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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 23

by Ciara Lake

  “They’re Flithosia flowers, special to this Wood. They can appear anywhere and at anytime. They’re very soft and scented. Let’s take our shoes off and walk through them. Give me your slippers. The Wood has rolled out the carpet of welcome for you. The Wood likes you.”

  “I like the Wood too.” Arianna handed her slippers to him, then they quickly vanished.

  Clayne looked up at the tress. “Thank you, kind Wood. I shall enjoy my mate in your bed of flowers.”

  “Is it your plan to take me in a bed of flowers?”

  “Yes, my love, it is.” He grinned, looking absolutely naughty.

  Arianna’s heart skipped a beat. “Couldn’t an immortal just flash out of here like you flashed out the shoes?”

  “Yes, but if the Wood wishes to hold an immortal here, you’ll only flash back to where you stand. Like I said, this Wood can hold an immortal for good. One should never flash into the Wood as you never know what may be standing where you flash.”

  “Oh, like a tree could be standing in your spot.”

  “Exactly.” Clayne nodded. “It’s very painful, and it angers the trees too. So, I walk in or fly in. Come, the Flithosia will lead us to the stream’s edge.”

  They walked quietly through the woods. Beams of sunlight lit certain areas, highlighting the beauty of the place. Glades of grass peaked through the ground cover, sparkling like green gems. Areas of the forest were dimly lit, creating a romantic, mystical atmosphere. The wind picked up, and the trees swayed. The fresh aroma of the wood and the green leaves mixed with the Flithosia was aromatic.

  “Stop, listen.” Clayne pulled back on her hand to make her stop. “Listen and you’ll hear the music the treetops are making.”

  Arianna stood still and listened. There was a hum, a whisper of wind between the leaves. Then she heard it, an orchestra of sound. The light coming through the leaves danced on the forest floor in time with the rhythm of the music.

  “They play the wind as instruments. Woodwinds.” Arianna giggled.

  “Yes, the trees play the wind as expert musicians. Being a musician is something you share with the trees.” He ran his hand through her hair. “I long to hear your sweet voice sing to me. I love the way your voice sounds when you call my name as I make love to you.”

  “I’ll sing for you.” Arianna kissed his lips. “I’m going to sing at our joining ceremony.”

  “I had hoped so.” He rubbed the back of her neck. “Your hair looks lovely. The sun shining through the Wood makes you appear to have a halo. You look like a beautiful angel.” He kissed her face. “And you taste good too.” He ran his tongue next to her lips. “I want to taste every inch of you. Let’s hurry to the stream. It’s a very romantic place. I want to hold you close there while we listen to the Wood make music for us.”

  After walking another ten minutes they arrived at the side of a wide stream. The stream’s glassy surface sparkled as if diamonds floated within, catching the light. The water was clear. If not for it slightly moving, Arianna wouldn’t have known water was covering the shiny rocks at the bottom.

  “It’s much deeper than it appears. Its clearness fools you. We can put our feet in at the sides, it’s warm enough to be comfortable.”

  Arianna dipped her toe into the stream. “Oh, this feels nice.” She splashed water up at him. “Can we collect some of these beautiful rocks?”

  “I don’t know, let’s ask the Wood.”


  “Oh, yes, all things within the Wood belong to the Wood. So, I’ll ask. Great Wood…” He looked up, calling toward the highest branches.

  “Yes, dragon,” a deep voice answered from above. This voice was slightly different, deeper from the one that had spoken to them before.

  “May my love take some of your beautiful rocks which are along and within your stream?”

  “If she asks nicely she may.” The Wood’s branches swayed.

  Arianna smiled at Clayne. “Great Wood, may I please take some of your pretty rocks?”

  “What will you give to us?” The trees seemed to move closer to them.

  “Well.” Arianna hesitated. “I haven’t much to give.” She shrugged. “I can give you my respect, my goodwill. I’d like to have a relationship with the Wood as Clayne has. This is a wonderful place. I wish to spend time here. I’ll teach my children to respect and honor the Wood.”

