Murder on the Menu

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Murder on the Menu Page 18

by Jerri George

After some thought, she said, “I don’t want to call the sheriff just yet. I need to talk to Dawn on my own.”

  “What? Are you kidding?”

  “No, I’m dead serious.”

  He scoffed. “Dead, being the operative word here. She could try to kill you. At the very least she needs to be arrested for the attempted murder of your uncle.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I know Dawn better than anyone. Underneath that chilly exterior is a little girl who lived through some of the same stuff I did. I fell apart, but she erected walls.” Candace was suddenly very sad. “You should go home anyway. You need a break as much as I do.”

  “What? I’m not leaving you here to wait for her.”

  “Yes, you are. We have some very personal things to talk about, and she would resent an audience.” Candace wouldn’t be too thrilled with Tripp hearing any conversation about Anton either. She stood up and took his hand, leading him to the door.

  “Candace, I can’t just…”

  She cut him off. “Yes, yes you can, and if you care about me you will. I’m not a little girl, Tripp, and I need to handle this by myself. Riley and the guys are on their way, and so is Anton, I guess. It’s not that long until sunrise. Now get on the road. I will call you.” She placed her hands squarely on his chest.

  With that, she gave him a reassuring kiss goodbye. She wished that last night could have been one of the most special nights of her life, but once again, circumstances got in the way.

  Tripp looked deeply into her eyes. “Earlier tonight was amazing.”

  “Yes, it was. You’re amazing.” She kissed him again and opened the heavy wooden door. She had to practically push him through it and watched until his car was completely out of sight.

  Chapter 30

  It was nearly eight when Candace jumped into her SUV, to catch up with Dawn. Just an hour ago, Dawn had arrived at the ranch, offered an insincere hug, accepted a cup of coffee, and began a seemingly well-rehearsed story about what she’d been up to. The ranch was oddly quiet and the house eerily empty. Their conversation became heated and their voices reverberated. Everything had changed over the last few days.

  Candace was confused. “I can’t believe you never told me about the letters. You never let on that your mom and dad were having trouble.”

  Dawn explained, “I was embarrassed and not entirely sure what was going to happen. Dad would never leave Mom, at least not from what I knew. I guess if I hid them and didn’t tell anyone, it made it all go away.”

  Candace had faced Dawn with the particulars just as she and Anton planned when they read the letters yesterday morning. They'd pieced together a timeline, linking Dawn's visit to the hospital that night and the suspicious activity at the ranch with Dawn’s vanishing act from Denver with no credible explanation. She certainly hadn’t gone to the movies.

  Candace finally told Dawn what Uncle had told her. It was Candace’s father Brad, not Dan, who had stolen Marjorie’s heart. Brad was the reason Marjorie was prepared to leave Dawn's father. Had Brad and Cynthia not gone off the edge of that cliff so many years ago, Dawn might have discovered her mother's plans were in vain and her feelings not even reciprocated.

  Standing in the same room where Dan was nearly slain, holding the opened envelopes and red ribbon, Dawn had cried out. “First, his own wife professes love for his best friend, then that bitch from Dan's firm strips him financially,” she spat out the words. Her hair disheveled, makeup smeared from crying, and hands shaking, Dawn was less her social climbing self and more like the young teen Candace remembered.

  She then stormed out of the door, screaming, “How could she? She was going to just abandon my father? No wonder he took his own life!”

  Candace wasn’t certain where Dawn was headed. Driving in the direction of the hospital like a bat out of hell, sand spewing from the tires, Dawn swerved. She was obviously reeling from what she and Candace had just discussed. If everything discovered within those boxes of letters was true and her actions last week actually did coincide with Dan's attack, the girl needed serious help.

  Candace choked back the tears. If only Dawn's mother and father had stayed together, it might have meant more father-daughter time and no matter what the financial fallout, she knew Dawn would have still worshiped her father. Could it all have been prevented? Was Dawn headed to the hospital to confess to come clean about the betrayal she felt had taken place, and the years she carried hate in her heart? Was she going to fall on her own sword to clear her name and square things with Dan or try to hurt him again?

