Curse of a Dragon's Claim

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Curse of a Dragon's Claim Page 26

by Ciara Lake

  “I suppose.” Arianna giggled. “I’m just happy. I like to twirl around in this wonderful dress. This is all very exciting.”

  “Yes, it is. I want very much to share my magic with you.” Clayne hugged her close, pressing his body against hers. “I want to share my body with you too,” he teased, kissing her neck.

  “You feel good.” She kissed him, rubbing her hands up and down his back.

  “Come, let me take you to our room and then leave before I do more.” He winked. “Relax, and I’ll be back to retrieve you when it is time. This will be a long celebration. But when we’re done celebrating with others, we will celebrate alone. Okay, my love?”


  Clayne swept her up in his arms and flashed her to their room.

  Chapter 13

  Arianna stood in a corridor just inside the great hall. She was dressed in her ceremonial gown. Her hair was woven around Maud’s tiara, holding it firmly in place. She’d noticed the jewels sparkled more than she ever remembered. The rest of her hair hung down her back in large, bouncy curls. She wore a ring on each hand. Maud’s ring, which matched the tiara, and the ring Clayne gifted her at their human realm wedding. Nerves ate at her. She had been afraid to eat anything prior to the ceremony for fear it would upset her already delicate stomach.

  Krilata met her in the hallway. She kissed her on the cheeks then left to join the guests. Sarah was waiting at another doorway, as they were to approach out of different doors to greet their beloveds at the altar.

  The guests were outside in the east garden, awaiting the start of the ceremony. The grooms were already mingling with their guests. They were dressed in white shirts and black trousers with high black boots. They both were handsome beyond words. When the ceremony began, they would stand in front of the altar, which was decorated with flowers and vines. It had been created especially for this ceremony. Timka had worked on it for hours, and the result was a vision of beauty.

  Krilata had informed Arianna when Amuliana arrived. She was one of the first, seating herself directly in front near the altar. Arianna had been stunned to find out Eros, the god of sexual love and beauty, would be officiating. Draconi had made a special request of the very busy and important god. Without hesitation he’d agreed.

  Arianna could see the sky through the castle’s glass walls. Sarah had asked Draconi to make it twilight with an amber glow. Draconi had done exactly as requested. The sun hung in the sky as a huge, orange ball. The full moon was visible as well. The sky itself was violet hued with fluffy, white clouds. Yet the illumination was amber dim, almost like a room with amplified candlelight. Sarah believed the special lighting would enhance their beauty, creating a romantic atmosphere.

  Sarah had also asked for the flowers to turn pink when she walked toward Draconi and then to turn cream when Arianna followed, walking toward Clayne. The flowers would match their beautiful gowns the goddess of the underworld had provided.

  Ambrosia was flowing. The people were laughing and talking, their voices loud with excitement. There were hundreds in attendance. Five stunning, blonde women played golden-jeweled harps they held on their laps.

  Arianna stood inside the castle watching Sarah walk toward Draconi. As soon as Sarah reached her lover’s arms in front of the altar Arianna began her walk down the aisle to Clayne. The flowers lining the way turned from pink to cream as she took her first step down the path.

  She noticed a line of trees towered over them. The trees’ appearance was sudden. In fact, gasps escaped from some of the guests. They made a semicircle of the garden, creating a border of trees. To her amazement, she realized the Enchanted Forest had nearly surrounded Draconi’s castle. The trees had literally come to attend. Seeing the trees relaxed Arianna. The smile on Clayne’s face took away the rest of her anxiety. She felt beautiful and special.

  The harpists continued to play as Arianna walked toward her groom. The trees gently swayed to the harps’ music. A light breeze blew, making Arianna’s dress and hair float about in an ethereal way. The air had a scent of lavender and cedar. It was nearly intoxicating.

  Clayne fully turned to watch her walk toward him. She could see the blaze in his eyes as he appraised her. On the other side of the altar was another gorgeous man. He was outstanding in every way. No doubt, he was a god. He was almost too pretty to be a male, yet he was masculine. He nodded as Arianna came to a stop next to Clayne.