  “Very well, your gift is accepted. Those are appreciated as they’re gifts from the heart. However, dracvipen, you have specialness within you that you could share with the Wood. We won’t press you to share your gift this day. Nevertheless, when you return to enjoy our shade, we expect you to sing to us. With us. Your voice is divinely hypnotic. We wish to hear you sing an enchanting song. This is our request, song spinner.”

  “Song spinner?” Arianna gasped, her head held back as she gazed up.

  “Yes, you’re a song spinner. You have the gift to spin magic with your voice, making your songs spells. You can mesmerize your enemies to become quiet, your friends to rejoice. A rare gift, it isn’t to any one particular race this gift is given, but to ones that have been selected by the fates. The power of voice is strong and can control the masses.”

  “I can’t control the masses.” Arianna shook her head.

  “Do you doubt what we tell you?” The Wood sounded irritable.

  “Oh no, Great Wood, I apologize. I didn’t mean any disrespect. It’s just hard to believe these many things I’ve learned of late.”

  “We understand.” The wind whipped past her, blowing her hair all around her head. “What we tell you is truth. We, the Wood, have only met one other song spinner, although, perhaps others may not have ventured within our forest.”

  “So they’re very rare?” Clayne asked.

  “Yes, it’s a rare and grand gift of immense power. Those who do evil around Arianna should fear her. However, the Wood enjoys hearing her speak aloud. It’s joyous to us to hear her sweet voice. It’s as warm and soothing as the sap flowing through our trunks.”

  “Thank you, Great Wood.” Arianna smiled up into the light that was beaming down between the treetops. The trees moaned as they moved around them.

  “Lovely, the sound you make.” The forest seemed to sigh. “Go now, make love to your dracvipen, dragon. Bed her upon the rug of flowers we’ve provided. You’ll be safe beneath our branches. We’ll get pleasure from her utterances of joy and love which you’ll cause to spill from her lips.”

  Arianna could feel her entire body heat with a blush.

  “In return, Arianna, song spinner, you may take as many stones as you both can carry. In fact, the Wood will reveal some most precious stones for your taking. Look closely, you’ll see them appear in the stream. They’ll draw your attention as they’re filled with precious gems. Share them with your friend Sarah. She’ll be most pleased.”

  “Wonderful.” Arianna jumped up on her toes, clapping her hands in excitement. “You’re very kind, Great Wood. You know of Sarah? She has visited these Woods. She told me of its beauty.”

  “We’ve met your sister-friend Sarah. She’s a lovely female Draconi has taken for his own. She’s worthy of the gift of immortality Draconi bestowed upon her. She’s welcome here within the Wood.”

  The Wood moved closer to them. Arianna reached for Clayne’s hand. “Oh, what are they doing?”

  “Don’t worry. They seek only to be near you. They like you. You’re not in harm’s way. Know that although we’re speaking to each other’s minds, there are no secrets in the Wood.”

  The trees respectfully stepped back, giving the couple more room. No doubt, they heard her fear.

  “Dracvipen, the Wood reads into all hearts within its boundaries. We know your thoughts, your secrets. We hear your communication with your mate. It’s one of the magical qualities of the Wood. Many dare not travel into the Wood for this very reason. It’s known to all immortals, if one of an ill heart enters this Wood, they may never again see their way to be free. Those of ev
il intentions should not enter our forest, for their fate may be unpleasant. This is justice of the Wood. But fear not, you’re a good-hearted female of a sweet nature.” The trees swayed gently as if assuring her.

  “Thank you so much.” Arianna curtsied. She didn’t know what else to say in response to all the Wood had told her.

  “If you desire the gems to be made into jewelry,” the higher-pitched voice interrupted, “a troll of great power and talent sometimes lives within this Wood. He’s a master craftsman. He crafted the tiara and ring you’ve protected for Maud all of your years. They are magical jewels. If requested, he would be honored to craft you a special gift made from our gems.”

  “Come, my love, let’s look for stones. We’ll have fun.” Clayne took her hand, pulled it to his lips, and kissed her palm. “We can take our clothes off to get in the water.”

  “No.” Arianna shook her head. “No, I can’t be naked here.”

  “Why not, my sweet girl? It’s safe. We’re alone.” Clayne squeezed her hand in his warm one. His smile made her insides melt.

