Feed the Beast

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Feed the Beast Page 7

by Gary Hawkes

look right for the part

  How to pick one,

  Can there really be only one?

  Barely contain the lustful love

  Will there be a light that shines from above?

  Words come out in slippery nonsense

  Around fine women who have confidence

  Get control, breath, stay calm

  Pulse races with just her touch on my palm

  Hate rejection, had enough of it

  But doing nothing puts me in more of a fit

  Say hello, if nothing else

  If words come out as gibberish

  Make her laugh, make fun of yourself

  Need a pretty lady

  Don’t rely on maybe

  Man up, don’t be a baby


  Drink a beer to flirt with the fear

  Pending goofiness is coming near

  As long as the Fortunate’s don’t block the pier

  Surge of pulse that begins to leer

  Holding strong, to correct all the wrongs still pilling up

  Still holding the beer cup

  Avenge the Forgottens with peaceful protest

  No, this is not a test

  No more relations made in jest

  More complications every moment

  Had to find true contentment

  Blaze some kind of trail

  Have a new course to set sail

  Otherwise, it is a fail

  What is Left

  Grooving, emotions loosening

  Prospering in this imaginary land

  Some things are of my choosing

  Building up the vitals to set sail again

  No need for constant pain

  Tormented past leaves a stain

  What is there left to gain?

  Lost with no place

  Trapped in the open range

  An upcoming threatening flame

  Light and Dark feel one in the same

  Search for truth through the too long ruse,

  What is left to do?

  The Sun

  Which one; the blonde with the big tits?

  Or the tan one with the really big tits?

  Did you mean the fit one with the ass that wouldn’t quite?


  All of the above

  Who cares of love?

  Enjoy the time for the night

  Everything is all right

  No need to be uptight or starting fights

  So many pretty ladies to set the good mood

  Party night feeling aloof

  Liquor flowing; keeping it loose

  Plenty of good women to choose

  Hard to focus with the sea of boobs

  Mind always thinking of sex

  I don’t want to just trade texts

  If you’re cool, I’m cool, let’s have fun tonight

  I can barely contain myself; your body is out of sight

  Don’t worry; I’ll treat you right

  I’ll make sure you get off before the end of the night

  No stigma here with hooking up

  The Others are just stuck up

  If you want more, we’ll see where it goes, with a little luck

  We can cuddle after if you want, or skip it if you just want to…

  If you’re cool, I’m cool, let’s have fun tonight

  I can barely contain myself; your body is out of sight

  Don’t worry; I’ll treat you right

  I’ll make sure you get off before the end of the night

  The Final Stand

  Stay on the right path

  To avoid feeling the wrath

  Of souls consumed with the past

  Longevity waning; fear of finishing last

  Missed chances to join the show

  Enigmatic decisiveness doesn’t ever know which way to go

  Aimless Direction with everything in tow

  Searching for purpose so soul can rejuvenate

  Otherwise, they may just incarcerate

  Lost souls bounce around, willing to placate

  No food left on the plate

  Soul searching rescue plan

  Continuing since the dawn of man

  Preparing for the final stand

  Life’s Road

  Consuming adventure denies the flight

  Practical wisdom of what is right

  Avenging those who lost the light

  Impossible to ever be right

  Continuing on this crazy journey

  Where it goes I don’t know

  What’s the purpose; I don’t know

  But I’m continuing down life’s road

  Weird visions block the view

  Superstitious voices disrupt the tune

  Is there anything left to lose?

