Dirty Hearts: A Bad Bod Mafia Romance

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Dirty Hearts: A Bad Bod Mafia Romance Page 22

by Gray, Khardine

  They seemed to be gone for the day. I sat in the park opposite the house and just stared at it. That was my attempt to cool off.

  That was when the memory came flooding back in my mind. The memory of the first time I’d truly bonded with Marissa. It felt like I did, like something changed in my mind and my heart. Something that fueled me to try to make my marriage work.

  Then it was all taken away.

  I went to Luc because when I got like this, it was only my brother who could truly calm me down and stop me from doing something stupid.

  I knew Dante and Gio had been right to stop me from a suicide mission, but it felt like I’d let Goliath walk. He was there, right there in my line of sight, and I didn’t do anything.

  Luc opened the door and ushered me into the kitchen. I’d called ahead so he knew I was coming.

  “Do you want a beer?” he asked, looking me over. “You look like shit.”

  “Best I don’t drink.” Especially since I was driving. One would be fine, but with the way I felt, I wouldn’t stop at one. Now was not the time to drown my sorrows in alcohol.

  Luc sat on the high stool around the counter and ran a hand through his hair. He was the one who looked like shit.

  “You look like you haven’t slept in days.” I smirked. Small talk was good right now because I felt like breathing fire.

  “Raphael’s going through a weird phase of waking up in the night. I blame you for giving him that damn biker mice series, Jesus. I swear he’s going to be like you. Good thing I like motorcycles, or I’d be jealous.”

  I might not have gotten to watch that series with my son, but it didn’t stop me from getting my nephew hooked on it.

  “Nothing to be jealous of, brother. I’m the one who’s jealous.”

  Luc frowned but looked me over with concern.

  I glanced around the corner and saw the base of the stairs. Ava was upstairs. Hopefully asleep. I wished I could see her.

  “How is she?”

  “You want me to say she’s fine?”

  “Is she fine?”

  “No, of course not. You could have answered her calls, Claudius. The poor doll was going crazy thinking something happened to you. Good thing I know how much of an asshole you can be—”

  “I’m breaking it off with her, Luc,” I cut in before he could continue chewing me out. “I was purposely not answering the phone. The less contact, the better. Makes it easier. She knows what’s going to happen.”

  His frown deepened. “Are you sure she knows? She’s not acting like she does. And why? You love her. Obviously, you love her, or she wouldn’t be here.”

  I’d already had this conversation with the guys, and I didn’t want to get into it again.

  “Goliath’s back on the scene, Luc. I saw him today. He’s working with Barabbas and the Manellos. The thing that they’re here in Chicago for is some nukes. I plan to end him. Couldn’t do it today because we were outnumbered.”

  Luc’s skin turned pale, and he ran a hand over the shadow of a beard on his cheeks. I’d probably told him more than I should have.

  “Nukes, Claudius? That’s above you. It’s well above you.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” I knew, but not just today. I knew it seven years ago too. “The nukes are not my concern. He is.”

  “So, you’ll just go after him guns blazing?”

  “Lucian.” I brought my hands up to my head, paused in thought, then fixed my gaze on him. “When Amelia got taken, you had all of us. We had time to set up a crew. We got her back. The odds were there, but we knew we had a shot. When Marissa and Ava got taken… I had half an hour to get to the docks. It took me twenty minutes to get there, so I had ten to save them.” My breath hitched, and I found it hard to continue as I relived the terror of that day. That feeling of doom. Doom was the best way to describe it. “Ten minutes, Luc. There was no time to call anyone, call for backup, call for help. There was just me. Marissa was just starting to get better. She relied on me to take care of her. I couldn’t. Even if I’d had another minute that day, I wouldn’t have been able to save her. I would never have gotten to her in time. Before all that, my son died. My life has been absolute shit, so don’t you dare be surprised that I want to get the head of this son of a bitch.”

  He sighed and hung his head. When his gaze climbed back up to meet mine, his expression softened. “What’s the plan?”

