Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4)

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Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4) Page 14

by Karen Nappa

  When she settled down, he handed her several tissues and she had to laugh. "You're prepared."

  He smirked.

  Sonja straightened her spine. "I guess it's time for my punishment?"

  Derek nodded, and Sonja sighed. "All right, Daddy. Will you please punish me for lying and not going to sleep when I was supposed to?"

  "I will, baby girl." He stroked her cheek and shocked the hell out of her when he added, "But I want you to tell me what you believe is a fair consequence." He helped her stand. "Let's have dessert, and you can tell me what you've decided after we've finished eating."

  Sonja had brought home two blueberry cobblers from The Sweet and Savory Table. She served them with a dollop of plain yogurt, which she preferred over ice cream. Today, she barely tasted the scrumptious dessert. She worried about the right punishment. If she went too light, Derek would think her a wuss and maybe decide she wasn't on board with his control, but she definitely didn't want anything too harsh. Somehow, she had to come up with something that was related to her infraction. That's it!

  "Have you come to a conclusion?" Derek asked as he leaned back in his chair as if he'd caught on to her thought process.

  "I have, Daddy," Sonja answered. "I broke two rules, and I expect to be punished. I didn't expect to have to come up my own penalty, but I think I have."

  "Okay, whatever it is, I'm proud of you already, baby girl."

  Sonja took a deep breath and looked Derek straight in the eyes. "For getting distracted with my tablet instead of going to sleep, I'm going to give up my tablet for a month." She paused and look at him.

  "Hmm." He stroked his cheek. "Do you think the punishment fits the transgression?"

  She frowned. "You don't?"

  "No, baby, I think that punishment is too severe. You went to sleep late once, and this is thirty nights without your tablet. Besides, you use your tablet for other things."

  She nodded. "You're right about that. How about we make it a week, and I'm not allowed to use the tablet after 9:00 pm?"

  "That sounds more reasonable," Derek agreed. "What about lying about it?"

  "That one is harder, but I think I found a good one for that, too." She paused before adding, "Although, I'll hate it."

  Derek chuckled. "Punishment is meant to be nasty, so you learn something from it." He looked at her expectantly. "What did you come up with?"

  She swallowed and answered, "Because I didn't tell the truth, I think it's fitting that I don't get to speak at all." She tried to gauge his response, and he made a gesture for her to continue. "I-I want you to gag me for an hour the next time we're at Club Indigo."

  He threw his head back and laughed. "That's a great punishment. However, your lying happened in private so you don't have to atone for it in public. I know how you hate humiliation."

  "Thank you, Daddy." She hoped he could hear the sincerity in her voice, although she still dreaded the gag.

  He narrowed his eyes. "You can also swap the ball gag for a bare-handed, bare-bottom spanking."

  "Do you mean here or at the club?" she asked.

  "Does it matter?" he returned, and she shrugged. "No, baby girl, here and now."

  Sonja nodded. It was a no brainer. She'd enjoyed his over the knee spankings before, and even though this wouldn't be a sensual spanking, it still would be much better than drooling around a ball gag. "Please, spank me, Daddy."

  Derek gave her a stern look. "Don't think I'll go easy on you." His features softened a bit as he added, "It pleases me that you're willing to submit to the punishment you deserve. Go to the bedroom, get undressed, and stand in the corner."

  Sonja hurried off to do his bidding. Inside the bedroom, she pulled her dress over her head and pouted when she realized Derek wouldn't see her new bra and panty set. She folded her dress and placed it on the chair. She placed her underwear on top of that and went over to the corner in the room, by the closet. While she stood there waiting, the weight of her actions pressed down on her and she had a hard time not moving or making a sound. She didn't want to displease Derek more than she already had, so it was paramount to her to maintain her form. The door opened and closed, and with her heightened senses, she could hear the rustle of clothing as he moved through the room. A slight creak told her he'd settled on the bed.