  Candace now wondered about Aunt Marjorie’s visit to the hospital a few days ago. Still following Dawn, she slowed, just long enough to make a call on her cell.

  “Hello?” It had been so long since she’d heard her voice.

  “Aunt Marj? It’s Candace.”

  “Oh no, Candace. Don’t tell me something has happened to your uncle.”

  “No, he’s okay. I didn’t mean to frighten you by calling, but I need your help.”

  “What is it, dear?”

  “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but Uncle Dan’s accident was more than that. Dawn was involved. She didn’t mean to hurt him but she did have an argument with Uncle.

  “Oh my God. I was afraid something bad would happen between them one day. Dawn has harbored such animosity in her heart toward him. I came to see him the other day, but visiting wasn’t allowed. I thought we should both talk to Dawn.”

  “I’m afraid it’s even more serious than that, Aunt Marj. Can you tell me more about what happened back then?”

  With Candace still in hot pursuit of Dawn, Marjorie painted a very different picture of the situation. Among the many details she already knew, Aunt Marj shared some she didn’t. Her aunt explained that when she confessed her feelings about Brad to her husband Eric, he had made threats and stormed off in a rage.

  “We had a horrible fight,” she explained. “He said he'd divorce me, take Dawn away from me and find a way to ruin your father. He started acting crazy and said that if he couldn't have me then Brad couldn't either, and he'd kill him if he pursued me. I'm so sorry Candace, we never meant for you to find out any of this. Honestly, after your parent's bodies were discovered, I thought it was put in the past for good.”

  “Uncle Dan knew about how angry Uncle Eric, er, your husband had been?” Candace asked, beginning to feel even more uncomfortable.

  “Yes, I spoke with him about it briefly. God forgive me, Candace. I wonder to this day if Eric had been capable of hurting your Dad. I was afraid he killed himself because he had a part in it.” Marjorie was remorseful.

  Candace was numb with realization. Could her parent’s accident have somehow been an attack? That wasn't the Uncle Eric she remembered, but if it were true, her mom and dad's death might not have been an accident after all. It might have been murder.

  Marjorie explained that it was less than a year after their break up when Eric shot himself. “I don't think it was over the money. You know, the stock market losses, but your uncle thought so. Eric and Dan were both inconsolable about your parents, we all were, and your uncle wouldn't hear of any suspicions involving Eric.”

  Candace wept when they finished the conversation. She could barely see the road or Dawn’s car in the distance, but she was obviously headed for the hospital. Relieved to hear her parents had the strong marriage she always suspected they did, the fact that it ended too soon and so abruptly, made it devastating.

  She had a sudden urge to investigate it all, to delve into this heavily guarded past while Dan was still at the hospital, alive and in protective custody. If Uncle Eric, she winced at the reference to their formerly close relationship, had killed her parents, and Dawn was as unstable as she seemed, there was no telling how much danger Uncle could be in right now.

  Candace thanked Marjorie and told her it might be a good idea to drive in from Boulder again to see both Dawn and Uncle Dan. Candace promised her that they would find out who was resp
onsible and if it was Dawn, they’d try to help her.

  Dialing Anton was both a relief and a strain. She had to tell him their plan worked. That she had confronted Dawn with the letters they had studied with a fine-tooth comb. In the light of day and with maturity, they had revealed to Dawn how wrong she had been.

  When he picked up, Candace told him, “I think she’s on her way to the hospital. She may try to hurt Uncle for his part in all this. She seems dangerously close to a breakdown.”

  He assured her, “I’m here at the hospital now. Don’t worry. Drive carefully.”

  “Thanks. Hey, what about the brunch?”

  “The boys are getting their first shot at running things by themselves. I wasn’t sure if this was going to be the day when it all came to a head, but I called Cam, and he said he and Zach would be fine. Fingers crossed.”

  She sighed. “I guess it was bound to happen sometime. I feel as if I have abandoned the business.”

  “No worries, it’s all going to come to an end soon. Everything will be back to normal.”

  “Anton, I spoke with my aunt. She said her husband once threatened to kill my dad.” She choked on the words and swallowed her tears.

