Bearly Familiar

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Bearly Familiar Page 10

by Lilly Wilder

  “Please, sit down,” he pulled up a chair for her and she obliged, like a sweet little obedient child, who always did what she was told.

  “I’m actually very glad you called to drop by,” he continued, “I feel like we never get to talk, you know, like grown-ups. And, I know I’m boring you with this already, but you have no idea how grateful I am that you walked into our lives, and made everything easy again, like both me and Parker can breathe after a long time of inhaling air little by little.”

  Rene smiled. That blushing in her cheeks became even stronger now, because she realized how silly she had been. He wanted her here, just like she wanted to be here.

  “It’ll be ready in 5,” he told her, pouring her some wine.

  “It’s fine, I have no plans,” she told him, watching as the deep red liquid filled enough space inside her glass.

  “Now, you do,” Hyde grinned.

  When he was serious, Rene was surprised to notice that he looked younger. His face was smooth, as if it didn’t have a single wrinkle. But, when he smiled, that was when all of his achievements were written all over his handsome face. All of his crow’s feet revealed him to be a remarkable man who wasn’t afraid to go after what he wanted.

  Before she could say anything, they heard footsteps and she saw Hyde grab a big knife from the kitchen shelf. She herself grabbed the smaller one that was placed neatly before her, right next to the plate and the spoon. Seconds passed, and Rene knew that this could be the same man back for the same thing. Only this time, they would be ready, he wouldn’t catch them off guard.

  The sound of footsteps grew closer and closer, until finally a silhouette appeared in the doorway. Without waiting a single moment, Hyde jumped on him, and pushed him hard against the opposite wall, pressing the very tip of the sharp blade underneath his neck.

  “What the fuck, man!?”

  The man Hyde’s knife was pressed against was none other than Jesse, who was now breathing shallowly and watching his every move, with that blade an inch away from his neck vein.

  “Oh, it’s you,” Hyde let him go, then walked back into the kitchen.

  Rene lowered her knife, her fingers shaking. She pressed them against the pristine white table cloth, in an effort to steady them.

  “Why are you sneaking up on us like that?” Hyde asked. “I could have seriously hurt you.”

  “You told me Parker isn’t here, so I figured I’d come by and take you out for some beers, take your mind off of all that shit that’s been going on,” Jesse explained, following him into the kitchen.

  As soon as he saw Rene, he stopped. Then, a smile illuminated his face.

  “I didn’t know you had company,” Jesse waved at Rene and she just quickly nodded.

  She didn’t understand why she always felt bashful around him. It was like she was back in high school, a plain looking nerdy girl, having a crush on one of the popular boys. She was sure Jesse was the jock type back then. Hyde, on the other hand, was probably the loner, maybe the poet type if he had any creative juices in him. The two would have been equally different back then, as they were now.

  “I just came by to pick up my pocket book,” she was quick to explain herself.

  “And the dinner?” Jesse tasted the sauce with a big wooden spoon, then released a satisfied slurp. “Delicious.”

  “I figured, we could eat,” Hyde explained. “Since you’re here, you wanna join us?”

  Rene felt like someone pricked her in the ass with a needle. The evening promised a romantic dinner with Hyde. Now, with three people involved, it just wouldn’t be the same.

  But then, she remembered Alice’s advice again. She liked them both. They both awakened different emotions inside of her, they catered to different needs that she had, even though she had been trying her best to suppress them, and make herself believe that she was over that.

  “Won’t I be cramping your style?” Jesse wondered. “I mean, I only see two places set up.”

  “Why do you always have to be such a dick? Just sit down, shut up and enjoy yourself.”

  The moment she said this, Rene surprised everyone in the room, even herself. The guys looked at each other. The shock and amazement on their faces was priceless. She almost wished she could have taken a picture to make this moment last a bit longer. A second later, and all three burst out into laughter that seemed to last forever.

  “Where the Hell did that come from??” Jesse was wiping his tears. He couldn’t stop laughing yet.

  “It’s like a wolf arising out of little red riding hood,” Hyde was still in shock, even though the grin on his face told her that he loved this turn of events.

  “I’m usually nice and calm, but even I can be a bossy bitch sometimes, I guess,” Rene uncrossed her legs and tapped her fingers on the table a few times.

  She wasn’t shaking any longer. She was in full control of her body, of her voice, of the whole situation. This evening was fate. Alright, she helped fate a little in the beginning, with the pocket book and all, but fate took over and sent her not only Hyde, but Jesse as well. Maybe she could have some fun tonight.

  “So, what else are you hiding there, underneath the surface?” Jesse walked over to her and took her glass.

  She didn’t stop him. He was staring her down, and she didn’t look away for a second. She could feel her cheeks burning red, like they were hot molten lava, but her eyes remained fixated on his. He gulped down her wine in one go, slamming the glass on the table.

  “Whoa there, cowboy,” Hyde warned him. “You break it, you buy it.”

