Black Holes

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Black Holes Page 2

by Ochi

  Sometimes I wish I could be the pope;

  Sipping Holy Grail’s wine, sitting on a golden throne,

  Riding a Mercedes, flying in private jets across the globe

  But I am black and only Caucasians get the majority of Christians votes.

  I would live in Vatican surrounded by Archbishops and pedophiles,

  We will pray in Jesus name; he multiplies bread, do miracles in bank accounts,

  By masses I will be praised, worshiped and idolized,

  To please them, I will recite psalms in their mother tongue.

  Once elected, they will add a roman number after Ochi,

  Then put on my neck Africa's purest gold chains,

  When I get older I wish I will be the pope;

  Jesus was a carpenter, only his traitors and the Roman Empire wrote books.


  Promoted and fought by your genitors,

  Hollywood won the first round,

  They manufacture weapons, build more schools and prisons

  Because they love you, without a doubt.

  Lords of wars are your relatives,

  Politicians handle the family business,

  Mass media blinded by your beauty

  Makes everyday headlines suck your breasts.

  Machetes and stones are not enough,

  To win wars countries need satellites,

  A defense budget, diplomats

  And peace treaties with imbeciles.

  In video games for your children,

  Soon rifles will be more fashionable than sneakers;

  Don't complain about bloodbaths in kindergartens

  Good students learn from their teachers.


  A blue uniform, a Black Maria and a gun,

  Everywhere I go, I see curses in front of your name on walls.

  No heart, no brain just well-trained government dogs;

  Trained dogs don't even bit the hand that feed them, you are more like worms.

  We are taxed to feed you but you aim at being obese like your masters;

  Never satisfied, as a kid you were the main bully or most bullied.

  Now you enjoy killing innocents and everywhere cause disasters,

  Many are dreaming to cripple your body with bullets.

  You put us in cells where curses are still engraved before your name,

  Their stench is similar to your breath so we can't communicate.

  They portray you on television as superheroes but in reality you are lames;

  Corrupt, even some robbers have more values than your syndicates.

  Thank God, some of your colleagues fight insecurity and protect us from criminals;

  They know their duty, you have chosen to be on the wrong side.

  I know words won't hurt; you always pretend you are deaf;

  The judiciary covers your crimes and the government is your lawyer.


  GMO, fast foods,

  Television, Reality Shows,

  Internet, Cocaine jus,

  Fashion magazines, music videos.

  Nicotine, energy drinks,

  Campus divas, sex toys,

  Pills, prescribed medicines,

  Clubs, Vodka, abortions.

  Mass and social media,

  Series, news, propaganda,

  Computers, phones, credit cards,

  Futuristic gadgets monitored by satellites.

  A dose then another one,

  The nose is as clean as the arms

  A dose then another one,

  Who told you an overdose won't harm?


  More than fifty states united towards achieving the dreams of Satan;

  The blood of black slaves and Indian natives has been poured on his altar.

  You gave birth to capitalism to rule and dominate this world like pagans

  And are the only ones allowed to keep peace by fighting wars.

  In your country, human rights are predominant and always respected;

  Your international propaganda works hard to make us believe it,

  Your judiciary sends innocents in death rows to be lethally injected

  After enduring a life in a carceral system similar to a slave ship.

  Because your imperialism is oil thirsty, you consistently sponsor or fight wars;

  The last five decades have been bloody for the Middle-East, Asia and Africa.

  You have military bases everywhere, chemical weapons manufactured in labs,

  Your satellites spy on your enemies from Cuba to North Korea.

  A falling empire with its allies, copycats, and prostitutes;

  Your way of life is the reference; those fighting it are economically sanctioned,

  A falling empire, your dreams are miles away from the truth;

  What you have stolen will be regained by your enemies once you are down.


  A drawn language, scribes' hieroglyphs, Napoleon's twenty-one bullets,

  Hertz frequencies releasing peace; truth was buried by religions.

  Sphinx's broken nose, a racist injury against Black pharaohs' laws of preservation;

  Labyrinths under pyramids with coded messages on walls.

  Mathematics classes, arts, sciences with an introduction to philosophy;

  A Khemet professor dictating notes, Pythagoras at the front raw.

  Students from Athena on a spying mission in an African University,

  A great architecture, spiritual knowledge and unidentified mentors.