  "I'm proud of you, baby girl. You followed my orders to the letter, and I can see you're doing your best to please me." Derek's voice was soft and clear. Tingles of anticipation ran up Sonja's spine. True, this was punishment, but Derek was sexy and she loved him. Her thoughts came to a screeching halt as the realization hit. She was head over heels in love with Daddy Derek! With her face to the wall, Derek couldn't see her emotions, and Sonja told herself she would share her revelation with him as soon as the punishment was out of the way.

  "Turn around and come lay over my lap, baby," Derek ordered.

  She followed his instructions, no longer insecure about how she must look or about how she felt. She was at peace and would accept her spanking gracefully—

  "Ow, that hurts!" Sonja's attempt to lift herself was thwarted by Derek's left hand between her shoulder blades.

  Derek's right hand stroked her burning ass and replied, "Of course, it does. It's supposed to hurt. This is punishment, and I don't want you to lie to me, ever again."

  Sonja sighed and sagged back over his lap. He was right, and she'd chosen to be punished this way.

  Another slap landed on her ass, and she bit back a scream.

  Again, Derek caressed her bottom. "You know, if you relax into the slaps, the pain is much easier to endure."

  Sonja did her best to follow his advice, but it hurt like hell. He could he expect her to relax into this? She contemplated using her safeword but then what? No! She deserved this and she wouldn't wuss out. Without faltering, Derek peppered her ass with stinging slaps. By now, either her cheeks were getting numb or she had relaxed more. Somehow, she could handle the spanking better. She could do this!

  When it was over, Derek pulled her onto his lap. She'd taken her punishment, and now he held her in his strong arms. She let her tears fall in relief he'd forgiven her. She cried because she was happy to have a Daddy-Dom who cared enough to call her on her behavior. She wept because Derek loved all of her. And of course, her tears were because her butt ached. Sonja giggled.

  "What are you laughing about?" Derek asked over her head.

  "I was thinking how my tears had so many meanings. I wasn't just crying from the pain but, also, relief and happiness," Sonja answered honestly. "I don't know why I felt like I had to hide what I'd done."

  "I want you to feel able to share everything with me. In our relationship, our love, there is no place for lies," Derek said. She nodded against his chest. "I'm sorry, Daddy." She leaned back to look at his face. "I love you, Daddy, with all my heart."

  Sonja got one glimpse at the delight in his eyes, and then his lips crashed to her mouth in a mind-altering kiss. Their lips caressed and tongues danced as they shared each other's air and so much more. Sonja poured all her feelings into the kiss, and she knew Derek did the same. Her butt was flaming from his spanking, but it was nothing compared to the heat between them. In Derek's arms, she felt safe to be who she was, and she knew, no matter what, she was precious to him.

  Derek was happier than he would have thought possible with Sonja. She was everything he wanted in a submissive, little girl, and life partner. She was bright, open to life, and had just enough sass to keep him on his toes. She accepted punishment when she misbehaved. Some days, he wondered if he was dreaming. His only concern was Angie. He hadn't heard anything from her since the night of the munch, and it wasn't like her to give up so easily. Paula had offered to investigate Angie's affairs, but he hadn't heard anything back from her yet. In the meantime, he had work to do.

  His afternoon appointment was something of a mystery. His message said that the meeting was with a woman named Ellen Martinez, who had child sexual abuse to report. The note said it was al
legedly about someone important in the community and that Ms. Martinez had proof. He didn't know anything about the woman beyond her name. She hadn't even left a phone number. He wasn't sure why she had chosen him as the recipient of this potentially explosive information, but the unit receptionist said the woman had insisted she would only speak to Derek. He hoped it wasn't some crackpot. They could be challenging to shut down. His phone rang. "Kiriakis."

  "Ms. Martinez is here. What do you want me to do with her?" It was Ann, the receptionist.

  "If I asked you to throw her out, would you?" Derek asked facetiously.

  "Only for you, handsome," Ann responded.

  "I guess I'll have to settle for seeing her. Are any of the interview rooms open?"

  "I'll put her in number three. It's got a panic button in case she throws herself at you. She looks the type."