  “Welcome those to be joined, gods, goddesses, and immortals. I am Eros, son of Aphrodite. It is my pleasure to be here to join these couples in the way of the immortals,” he announced. His expression regarding his upcoming task was serious. “I am pleased to witness this occasion, as all of you should be. Anyone who disagrees with these proceedings, say so now.” Eros waited, gazing over the crowd. “Very well, we shall commence.” He motioned for Draconi to begin.

  Draconi took Sarah’s hands and kissed her tenderly. Draconi exchanged special words indicating their binding together as one. Sarah repeated the words as instructed. Sarah’s countenance glowed when the ceremony concluded. Draconi and Sarah continued to hold hands as they stepped aside for Clayne and Arianna to move directly in front of the altar and Eros.

  Arianna was in a daze as she moved to stand facing Clayne. He took her hands in his. He kissed each of her hands as he looked her in the eyes. Warmth penetrated her entire system.

  “I love you,” he whispered. His wide smile was adoring in every way.

  “I, Clayne MacDagon, Prince of Ejdeha Dragoni, son of Commander Zaj MacDagon and Princess Krilata MacDagon, warrior to King Arach, my uncle, pledge myself to my mate, Arianna MacDagon, once Forsaken, living among humans, and now returned to the world of the immortals, directly into my arms.” He grinned. “As by Zeus, I share all I am with Arianna. I share my body, my immortality, and my magic from this day forward with Arianna. Do you, Arianna MacDagon, share your body and your magic with me?”

  “Yes.” Arianna nodded. “I do from this day forward.” She smiled so big her face hurt.

  “By the blessings of the gods it is done,” Eros announced.

  The ground trembled as if there was a slight quake. The trees swayed. The wind picked up, blowing Arianna’s hair all about. There was definitely a supernatural aura in the air surrounding them. Arianna could feel the very presence of magic. It passed through her.

  The crowd cheered. Eros waved his hand, and the crowd silenced.

  “There’s one more thing to be done. I have a special gift to give at the request of the dragon god, Draconi. Is it still your wish to gift these three with your special request?” Eros asked Draconi.

  “Yes, Eros.” Draconi nodded. “It is my wish.” Draconi moved to the side of the altar.

  “Very well.” Gold dust escaped from Eros’s hand, covering the other three in front of him. Arianna could see it sparkle on her bare arms. When Eros cast it on them, she’d inhaled it as well.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Amuliana stood up.

  “Sit down, Amuliana.” Eros turned to look directly at her. There was no mistake in his disapproval of her actions. His voice was authoritative. “By Zeus be seated. You, Goddess Amuliana, are interrupting me. I am in charge here.”

  Amuliana sat down as instructed, fear etched on her features.

  Eros returned his attention to the couples in front of him. “The magic of the deities shall enhance your unions. This is a gift from Draconi to all three of you. To Sarah, his beloved mate.” Eros nodded to her. “To Arianna, Sarah’s sister-friend.” Eros nodded to her. “And to Clayne, his warrior dragon and loyal servant.” Eros nodded to him. “This gift is rarely given. It’s a great honor to be granted this bequest. It will double the strength and resistance to evil of these who are gifted. It will enhance their abilities exponentially. You are much blessed by a god of great power and influence. The god of the dragons, Draconi, has sponsored you in this special gift. He has proclaimed you all worthy. He has taken responsibility for you in this sponsoring. Three othe
r gods of the council of Zeus have given consent to this as well. This is a prerequisite of the rules of Zeus’s council.”

  An electric sensation ran down Arianna’s spine as Eros spoke, making her shiver. She felt slightly dizzy, causing her to lean against Clayne.

  “Are you ready to embrace this wondrous gift of the gods?” Eros asked the three.

  Clayne affirmed first, followed by Arianna and Sarah.

  “Very good. Although you were not born as demi-gods, from this time on you shall have the status as well as the powers of demi-gods. In essence, the council of Zeus has adopted you as children of the gods.”

  There was a collective sigh from the audience.

  “From this point on other deities must respect you as demi-gods. If any deity trespasses against you, it is reviewable by the council of Zeus. This, among other benefits, is bestowed upon all of you this day.”

  The audience cheered loudly.