  “Seriously? Does she have proof?”

  “No, just his threat. It was after Eric found out about Marj’s feelings for my dad.”

  “Wow, but who’s trying to hurt Dan now? Have you called the sheriff?”

  “No, I guess I should,” she said.

  “I would. Don’t worry, I’m here.”

  Chapter 31

  Candace pulled into the parking lot just behind Dawn. She watched her scurry out of the car and into the hospital. Candace jumped out of her car and ran after her. By the time the elevator doors opened on Dan’s floor, she could hear Dawn shouting.

  “Just let me go! You can't tell him, he'll never forgive me,” Dawn was screaming as Anton was restraining her from entering Dan’s room. The nurse staff was blustering about, and she could hear one on the phone to the sheriff. Dawn was hysterical.

  Anton clenched Dawn’s arm so tight it was turning red.

  “Let go, I need to talk to him about the other night when he got hurt and about what’s in the letters.” She twisted her arm, thrust her knee into Anton’s groin and ran into Dan's room. Candace sprinted to Anton’s side as he cursed, bent in half, swearing. “Son of a bitch.”

  Candace followed her into Dan’s room where Dawn collapsed into the chair beside Uncle’s bed, sobbing. She looked like a shriveled spider, recoiled from a glancing blow.

  Dan rolled over. “What's going on?”

  “We know who hurt you, Uncle, and who's been at the center of this entire thing,” Candace blurted.

  “Well, spit it out,” he said, glancing at Dawn. “Or maybe you’re not the one to tell me.”

  “No, I might as well,” Dawn spoke into her shaking hands. Peeking out from between her fingers she asked him, “You can't believe I'd really do anything to hurt you, can you?”

  “I know you were pretty angry with me the other night, about me keeping the letters, but honestly Dawn, I don’t remember what happened after that.”

  “I ran out the door and left. The first I heard you were really hurt was when Anton told me. I turned back and went straight to the hospital.”

  Anton came into the room. “Come on Dawn, he was hit over the head with something–probably the fireplace poker. Did you hit him with it? You need to come clean.”

  Dawn retorted quickly, “No! Are you crazy? Why would I try to kill him? I was angry is all.”

  “If not you, then who? The hospital has proof someone tried to kill him again, and no one could reach you,” Anton said accusingly.

  “They what?” Dan seemed shocked by Anton’s statement.

  Dawn looked at him sincerely. “Dan, you can’t think I would try to kill you. I was in Blackhawk with a client.”

  Uncle Dan said, “I don’t know what to think, young lady, but it will all be sorted out, I’m sure. If you are really innocent then you don’t need to worry, but we need to talk about those letters, and I would like to talk to your mother.”

  Sheriff Sam entered the room.

  “Sam, I’m glad you're here,” Candace sighed the words. “Dawn swears she didn’t attack Dan, only that she only pushed him, and he was fine when she left the ranch. Last night she was supposedly in Blackhawk.”

  The sheriff was already pulling a crying Dawn to her feet with one hand and reaching for his handcuffs with the other. “Ms. Erhlickson, you are under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

  Dan spoke up weakly, “Hold on, let’s not get carried away.”

  Dawn wailed. “I didn’t attempt to murder anybody.”

  Sam continued, “You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed by the court to represent you. Do you understand your rights as I have explained them to you?”

  “Sam, is this really necessary?” Dan asked.

  “I’m afraid so. We don’t know what’s going on here, but the hospital found elevated traces of potassium chloride in your bloodwork. Someone tried to kill you last night, and until I have more facts, she will be in custody.”

  Dan said, “Dawn, don’t say anything until you speak to an attorney.”

  Sheriff Sam directed the deputy to take Dawn to jail while Dr. Melendez joined the group gathered around Dan, which now consisted of Tripp, Anton and Candace. How Tripp ended up here, Candace didn’t know, but she was glad he did. A discussion ensued regarding Dawn’s proposed guilt and the likelihood of her innocence. They rehashed the evidence and timeframe. It was then the sheriff mistakenly mentioned the dogs had been poisoned.

