Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4)

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Cherished (Club Indigo Book 4) Page 22

by Karen Nappa

  "Wait just a minute, baby. Let me lower the bed. And you need a minute, or you'll be dizzy when you stand up." Derek found the control, and the bed went down so Sonja's feet touched the floor. "Now hold my hand and you can try to stand up slowly. Are you dizzy?" he asked when she grabbed his arm with her free hand.

  "Just a little. I'll be fine in a minute. I'm so glad to see you." Her words were not quite slurred but enough off that Derek wondered how much pain medication they had given her.

  "What did they give you for pain, precious?"

  "I don't know, but I feel really good right now." Sonja leaned into him.

  "Okay, let's get you dressed. Where are your clothes?" Derek steadied her as he looked around.

  "In that bag over there. I think the blouse is ruined, but my pants may survive. They gave me something to wear home, I think." Sonja seemed steadier on her feet, so Derek hunted around until he found a set of scrubs and helped her dress. It only took a few minutes to get her checked out, and they were in his car on the way home.

  Derek led Sonja into his home with a firm grasp around her waist. Thanks to the cocktail of meds that the doctors had given her, she was not in a lot of pain, but she was floating like she was drunk. She was wearing borrowed green scrubs and the color looked awful on her. Dr. Walters had worn much nicer ones with blue pants and a top with stethoscopes and syringes in a fun pattern. Why couldn't they have given her those? She looked up at Derek.

  "You know, you're the most handsome man I've ever seen." Sonja giggled.

  He smiled her favorite way, with crinkles around his eyes, and somehow, the green in them looked brighter. "Your head is pretty fuzzy, isn't it, baby girl?" Sonja nodded. "Let me get you to the bathroom, precious."

  She'd rather go to bed, but the bathroom sounded good, too. She smelled of hospital. "You know, I don't like hospitals."

  Derek chuckled as he started to walk her to the bathroom. "Don't think many people do, except for the ones who work there."

  She pondered a moment. "Yeah, you're right. Molly must like it, or she wouldn't do it." She brightened and patted his arm. "Next time, we need to ask her."

  "Sure, baby girl." He switched on the light. "Let's get you out of those scrubs." The pants came off easily but the top was more challenging. Derek didn't want to disturb the bandages or cause Sonja any more pain. Carefully, he lifted the fabric over her head and off her arms, but he couldn't prevent the wince as she tried to lift an arm to help him.

  At his alarmed expression, she placed a tender hand against his cheek. "It's all right, Daddy. It will heal."

  He leaned his forehead against hers, and they stood for a couple of moments, doing nothing but sharing the air around them. Emotion clogged Sonja's throat as she felt the intimate connection between them. It didn't matter that she was naked; this wasn't about sex. Derek lowered the lid to the toilet. "Sit down while I get warm water."

  Sonja looked longingly at the big shower, and Derek followed her gaze.

  "Sorry, baby girl. Your bandages aren't supposed to get wet. A washcloth has to do for today." He ran the tap and fetched shower gel and a washcloth while they waited for the water to get warm. Derek rolled up his sleeves and smiled at her. "Let's get you cleaned up and tucked in bed, baby girl."

  He lathered her with suds and rinsed the cloth under the running water until the dark red coming from it turned first pink and then transparent. Once she was clean, he wrapped her in a big fluffy towel from the heater. Sonja had never felt so content and cared for. There was something to say for having a Daddy Dom, especially when he was Derek Kiriakis.

  Chapter 16

  S onja had been at Derek's place for a week when they got word about Angie. She'd been charged with attempted homicide in addition to all the lesser charges related to the vandalism and damage to the café. Her lawyers were pushing for five years in a private mental hospital, but Jackson assured them that with the attempted murder charge, she would be locked up for at least ten years. They would need to regularly renew the restraining order if she got out, but that was a long way away for now.

  After that, Sonja had tried to talk to Derek about going back to her apartment, even though she didn't look forward to setting foot in the building or being alone without Snuggles.