  Eros motioned to silence the group. “It is done.”

  Draconi turned to the audience. “My guests, my friends, and my family, please find pleasure in the drink and food which has been provided. Partake of the ambrosia. We will have music, dancing, and song to enjoy this festive occasion.”

  All the guests stood up. They clapped and hooted. However, Amuliana noticeably remained seated. The look she gave Arianna made her stomach flip. The goddess was not happy with the turn of events.

  “Come, my mate, let’s dance.” Clayne grabbed her around her waist as he twirled her out into the area which had become a dance floor. “Draconi has given us a wonderful boon.” He kissed Arianna’s face to her ear. “I love you, my precious mate. After we dance you must sing for us.”

  After several hours passed, the crowd had grown increasingly merry. Ambrosia filled every cup. The intoxicating scent of lavender mixed with cedar intensified. Arianna was sure the aroma was meant to be enthralling. Even Amuliana was back to her flirty-self, making eyes as well as seductive comments to the men in attendance. She moved her body alluringly to the music. She was a seductress in every sense. Some males seemed to fall for her flirtations, following her like puppy dogs. Despite her ugly personality, she was a beautiful female. Interestingly, she shied away from the edges of the party where the trees stood swaying as they watched over things.

  Queen Sepharia stepped to the center of the dance area. She twirled, her long scarlet skirts floating around her. She danced to her court of sirens playing their harps. They hummed along with the music.

  “Why don’t they sing?” Arianna asked Clayne.

  “They don’t want the men running to them, acting as fools and ruining this event. Some immortals are susceptible to the song of the siren. They’re already beautiful, but when they sing it mesmerizes some men. Sort of like your singing, but you don’t seem to send listeners into a sexual frenzy, except for me.” He winked and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “You, my love, send me to heaven and back.”

  “Are you susceptible to them?” Arianna rubbed his arms as she watched Queen Sepharia dance.

  “I don’t know.”

  They watched as the gorgeous queen danced sensually, beckoning all to gaze at her. She was lovely, graceful in every move. The other sirens joined their queen in the center, twirling as they strummed their harps.

  Sepharia came to a sudden stop after she’d gained much attention. “Guests, it is time,” she announced, “for our sister of song, Arianna, to sing to her beloved mate. She has magic in her voice. We wish to hear her this night before she retires with her mate.” The Queen of the Sirens’ voice was captivating, drawing in the crowd.

  Arianna was propelled to the front to stand alongside Sepharia.

  “Here, my song spinner.” Sepharia held out a harp much like the wedding gift they’d received.

  “I cannot play this harp.” Arianna bowed her head, refusing to take the harp. “I wish I could, but I have no knowledge of this instrument.”

  “Of course you can, my dear. The magic is within you to play it. The magic of music was yours prior to you joining with Clayne or becoming a child of the gods this day. It’s flowing through your very veins. Take this harp, it will guide you.”

  “Is it enchanted?” Arianna examined the harp.

  “No, my dear, you are the enchanted one.” The queen smiled. “The music will flow from it as your fingers caress it. Trust me in this, and sing. Sing with all of your heart.”

  Arianna took the harp from Sepharia. A buzzing sensation engulfed Arianna. Magic definitely could have a feel to it and she was becoming aware of its feel more and more.

  “I will sing for my husband whom I love very much. It is a simple lullaby.” Suddenly Arianna was very emotional, and her eyes filled with tears as she looked to where he stood. Her sight became blurry. “It’s a song my mother taught me. She sang it to me each night. I haven’t sung it since her death. She had been taught by her mother. It’s called The Song of the Wind. Now, I believe the song is about the life of an immortal.”

  The entire group silenced, even the trees completely stilled. It was so quiet it unnerved Arianna. Her fingers carefully stroked the harp. Pleasing notes sprung from it. Her fingers strummed, and with no effort, she was playing the melody she desired. At first, she began to hum, and then the words followed.

  “Hush, my child, so you may find sleep. Sleep in my arms tonight. Sleep. Sleep in my arms, precious child of the night. Hush now, no worries for you. You’re protected by shine of the moon. The soothing arms of the wind shall cradle you. In time, it’s told, the children of the night shall embrace. Embrace under the shine of the beautiful moon. Hush, hush, precious child of the night. Sleep in my arms tonight.”