  "Swell. Thanks, Ann. Tell her I'll be right with her." Derek lingered over his desk for a few more minutes. He didn't know why he wanted to see her in an interview room, but his instinct was strong. Derek picked up his laptop for notetaking and headed through the rabbit warren of cubicles and offices to the interview rooms. When he arrived, he glanced through the window but could only see the back of the woman's head. She had red hair and was wearing a hat. He opened the door and walked in. "Good afternoon Ms. Mart—" He stopped short when the woman turned around and he recognized Angie in a wig and glasses.

  "Daddy!" Angie stood up but didn't come to him. "I had to talk to you again. You weren't very nice to me at the munch." Her lower lip came out in what she probably thought was an attractive pout. Derek had seen it too many times to be taken in by it again.

  "I think everything has been said, Angie. We broke up over a year ago. If you insist on continuing this, I need to record the meeting." He followed the statement by flipping a switch on the wall before moving to the other side of the table from her. "Why are you here?"

  "I don't care what you do as long as you listen to me, Daddy, uh, Derek. I know I came on too strong at the munch, and I'm sorry I fibbed to get this appointment, but there are things I need to tell you. Please, can we talk like rational adults?" Angie sounded reasonable enough. Maybe he should hear her out. It might save trouble later.

  "Sit down, Angie. I'll listen to what you have to say." He took the chair across from her.

  "Okay. Thank you, Daddy. I mean, Derek." Angie took a deep breath and folded her hands together. "I did a lot of soul-searching when you left St. Louis. I know some of my behavior was inappropriate, and I started therapy. I'm learning a lot. When I heard that you were in Kansas City, I had to come and show you how much better I am. I'm afraid I scared you at the munch. I was just so excited to see you."

  "I'm happy to hear you're getting help. Therapy can help you get a better perspective on your life." Derek was cautious about how much he encouraged her. "What have you learned?"

  "Um, well, I've learned that I have to pay more attention to what my partner wants and not to overwhelm him with my needs."

  "Anything else?" Derek was skeptical. Her insights sounded like someone who had been watching Dr. Phil , rather than seeing a competent therapist.

  "Yeah, there's other stuff, but that's the most important part, I think." She twisted her hands together repeatedly, telling Derek there was something wrong with her story.

  "Thank you for telling me. I'm glad to know you're getting the help you need." He hoped he sounded positive about her getting help without being encouraging about their relationship.

  "Great. So, we can get back together then? I can move down here really easily."

  The look on her face was so hopeful, he almost hated what he had to say next. "No, Angie, we're not getting back together. I've told you multiple times, our relationship was over a long time ago. I've moved on, and so should you."

  "B-but, but, Daddy." Derek could see the tears welling in her eyes. He knew they were genuine, but he suspected they came more from building hysteria than real sorrow. "Daddy, I love you, and you love me."

  Time for the hard truth. "I don't love you. I don't know if I ever loved you, Angie. I loved the idea of us, but the reality was not what I had hoped. I said I've moved on. I mean it. I have a new woman in my life, and I love her." He paused, and when she stayed silent, he continued. "Angie, I don't believe you really love me or ever did love me. I think you wanted a father figure, and I was there, but that doesn't make it love. You have problems. I suggest you go back to St. Louis and do more therapy. A lot more."

  "You've found someone else?" Tears streamed down Angie's face now.

  "Yes, I have." Derek struggled to remain calm. He knew he needed to stay rational, no matter what Angie did or said. Recording the meeting would be pointless otherwise.

  "You've found someone else?" The room temperature seemed to drop twenty degrees.

  Derek nodded.

  "Who is she?"

  "I don't think telling you would be a good idea, and it's certainly none of your business."

  "Who is she?" Now, Angie went from cold to boiling, and she practically screamed the question.

  "It's not your concern. Calm down, Angie."

  "You can't find someone else! You love me!" Angie jumped up and looked like she might climb over the table toward him.

  Derek hit the panic button beneath the table edge and then backed away. "You need to calm down, Angie. I've called for security to come."

