Wedding The Greek Billionaire (Holiday With A Billionaire Book 3)

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Wedding The Greek Billionaire (Holiday With A Billionaire Book 3) Page 3

by Rebecca Winters

  “I’m sure.”

  “What’s your next destination?”

  “I don’t know yet. Ever since I came to Greece, I’ve constantly sent out emails to various places for information. The answers come back if there’s something I need to research. I’ll know tomorrow when I receive more responses. Good night, Andreas.”

  “Good night,” he whispered.

  As he turned away, she shut the door. Her explanation had been the right thing to say. If she’d told him what her destination would be tomorrow, she knew in her heart he’d tell her he’d drive her there.

  While he was dealing with this huge change in his life—something Zoe knew all about after divorcing her husband for his infidelity—she realized this time with Andreas was a distraction that was helping him to cope with what he was going through. But she couldn’t afford to keep it up. It was far too risky to her own peace of mind.

  * * *

  They reached Patras at 11:30 a.m., when he pulled the car up in front of her apartment. He’d taken Zoe to see the monastery in Varlaam on the way back. Afterward they’d enjoyed breakfast at the quaint Taverna Gardenia in one of the narrow passageways.

  “What a treat to have gone there! I suppose you’ve climbed those one hundred and ninety-five steps to the top before?” she teased.


  “It would take someone a lot more courageous than me to do it.”

  He smiled at the inexhaustible, breathtaking woman standing on the sidewalk while he retrieved her small suitcase from the car. Zoe didn’t fool him. She’d been in Greece on her own since January, digging up material in out-of-the-way places, talking to strangers, taking risks. She embraced adventure.

  “I’ll call you later.”

  Her eyes flashed blue fire. “From work, I hope. I’ve kept you from it too long.”

  “It’s been the best medicine I could have asked for.”

  “I’m glad. And just think? After today you only have to wait one more day before you sweep your little boy into your arms again.”

  She understood him like no one else. “Speaking of Ari, I never did show you a picture of him.” He pulled out his phone and scrolled to his photo gallery. “I bought him a little pair of sunglasses.”

  Zoe took the phone from him and broke into an infectious smile after studying it. “He’s absolutely adorable. I don’t know how you stand the separation.” She handed it back to him.

  He put his cell in his shirt pocket. “We do what we have to do.”

  “Isn’t that the truth. I won’t tell you to have a wonderful day, but hope it will be all right if I wish you a productive one? Then my guilt won’t be so bad.”

  Andreas burst into laughter. He never knew what she was going to say next. But she was right. He’d played hooky from work for long enough. “I’ve enjoyed our time together.”

  “So have I,” she came right back. “Now I need to get going.” She picked up her case and started toward her flat. Before she rounded the tree, she waved at him.

  He got back in his car and headed for work. His personal assistant probably couldn’t wait to show him the mountain of decisions to make and contracts to look over, but he didn’t care. Being with Zoe Perkins had given him a new lease on life.

  The next time he lifted his head was around five thirty when he reached for his phone to call Zoe. He was getting hungry and wanted to take her to dinner. To his satisfaction she answered on the second ring.

  “Andreas—” She sounded vibrant. “How did you survive your first day back?”

  “More to the point, what about you? Where are you? How soon can I pick you up? I’m starving.”

  “So am I, but I’m actually on my way to dinner with a group of professors here in Prevesa.”

  The news came as a blow. His black brows knit together. “That’s three hours away by car. How come you didn’t say anything this morning?”

  “I didn’t know until I looked at my emails.”

  Andreas needed to calm down. “How did you get there?”

  “I rented a car because I knew I’d need to drive around a lot once I got here. I’m really lucky because these people have fresh information for me about Lord Byron. This is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow. I’ll probably be here three or four days.”

  The wind went right out of his sails. “That means I won’t be able to see you until I get back again from Athens.”

  “I should be in Patras by then—or shortly after. Thanks for calling me. Have fun with Ari.”

  That was a given, but as for anything else, he felt like his lifeline had been cut during his space walk and he was cast into the void. “I hope this trip brings big results for you. Talk to you soon.”

  He hung up and left the office for his grandparents’ villa. They’d been devastated by the news about his filing for a separation, but understood how Lia’s painful betrayal had brought about the end of their marriage.

  Not only that, it had upset his grandfather that he hadn’t been at the board meeting the day of the taxi accident. Andreas needed to reassure them on all counts that everything was all right. But the truth was, he couldn’t bear to go home until he was ready to collapse in bed.

  When the time came to fly to Athens, he was more than ready to enjoy his son. Ari was the joy of his life and they had a marvelous two days and nights together. The only way he could stand to leave him this time was hoping that Zoe would be there when he got back to Patras.

  After his jet landed and he headed for his villa, he phoned Zoe. It would be the first time they’d spoken since he’d talked to her the day she’d gone to Prevesa. Andreas wasn’t known for his patience, but in her case he didn’t want to crowd her while she was doing her work.