  Derek had given her a panty-melting look and answered, "Stay, baby girl," and she'd done just that. Now, it was two days until the stitches came out. Sonja was anxious to get back to work, and she was bored and feeling sorry for herself. She didn't need Derek's help anymore, and coloring and watching movies had gotten old. Sonja had loved the extra time with him, but when he wasn't home, she didn't know what to do with herself. Before, in her own apartment, she'd had household chores to do and a cat to keep her company. Snuggles was gone, and she didn't know if or when she would get another cat. Would Derek want a cat? Had he meant for her to stay permanently?

  She had been going around in circles in her head for most of the day when Derek came home. "Hello," she said without much enthusiasm.

  "What's the matter, precious? You sound depressed. Has something happened?" Derek asked.

  She rose to her feet and walked over to greet him. "Nothing's wrong. I was just missing you and Snuggles and my stuff and feeling sorry for myself."

  "I'm sorry, baby. I'm home now, and I'll take care of at least one part of your loneliness." Why didn't he wrap his arms around her like he usually did?

  She took a better look and noticed Derek was holding an oddly shaped box with a large bow on top. "Daddy! A present? What's the occasion?"

  "I know when my baby girl is hurting, and this present is guaranteed to cheer her up. That's the only reason I need," Derek said as he walked further into room. "Let's go sit down on the couch, and I'll let you open it." Sonja reached for the package, but Derek stopped her. "Patience, baby girl. Sit down, let me take my coat off, and then you can have it."

  Sonja stuck out her lower lip in a pretend pout. "Yes, Daddy."

  Once he had his coat off, Derek handed her the box and sat down next to her. "Here you go, precious."

  Sonja took the box. It felt odd, like the contents were moving around. "Daddy? What did you get me?" She had butterflies in her stomach. Could it be?

  She ripped off the bow and figured out how to open the box. Inside, were two of the most adorable white kittens she had ever seen. Their eyes were blue and, since they were white, would probably stay that way. They couldn't be more than two months old; they were so small. They looked up at her, startled out of their activities by the light. "Oh, you beauties! Daddy, they're gorgeous! How did you do it? They look too young to adopt!" She put her hand into the box to let both of them sniff her before she tried to lift either one out.

  "I know someone who runs a small rescue group. You're officially fostering them for the next two months, after which you can adopt them. She wasn't real happy about stretching the rules, but when I told her about Snuggles and how bereft you were, she decided it would be okay. She'll be coming over tomorrow evening to check everything out and make sure they're settling in."

  "That's wonderful. We can get things kitten-proofed easily enough." The most adventurous of the kittens had stopped sniffing her hand and was starting to see if it could climb her arm. "Oh, baby," she said to the kitten. "Are you ready to come out and see your new home?" She reached in with her other hand and pulled it out. "Aren't you the curious little thing?" The kitten was not completely white but had a ring of orange near the tip of its tail. She'd never seen anything like it. The other kitten, lonely for its sibling, started looking for a way out, too. Sonja plopped the first one in Derek's lap and reached in for the other. "You're adorable, too. Now let's see. Are you a boy or a girl?" She lifted its tail. "A little girl. And you're completely white. How lovely. What about the first one, Daddy?"

  Derek didn't have to check. "They're both eight-week old females, just weaned litter mates. I've got a bag of kitten food and instructions for them in the car."

  "They're wonderful, Dadd
y. And two will be better than one. Snuggles got into all sorts of trouble when he was a kitten and I wasn't home to play with him. These darlings will entertain each other. They're so brave." The kittens were sniffing all around Sonja's and Derek's laps and finding each other again. They seemed completely fearless. The next Sonja knew, the kitten in her lap was on the floor checking out their feet and the floor around and under the couch. The one with the orange tip on her tail joined her sister and the exploration continued.

  Sonja was completely smitten as she settled on the ground to watch them.

  Derek patted her head. "I'll be right back, baby girl. I'm going to get their stuff from the car."

  Sonja nodded, her attention riveted on the kittens. The completely white one walked around on stiff paws. Her sibling followed in a near crouch. After their second round, exploring all the new and shiny things around them, the timider cat surprised Sonja by making a short sprint that ended in a silly jump right before her. The pure white one flopped on her butt and almost seemed to be thinking, 'what are you doing?' Her sibling rushed back to her and they tumbled to the floor in a whirl of cat limbs.