  “No, we aren’t alone.” Arianna looked up, all around her. She gazed up into the tree’s upper limbs.

  “The trees aren’t like us, they see things differently. Don’t worry about an occasional rabbit who hops by. The rabbit doesn’t care what we do.” He chuckled. “Anyway, what we may do as lovers is part of nature. It is good. Being naked is natural in every way.”

  Clayne began to unbutton his shirt then his pants. She could see his smooth, tan skin beneath his white shirt. The familiar tingle of desire rushed into her lower abdomen. His stunning blue eyes watched her closely as she wrestled with her indecision.

  “Come now, sweet girl, we can swim and dive for stones. You can’t swim in your gown.” He walked her closer to the stream’s edge. “Look, see the stones glimmering?” He pointed. “There are diamonds and emeralds within these waters. We can have beautiful jewelry with magical qualities fashioned for you and Sarah. This is a wonderful opportunity the Wood has given us.”

  Arianna sighed. Then she pulled her gown over her head and cast it to the ground. “Okay, I suppose you’re right.”

  “Of course I am,” he teased.

  Within moments, she was in Clayne’s arms, his naked body pressed against hers. Holding her close to him, he kissed her shoulders. Shivering against him, she clutched him.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No, your touch makes me tremble, in a good way.” She smiled up at him.

  He led her to the stream, and she followed him into the water. They swam, diving below the clear depths to retrieve sparkling gems set in stone. Several piles of rocks accumulated by the edge of the water.

  “We’ve played for hours, aren’t you hungry?” Arianna asked.

  “Nah, I’m good.” He shook his wet head.

  Water droplets hit Arianna’s face. She swam up behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle. She jumped up on his back. He splashed off into the water, taking her for a ride on his back. She giggled like a child just before he dipped below, taking her with him. He surfaced and swam a great distance downstream with her on top of him.

  “You’re very strong.” She kissed the back of his head.

  “Yes, of course I am. I’m a mighty dragon.” He puffed up his muscles as he stood on the stream’s bottom.

  She ran her hand over his biceps, squeezing them. “I can see you’re very mighty.” When he turned his head to look at her, she could see fire in the depths of his eyes. “We’ve collected so many beautiful stones. I think we have more than we can carry.”

  “Nah, we can use my shirt to carry them in. Come, let’s go relax on the flowerbed. I want to hold you. Kiss you all over.”

  He coaxed her out of the water and to the rug of flowers. Arianna laid back into the mass of blossoms. She felt so content.

  “This feels wonderful.” She moaned as she sank into the flowers.

  “The emerald stones we collected match your eyes. When you shift into a full dragon, you’ll be an emerald one. I’m sure your scales will match your eyes. At least, it’s true for most of us.” He kissed her cheek as he sat down next to her.

  “The flowers smell so aromatic. I could sleep in this all of the time.” Arianna inhaled deeply. Then she realized what he had just said. “Me, a big dragon, like you?”

  “Yes, we’ll share our magic when we join. You won’t be as big as me. I’m a warrior male,” Clayne proudly announced. “But you’ll be able to fully transform. What magic I have, you’ll have as I’ll give it to you in our joining.” He nibbled on her ear. “Who knows, you may be able to transform now. Your dragon magic is strong in you. But when we join I’ll be able to help you.”

  Kissing her nipple, he took her breast into his hot mouth. Arianna squirmed as he ran his tongue over her breasts, playing with her erect nipples. Gently, his hands moved over her body, drying her skin off with the warmth which emanated from them.

  “You taste sweet. I could gobble you up. Maybe I am hungry.” He paused and looked directly in her eyes, concern evident in his gaze. “Are you hungry? I’m sorry I’ve overlooked your needs.”

  “Just hungry for you.” She snuggled against him, pulling him closer to give his lips a quick kiss. “I’ve been too excited to think of eating.”

  “I’ve been having fun too.” Smiling, he framed her face with his hands. “You are lovely.”

  “It’s astonishing how you dried me off with the heat from your hands. You’re amazing.”

  Rolling more on top of her, he pressed her into the flowerbed. The softness against her back combined with his firmness pressing her down was an erotic feeling.