  This time she didn’t answer until the fourth ring. “Good morning, Kyrie Gavras.” She’d never called him that before. “Are you back in Patras? How was your visit with Ari?”

  “I just flew in and my time with my son was wonderful as usual. I want to know about you.”

  “As I told you before, I found a treasure trove here.”

  He had trouble swallowing. “So you’re still in Prevesa?”

  “Not exactly. One of the literature professors from Turkey invited me to return to Anatalya with him. I’ll be here for two weeks, maybe less, then I’ll be back in Patras. He’s an expert on Lord Byron and has incredible information with a fresh perspective. We’ll be traveling to Bodrum and Ephesus, where there are other scholars he wants me to meet. He’s very excited about the film Magda is making.”

  Andreas was listening, but he also imagined the professor was particularly excited about being around anyone as beautiful and vivacious as Zoe.

  His eyes closed tightly. “I’m glad you’re finding new information.”

  “It’s fantastic.” She sounded happy.

  “The best of luck to you, Zoe.”

  “Thank you so much. I’ll call you when I know my flight from Anatalya.”

  “Why don’t I pick you up at the airport?”

  “That would be lovely, but only if it’s convenient for you.”

  “I’ll make it convenient.”

  She laughed. He’d missed that sound, he’d missed her more than he could believe. “Bye for now.”

  * * *

  Zoe’s heart almost palpitated out of her chest when she saw Andreas with his black hair and burning black eyes standing at the luggage pickup waiting for her. He’d dressed in one of his elegant silk suits, this time a gray one with a dazzling white shirt and tie. The man was bigger than life and so sinfully handsome, it was shocking to her.

  She’d hoped to get some perspective while she’d been away from him, but instead the opposite had happened. Her bad experience with Nate hadn’t seemed to have taught her anything. The ache in her heart had grown more serious while she’d been away from Andreas. S
eeing him again had turned it into real pain.

  His gaze played over her in that way only he could do, causing her insides to melt on the spot. “The world traveler is back home. How does it feel?”

  Like I’m going to die from happiness.

  “I’m glad to be back, but it’s not going to be for long.” Let him know now.

  The gleam in his eyes vanished. “What’s next on your agenda?”

  “Since I uncovered new information while I was in Turkey, I have to go back to Messolonghi tomorrow for a week.”

  “Do you have time to eat lunch with me before you’re off again?”

  “I’d love it.” She reached for her suitcase, but he took it from her.

  “My car is out in the short-term parking. Let’s go.” They walked out together. After he helped her in the car and got behind the wheel, he said, “Do you want to go to your apartment first?”

  “Oh, no. I don’t want to put you out. We can eat on the way in. You pick a place.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Anything. You can’t get a bad meal in Greece.”

  He started the car and drove away. “As opposed to Turkey?”

  “The food there was delicious, but you know what I mean. I’ve been here since January and have loved it all.”

  “That’s nice to hear.” He drove them to a restaurant where the specialty was moussaka with a béchamel sauce he liked. They could eat outside on the patio and enjoy some house wine.

  The waiter took their order. When he walked away, she smiled at Andreas. “How is Ari? Do you have any more pictures to show me?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” He pulled out his phone and they laughed over the photos for a few minutes until their meal came. They were both hungry. Then he changed the subject.

  “Will you let me drive you to Messolonghi? We could leave later today and enjoy an evening together there.”

  “You’re so generous to me, but this afternoon I have an appointment at the University of Patras with a professor who’s finally back from his vacation. He has some vital information for me.”

  “How were you planning to get there?”

  “Call for a taxi.”

  His dark eyes narrowed on her face. “Do you dare?”

  The question made her chuckle. “If you’re offering to drive me, I won’t say no. But I’ll be there for at least two hours.”

  “Then I’ll do some errands and come back for you. If you want to go back to the apartment, I’ll drive you and then we’ll leave for Messolonghi.”

  Zoe realized she couldn’t say no to him. He was determined to spend time with her, and heaven help her, she was so thrilled to be with him she could hardly stand it.

  They ate dessert before he took her to the university. She waved him off before hurrying inside. Zoe didn’t think the dean of the literature department had summoned her because his information was new, but she was curious.

  What really stunned her was that he’d been talking to others in the humanities department and was offering her a temporary post to teach there in their theater department for the fall semester. Byron had written a series of plays she could teach in a curriculum she’d developed.

  The earlier mention of her association with Magda Collier had no doubt excited them to the point they’d made this offer. But as tempting and alluring as it was because it would keep her in Andreas’s sphere, she turned it down. No way did she dare accept.

  When she’d met Nate, she’d fallen for him too fast and had rushed into a serious relationship with him with disastrous results. If she stayed in Greece and was given this position at the university, it would be throwing her into temptation’s way with Andreas. She had to keep reminding herself that she’d be leaving Greece soon and had no intention of coming back.

  After telling the dean she was honored and flattered to have been considered, but couldn’t accept the offer, she left his office and waited outside in front of the building enjoying the view until Andreas came for her.