  Jesse turned to him, and once again, everyone burst into laughter. Rene’s gaze kept switching from one man to the other, then back to the first one, and so on. Suddenly, her kinky thoughts caught her off guard. She remembered Alice’s suggestion about a threesome. What would that feel like? Would they even agree to it? Somehow, she was sure that she would enjoy it. After all, wasn’t that what she’d been dreaming of lately - to be in the arms of a handsome man who would blow her mind? Did it really matter it there were two of them instead of one?

  Hyde took off the sauce from the stove, and set another place for Jesse.

  “How was your day?” Hyde asked him.

  “Oh, you know, the usual,” Jesse lifted his shoulders in a half shrug.

  “What is it you do?” Rene wondered.

  “I’m a graphic designer,” he explained. “And I have the good fortune of working from home. Sometimes, I even do it in my pajamas.”

  “Eh, now,” Hyde snorted, “make the rest of us jealous.”

  “In the beginning, it’s great, but eventually, it gets boring, like most things. Can you believe it that I actually wish to get my ass out and mingle while I work?”

  “Why can’t you just mingle when you’re not working?” Rene wondered and Hyde nodded, agreeing with her point of view.

  “That would be intentional,” Jesse pointed out. “Like, I go to a bar, it’s expected that I’ll meet someone. Whether a girl will approach me or I’ll approach her, it doesn’t matter. It’s simply expected. But, at work, it’s just mingling. It starts off innocently and it usually is nothing more than that. You just talk to people. Then, surprise… it develops into something more, and that makes it all the more interesting.”

  “You know?” Rene thought about it for a second. “That actually makes sense.”

  “Right?” Jesse replied, after he shed light on the whole matter.

  “That’s because going to bars stopped being interesting to him,” Hyde revealed, with a sneer.

  “Really?” Rene asked him.

  “No, he’s just…” Jesse started, but Hyde interrupted him.

  “No, he’s just bored that he can get any girl there, and he usually does. So, the game has lost its appeal.”

  “You’re a dick,” Jesse laughed at his friend.

  “For what?” Hyde laughed, too. “Telling the truth? He’s a real playboy.”

nbsp; “What?” Jesse frowned. “Look who’s talking! Before you got married, you were even worse!”

  Rene thought that the mention of his marriage might put Hyde in a bad mood, but no such thing happened. Hyde kept on laughing, accepting playful insults from Jesse and delivering some of his own. These guys had been friends for more than a lifetime, and it was obvious in the way they talked to each other.

  The following two hours passed pleasantly. They had dinner, then moved into the living room. Their wine glasses and a new bottle magically traveled with them, or so it seemed to Rene.

  “More wine?” Hyde offered, already picking up the bottle from the glass coffee table before them.

  Jesse was sitting next to her on the sofa, while Hyde himself was in the armchair.

  “Oh, God no, I’ve already had more than enough,” she shook her head and her hand.

  “You aren’t driving anyway,” Jesse urged, “so why not help us finish this bottle?”

  “If I finish this bottle, I can’t be held responsible for my actions,” she said, and immediately started giggling.

  It sounded like something Alice would say, not her. Not the reasonable, sober Rene Olsen. Tonight, she wanted nothing to do with the good old Rene Olsen. She wanted to be someone else, someone who wasn’t afraid of what she was feeling, and someone who wouldn’t think too much, but rather act when an opportunity presented itself.

  “You heard the lady,” Jesse nodded at Hyde, “pour.”

  Hyde immediately poured a little more and the three cheered, clinking glasses. The wine was sweet and smooth, gliding down her throat effortlessly. She was drunk, that much was obvious. But, she wasn’t drunk enough not to be aware of what she was doing. She simply felt that liberating, freeing of sobriety shackles, which were always holding her back from doing something, which she might later feel foolish about. Her state promised no foolishness, only fulfillment of wishes and desires, hidden from plain view.

  “This is good wine,” she pointed at the bottle.

  “I have a special reserve in the cellar,” Hyde admitted.

  “And you took it out for us?” Rene was touched. “That’s really sweet.”

  “Well, what’s the point of anything if you can’t share it with the people who are dear to you?”

  He was right. She did consider Hyde near and dear to her. In fact, she considered both of them near and dear, and that had nothing to do with the tipsy feeling that felt so overwhelming.

  “You know, I don’t think I ever thanked you,” she suddenly addressed Jesse.

  “For what?” he wondered.

  “For defending me from that guy…”

  “Oh, that,” Jesse drew in a long breath.

  “Don’t say it’s nothing,” she rubbed her shoulder. “I keep thinking what could have happened if you weren’t there.”

  “Rene…” Hyde interfered. “I know we got you in this whole mess. Maybe I should have told you that it’d be dangerous working here, maybe then you wouldn’t be here, you’d be safer.”

  “But, we can keep her safe,” Jesse argued. “You know we can.”

