Predestined Hearts

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Predestined Hearts Page 6

by Kelly Elliott

  Gael leaned back to look at me. “Daniel Stowe and Sophia Maria Montgomery?” His voice was curious.

  “Yeah, does that ring a bell? I mean I know that they are over a hundred years old. But maybe you know some Stowes.”

  He scrubbed his jaw. “Let me think on it and I’ll let you know. What do you know of them so far?”

  I loved being able to share this story with someone. Gael was easy to talk to. “Let’s see. Sophia was here at the park. Her mother wants her to end up with a man name Devlin, but Sophia doesn’t seem interested. While they were at the park, Daniel Stowe and his father came up to them. There was an instant attraction between Daniel and Sophia. It was incredible what his first look did to her. Then it just so happened they had a dinner date at the Stowes’ house the next night. While they were there, Sophia saw Daniel and they—umm—they—broke some rules of society.”

  My cheeks were warm and I looked away. I had retold the story without even thinking about where it had led to in the garden.

  Gael bumped my shoulder and added low in a whisper, “Oh, this guy took your great-great-great-grandmother’s virtue.”

  I nervously giggled. “Yes, he—umm—did kind of. I would say only half her virtue was taken since you know they umm—didn’t—you know.”

  My eyes were trying to communicate the meaning behind my words. This was a little bit awkward and Gael seemed to enjoy it based on the sparkle in his eyes. His hand came up and rubbed his chin. “I may need you to explain it a little more.”

  I bumped his shoulder back and noticed when I moved back to my original position, Gael moved with me. “Well, if you need the steps that lead up to the birds and the bees explained, then you have much bigger problems that I can’t help you with.”

  Gael had a contagious laugh and I couldn’t help but join in. “Yeah, you’re right. Can I see what happens to Sophia and Daniel today? I’m intrigued.”

  “You want me to read to you?”

  I was a little nervous thinking what those two could be up to in this next entry.

  “I’d love that.”

  Those simple words from Gael blossomed within me. Opening the journal, I found where my metal bookmark had been placed. “I cannot be held responsible for anything my great-great-great-grandmother does. No judging.”

  He shook his head. “No judging. Let’s see what these two naughty ones get in to.”

  Looking down, I saw the next entry as I read aloud.

  AS WE WALKED along Oglethorpe Street, my heart fluttered each time Danny touched me in a small way. My cheeks would flush as I quickly searched for prying eyes.

  I had decided to wear my gray silk walking dress, Annie’s favorite, when I received notice that Danny would be calling on me today. It was an elegant dress with brown velvet appliqués. The bodice was lace and had the ever-present high neck. Heaven forbid an ounce of skin should show and provoke naughty thoughts from gentlemen passing by on the streets. I loved the skirt with the simple folds and ruffles. It was adorned with a silk bow on the front that added just the right touch.

  “Sophia, you do know you are a part of my future, do you not?” His hand moved to my elbow as he led me around a corner, before quickly dropping his hand back to his side. Tingles coursed through my body at the mere thought of waking up each morning to his beautiful smile. I peeked up at him from under the brim of my gray hat.

  I stopped walking and turned to him. “Tell me when we may steal a few private moments together.” My voice sounded needy. Who is this girl talking? I was so taken by Danny’s handsome looks, I could barely form words to speak. My eyes searched his perfect face. He smiled and my breath was stolen from me.

  “Sophia, you drive me mad with desire. I’ve—” Danny looked around and closed his eyes before opening them and capturing my eyes. “I’ve never felt this way before. My mind is flooded with thoughts of you, always. I cannot concentrate, on anything.”

  Smiling, I looked away. “I feel the same, Mr. Stowe. Especially with your promise to make me yours hanging between us.”

  The left corner of Danny’s mouth moved up into a smile that was sinful. “Ah, yes, my promise of making you mine. Shall I take the rest of your virtue soon, darling?”

  I desperately wanted to press my body against his. “Yes. The sooner the better, Mr. Stowe.”

  Danny threw his head back and laughed as he extended his arm and I took it freely. We walked together in silence for a bit as I felt heavy eyes upon me. I was about to speak when a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

  “Miss Montgomery.”