  Angie didn't seem to hear him but kept screaming and trying to get to him, but Derek managed to keep the table between them. They circled several times while Angie alternated between shouting obscenities at his new lover and swearing her love for Derek. It took almost five minutes before two security guards entered the room.

  "Please step out of the room, Mr. Kiriakis. It will be easier for us to calm her down."

  "Yes, George. Her name is Angie Mendoza. I'm going to call the police. I don't think she'll leave peacefully, and I need a record of this."

  He got out to Ann's desk and asked her to call the mental health unit of the police department. He didn't want Angie locked up, but she needed help. They would be able to start proceedings to place her on a ninety-six-hour hold at the Center for Behavioral Medicine. Next, he stopped by the room where the technician controlled the recording equipment and asked for copies of the meeting. He went back to the interview room area after taking another moment to call Paula Stone. Damn. Voicemail. She needed to know that Angie had become a problem. He left a detailed message and hoped she would get back to him soon.

  By the time the specially trained behavioral health unit of the police arrived, Angie had calmed down considerably. Sergeant Withers and his partner were reluctant to take Angie until the security guards described her behavior and what she had been saying.

  "She was swearing a blue streak and threatening Mr. Kiriakis' new girlfriend. Then she said she would kill herself if Mr. Kiriakis didn't take her back. I think a hold is warranted until you can get this before a judge," George concluded.

  "I have the entire meeting recorded, Sergeant. And you can check with Det. Sgt. Paula Stone for more information. Ms. Mendoza stalked me when I lived in St. Louis and threatened suicide on several occasions," Derek contributed.

  "Okay, we'll take her to the center and see what they think. Do you have a copy of the recording, and did she know she was being recorded?"

  "Yes, and yes. Here you are, and here's my card." Derek handed both items to the sergeant and turned to Angie, who had gotten restless during all the talk. "I'm sorry about this, Angie, but I think a few days in the hospital will give you time to think about things, consider your options."

  Her voice filled with venom, Angie said, "Derek, you motherfucker, how dare you? I love you, dammit! If I get my hands on you, I'll kill you and your new girlfriend."

  "Calm down, Ms. Mendoza," Sergeant Withers said. "Don't make things any worse for yourself."

  The officers took Angie from the building with the security guards trailing behind. Derek went back to
his office and considered his options. Did he have enough grounds for a restraining order now? Would the St. Louis police have the evidence from his previous application? He forced himself back to his files. Paula would call when she knew something.

  An hour later, he was immersed in the details of an abused child now up for adoption when his phone rang. "Kiriakis."

  "Hi, Daddy," Sonja said. "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

  Derek was thrown for a moment at being addressed as Daddy. It made him think of Angie for a second. "Baby girl! I thought I wasn't going to see you until Friday."

  "I know. But we had pork chops for the special today and the chef overestimated demand, so anyone who wants is taking extras home. I'm in the mood to cook, and it's no fun doing it just for me."

  "I would be delighted to join you then. The last thing I want to do is spoil your fun, precious. What time?"

  "Why don't you come as soon as you get off work?"

  "Sure thing. I'll see you in about an hour, then."

  "Great. Bye, Daddy."

  "Bye, precious." Derek hung up the phone to realize he had another problem stemming from Angie's visit—what, when, and how much to tell Sonja? He knew he would have to inform her, but he didn't want to worry her unnecessarily. He hadn't even heard back from Paula yet. Damn! This whole situation had just gotten messier.

  He struggled to focus on the report he was writing and had just about succeeded when the phone rang again. "Kiriakis," he practically growled.

  "Whoa, tiger. It's Paula Stone. Sorry to take so long to get back to you, but I've had a crazy day."

  "I'm sorry, Paula. My day has been busy, too, and the mess keeps growing." Derek ran his hands through his hair. "What have you got?"

  "First of all, recording your meeting was a great move. I talked to Sgt. Withers, and he says the doc at the center's ER had no trouble agreeing to keep your friend, Angie. It's calendared with Judge Edinger for tomorrow afternoon, to see if she gets the whole ninety-six hours. I got a tip that she's called a lawyer from St. Louis to represent her."


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