  I shook my head at him. “No. Whatever it is, and whenever I set out what I’m doing, you’re not in.”

  “Fucking bastard. Don’t you dare tell me shit like that.”

  “Luc, I’m boss now. You aren’t even my capo. And I’m pulling rank as the eldest.” I had to smile. I always did that to him. Since we were kids. I pulled rank as the eldest and somehow what I said was what we did. It kind of still worked, except on occasion when he managed to kick my ass.

  He growled. “What’s the plan, Claudius? You’re about to declare war. That’s what this is. Goliath aside, the Antonellas and the Manellos are with him. You doing this signals war.”

  “I know. But it’s not going to stop me from getting my hands on Goliath. Seven years, Luc. I’ve been looking everywhere for that bastard for seven years, and he’s back in Chicago.”

  “Well, you aren’t going after that psycho by yourself. Or, sorry, you Dante and Gio while the other two rogues help the other guys.”

  I’d told him about Alex and Jude, and he didn’t believe it. Or for the most part. He didn’t believe that it was both of them.

  “Where are they anyway?” he added. “Alex and Jude.”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care.” I ran a hand through my hair. “Luc, I need you here. Look after the women. Take care of Ava. She’s the most important thing to me. Just… don’t let her out of your sight. Tomorrow’s her restaurant anniversary. She’s been looking forward to that. If you could take her and make sure she’s okay, I’d be grateful. It’s normal. She deserves normal. She deserves to have tomorrow because she’s worked hard for it. I need to know you’ll take care of her.”

  “Claudius.” Her voice spoke straight to my soul, and I turned around to see her.


  I wanted nothing more than to take her and hold her close to my heart, but I willed myself not to.

  I just looked at her. Her long legs were golden against the deep pink night shirt, and she had her hair piled up on top of her head in a messy bun.

  “I was worried sick,” she continued in a shaky voice.

  It was time to leave. Better to go before I changed my mind. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t look at her and not love her.

  I looked at Luc, and he gave me a nod, silently agreeing to my request.

  That was all I needed, assurance that she would be safe. Safe for her was anywhere far from me.

  Especially with the plan I had brewing.

  “Claudius.” Ava looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

  I turned instead and walked away.

  “Where are you going?” she called out.

  But I didn’t answer. I just walked through the door and left her.

  When I got to my bike, my phone started ringing. I thought it was Ava, but a quick glance on the screen showed me it was Cora.

  I answered straight away.

  “Hey, sorry to call so late.” Her voice sounded strained.

  “You’re still at the office?”

  “Yeah. I’m with your dad. I’m gonna head to the hotel in a minute.” She pulled in a deep breath. “Claudius, things are bad. I managed to hack into the frequency at the cabin at the quarry. Your dad and I listened in on a very interesting conversation. We’re right about the nukes. It’s them, and it’s all happening tomorrow.”

  I bit the inside of my lips hard. “Tomorrow? Fuck, what are they planning?”

  “Not on the phone. Can we meet first thing? Six in the morning?”


  “Good, see you then.”

  God, I needed s

  Tomorrow. It was all happening tomorrow.

  That was fine. I’d be ready. I’d be damn ready whether or not this was above me.

  Tomorrow, I would take down Goliath and finish what he started seven years ago.

  Even if it killed me.

  Chapter 27


  * * *

  Today was the big day, and I could barely keep my eyes open.

  It was Friday, April16th. The day I’d prepped for, for such a long time, and first of all, I looked like crap, my hair was a literal mess, and I had bags and dark circles under my eyes.

  I looked nothing like the clean-cut, sophisticated restauranteur I normally presented to the world.

  It was a good thing Kelly was here. At least she looked chipper and bright. As she should. Today was a big celebration for her too. We’d been official business partners for a year, although we’d worked together forever, and we did good.

  I just wasn’t able to celebrate the way I wanted.

  I flipped over the pancake I was making so the other side could get done.

