her chin, directing her face toward his. He looked at her, examining her.

  “You’re beautiful.” Then he kissed her lips with such passion, Arianna’s head spun, she nearly fainted. She couldn’t resist him.

  “You play unfairly.”

  “How’s that?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “You make me want you, and I can’t think. It’s like my emotions are more than my own.”

  “You’re very clever. When we allow it, we can share our feelings. It makes everything much more intense. We can share emotions, much like we talk to each other in our minds. It is a special quality of being a dragon’s mate.”

  “It makes me…”

  “More naughty?” he suggested. “The intensity is incredible. Being a dragon and being with one isn’t so bad. There are great advantages, pleasure beyond belief.” He nibbled at her ear.

  “I have so many questions.”

  “And as I said I’ll answer them all.” He kissed her cheek. “The ride into town’s a long one. We’ve plenty of time to enjoy each other,” he whispered in her ear. His right hand pulled at the bodice of her dress until one of her breasts popped free.

  “Clayne, you can’t do this in here.” Arianna tried to scoot away. “You’re going to rip my dress.”

  “Why not? We’re alone. I’ll buy you a hundred new dresses.”

  “Yes, but someone could stop our carriage or look in.”

  “I’ll close the curtains. I think it’ll be fun in here.” He grinned.

  “Do you do everything you think is fun? I don’t want to be caught.”

  “I try to have fun.” He rubbed her thigh. “Life’s meant to be enjoyed.”

  “And if someone stops the carriage?”

  He shrugged. “That’ll teach them to interrupt.” He quickly adjusted the curtains on both sides of the carriage. “Now we’re private.” He removed his kerchief and threw it on the floor. “I hate these damn things. They nearly choke me. They’re worse than suit ties humans wear in the later eras.” Kneeling in front of her, he pushed her knees apart and said, “Kiss me, Arianna. Don’t hold back.” She leaned toward him as he requested. Before their lips touched, he freed her breast from her dress, taking it into his mouth.

  “Oh, Clayne, you must stop.” Arianna ran her hands through his silky hair. She said one thing, but her body was saying another.

  “You don’t want me to stop.” He looked up into her eyes. “It’s hard to lie to me. I can feel your desire. Let’s push this dress up, out of our way,” Clayne suggested as he shoved the dress aside.

  Opening his breeches, he freed his cock. It was huge, and hard. Arianna was drawn to touch it. When she did, he gasped then lightly bit down on her nipple. Arianna nearly squirmed out of her seat.

  “You teased me before breakfast. I told you I would continue with this and soon.”

  “Yes, but now?” Arianna pushed her other breast out of her dress, so he could better kiss it.

  “I think it’s a good way to pass our time. Don’t you?” Still on his knees in front of her, he’d managed to push all of her garments out of the way and her chemise aside. He leaned into her. “It seems you don’t want to stop either.”

  “Clayne, this isn’t comfortable with my back like this.” Arianna squirmed as he put more of his weight on her.

  “Here, come straddle me. It’s much easier if you’re on top.” He lifted her up and sat on the bench, bringing her down on top of him.

  “You’re strong.” Arianna squeezed and rubbed his biceps.

  “Yes, I am. This damn dress is in my way.” With finesse, he managed to move it out of his way, bunching it up around her. “This will have to do unless we get naked. But I won’t strip you in here. For your sake.” He chuckled, kissing her. Freeing her hair from its bun, he ran his fingers through it. “You’re lovely. Every inch of you is lovely.”

  “You could flash us somewhere else, like you did before.”

  “No, I like this adventure. The carriage will always be special to us.” He kissed her as he pushed his cock into her. “You’re so wet for me. You like riding your dragon?” He grinned.

  “As long as your scales don’t hurt me. Do you breathe fire?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I can.” He nibbled on her ear. “I can make passionate heat with you. Do you feel it? It’s another special thing between mates.”

  “Yes, I feel it.” Arianna moved against him. The carriage bounced from ruts and rocks in the road. Arianna closed her eyes as she bounced with the carriage. She squeezed her pussy around his cock.

  He moaned in appreciation. “Oh, Arianna, it feels good.”

  Suddenly her world tilted. Her back was on the small bench of the carriage. Clayne was on top of her, pumping against her.

  “Open your legs wider.” His tone was demanding. “I had to pick up the pace.” Clayne clenched his teeth.

  Arianna was speechless as he pounded into her. The top of her head hit the side of the carriage as he pushed against her. Her juices slicked his cock. Heat engulfed her body, her mind exploded with bliss as her body quivered in release.

  Clayne roared loudly, pumping hard against her. “Damn, you’re good.”

  Arianna stared up into his face. She was fascinated by how his eyes transformed. His black pupils elongated like reptilian eyes. Then they brightened, lit with flames. Holding her, he rolled her back up onto his lap.

  “Sorry if the bench was uncomfortable. I just couldn’t resist my lovely bride.” He helped her adjust her clothes.

  “The heat makes me sleepy.”

  “Yes, it’s soothing.” Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her closer to him.

  “We were loud. I hope the driver didn’t hear.”

  “You mean I was loud.” He laughed. His eyes were soft and warm. “No matter, Sevrist works for me and you’re my mate. He’ll say nothing. He’ll treat you with respect.” Clayne pushed her loose hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek.

  Arianna rested her head against his shoulder. She was comfortable lying against him. She should be scared of her non-human husband, but instead she yearned for him. “Do you have a spell on me?”

  “No, my sweet mate. This isn’t a spell we’re under. Ar
ianna, do you want me to answer some of your questions? I know you want to know what Forsaken means. We have plenty of time to talk before we get home.”

  Arianna snuggled closer to him and yawned. Yes, she wanted answers, but her eyelids were so heavy she could barely hold them open. She’d rest, just for a few moments, and then they could talk. She closed her eyes, only intending to rest, not sleep, but she quickly drifted off.

  Chapter 6

  “Arianna, my bride, we’ve arrived.” Clayne smoothed her hair back from her face and bent down to whisper in her ear. “Wake up, my lovely mate. Or I can carry you? But it’s only half past noon, I assume you’ll want to walk into the house to greet our staff.”

  Arianna quickly sat up. “How long did I sleep?”

  “For over an hour. It seems I’ve worn you out.” He grinned.

  “How come you didn’t take me to the dragon realm again?”

  “So you want to go there?” Clayne raised his right eyebrow.

  “I’m just asking.” Arianna adjusted her dress and hair. “I must look a wreck. Do you think they can tell what we’ve been doing?”

  “You look beautiful. Trust me, they know what we’ve been doing.”

  “Clayne, for shame.” Arianna cut her eyes in his direction.

  “No, for shame is if we haven’t been doing something.” He winked. “As to your question about why I didn’t take you back to Ejdeha Dragoni, I thought it would be better for you to get to know me here in a more comfortable, familiar setting. We can spend time together, and I can answer all of your questions before I expose you to any more—otherworldly experiences. I wasn’t sensitive before. I’m sorry for whatever distress I might have caused you. The staff is from Ejdeha Dragoni, so we can talk freely in our house.”

  Sevrist opened the door. “We’ve arrived,” he announced, holding the door open.

  Thunder clapped loudly, and the sound startled Arianna. Clayne rubbed her back. The action was soothing. He stepped down and turned to help her out of the carriage.

  “A storm’s coming.” Arianna looked up at the sky. “Have you caused this?”


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