  Stopping and looking to my left, I saw him. Devlin Covington. His family owned a large tobacco plantation right outside of Savannah. They were also in imports, like Danny’s family. The first thing I noticed was his top hat, then his golden silk cravat. My eyes traveled down his well-dressed body. His fitted coat, which I’m sure was straight from Paris, along with his trousers. Only Devlin Covington would dress like he was on his way to a ball when he was most likely on his way to his parents’ house for brunch.

  Smiling, I gave him a slight bow. “Mr. Covington.”

  Devlin smiled as his eyes traveled down my body and up again with hungry greed. His smiled dropped slightly when he turned to Danny. Devlin’s eyes landed on my arm intertwined with Danny’s. “Mr. Stowe, I was not aware that you were courting Miss Montgomery.”

  Glancing over to Danny, his smile widened. “Yes, soon to be my betrothed.”

  Betrothed? Oh my.

  My heart nearly dropped to my stomach. I smiled at the idea of truly belonging to Danny.

  “Sophia, is this true?” Devlin asked as he looked at me with shock. I wanted to tell him I was as shocked as he. Glancing back to Danny, I stared at him. I knew something was going on when Danny asked to speak with my father in the parlor alone yesterday. Did he ask for my hand in marriage?

  What would cause a man to claim someone so soon? Yes, we shared an intimate moment. A very intimate moment, but was Danny jealous of Devlin?

  Smiling, I turned back to Devlin. “Yes,” I said, barely above a whisper. I heard the sharp intake of air from Danny and I could not contain the flutter in my stomach.

  Devlin gave us each a small bow as he smiled weakly. I knew Devlin was taken with me and I could not deny he once held my attention, but that was before Danny. Clearing his throat, Devlin said, “May I offer my congratulations then?”

  “It is not official, yet,” I said before I even realized it was off my lips.

  Then Danny slipped his arm from mine and placed his hand on my lower back as Devlin’s eyes widened in surprise. “Shall we continue with our walk, my darling?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled at Devlin. “It was lovely seeing you again, Devlin.”

  As we walked away, Danny looked over his shoulder back at Devlin. “It seems your vixen ways have enticed another.”

  My smile faded. I stopped and turned to Danny. “I beg your pardon? Do you assume I have approached Mr. Covington in a seductive manner? Is that what you think of me, Danny?”

  Danny’s mouth dropped open. My body shook with anger as I spoke, “You declare to want to be my betrothed yet you accuse me of being a temptress.” I turned and began walking back. “I’ve had enough fresh air.”

  Danny followed next to me before grabbing me and pulling me down a small narrow alley between two buildings. He pushed me against the wall, grabbed my right hand, and pushed it above my head as he lowered his lips to mine. I wanted his lips on mine desperately, but he denied me of my need.

  “Do you deny conversing with him?”

  My chest heaved up and down. “I do not. My mother wishes for a union between our families. We’ve danced at parties during this season.”

  His eyes searched my face. “Do you desire him, Sophia?”

  My mouth parted open and I felt tears sting my eyes. “No, I do not. I only desire you.”

  “I want no one but you, Sophia.”

  I swallowed and whispered, “I want no
one but you, Danny. Do you not see it in my eyes? Feel it in my touch?”

  Danny leaned his forehead against mine. “I do. I fear I let jealousy take over my actions. I am sorry. You’re beauty is like no other. I cannot fault other men for being attracted to you.” He pulled back and his blue eyes were filled with something I’d never seen before. Could this be the look of a man in love? My heart rate increased as gooseflesh took over my body. “But you are mine, Sophia. You will always be mine.”

  Licking my dry lips, I said, “Yes.”

  Danny pressed his lips, and his desire, against me. I let out a small moan as our tongues danced together as one.

  When breath was needed, we pulled away. “Soon, Sophia. I fear I will die if I don’t have my cock buried deep inside of you.”

  I smiled at his wicked tongue. “I’m growing tired of this promise, Mr. Stowe. I challenge you to make this promise a reality, and soon.”