  “No, I’m a mere dragon, with dragon skills. You’re the amazing one, my song spinner. Even the Wood itself is fascinated with you. You can intoxicate others with just the sound of your voice. I’m under your influence,” he whispered in her ear.

  Their lips met, and Clayne kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue inside her mouth. He growled as he passionately devoured her. His chest vibrated with the intensity of his emotions. She eagerly kissed him back, playing with his tongue as it entered her mouth. Blissful warmth flowed through her body. She wrapped her legs and arms about him, clutching him tightly.

  “I want to feel you inside me.” Arianna stroked his arms. She moaned, feathering kisses from his ear to his neck.

  “Yes, my love. I wish to please you.”

  His cock pressed against her thigh. It seemed to grow bigger every second. In one push, he seated himself deep inside her. After he could push no further, he stopped to look into her eyes. His stare communicated the depths of his feelings. Her heart raced, and her pussy pulsed around his firm cock. With tenderness, Arianna caressed his hair. It was like silk between her fingers.

  It was obvious he enjoyed her caresses. Sighing, he closed his eyes while she ran her fingers through his hair. She massaged the back of his neck. He adjusted his head and neck, making it easier for her. Desire and love were evident in his expression, as if he were hypnotized by her loving touch.

  “I love you, Clayne.”

  He began to pump inside her. Her muscles worked around his cock, gripping him. She arched up against him, encouraging him. They danced together on the flowerbed. With her legs wrapped tight around his thighs, she pushed and pulled against him in time with his movements.

  The sweet aroma of the flowers seemed to intensify. The scent was stimulating. Their soft petals pressing against her back, buttocks, and legs felt exhilarating. They caressed her skin as if assisting Clayne in giving her pleasure. Suddenly, the light in the forest dimmed, giving the area around them more of an otherworldly appearance. The trees swayed with a pleasant breeze.

  “It’s as if we’re in a dream,” she said.

  “You’re the best dream I’ve ever had,” he whispered.

  His body stiffened. He groaned. Arianna answered him with her own fervent cries. The intensity of their orgasms nearly caused her heart to explode with ple
asure. Heat poured from him, enveloping her in a cocoon. Clayne threw his head back and pounded more aggressively into her. Calling her name, he emptied his seed inside her. Arianna sought his mouth with hers. They kissed until she was lightheaded.

  He rolled her to her side, and they lay facing each other. The flowers again seemed to hold her, caress her with green, leafy fingers and pink blossoms.

  “I can’t wait to share our magic. It’ll make us fully one.” Clayne kissed her shoulder down to her breast. “I want to see these heavy with mother’s milk. I want to make a child with you.” The wind whistled beautifully through the tree’s branches. Clayne grinned, his eyes bright in the darkening environment. “The Wood makes music for us to enjoy. We can sleep here tonight.”

  “Really?” Arianna looked around. “Are you sure it’s safe?” She peered into the darker areas between the trees. “It could get dark in here.”

  “Yes, it can. But we’re safe. I’ll take you back to Draconi’s castle come morning. A night all alone in this romantic place will be most enjoyable. The Flithosia makes a wonderful bed.” A fluffy, white blanket appeared on top of them. “Will you stay here with me?” He pushed her hair back behind her ear.

  “Yes, my loving dragon.” Arianna caressed his arm. She loved touching him and being touched by him.

  Twirling his fingers through her long hair, he brought it to his nose. “There are fruits, breads, meats, cheeses, and wine behind you.”

  She looked around, and sure enough, there were baskets of the items he described. Everything was beautifully arranged, and it looked delicious.

  “We can have our dinner while enjoying the sounds of the forest. There’s nothing to fear here. The Wood will protect us. I’ll protect you. Saltar’s vampires wouldn’t come here. If they do, they’ll never leave.”

  “I suppose this is a safe place as places go. This is nice.” She motioned to the baskets of food. “Let’s eat.” Arianna looked through one of the baskets which held fruit. Finding some grapes, she took some from the vine. “Can you get me a pillow too?”

  “Yes.” Her pillow from his room materialized on her lap. “Will that do?”


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