Curse of a Dragon's Claim

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Curse of a Dragon's Claim Page 17

by Ciara Lake

  “Signorina Allegretti, welcome to Zeptas’s dress shop. I’m happy to have you and Senora MacDagon in our shop. I’m Gloria Zeptas. My husband’s the proprietor. These two young women are my nieces as well as my assistants.” Gloria motioned toward each girl. “This is Anna Villilo and Teresa Villilo. My husband Carlo will be seeing to your luncheon. Please, have a seat, make yourself comfortable. We’ve many new fabrics from all over the world to show you. They’re in a variety of colors and textures. This pale green fabric is an example of our new supply. It came from China.” Gloria walked closer to them, showing off her dress. “Take a look at the detail in the dress. My work is renowned. You’ll not get a better made dress anywhere else in Florence or Rome.” Gloria proudly smiled. “We have tea and cookies waiting for you. We’ll make your staff comfortable while they wait, and they’re welcome to partake of the luncheon as well.” She pointed in the direction of a table set with teacups next to plates of cookies.

  “Fabulous.” Sarah clapped her hands together. “We’ll refresh ourselves first, I’m thirsty, and then we’ll browse through the samples of fabric. I love looking at fabrics. After you take our measurements, we’ll select your styles. I’m going to order at least six dresses and two nightgowns. I love the embroidery you do on the dresses.” Sarah led the way to the back where a tea service was set up.

  After an hour of shuffling through the material bolts, Sarah looked up at Arianna. “How many dresses do you want to order, Arianna?”

  “I’m not sure. I think four’s a reasonable number. Maybe five.”

  They took their seats near the rear of the store to rest and chat while Teresa filled their teacups again. Anna carried several bolts of fabric to the table in front of where they were sitting so they could continue looking as they relaxed with their beverages.

  Sarah carefully looked over each bolt of material, examining every detail. She selected ten different fabrics. “I like so many of the colors. Feel this one, Arianna, it’s heavenly.” Anna helped Sarah unroll several bolts to allow her to hold the material up to her face. “I’m having a hard time selecting only six.”

  “Perhaps we can use different color fabrics in one dress,” Gloria suggested.

  “What an idea.” Sarah started looking through some more. She looked happy shuffling through the materials.

  “A multicolored dress would be very nice. I like some of the materials Sarah has chosen. Is it all right if we select some that are the same?”

  “That’s not a problem at all. I can make you different designs. They’ll look completely different.” Gloria handed Arianna another bolt of fabric.

  She held the fabric up in front of her while looking in the mirror. Swaying back and forth with the fabric, it swished to and fro with her movements. “Look how this fabric moves. I like it. It would be great to dance with this on.”

  “As always, green’s your best color. However, this blue reminds me of your husband’s eyes.” Sarah traded bolts of material with Arianna. “Add another dress to your order. Tell him you had to have this one because it reminded you of him.” Sarah winked. “Let’s get measured then we can pick our styles.”

  “This way to the dressing room.” Gloria led them to the back and opened the door to a small room. “Please undress to your chemises. I’ll be back to take your measurements. Teresa will be assisting me.”

  It took about a half hour for Gloria to measure Sarah. There was a lot of giggling in between measures. After she was done, Arianna stepped up onto the wooden platform in front of the mirror. Arianna turned around as instructed and lifted her arms.

  “Very good, you’re all done.” Gloria stood back, smiling up at Arianna. “Once you’re dressed, your lunch will be waiting.”

  Teresa gathered up their supplies.

  “We’ve prepared pheasant with greens, and fresh bread has arrived from the local bakery. After you’ve eaten, we’ll discuss the styles you like as well as the embroidery I can do to embellish the dresses. Then we’ll look through the nightgown material. I have some innovative ideas on styles, and you both are very lovely women, my styles will look wonderful on you. You’ll do me a great honor by wearing my dresses.” Gloria beamed with happiness as she walked over to the door. Teresa followed her. “Take your time,” Gloria said as Teresa closed the door behind them.

  “I can’t wait to see what she can do. Gloria’s the best seamstress in Florence, better than any in Rome too. She makes dressmaking an art, like everything in Florence.” Sarah put her arms into the sleeves of her dress.