  Danny’s mouth curved up in a seductive manner. “Before the clock strikes midnight on Saturday, I will make you mine.”

  MY BEST FRIEND, Nelly, reached for my hand and squeezed it as the carriage bounced on the bumpy road. I hated riding in a carriage for so long, but the trip would be worth it. “I’m so excited!” she exclaimed. I smiled and shook my head. “Richard I’m sure will be pleased to see you.”

  Nelly’s eyes lit up with the mention of her betrothed. “Yes. His business in Charleston is finally finished. Word of him meeting me at the dance this evening was the best news I have received in weeks.”

  Smiling, I took Nelly’s hand in mine as we grew closer to the hotel. “Did you hear that the new Hotel Tybee has been said to be the finest resort on the Atlantic?”

  Nelly’s smile widened as she nodded and lowered her voice. “And the most romantic.”

  I bit down on my lower lip. “One can only hope.” Nelly and I fell into a giggling fit as my mother gazed upon us with disgust.

  “Really, girls. Please don’t act like children.” Smoothing her dress, she continued to talk. “Sophia, I’ve heard that Devlin Covington will be present for the dance.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked away. “Why should that concern me, Mother? I’m courting Daniel.”

  My mother let out a sharp laugh. “Please. His family is not near the worth of the Covington’s. You’ll be lavished with the finest of items from Paris if you were to have a match with Mr. Covington.”

  My blood boiled. “I care not about being lavished with fine items, Mother. I care about love. It seems we know where your heart lies.” Father quickly turned and looked at me before glancing over to my mother.

  My mother sat straighter. “You best watch your tongue, young lady.”

  My father reached for my mother’s hand. “Ladies, let us have one weekend where you do not quarrel with each other for me?” My father looked at me with pleading eyes.

  Smiling weakly, I nodded my head. “Yes, for you, Father.”

  My mother’s lips parted open as if she wanted to say something else. I knew my mother didn’t love my father. It was apparent she had feelings for Danny’s father. I saw the way her eyes lit up when he walked into a room or approached us on the street to wish us a good day.

  I looked away. Had my mother chosen to walk away from love for money? I was almost positive she had. Father came from a very wealthy family in England and he had prospered here in Savannah until the war cost him almost everything.

  Peeking back at my mother, she stared down at the carriage floor. I will not end up unhappy and pining after a lost love.

  I will not end up like my mother.

  I stood before Nelly. “So? What do you think?”

  Nelly’s smile widened. “I’m thinking Mr. Stowe will be adjusting his cockstand often in his trousers to hide the effect this gown will have on him.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock before I began laughing. “Nelly Ann Hunter. You are a very naughty girl.”

  Winking, she whispered, “Could be the company I keep, perhaps?”

  Nelly had been my best friend since I could remember. Her long blonde hair rested gently on her shoulders as her blue eyes screamed with naughty thoughts. Always. She was shorter than me, but our bodies were almost identical. I turned and gazed upon myself in the mirror. “Mother is going to have a fit when she sees me.”

  Lucy fought to get the corset on me this evening. Thank goodness corsets were declining in style.

  “Miss Sophia, will you be needing anything else?” Lucy asked.

  I turned and smiled. “No, thank you. Lucy, you may attend to my mother now if needed.”

  Lucy gave me a slight bow and headed out of my room after excusing herself.

  Turning back to the mirror, I looked at the sapphire-blue silk bustle dress. My shoulders were bare, giving way to my soft ivory skin that longed for Danny’s touch. My breasts were swept up by the tight bodice and swelled out of my gown, showing the most cleavage I’d shown to date. My light-brown curls were piled on top of my head. Curls hung down and framed my slender face. “I must admit, I’m hoping Danny will find it hard to keep his hands to himself this evening.”

  Nelly chortled. “You vixen. You are going to kill the poor man.”

  I slipped my gloves on and smiled as I turned toward the door. Hearing my gown swoosh as I glided through the room increased my heartbeat. Looking over my shoulder, I winked at Nelly. Her long black bustle dress fit her like a glove. I looked straight ahead and giggled. Danny wouldn’t be the only one struggling with a cockstand this afternoon.