  They drove into town. Once he’d dropped her off at the apartment long enough to pack fresh clothes, she got back in his car and they left for Messolonghi.

  She’d spent time there earlier in the year. It was the place where the Greek rebels fought in the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire. It was there that Byron came to join Greece in its fight for freedom.

  “Refresh my memory about that last day,” Andreas asked her.

  “From what I know, Byron rode his horse by the waters of the lagoon, then to the Chapel of the Virgin by the Palm Tree, and then for many more miles onto Aetolicon. On that fateful day he was caught in the downpour of a storm and returned completely soaked to the home in Messolonghi where he was staying. That’s when the sweating and fever started. He became seriously ill and died at the age of thirty-six.”

  He shot her glance. “What more do you expect to learn about that day by going there?”

  “I’m curious to compare some facts with the Turkish accounts I’ve just gathered.”

  Andreas shook his head. “Does that mind of yours ever turn off?”

  She flashed him a radiant smile. “I hope not.”

  After they reached Messolonghi, Zoe had booked a local hotel. After she’d checked in, Andreas walked her through the Garden of Heroes where Lord Byron was featured. According to his will, his heart was buried there beneath the statue and his body shipped back to England.

  As she’d walked with Andreas, she knew she’d come close to losing her own heart. But it had happened so quickly! How could she be feeling this way after her last painful experience? Zoe was at the point where she didn’t trust her own judgment and was feeling so vulnerable, she was frightened.

  Because you know that what you feel for Andreas is more than what you’ve ever felt for anyone before.

  They had a meal of superb grilled eel at a nearby café. He was definitely a fish man, but this would be their last dinner together.

  Zoe looked at her watch. “It’s getting late, Andreas. Don’t you think you’d better get back to Patras if you’re expecting to fly to Athens in the morning?”

  “It’s only an hour’s drive. Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to get rid of me?”

  She sucked in her breath. “That’s the first cruel thing you’ve ever said to me. I thought we were friends.”

  “I’m sorry if it came off sounding that way.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry. I guess I worry that you’re a man with so many responsibilities. You’ve done everything for me since that accident.”

  “It’s obvious that you’re not used to letting anyone help you.”

  That was a plain fact. “You’re right. I need to learn to be more gracious. Thank you for this whole day and the dinner tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. If you’re ready, I’ll walk you to the hotel and say goodbye for another week.”

  Another seven days away from him. How would she be able to handle it?

  He accompanied her as far as the hotel foyer. “I plan to come for you when you’re through here. I’ll call you.”

  “I know you can’t wait for tomorrow to see Ari. It makes me happy just thinking about the two of you together.”

  “Good luck with your research.”

  They were talking around each other. She could see a little nerve throbbing at the corner of his mouth before he turned on his heel and walked out of the hotel.

  Zoe hurried up to her room on the second floor and burst into tears. This had to end.

  For the rest of the week she did as much research as she could. On the sixth day, she packed up and rented a car to drive back to Patras. From there she made a plane reservation for a night flight to Venice. For the rest of the day she got her laundry and packing done.

  She couldn’t stay in Greece any longer. Zoe had
been the first woman Andreas had turned to since filing for his separation. It was possible he and Lia might even reconcile given a little more time and no outside distractions. He’d told Zoe that Lia still wanted him back. Zoe didn’t doubt it and couldn’t help but wonder if that knowledge didn’t work on Andreas. If he wanted to try again with Lia, Zoe knew it would kill her.

  Even if that didn’t happen, in time there would be more women when Andreas was finally free. Nate had found another woman before they were ever divorced. It was inevitable the same thing would happen with Andreas. Zoe wasn’t the kind of a woman to hold a man like him for long, not after she couldn’t keep even Nate interested.

  No matter where they went, every female eye followed Andreas because of his looks and sheer charisma. Her legs went weak whenever she saw him waiting out in front of her apartment.

  Here she was at twenty-six, on the verge of being swept away by the sheer male beauty and magnetism of Andreas Gavras. She’d learned he was the renowned hotelier of Gavras House Properties and an influential, fabulously wealthy business tycoon from the powerful Gavras family. Their name figured heavily in the economic future of western Greece.

  Though she was madly attracted to him, she had to get away while she still could. It would be impossible to go on remaining just friends with him, not when deep down she wanted him in all the ways a woman wanted a man. And when his interest turned to someone else, then what?

  After paying the bill, she left at eight that evening and sat in the airport waiting for the call to board her flight. That’s when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID. A moan escaped when she saw Andreas’s name. With a pounding heart, she clicked on. This was it.

  “Andreas? How are you?”

  “Looking forward to seeing you. It’s good to hear your voice. I thought I’d better call now to find out how soon you’ll be ready in the morning.”

  She started to tremble. “I’m so glad you called when you did. I have something important to tell you.”

  There was a definite pause before he said, “Does this mean you need to stay there longer?”


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