  “Yes, with the most expensive prices.” Arianna giggled. “I’m really having a great time. I’m happy you convinced me to do this. If Clayne’s mad, he will just have to get over it.”

  “Never mind the prices. You’ll be so pretty, your husband will thank you for spending his money.” Sarah looked completely serious.

  “You’re funny.” Arianna shook her head. “Maybe instead he’ll insist on keeping me naked all day to save him money and time getting me undressed.” Arianna winked.

  Sarah broke out in peals of laughter. “Did you just say what I think you said? Oh my, either my naughtiness is rubbing off on you or married life’s changing you more than I originally suspected.” Sarah looked stunned.

  “I think both.” Arianna looked back over her shoulder as she stepped into her dress. “If you do up the back of my dress, then I’ll do yours. Did you hear an odd noise?”

  “Sounds good, I do need help. No, I didn’t hear anything.” Sarah walked over and began to button Arianna’s dress.

  “It must have been my imagination.”

  “Do you think if I stay around you and your husband, maybe one of his handsome associates will ask for me? I don’t need money, so I’m not looking for a rich man. My father has enough money. Perhaps Copeland could be trained to be a husband.”

  “You’d marry a butler?” Arianna turned her head to look at Sarah over her shoulder.

  “Don’t look so shocked. Yes, I would marry one who looked like Copeland. And take it from me, he’s more than a butler, much more. The man’s a warrior. I can see it in his stance, his expression. I have a sixth sense about people. I have yet to figure him or Timka out. Even Zeller is extraordinary for a mere cook. None of them are of the servant class. At least they don’t seem to be. And your Clayne is unusual too. Don’t you see that?” Arianna shrugged. “I’m not criticizing them, I’m intrigued.”

  “I’ve not thought about it.” Arianna was suddenly perspiring. “They’re not from around here, and people from other places act differently from what we’re used to, so it’s hard to judge them.” She fanned herself. “There, did you hear that?” She cocked her head, listening closely.

  “No, I didn’t hear anything.” Sarah shook her head. “I’m not judging them, I’m observing. Besides, do you see how Copeland fills out his long trousers? It’s perfectly sinful. And they certainly have their own style of dress. I like it.”

  “They do look attractive.”

  “Yes, they do,” Sarah empathetically agreed. “I couldn’t care less that Copeland’s moody or he’s allegedly a butler. With a handsome face and muscular body like he has, I’m sold. I can make him smile.” Sarah turned so her back faced Arianna.

  “Sarah, you always surprise me,” Arianna teased as she began to button Sarah’s dress. “But then again, maybe you don’t.” She giggled. “You’re a wonderful character and my best friend.”

  “I love you too.” Sarah looked back at her. “I’m so happy for you both. You deserve to be in love. To be loved. Thank you for spending this time with me. I’ve missed you.”

  “You deserve to be loved and cherished too.”

  “Are you ready to go eat lunch?” Sarah asked. “I can smell it in here. I love pheasant. I told you this dress shop was ultramodern. Shop and eat, what a great way to serve customers.”

  “Yes, the shop’s very up-to-date. I can tell Zeptas’s styles are the newest in all of Europe. I’m excited to select our styl
es and pick out nightgowns too.” Arianna sat in the chair near the mirror to wait for Sarah to finish dressing. “Did you hear that?”

  “What? You keep hearing things. What’s up with that?”

  “I thought I heard someone cry for help.” Arianna turned toward the door. “It was very soft. Maybe I didn’t really hear anything.” Arianna shrugged. “Let’s hurry up so we can eat lunch, I’m starving. Stop looking in the mirror, you look beautiful. There’s no one here you need to impress unless you want to impress Mr. Zeptas,” Arianna teased. “It’s only us here. No Copeland to impress right now.” She winked. “Anyway, you really do look lovely today. Your hair sets you off like a gem.”

  “Thank you, I’m just in love with how my hair looks and feels.” Sarah sounded giddy. “I’m going to wash it every few days. You have to give me some of your magical soap to take home. I want to look like this all of the time.” Sarah pushed her hair over her shoulder, turned, then looked back into the mirror, admiring how it hung down her back. “It’s so fluffy soft.”