  The moment I walked into the room, I felt him. Glancing around the room, blue eyes caught mine. I had never seen a more handsome man in my seventeen years.

  “Cast your eyes upon them. Have you ever seen two finer gentlemen?” Nelly whispered as she leaned in closer to me. I pulled my eyes from Danny and noticed Richard standing next to him.

  “I agree. Never have I seen two finer men.” I looked back at Danny. His eyes danced with desire as he began to make his way over to me.

  I felt someone take my elbow and begin leading me in the opposite direction. I quickly looked at my mother. “What are you doing?”

  “Why Mr. and Mrs. Covington, what a pleasure.” I looked to see Devlin standing alongside his parents as they greeted my mother and myself. His eyes roamed over my body, taking in the sight of my bare shoulders and exposed breasts. Smiling slightly, I looked over my shoulder. My father was talking to Danny and they were both in deep conversation. Finally, father smiled and shook Danny’s hand. When Danny turned and winked at me, I took a sharp intake of air from his smile. I pulled my arm from my mother’s grip and made room between my mother and me for two of the most important men in my life.

  “Daddy,” I whispered as he kissed me on the right cheek, then the left. Danny walked up and smiled as he gave me a small bow and a smile that instantly had me moistening between my legs.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Covington, what a lovely surprise to see you here,” Father said as he glared at my mother. Mr. Covington reached his hand out, smiling. “Mr. Montgomery, how are you fairing these days?”

  Father turned and motioned for Danny to step alongside of him. When Danny held his arm out for me, I quickly placed my hand upon his arm.

  Father cleared his throat as he said, “May I introduce Daniel Stowe, Sophia’s betrothed.”

  My mother had been using a fan to cool herself off when she dropped it to her side. “What?” my mother said in a state of shock.

  “What?” I whispered as I turned to Danny. I didn’t think my evening could possibly start out any better.

  Danny winked and leaned down, dangerously close to scandalous behavior. “Your beauty takes my breath away.”

  “I could say the same for you, Mr. Stowe,” I replied.

  Glancing up, I couldn’t help but notice Devlin staring at Danny with a pained expression. I gave a polite bow and let Danny excuse us as he led me to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, but not close enough t
o have tongues wagging.

  My nose filled with his musky scent and my nipples hardened against my bodice. Closing my eyes, I took in the feel of him holding me in his arms.

  The moment I felt the warmth of his hand on my cheek, my eyes sprung open. “I feared you might run away.”

  Frowning, I asked, “Why would I run away?”

  His eyes lit up like the stars during a clear evening sky. “I asked for your hand; I know we have not known each other for long, but I’ve lost my heart to you, Sophia. It is forever lost to you and only you.”

  Grinning like a mad fool, I glanced over Danny’s shoulder. My mother was glaring at us. I could almost feel the coldness of her stare. Her hate for Danny showed more and more. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. “Take me away from here, Danny. Claim me as your own like you promised you would.” I raised a brow to him and tilted my head as I peered up through my lashes. “You wouldn’t want to see me break all social boundaries and dare to ruin my reputation now would you, Mr. Stowe?”

  Danny’s smile widened as he laughed. I adored his laughter. It felt as if it hummed through my entire body.

  Then, his smile faded some and his breathing picked up. “My family has a beach cottage here on Tybee Island.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “Take me there.”

  His eyes searched my face. “Sophia, are you—”

  Placing my fingers to his lips. “Take me there, Daniel. Please.”

  It hadn’t been hard to escape from the dance unnoticed. Lucy began to follow me out of the pavilion, but I turned and told her I was taking a walk with my betrothed and she was excused. She smiled and turned on her heels.

  Minutes later, I was in Danny’s arms as we rode in his carriage to his family’s beach cottage.

  The carriage pulled up and Danny jumped out. He reached into the carriage and picked me up. I let my head fall back as I let out a laugh. I felt so free. No social standards to tell me how unladylike I was acting. No mother to whisper how the Stowe’s did not have the means that the Covington family did. It was just Danny and me. My heart pounded within my ears. The driver pulled off, leaving my betrothed and I alone.


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