  Ancestor’s spirits, Ankh crucifix, Ma’at's forty two commandments;

  This Sunday, a church will be ushering the all-knowing eye on the Dollar.

  After funerals, every elections the pope golden throne is vacant;

  On a papyrus rimes were written to illuminate and shine like Ra.


  "Believe half of what you see and none of what they say,

  Don't be too honest, they all came here to play,

  They smile because their plan is to lead you astray"

  You whispered it in my ears but I couldn’t understand.

  If love knocks to your heart, before opening its doors recognize its voice,

  Sometimes it hurts and destabilizes to make the wrong choice,

  Only trust God to succeed in life and minimize losses,

  Understanding human nature is difficult and a long process.


  Love disease, youth killer;

  Your presence never made someone positive.

  We are only able to fight you with prayers and rubbers,

  In one round you knock down testosterone and estrogens.

  They promote sex online, TV and radios;

  Judging or pointing at your victims is not useful.

  Insobriety will connect tonight you to more people,

  Let those without sins throw the first stone.


  My hand on the remote control,

  Another program on my mind,

  My intellect in the hands of a mastermind,

  My vision replaced by his program.

  A television screen, many scripts,

  Famous authors scenarios and lines

  For adults, elders and my kids;

  Someone must be mastering our family.

  Our hands on the remote control,

  Fighting for our favorite programs,

  It happened more than once

  A programmer was always there to kill our time.

  My hand on the remote control,

  Another program on my mind,

  Tell a vision television cause without it we’re all blind.


  Some live by water others by wine

  Few put some water in their wine.

  Others preach wine but only drink water,

  Some preach water and live by wine.

  Can you make wine without water?

p; Water is not meant to have the monopoly,

  Enough water, not too much wine;

  One for thirst, the other for insobriety.


  From cotton plantations to housing projects,

  From the Lights Continent to immigration offices

  Black will forever remain black in my head lines.

  Politicians selling drugs in their own nation,

  Turmoil and bloodshed every elections,

  Unemployment due to mis-education

  Will consistently be mentioned in the headlines.

  Tribe masters against tribe masters,

  National resources divided among ministers,

  Crimes and corruption from police officers;

  Nothing are really news in their headlines.

  Blonde, red or violet wigs,

  Blue lenses and a bleached skin,

  Prostitution and low self-esteem among kids;

  Is always promoted by their headlines.

  Black people supernatural survival skills,

  Revolutionary minded leaders killed,

  Abundance of food on our continent during famines

  Will rarely be mentioned in their headlines.

  A system reinforcing inequity,

  Unappreciated cultural diversity,

  And Medias falsifying reality;

  The word head will never come out of headlines


  Bulldozers destroyed their Manyata,

  Indigenous homes will be replaced by estates,

  Trees dismembered, an apocalyptic view of development's propaganda;

  The Masais I used to see have been erased.

  I was just a passerby, a university student, walking back to campus

  No words will describe what I saw on this Friday

  A civilization killing another one with huge caterpillars

  The most famous lion's killers chased out like preys.

  Change, development and urbanization as usual suspects

  The crime I witnessed will not be judged in any court

  Money doesn't have any feelings, compassion or intellect

  It has deleted our past; present and future are in bank accounts.


  Slave traders came back to Mombasa to buy our most beautiful sisters

  For a diploma, they became whores Money is the new whip.

  In a recession, pockets are empty so there is no food on the table;

  Don't hate the player, hate those who sat the rules of the game; they also have kids to feed.

  European tourists on holidays treating dark and lovely girls like dogs,

  Ugly pigs in three stars hotels with teenagers, minors or beach boys.

  Money, the root of all evil, STDs are the fruits of its tree

  History repeats itself, they just rebranded slavery.

  Capitalism; a pyramid skim, Money is the new whip,

  Don't hate the player hate the game, school fees have to be paid,

  Capitalism, a pyramid skim; the central bank print valueless papers

  Notes fueling industries, individuals and sex machines.


  Take my life before I do it myself;

  My faith is limping, my pain lost in hypocrisy.

  Dear God, am I not already burning in hell

  Look what I had to overcome since nursery.

  Their mouths spit venom, their lie are immortalized in archives

  Tears don't fall anymore, my heart bleed silently.

  My innocence violated by their system gave birth to an orphan,

  Why are you not my lawyer in front of their judges and jury?

  Should I use a rope, take pills or cut my veins?