  "What are you going to call them?" Derek asked, startling Sonja. She hadn't even noticed his return.

  "I don't know, Daddy. Do you have any ideas?"

  Derek studied the cats, who now had fallen asleep on top of each other. "Hmm. How about calling the all-white one Luna, after the moon, and the one with the orange tip on her tail, Aurora, for the dawn? The orange tip is just the beginning of the sun coming up."

  "Those are perfect names, Daddy. Luna and Aurora. I like that. They've brought light back into the apartment and you brought them. I love you so much, Derek."

  Anticipation ran through Sonja when she entered Club Indigo on Valentine's Day. This year's event was going to be even more special, because they were once again celebrating a marriage. She was amazed how much had happened over the last couple of months and even weeks. She smiled up at the handsome man beside her. Derek looked dashing in his three-piece suit, and her heart leapt at the love she felt for her Daddy. When she'd visited Derek's family, his mamá had scolded him and told him in both Greek and English to take care of her and never to let her go. Sonja smiled at the memory. At her panicked expression, Maya had hurried to translate her mother's words and added with a grin. "Mamá might be small, but she's the absolute matriarch of the family, a family you're now part of."

  Sonja's throat tightened at the memory. It was wonderful to be part of a family again. Attuned to her mood, Derek gave her a questioning look, and she shrugged. "Just remembering your mother's reaction when we told her we were back together."

  Derek smiled. "Yeah, that was great." He pressed a kiss on the hand he was holding and the look in his eyes was smoldering hot. Sonja shivered as pleasant tingles ran over her spine and blood rushed to her lower half, preparing for the pleasure his look promised her.

  Before they could act on their attraction, Kate announced in a clear voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Yvonne Smith."

  The club erupted in cheers and applause as Chris led his young wife into the room. Yvonne looked beautiful in a strapless dress, and Chris was equally stunning in his dark blue suit, crisp white dress shirt, and a matching tie. Sonja grinned when she noticed that the tie was a bit askew, emphasizing Chris' nonchalant character. She sobered as she saw the interaction between Kate and the newlyweds. How did the Mistress feel about the marriage? Sonja was convinced Kate loved both Chris and Yvonne, and it had to be both wonderful and hard for her to see them together now.

  With stunned amazement, Sonja watched Kate share a passionate kiss with Chris and then turned to Yvonne to kiss her as hard as she had Chris. Kate led the couple to the center of the room, the crowd making way for them. Both Chris and Yvonne started to shed their clothes.

  Sonja looked over to Derek, but he looked astonished, too.

  As the good-looking couple revealed their bodies, Sonja couldn't look away. Chris was heavily muscled from his construction work and Yvonne had the height and the lean muscle of an athlete. She also showed a cute little baby bump, and Sonja wondered when she was due.

  Completely naked now, both the bride and groom knelt in the standard submissive pose—hand with the palms up, resting on their legs, and heads bowed. Although Sonja had gotten used to seeing Chris submit to Kate, it was still strange to see the man who had dominated her countless times on his knees. Kate stepped in front of both of them. Since Chris and Yvonne were facing the onlookers, Sonja couldn't see Kate's expression, but her voice was loud and clear.

  "Chris and Yvonne, today, you declared your eternal love for each other in a way the vanilla world knows and understands. The relationship the three of us have isn't accepted in that world, but it's nevertheless the bond we want to honor and celebrate tonight."

  Soft murmurs and sounds of surprise were heard as the group of people gathered understood what was about to happen. Sonja thought it was perfect. Like a tripod, the relationship between Yvonne and Chris wasn't complete without the sadistic Mistress, since Yvonne was a hardcore masochist and Chris didn't enjoy inflicting much pain. Like Chris couldn't satisfy Yvonne's need for pain, she couldn't accommodate Chris' need to submit on occasion. And Kate? As a bisexual Mistress, being able to dominate a couple was perfect for her as well.

  "Chris, do you agree to submit to my will and accept my collar as a symbol of my mastery over you?"