  Arianna’s melodious voice filled the air. All movement ceased except for the trees. The trees seemed to bend down closer. They moved in, making the circle tighter. Their upper limbs created a fuller canopy, covering the area like a roof. Amazed by what was occurring, Arianna was compelled to continue singing, repeating the song several times. Most of the audience was in awe, it was obvious by their expressions.

  Draconi walked closer to her, as did Eros. Their heads cocked as to listen better. Smiles were on their handsome faces as if they were in ecstasy. Clayne came to her side, his eyes glossed with passion, love apparent in his gaze. Arianna’s heart soared with love watching him. Her song became more intensely emotional.

  Sarah was giddy. She giggled, twirling around. “Oh, Arianna, you sound so lovely.” Sarah danced around her. “I’ve missed your singing.”

  Arianna gazed over the group. Her eyes fell upon Amuliana. The terror she witnessed nearly made her stop singing, yet she was compelled to continue. A black cloud encompassed Amuliana. It was as if she fought to be free of it. She was for sure struggling, but made no sound. The cloud darkened her face, covering her fully. Arianna couldn’t make out what was occurring behind the unusual screen. Others glowed in an odd light with pleasant smiles upon their faces, their beauty enhanced by their expressions. Many of them were immobilized.

  “Arianna, sing with all your emotions. It’s breathtaking.” Eros visibly shivered as if in pleasure. He spoke to her as she sang. “To feel these emotions so deep has sent me to paradise. Your voice brings bliss.” Eros stepped closer.

  Some others stepped forward in high spirits. Noticeably, others retreated as if terrified.

  “Continue with this revelation,” Eros spurred her on. “You’re disclosing truth of things with your voice and this song.”

  Arianna continued to sing as she listened and watched Eros.

  “You are in fact a song spinner.” Eros laughed with glee. “As none I’ve ever heard. Your voice has great power to decipher hidden truths. See what you’re doing?” He motioned toward the crowd.

  Almost on its own, Arianna’s range increased, and her voice became more powerful.

  “What a powerful gift to be available to kings and rulers. You’re a treasure.” Eros seemed spellbound but not nearly as much as some of the others. He continue
d to talk to her and praise her.

  “Yes, sing some more, my dear Arianna,” Draconi echoed. “It’s euphoric and revealing.”

  For several more minutes, Arianna sang, repeating the melody and the words. The trees swayed, making music with her as the wind passed through their branches.

  When Arianna concluded the song, some guests flashed away as if they had been held in place while she sang. Now, her singing spell ended, they quickly gathered themselves, vanishing. Others looked at her in wonder. Their faces held looks of admiration and respect. The sirens glowed. They smiled as they took in the environment.

  “You fucking bitch.” The whispered contemptuous statement echoed over the excitement.

  Arianna looked in the direction the words came from. A hunched over woman stood snarling. Her face was hideously distorted, her complexion ashen. Her hair was dark, like dull tar. Her lovely dress hung on her misshapen body. She was wrinkled, haggard, and her hands gnarled as sharp bones. She resembled a wicked witch in a fairy tale.

  Recognition hit Arianna—it was Amuliana.

  The goddess seemed to struggle, trying to collect herself and her powers. Her struggle was apparent in her expression and sharp movements. With a moan of agony, a puff of black smoke replaced her as she disappeared.

  “Dear me, it was Amuliana.” Krilata walked closer to where the smoke dissipated. “She looked evil, hideous, like nothing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Yes, it was Amuliana.” Arianna shook her head. “She was angry with me.”

  “Often evil is hideous.” Draconi looked around, inspecting the others who remained. “Some have chosen to leave, probably because their sins were also too close to the surface.”

  “What manifested outwardly is what she holds within her soul,” Eros said. “Dishonesty, betrayal, and jealousy are the ugliest to behold. She’s gone to lick her wounds and reverse your spell. She will be fine.” He waved his hand as if dismissing her or any concern. “But now we have seen inside her soul. Beware and know there is much concerning about her.”


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