  It preys on those who can’t choose

  Continuing on this crazy journey

  Where it goes I don’t know

  What’s the purpose; I don’t know

  But I’m continuing down life’s road

  Insistence stabilizes the stubborn force

  No longer playing for sport

  Still haven’t found my home fort

  Don’t even own a fork

  Continuing on this crazy journey

  Where it goes I don’t know

  What’s the purpose; I don’t know

  But I’m continuing down life’s road


  Holding on to some kind of energy and staying strong

  Lost focus, try not to get hopeless

  Dead end town in the off season

  Can’t seem to find the reason

  Down to my last little bit

  Before I’ll be asked to quit

  Slow fall into the pit

  Use everything to climb out of it

  Adventure holds for a later hour

  Until you have your own place to shower

  She’ll wait for you to regain the power

  Presenting a new spring flower

  Down to my last little bit

  Before I’ll be asked to quit

  Slow fall into the pit

  Use everything to climb out of it


  Relentless surge proclaims a new voice

  Chance for happiness is the right choice

  Together they beckon the calming storm

  Don’t need to process a form

  Spirits lifted, raising hands

  Kindred spirits begin to make plans

  Which is the way to the clouds?

  Learning what it is all about

  Want to shout it out loud

  Pausing for steady abuse from all around

  Stay calm, don’t let yourself drown

  Presence doesn’t have to be loud

  Get the message out, be proud


  Systematic revitalizing the artistic mind

  The truth is never too kind

  Malfunctions scramble the constricting bind

  Blast out of the dark hole and let good times roll

  Then everybody smoke a bowl

  Slumping around down town

  Needing a new plan to get loud

  Aimless direction brining me down

  Fight the power that suppresses

  Angel’s touch caresses

  Calming assurance, stops the depressions

  Party On

  The façade starts to fade

  All of the past negatives have decided to stay

  Too much concern with getting paid

  And of course getting laid

  Party on like it’s all over

  What happens tomorrow?

  Who cares of the sorrow?

  Forces continue to impede

  Price of doing nothing far too steep

  No time for too long sleep

  Forgiveness never comes cheap

  Party on like it’s all over

  What happens tomorrow?

  Who cares of the sorrow?


  Complicating thoughts begin to torment

  As everything has already been spent

  No idea on how to comment

  Practical use it seems is very low

  Trouble locating the inner glow

  Waiting for the woman to show

  Balancing high in the world of nothing

  Humanity continues despite failings

  Learning each generation the survival teachings

  Bound together we unite as one

  Purpose of war there is none


  Start fresh; then study for the next test

  No time to think of what path is best

  Staying too long, becoming a pest

  Too many friendships made in jest

  Waiting for the signal to run down the field

  Hard to explain how I feel

  Terms undisclosed in the previously signed deal

  Stumbling forward with no time to heal

  New direction; not yet revealed

  Reversing course to steer through, and hopefully get a better view

  But no skills left to use

  So I do anything to just continue

  Waiting for the signal to run down the field

  Hard to explain how I feel


  Flavor of the month spits in disgust

  Misgivings undo the good trust

  Try not to be late

  World too consumed with hate

  Righteous future still possible

  Bringing new ideas to the table

  Difficult premonitions keep things unstable

  Is the world really able?

  Strive for something good

  Easy to be misunderstood

  Is it something anyone would?

  Temptation cries from below

  Slipping into the great unknown

  Accusations too long been thrown

  Needing a new place to roam


  Impossible nature of this quest has left me floundering

  Can’t think of the supposed importance things

  The world is still run by kings

  We continue with our dance; enjoying the infliction

  Pain blocks the passage as love battles extinction

  Passing barely by in the world

  As other shuffle by, waiting for their turn to die

  Words unspoken have left me frozen

  Watching as The Others get chosen

  Peaceful time before the end

  Calm before the storm descends

  Awaken before the soul cheapens

  Winning at nothing except surviving

  Always too soon friends are dying

  Grab your chance now that’s been extended

  Before everyone good is apprehended

  Live the life that’s been presented to you

  You can do what you choose to do

  It’s You Tonight

  I’m a lonesome boy looking for a loving lady

  If you can’t say yes, just say maybe

  Going out of my mind

  Without a woman by my side

  Cold feet, stuck in the concrete

  But I know there’s one that right

  Maybe it’s you tonight

  The last long ride has left me out of balance

  Fallen out of favor with the woman’s flank

  Nothing to do as everything just sank

  Now starting over in the middle

  Hoping to solve life’s riddle

  Too long having stayed idle

  But I know there’s one that right

  Maybe it’s you tonight


  Impatience consumes the present

  Prospects still seem decent

  As I attempt to grow up

  Lazy indifference, acting like a chump

  Unemployed, broke with no woman

  May need to change the plan

  Lost the directions to the promise land

  Very soon time to get off the couch

  Be proud of what you are about

  Never too late for life to start

  Search for solutions to constant problems

  Finding a new home den

  Running around with aimless direction

  When will the next assignment begin?