  Kelly walked in with a bright smile on her face, cheeks red.

  I knew she was happy I was here, but that look was for something else.

  “Do they all talk like that? Calling women dolls?” The red on her cheeks brightened.

  “Yes, they kind of do. What happened now?”

  “Oh nothing,” she answered with a smitten look on her face.

  She totally had a crush on Luc. And if she tried to deny it, I would call her out on it right in front of him.

  She was also loving the attention she was getting from Donny far too much.

  They were all here. At this time of morning.

  Luc, Maurice, Donny, Louis, and Saul were on the inside. There were a few guys I didn’t know on the outside. Not directly outside. Just around the restaurant, protecting the place.

  They all acted like something was going to happen, and it made me antsy.

  It was eight. The restaurant had opened for breakfast at seven thirty, and the place was already packed. I would have hated for anything to happen here. I prayed nothing would.

  It was ironic since the last time I was here, I nearly got kidnapped again.

  “And must they all look hot? You didn’t tell me mafia guys were all hot. Even Saul is a looker, until he opens his mouth.”

  “Kelly, are you having indecorous thoughts before you’ve even walked down the aisle? Should I remind you that you’re engaged? Also, Luc is married, with a child.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and looked embarrassed. “I’m not having indecorous thoughts. Just making an observation. I’m engaged, not dead. My eyes register these things, and fact is fact. The man is hot. Ariel’s having a field day.”

  I smiled. It was a weak smile, but one nonetheless. My shoulders slumped, and the weakness I’d previously felt washed over me.

  Claudius had really upset me last night.

  He’d walked away from me and never answered, never said anything. Despite the fact that he must have known how worried I was.

  “Hey.” Kelly reached out and touched my shoulder. “Chin up. This is a big day for us. Do not let anything get you down. Who knows where we’ll be next year? Ava, I see us in Europe. Maybe Paris or even Italy. We could take over the world with our amazing food.”

  “That does sound good,” I agreed.

  I’d dreamed big, but she’d clearly dreamed bigger. I was in, whatever she choose. I was definitely in.

  “I’ll cook the next order.” She grinned.

  “Is it for our new friends?”

  “Luc wants a Spanish omelette.”

  “Okay, Kelly.” I finished off the pancake, added some chocolate and hazelnut spread to the top, then banoffee syrup.

  We’d promised our customers that we’d be serving them today. The day started with my father’s all-time favorites, and a lot of his old customers were already here. My parents were coming for lunch. Today was when I’d been hoping to talk to them about Claudius. Now, I wasn’t so sure there was anything to talk about.

  He didn’t want me. Last night told me that. He was kickstarting the process of shunning me once again.

  I hated him right now for it, and at the same time, I loved him and missed him so much my soul ached.

  Pushing the thought aside, I prepared a food tray with my order of pancakes and freshly squeezed grapefruit, and made my way out to the restaurant floor. It was even busier than just half an hour ago.

  Nearly all the tables were filled, and two of my waitresses were coming through the door. Just in time.

  I went over to Mr. Portobelle and served him the pancakes. He was one of Pa’s oldest friends. He was here with his wife. They beamed up at me when I came up to them.

  “Oh, Ava, look at you. We’re so proud of you. The place is heavin’.” Mrs. Portobelle laughed. She had a thick New York accent I’d always loved.

  “Your parents are going to be very proud of what you’ve done with the place.”

  “Thank you. I truly appreciate that. I hope I made the pancakes like Pa.”

  Mr. Portobelle cut into the end of the pancake, dipped it in the sauce that had drizzled to the side of his plate, then placed it in his mouth. His salt and pepper brows wiggled with delight, and he started to laugh. “Please do not tell your father I said this, but damn, sweet girl, yours is better than his.”

  “Oh my gosh, that’s quite a compliment. Thank you. I’m so honored.” I nodded.

  It was an honor. People knew my father’s cooking far and wide. So, that was definitely quite the compliment.