  The room filled with collective reactions. Sam looked contrite and the doctor immediately cleared out all visitors fearing the news might give her patient a setback. The doctor checked his vital signs and then left the room.

  “Can I have a moment alone with my uncle?” Candace asked the men in the room. They quietly left, Tripp kissing her cheek and Anton retreating when he saw it. Once alone, Candace mustered up the courage to break the news about Merlin to Dan. It was a blow, but not the first he had experienced in his life, and he seemed to take it well.

  “What kind of monster would kill a dog?” he asked. “I doubt Dawn has it in her.”

  Candace kissed his cheek and held his hand. “I don’t know what to say. “Uncle, I hate to bring this up now, but I spoke with Aunt Marj on my way here. She told me Uncle Eric threatened to kill Daddy years ago.”

  “That’s what she told me. But I don’t think he meant it literally. People sometimes say things.”

  Her voice cracked. “What if he did? Did the police ever investigate his threat?”

  “Not that I know of sweetheart, but Eric is long gone so there isn’t much use in stirring the pot now. After he shot himself, they were all gone.”

  “I guess.” She shrugged.

  “I’d like to be alone for a bit if you don’t mind.” Her Uncle looked bushed.

  “Of course I don’t mind. You’ve been through so much in the last few days and now, Merlin’s death, I’m so sorry Uncle.”

  “Thank you. I just need to rest.” He patted her hand and shut his eyes. She kissed him on a forehead deep with lines. Candace was so grateful he was alive, but someone had to find out who was trying to kill him.

  Stepping into the corridor, an interesting troupe had assembled. The sheriff, Tripp and Anton were conferring with each other and the doctor.

  “We’ve decided to move him,” Tripp announced.


  “Yes, Ms. Kane,” the sheriff spoke up. “He’ll be safer that way. We’ll get him a private nurse so his location can be kept confidential, and one of my men will guard him at all times. “No one will be allowed in without an ID.”

  “That’s a relief, thank you,” Candace responded. “If Dawn isn’
t the one who hurt him and didn’t try to kill him last night, then who did?”

  Tripp answered, “I still think it was the former girlfriend who, by the way, is staying at the nearby hotel where I am. Although I question the validity of her drug or poison knowledge.”

  “My money is still on your friend Dawn, but if her alibi checks out then I’m stumped. Everyone loves your uncle, and no one I have interviewed has a motive,” said Sam. “Please think carefully. Is there anyone else who might want your uncle dead?”

  “I just don’t see how.” Candace sighed. For the first time she didn’t try to hide her frustration or exhaustion.

  “I’m taking her back to the ranch to make her something decent to eat while you guys try to figure this out. I’m no real help here, and she looks like she’s going to collapse.” Anton put his arm around her shoulders even though she was standing next to Tripp, and she let him. Right now, she was desperate for some good food, a shower and some rest.

  Chapter 32

  It was dark outside when Candace opened her eyes. What time was it? She was on the couch in the family room, but the mess she had made with Tripp the night before was cleaned up, and quiet music was playing on the stereo.

  Slowly, she began to remember the ride from the hospital with Anton earlier. They had a long talk about everything that had happened and called to check on their team. Not surprisingly Zach had the brunch set and everything was going well. Discussing the menu which started off with strawberries and whipped cream, prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe, spinach and artichoke stuffed mushrooms, and smoked salmon with bagels and cream cheese, made her even hungrier.

  Cameron assured her their specialty vanilla bean ice cream French toast with bourbon syrup was already in the chafing dish, alongside the duo of western scrambled eggs, and paprika laced home fried potatoes. Although, she had tried to convince the bride to have eggs Florentine Benedict as well, they settled on the mushrooms.

  Candace had added assorted tea sandwiches to the buffet to blend the breakfast and luncheon combination, and it was much easier when wedding cake was the dessert. Both she and Anton genuinely cheered them on and were proud to hear all was under control. Of course, Candace would need to see pictures, talk to the client to make sure everything was up to their expectations and find out the amount of gratuity added to the bill.


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