  “Yes, it is.” Arianna opened the door to leave the room. Sarah followed her out. Arianna nearly ran right into a tall, imposing man dressed all in black. His hair and eyes matched his clothing.

  “Hello, pretty dracvipen.” He looked down into Arianna’s eyes. “I hear you’re a MacDagon now. Sided with the dragons, have you?” The strange man smirked. “Too bad for you. Although, I’m not surprised.” He shook his head and crossed his arms. “I’ve been curious to see you up close, to taste you. There’s much folklore concerning you within our clan.” His eyes flashed red, his stance challenging. His voice was deep, smooth as silk, it rippled down her spine. “I’m Cleavan of the Geamhradh Clan.” He bowed at his waist.

  Cleavan towered over them. He was lean, with wavy hair that hung to his shoulders. His expression looked twisted and cruel. However, under the monstrous appearance lurked a handsome façade.

  Sarah bumped into Arianna.

  “I see you have a little human friend with you. You are very thoughtful.” Cleavan leaned his head to the side and looked behind her. Smiling, he revealed blood-stained fangs. “My friends, it looks like we’re having another feast today, or perhaps I should say dessert.”

  Two vampires suddenly appeared at his side. Their expressions echoed Cleavan’s cruel one. They stood arrogantly, as if watching mice cower from a big cat. Arianna surveyed the room. Four other vampires with red eyes and fanged mouths stood flanking the room. Blood dripped down their chins, staining their faces.

  Sarah screamed. It was shrill, full of terror.

  Arianna grabbed Sarah and pulled her close. “Don’t scream. They like us to scream,” Arianna whispered. “They enjoy it.”

  “They, who are they? They’re devils from hell,” Sarah yelled. Panic etched her face.

  Arianna and Sarah backed away from the monsters.

  “No, dear human girl, we’re far worse. We don’t wish to damn your soul. We want to dine upon the flesh you so charmingly wear, what the hell happens to your soul will be up to your god.” Wicked laughter erupted. “We’ve already dined on your associates, they were appetizing.” He motioned to the floor. Lifeless bodies were scattered about, their blood drained. “But you two look much more delicious.”

  Sarah screamed again, yet her arms reached out as if she was going to attack the man who taunted them. Arianna held her firm, surprised at her own strength, surprised at Sarah’s violent reaction.

  “You’ll both be pretty desserts too.” The vampire winked at Arianna. “I’ll love pissing off your mate. He’s a fucking bastard. I’m going to eat his current source of happiness.” The vampire sneered. In a flash, he stood closer to her. “Mmm, you smell good.” He inhaled deeply. “It’s your blood’s special mixture…very delicious, powerful.”

  In an instant another vampire had Sarah across the room. He held her in his arms. Amazingly, he had removed Sarah from Arianna’s grasp. He’d moved so fast, there was nothing she could have done. He bit down into Sarah’s neck. Sarah’s beautiful face contorted. Arianna could see Sarah’s life begin to fade, leaving her gray, lifeless.

  Enraged, Arianna screamed. “No, not Sarah.” The sound of her voice was deafening, piercing, musical at the same time. Arianna’s voice vibrated on one note as she screamed Sarah’s name. Instincts long dormant flared to life, her voice rose with one shrill note, fury and despair making it high and tight.

  Her hands hurt as if knives pushed through her fingertips. Holding them up in front of her, she witnessed talons, or perhaps claws, appearing out of the ends of her fingers.

  The vampires stood mesmerized, stunned, as if unable to move or respond. The look in their eyes changed from arrogance to terror.

  Arianna felt her body grow taller, her shoulders broader. Power vibrated from her. She relished in their looks of dread. Her dress ripped at its seams. Her vision, all of her senses, seemed enhanced. She could smell the tinge of blood filling the air. Fear had its own aroma. It wafted into her nostrils.

  With fury, she knocked Cleavan aside to get to the vampire who held Sarah. Cleavan flew across the room as if he were but a feather. His body banged into a table loaded with fabric bolts, and all of them landed on top of him. He lay motionless under a hill of materials, obviously broken, in need of repair before he would rouse.