  I want to put a dot to this life sentence.

  Not behind bars but even free this world is like a cell.

  For how many more years should I remain calm and patient?

  To comfort me they say it could be worse, as if they know my life,

  Tired of their arguments, false pretense and advices.

  Suicidal thoughts tonight condemn me to write more lyrical crimes

  Sleeping is the cousin of death, insomniac, I can't close my eyes.


  To change someone's perception of this world, you will only need words, word.

  Eviction notices, school reports, books and musical lyrics are just words, word.

  They managed to define poverty, wealth, happiness and pain in dictionaries with some other words, word, so there must be a reason why the Jewish culture best-selling book starts with "At the beginning was the word", word.

  In our lives we ear spoken and sense unspoken words, word. Silence is another word, those who broke it left us with their philosophy and analysis of this world, words.

  The power of words was not only known by Caucasians, our ancestors left us with

  Sages, Orators and elders, words.

  A poet is just an artist who uses words like hieroglyphs to paint and describe his own world, Word.


  Your name means power to the people,

  We still can't figure out which one,

  Beelzebub saved your Queen

  But her ex colonies can't swallow your lies.

  At your wedding we saw freedom fighters and Pan Africanists;

  Independence was on their mind.

  Your memorial will be a mourning site for business moguls, naive activists and politicians.

  In the Lights continent for less than a century you divided clans and tribes,

  Village elders and Oracles knew from the beginning that you were the seed of genocides.

  Democracy, you are an illusion, a dream for masses, the ballot is a piggybank

  The winner will always be the one with more money and media in his bank account.


  Black authors and musicians are the descendants of the Lights continent scribe's tribes,

  The heart of storytelling beats like a drum calling for the awakening of a population external forces try to blind.

  Third eye open they visualize what common eyesight and other senses can’t;

  Read and listen carefully, the depth of their messages might come from a sage.

  A voice named inspiration, visit them, many are chosen but fewer called;

  That voice disappears and leaves them in dementia once the original message stops reaching its target.

  Capitalism killed the most gifted, money and material gifts are a bait to corrupt minds

  But the powers transmitted through genes can't be buried; real scribes don't die they multiply.


  Land of milky honey,

  Oracles, prophets ' territory,

  Epicenter of Mother Earth;

  Sun and energy of our planet.

  Cradle of all religions alive or dead;

  The first human being birthplace;

  This shady globe you illuminate,

  Without your resources it stays in darkness.

  Beautiful jungles, deserts and plains,

  Rivers of mankind, holy civilizations

  The only continent that can be worn;

  More fashionable than all others like gold.

  An undefeated winner on the podium,

  Your tribes can’t be erased; they are the strongest.

  Many have tried to dim you lights,

  They ended up insane and blind.


  I hear you, no one else can;

  Sent from above you are my strength,

  Show me directions, what’s left, what’s right,

  Necessary goods and evils on the path.

  Louder than a heartbeat, communicating to my soul,

  Redeemer and messenger, you’re my God,

  Meditation is mandatory, like your speeches and tone

  I will not rest in peace if you go.


  Connection between natural and spiritual bodies;

p; Fountain of good and evil thoughts,

  Power of life, throne of our personality,

  With blood in your arteries, you’re in control.

  On a balance trying to find equilibrium against actions;

  Your weight is the mirror of faith

  Too heavy or too light to make the right decision

  Our thoughts and food alter your beats.

  Sometimes left in an ice box;

  Because we live in a cold world.

  The way people play with you is unorthodox

  You’re crucified for vanity and gold.




  God must be a woman;

  From Plants to animals, she gave to females the majority.

  We beg them every day like they a one,

  Menstruation and moon cycles are quite the same,

  Men know the whole year is in their anatomy.


  No words, signs,

  Deaf brothers saw, blind men heard:

  Temples’ echoes

  Subconscious minds vibrations.


  We germinate like plants

  Live, live on;

  Our flesh renews itself,

  We breathe life,

  The positives in,

  Negatives out.


  Wings to fly above mountains,

  Unnumbered Doves on both sides,

  A long journey



  The invisible


  Outside in,

  Inside out



  Impossible becomes possible

  State of mind

  Forgets impossibility,

  Watch imposters.


  In Ends

  Versus Odds

  The Most victorious




  Problems are prison walls,

  Confidence and confidents too;

  They set you



  Ova come


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