  “But, it’s our fault she’s in danger. She shouldn’t be…”

  “She should be here, with us!” Jesse growled.

  When she heard him say this, Rene clutched at her chest. Her own heart responded to his words with screams of yes, which only she could hear.

  “Jesse…” Hyde urged him to stop talking. “This isn’t the time.”

  “This is the perfect time, Hyde, can’t you see?”

  Rene listened to their conversation, understanding very little of it. She wanted to interfere, but the men were talking too fast.

  “You might ruin everything,” Hyde shook his head.

  “I’m not waiting a second longer,” Jesse disagreed. “How long do you want us to wait? A few months? A year? Few years maybe?” he snorted. “All we ever did was wait and see where it got us. I’m done waiting. I’m telling her. If she runs away, then that’s that. But, I can’t do this any longer.”

  “Do what?” she finally dared to ask and both men stared at her immediately.

  The heat in the room was palpable. She could feel them undressing her with their gazes and she didn’t mind. She wanted them to. She wanted them all to be naked and to feel one another’s body heat, gliding against one another with sweat.

  Instead of replying, Jesse shuffled closer to her. His lips parted, as his face stopped right before hers. Her lips were numb the moment he pressed his on them, but that was only for a moment. She closed her eyes, feeling that drunken feeling leave her body, to make room for something else, something more permanent. Something awakened inside of her, a stirring of something ancient, something she’d been trying to keep under control all this time, and managed to do so quite successfully. Her mind swam with crazy ideas. The three of them in bed, their naked bodies intertwined. She shook her head unconsciously, trying to dispel those thoughts, but nothing worked.

  All of a sudden, Jesse moved back and she felt a painful emptiness fill her, begging him silently to do that again. She turned to the other side and saw that Hyde had moved there. His hand was on her thigh, burning an imprint onto it. She knew that, if she went ahead with this, she would belong to these two men forever - whether they’d want her to or not.

  Hyde cupped her chin with his fingers and turned her head to face him. She could read fiery desire in his eyes. Was he going to kiss her as well? She would have liked nothing better than to feel his lips on hers, to press her hands against his chest and feel the beating of his enormous, pure heart.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked her gently, and if she had any doubts before, they all disappeared.

  “I am,” she whispered back, lowering her gaze.

  She remembered how her attraction for both these men was instant, like lightning, hitting her on the spot. She reminded herself of the fact that it’d been a while since she was with a man, but none of that seemed to matter right now. Whatever it was she was feeling for them would never fade, it would never disappear. It would only grow stronger with time.

  “May I kiss you, Rene?” Hyde asked.

  To Rene, it wasn’t really a question. She wouldn’t say no, not in a million years. Instead, she just closed her eyes, until the moment that he pressed his lips against her plump ones. He tasted of basil and wine. She wanted more. Opening her mouth slightly, his tongue slid in slowly, their kiss growing in intensity as their tongues twirled together.

  She felt Jesse’s hands on her hips, gently traveling upward. She leaned back toward him and Jesse pressed against her back. The heat his body emanated made her want them both even more.

  For a second, reasonable old Rene Olsen asked herself if this was really what she should be doing right now. Was it a good idea? Would it be something she’d regret the following day? The only thing she could feel right now was the intense pleasure that traveled up and down her body. Nothing else mattered.

  She kissed Hyde back even harder, more passionately, arching her back and feeling Jesse’s hard cock pressing against her butt. Hyde’s lips left hers and she moaned a little, her voice dispersing into the air around them, filling it with even more heat. He traveled down, kissing her neck, licking it gently. Her body started twitching in Jesse’s arms, threatening to come undone and they hadn’t even started.

  She swallowed heavily, her pussy wet with her juices, feeling Jesse’s skilled fingers lift her t-shirt and unhook her bra. Their mutual need was tangible. She wanted them both inside of her, right then and there. There was no going back now.

  Jesse lifted up her arms and her t-shirt flew up over her head. Her bra slid downward, leaving her perfect, round breasts exposed to them. Her nipples were already erect, waiting for someone’s lips to suck on them. Hyde seemed to read her mind. Lowering his head, his tongue started playing with her large nipples, flicking them back and forth. Rene’s head swung backward, exposing her swan-like neck to
Jesse, who showered it with kisses. Her moans were louder now, her breathing intensified.

  “That feels so good…” she whispered out loud to no one in particular.

  She had no idea how come she wanted them both so much, after having known them for such a short amount of time. Things were complicated, and that was an understatement. But, when Jesse’s hand plunged downward, trying to unbutton her jeans, everything seemed to make sense.

  As Hyde smashed his lips against hers once again, she welcomed him in. Her hands found his cheeks, caressing him, while Jesse cupped her breasts, pinching her swollen nipples, not giving her a chance to recover. Their tangled passion would find its culmination tonight, and she knew all three of them felt the same. Whatever would happen in the morning… she would cross that bridge when she got to it.


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