  Very soon time to get off the couch

  Be proud of what you are about

  Never too late for life to start

  Death Squad

  Death squad marches without remorse

  Holding steady on their supposed righteous course

  Changing allegiance as the wind blows

  What’s good or evil, nobody knows

  Insightful debate from the enlightens; will only lead to prosecution

  Devil grins as it’s in control again

  Empowering the Death Squad to stand

  Certain they are of their holy purpose

  Blinded by loyalties beyond the human race

  Their lust for death leaves no room for grace

  Death Squad then infiltrates the machine

  Revealing what darkness really means

  Battle the Death Squad that wants to take over the reigns

  But be ready to feel the pain


  Formulate new opinions of The Army of Forgottens

  Souls rest despite being tormented

  Easy ambivalence keeps things connected

  Slowly moving forward toward nothing

  Hope washes away in the fading spring

  Do enough, to not feel the sting

  Infinite obstacles block the path

  Those who don’t stay in line will feel the wrath

  Everything is so wide open and different, nothing is exact

  The Forgottens are pushed toward the back

  Content to finish, even if it’s last

  The door opens for the elites to slither through

  As balance is denied, the elites continue to consume

  Their greed unstoppable, not much we can do

  Life’s Journey

  Unwanted and unneeded, too soon discarded

  Frightful reaction leaves soul departed

  Lifelong bonds instantly scarred

  Unwelcome sight, can’t stay the night

  Still striving for the light

  Pressure to conform heightens

  With harsh words that begin to threaten

  Escalate too fast the misunderstanding

  Prepare for a difficult landing

  After succumbing to the dark branding

  Still lost in life’s journey

  Nothing without money

  Airing out my dirty laundry

  Anything for a woman to call me honey

  Crazy Life

  The allusion is over, the wolves won

  Senseless drought; no going home

  Where is there now to roam?

  Forced to take out another loan

  Machine spits out those who don’t fall in line

  Fulfillment will come in the next life

  Driving on fumes, just to get by

  Trying to live a full life before it’s time to die

  Continue on this crazy life

  Don’t give in to the fright

  Try with all you might

  The machine hold strong in the world of wrong

  Permission denied to sing the good song

  Path to contentment is always long

  The pressure builds each passing day

  To try and come up with a new way

  Conformity stands in line, here to stay

  No new direction on this sunny day

  Continue on this crazy life

  Don’t give in to the fright

  Try with all you might


  Something good is bound to turn

  Still stung by the slow burn

  The world continues on

  I whisper the same song

  Repeated words become hard to dig

  While the critics pounce at the stubbornness

  Still learning what it takes to be a success

  Nose to the grind; lofty goals in mind

  Don’t look back, leave no regrets

  Keep after your dreams

  Before you rip at the seams

  Not everyone gets a chance it seems

  Rise up before it gets mean

  Hope still alive, but ready to dive

  Lost purpose beyond how to survive

  Striving for a change that makes a difference

  Still haven’t earned a single cent

  All the saved money already spent

  What does it take to have fulfillment?

  Keep after your dreams

  Before you rip at the seams

  Not everyone gets a chance it seems

  Rise up before it gets mean


  Dreaming of a new chance to prove myself

  Too many things left on the shelf

  I feel I may be slipping

  Strong negative feelings

  Misused from bad dealings

  How long will it take to get back on course?