  The vampire holding Sarah stared at Arianna, his mouth still on Sarah’s neck. However, his eyes looked up at Arianna, watching. He didn’t move as she approached him. None of the vampires moved.

  Arianna stood well above the vampires by at least four feet, her head nearly touching the ceiling. She was enormous. Reaching for the vampire who held Sarah, her talon hands clasped his head, digging into his scalp, and she ripped his head from his neck. Blood spurted everywhere, coating Sarah. Dropping Sarah to the floor, his headless body followed, dancing rhythmically on top of Sarah until it ceased moving, forever.

  “No, Sarah, my Lord, you beasts! You horrid creatures, so hungry for the next hit you dared to challenge me?” She didn’t recognize her own voice. It was deep, raspy. Rage blackened her mind. She’d never felt such intense emotions.

  The vampires remained immobilized as if hypnotized by some spell she’d cast. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw three more figures appear to her left. Two she recognized.

  Instantly, she relaxed. Her body began to shrink, yet her hands remained weapons. Her sight normalized, focusing on the men who’d joined her. It was Clayne, Copeland, and another unknown male. All were as tall as she’d been, as if they were partially transformed somewhere between their human and dragon forms. All were armed with gleaming golden swords.

  The vampires who remained standing in the room lost their heads. Still enthralled, they didn’t even struggle. Their heads rolled to the ground as swift swooshes separated them from their bodies. The vampire she’d dispatched to under the rolls of fabric also lost his head in one swoop of Copeland’s sword.

  “Arianna,” Clayne called to her. “Arianna, everything’s all right now.”

  “No, it’s not.” Her temper surged. “Sarah’s hurt or worse, dead.” She ran to Sarah’s side. “Damn them all.”

  “You did not obey me. This is why I wanted you to wait. Have you remembered nothing of our talks?” Clayne approached her, fury in his eyes. She knew his fury was over what had happened.

  “Punish me later, husband. My friend’s near death.” Arianna’s body pulsed with anger, despair, and sorrow.

  “Hush, dracvipen, I’ll take Sarah to see to her needs.” The unknown male held up his hand as he stepped forward.

  He was startling. Handsome, large, tall, strong, his tan skin flawless, his eyes were black as coal, yet shone like diamonds. Intelligence and confidence oozed from his very pores. This male was something different from all she had seen thus far. He made Clayne seem small.

  “I’m Draconi Lizarius, god of the dragons.” He gave a slight bow. “I heard your cry, dracvipen. The sound vibrated through my crystal palace, calling
me to come to your aid.” His voice was low, commanding. Arianna could feel it pulsate within her soul as he spoke to her. “You have magic in your voice.”

  He calmed her, and her talons retracted into her fingertips. The wounds instantly healed, sealing where the talons had sprung.

  “I will heal Sarah. You’re a very brave, if somewhat foolish, dracvipen. I don’t want you to suffer the pain of her loss when I can still intervene, stopping death’s claim. What we’ve long suspected to be true has come to pass. To know this to be possible, but to see it, is astounding.” He nodded in her direction, cocking his head to the side. “Plus, you have a unique magic that flows through you and out of your mouth. Your mating with MacDagon has caused this phenomenal transformation. Now you need to be joined in our special ceremony to fully share your magics. You must procreate, to create a line such as you.”

  He studied her as he walked closer to her. His movements were slow, subtle as to not cause her to fear. Power flowed from him. Literally, his potent aura filled the room. The vampires, even the dragons, were but as insects to the might he exuded. It made Amuliana seem juvenile, frail, and pathetic in comparison.

  Despite herself, Arianna growled as he got closer to Sarah. Her reaction surprised her. She lowered her eyes in submission, an apology for her behavior.

  “Dracvipen, you’re impressive. And this is all new to you. But I’m a god. Your mate owes me his allegiance, as do you, if not on your own, through him. If you serve me, I will bless you.” He smiled. “In a thought, I could make you disappear. But worry not. I don’t desire to.” He shook his head. Silky black hair fell down onto his forehead, making him appear gentler.

  Sarah’s body magically appeared in his arms. He held her carefully as if she were a delicate piece of china. His large hand pushed her hair back from her face. He looked upon her with admiration. Then he looked into Arianna’s eyes.


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