  “My turn.” Mrs. Portobelle smiled. From as far back as I could remember, she’d always shared a plate with her husband.

  “Enjoy. Call for me if you need anything else.” I smiled at them.

  I was making my way back to the kitchen when Luc stopped me.

  “Hey, Doll, you okay?” he asked, giving me that concerned look he’d sported since last night.

  “I’m here. Thanks for coming with me.” I had to admit, I felt safer knowing he was here. Of course, if Claudius were here too, I would have actually been happy.

  “Boss’ orders. I’m not to leave your side. Not that I wouldn’t have come along anyway.” He chuckled.

  “He said that?” It was stupid of me to hang on to hope, but here I was.

  Luc instantly looked thrown a little off guard. “He did say that.”

  “Has he called since we’ve been here?”

  Now he looked worse. The caution in his expression told me he’d spoken to Claudius.

  “He has, hasn’t he?” I added. “It’s okay. It’s not fair to put you in the middle. I know you must have been busy, and if you weren’t busy, you could be with Amelia or Raphael. You didn’t have to be here.”

  To my surprise, he rested his hand on my shoulders and beamed down at me with his bright blue eyes. Bright like the blue eye Claudius had. They looked a lot alike. Sometimes, if not for the differences in the way they wore their hair, the temperament, and the unusual eye color Claudius had, they could have passed for twins.

  I should know since I’d had a twin once.

  “I’m fairly certain that when we first met, I said my brother could be a prick sometimes. Who in the world would go to a restaurant this fancy and order a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? And Jesus, what a terrible pick-up line.” He did that sneer thing Claudius did, and I laughed. “It was, Ava, come on. I guess it worked though. Anyway, you and I both know that Claudius is of a different category, and when he gets like this, all hyped up and whatever, few can reach him. So, let him ride it out. Let him ride it out and do what he needs to. Capisce?”


  He released me.

  We both looked around at the door at the same time when the little bell jingled.

  It was Alex. One of The Four.

  I thought he was just here to join the crew, but the tension on Luc’s face told me otherwise.
br />   His expression just switched, morphed into instant anger with his jaw set and eyes bearing down on Alex like he’d kill him.

  Alex walked up to us.

  “You know, Lucian, you can’t look at me like that and not want a fight.” Alex looked Luc over.

  And Jesus, I didn’t even register that Luc had moved until his hands were at Alex’s throat and he’d hoisted him up in the air.

  People were looking over in horror, but I was watching them.

  “Mind your words, boy. Consider this a reminder of who you’re talking to. What the fuck do you want?”

  My hands… they started to tremble. I’d never seen Luc like that.

  I thought between him and Claudius, he was the more even-tempered brother. Right now, the lines between their differences in temperament didn’t seem all that different.

  What did Alex do?

  What had he done to deserve this sort of treatment?

  Alex grabbed at Luc’s hand, but Luc had him in some grip that weakened him. Didn’t matter that the two were the same height and practically the same built.

  Luc’s guys came over seeing the commotion. They looked like him. Ready for battle. Ready for battle while Alex gasped for breath.

  “Luc, please let him go.” I tugged on the sleeve of his shirt.

  He glanced at me, then back to Alex, and released him.

  Alex gave him a bewildered look. “I’m not the enemy here. I’m not. You know me. You know me, Lucian.” He stared Luc down.

  “Everyone has a price, Alex.”

  “Not me. I have nothing left.” Alex adjusted his collar, revealing the cross on his neck.

  Who had he lost?

  He said he had nothing left. Maybe I was a complete naïve in this, but I didn’t see any ill-will in him.

  “I heard on the underground that Goliath’s in town. Thought you should know.”

  My already racing heart started to gallop, making my chest tighten.

  Goliath… back in town. Just hearing the name made my skin crawl and the hair on my arms lift.

  My legs… shook. Weak and trembling.

  Just like I knew Luc had spoken to Claudius earlier, I somehow knew that Luc already knew about Goliath.


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