  The big man looked up and his love and resolve sparked from his eyes. "Yes, Mistress. I vow to obey your orders. I'll wear the collar proudly. As my wedding ring is a symbol of my relationship with Yvonne, this collar will symbolize the one I have with you," he replied with a steady voice. Kate unclipped a sturdy silver and leather necklace from her belt and fastened it around Chris' neck.

  She gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and said, "I want you to stand up and take your place at the stocks."

  Strong leg muscles bunched as Chris rose, and he gave the audience a good view of his ass as he sauntered over to the stocks, where Connor was waiting. Apparently, someone had known what the trio had planned for today.

  "Yvonne, do you agree to submit to my will and accept my collar as a symbol of my mastery over you?" the Mistress now addressed the kneeling woman.

  Yvonne looked up at Kate, and her eyes glistened with tears, but her voice was clear as she stated, "Yes, Mistress, besides my marriage to Chris, there's nothing in the world I'd like more."

  Kate gave a short nod and unclipped a similar but thinner necklace from her belt. Yvonne inclined her head and allowed Kate to wrap it around her neck. When she looked up again, Kate captured her lips in a sweet kiss and ordered Yvonne to join Chris. Kate turned to the audience and Sonja was stunned by the expression on Kate's face. She had never seen anyone look happy, strong, and vulnerable at the same time. Sonja didn't understand how these emotions could coexist on one face, but they did.

  "You are all my witnesses as I accept the gift of the submission of not one but two amazing people. As their first act of submission as my collared slaves, they have consented to a public whipping. Each of them is going to receive ten lashes from my dragon tail. If you all could please keep a safe distance."

  She turned and accepted the whip from Connor. Kate rotated her shoulders and started to warm up with the whip.

  Sonja startled as something soft was pressed into her hand. She looked down at his handkerchief and raised her eyes to Derek. He gave her a reassuring smile. Sonja used the offered cloth to dab her eyes. She hadn't even realized she was crying.

  Sonja flinched as the whip cracked. She knew Kate was skilled with it, almost as good as Connor was with the three-foot single tail, and that her subs were willing—but Jesus—just the sound terrified her.

  Derek pulled Sonja into his lap and snuggled her head against his chest. "I know you don't like the whip, but I think you want to see this, don't you?"

  Sonja nodded against his chest, glad that he under
stood both her unease and her desire to support her friends in their special relationship. A smack followed by a masculine groan had Sonja jerking, and she looked with big eyes as Kate geared up to land a stroke on Yvonne's back. The masochist cried out but pushed her ass out after the whip coiled back in Kate's hand as if begging for more. Kate landed the next stroke on Chris and circled back to Yvonne in the same movement. After five strokes, Sonja said in a low voice to Derek, "It seems like Yvonne's welts are redder and more pronounced."

  Derek smiled down at her and hugged her to his chest. "That's right, baby girl. Chris can handle some pain. He likes to endure pain to show his submission to Kate and enjoys a fair amount of erotic pain, but Yvonne is a real masochist. It says a lot about the skill Kate has that she can vary the impact so she meets both their needs."

  Sonja's mouth dropped open and her respect for the tall, redheaded Mistress grew. Then, she nodded. "Both Connor and Kate had training from Master Bryan, and he's one of the best whip masters in the country, maybe even the world."

  They fell silent again as Kate landed the last strokes on her bound submissives. Yvonne was now deep in subspace and had begun babbling in Dutch. Sonja grinned at that. How the entire club had worried about the guttural sounds coming from the masochist, only to find out that when Yvonne was in subspace, she started talking in her native tongue.

  As Connor helped to unbuckle Chris, Kate released the spaced out blonde. Chris was right at her side, and he hoisted Yvonne up in his arms. With Kate, he walked over to the red couch and plonked down. The three of them were completely engrossed in each other, kissing and fondling, while Connor cleaned the area and the used whip.

  "I can't believe I'm saying this about a whipping," Sonja remarked, "but that was hot and sexy."

  The next afternoon, Derek walked into Sonja's bedroom to find her face down in bed. She was under the covers, but she had her legs spread wide, her right hand tucked under her and her left was clutching the side of the pillow. That brat!


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