  Made the mistake of exercising my voice

  Punishment is not being able to see my boys

  Shut the fuck up, or else get locked up

  Keep opinions to yourself

  No believing in yourself

  Too long it’s gone on

  I keep waiting, wondering how long

  It will be for life to again be fun

  Ideas diminished like the fading star

  Ambition only goes so far

  Soon time to make a deal

  So I can at least have a good meal

  Shut the fuck up, or else get locked up

  Keep opinions to yourself

  No believing in yourself


  The Proclaimer sits on the golden throne

  Speech prepared while waiting in the neutral zone

  Order given to the captain

  The one who knows how to make things happen

  Hesitating for a moment to ensure a good bargain

  Relentless deal consumes me yet again

  The ignored prophets become restless

  Old instructions have become useless

  As The Others continue to march, ignoring their senses

  The new energy captivates the crowd

  Ready for change, they start to get loud

  But the captain ignores the response

  Concerned more with increasing his lot

  Discouraged voices sprinkle around, realizing who’s really on top

  An order is made to silence the critical voices

  Only the elites are allowed to have choices

  The Army of Forgottens bemoans the decision

  Their once proud fight turns into indecision

  The Proclaimer smiles at the continued chaos

  Happy his rule continues over us

  This Night

  Back in the old college town

  Sexy ladies all around

  Feeling frisky after this beer I found

  Have fun tonight while listening to good sounds

  I’m quite, not shy

  Let’s ditch this party and fly

  Come over to my place, then come again

  Partnering up for the night, don’t worry of supposed sin

  Natural good feeling, please no teasing

  Have a good time for the night

  We later walk away knowing everything is all right

  Some like to cuddle after

  It’s cool with me, it’s the perfect chaser

  I’m quite, not shy

  Let’s ditch this party and fly

  Come over to my place, then come again

  Partnering up for the night, don’t worry of supposed sin

  So if you like, why not try it?

  Let’s hook up, and hook up soon,

  I can barely contain myself your body is so fit

  Let’s make it work tonight

  You know I’m the one you should be with on this night

  I’m quite, not shy

  Let’s ditch this party and fly

  Come over to my place, then come again

  Partnering up for the night, don’t worry of supposed sin

  Modern Times

  I’ve been running down the same path for far too long

  Repeating the same stories over and over again

  Constant pressure to conform and do the “right thing”

  Missed the times of youth on the field when the goal was to win

  What’s the goal now? Avoiding prosecution

  My way of life is illegal; the government says I’m a deviant

  In a prison cell is where I should be kept

  Fall in line and join the system if you want any success

  Millions unwilling or unable are easily discarded

  The show continues happily for the ones on top

  Amused watching all the busy worker bees, who can’t ever stop

  No other true course for me but to continue on

  Somebody will eventually listen and enjoy the song


  Brief family reunion turned a little sour

  Get together for a couple hours

  Reflecting on why we’re here, what got us here

  Unresolved continued tension, brings dream suppression

  Avoiding cutting ties, but can’t continue down the same line

  How to break up without giving up

  Keep the relation warm with the saving angel

  Stand together before it all falls

  Watching the boys grow up too fast

  Making sure the memories last

  Good times quickly fade into the past

  Unsure on where else to go

  Just want to let good times roll

  How to break up without giving up

  Keep the relation warm with the saving angel

  Stand together before it all falls


  I have an idea on how it ought to be for me

  Harder to imagine when I don’t have that relation treating tenderly

  Suppose I’ll keep on trucking along, until there’s a light I can see

  Wear the mask to keep up the masquerade, leading the solo parade

  To try and feel free

  These modern times are bugging my mind

  Too much nonsense gets me unkind

  Strained relations around the clock

  That blocks the view of the mountain top

  Wishing the end to all the nonsense was close,

  But not sure if it will ever stop

  Practicing for the big show that may never come

  Chances are it’ll just be a flop

  Not into following everyone else in the march of conformity

  Don’t want to be a prince of pop

  These modern times are bugging my mind

  Too much nonsense gets me unkind

  New Play

  She once was my lady, now it’s just maybe

  The lonely days might just be here to stay

  Boys get confused, tired of the ruse

  As I hide behind the truth

  Prepare for the worst

  That’s become my daily dessert

  Hopeful for good change, where life is first

  Longing for good

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