Hadley's Heroes : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 6)

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Hadley's Heroes : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 6) Page 1

by Belle Harper

  Hadley’s Heroes

  Brides of the aashi book six

  Belle Harper

  Copyright © 2021 by Belle Harper

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  For my Readers.

  Thank you so much for taking this “job” and travelling to Aarzyn with me.

  Belle xx



  1. Hadley

  2. Vetok

  3. Hadley

  4. Jaim

  5. Hadley

  6. Adee

  7. Hadley

  8. Jaka

  9. Hadley

  10. Aalee

  11. Hadley

  12. Vetok

  13. Hadley

  14. Aalee

  15. Hadley

  16. Jaim

  17. Hadley

  18. Aalee

  19. Hadley

  20. Adee

  21. Hadley

  22. Aalee

  23. Hadley

  24. Jaka

  25. Hadley

  26. Hadley

  27. Hadley


  Aashi Brides Characters

  Belle’s Books

  About the Author


  The name is Hadley.

  And like the other five women here on Aarzyn, I applied to a job ad that led me straight to a purple planet.

  I wasn’t complaining. Hell, I was more than happy to be here. Happy to be getting away from some people who were after me. You couldn’t get any farther than an alien planet.

  I traveled with my mates and the rest of Clan Wolf to the “promised land.” But I didn’t watch my step…

  I have had dreams of falling… they’re nothing like the real thing. I’m going to be okay… I have been in worse situations. I took a good look around me and sucked in a deep breath.

  Either I hit my head or I’m dead… What the hell is this place?

  Chapter One


  Honestly, I have no idea how I end up in the situations I do. I promise I’m a good person… mostly. But sometimes the universe was out to get me, literally. How could so many things go wrong to one person? I must have done something terrible in a past life to have such bad luck in this one.

  Like, what were the chances that I was the only one that signed up to this alien bride job to get away from a crazy ex and his gang of assholes? They wanted me dead… I won’t go into specifics, but let’s just say I didn’t stick to the code they lived by, I wouldn’t, and that pissed them off. Badly.

  Yeah, I was going into witness protection when I was offered the chance to leave the country for a new job. I said, “Sign me up.” They never mentioned also leaving the entire planet, lack of pay, and the fact I was gonna marry some alien I had never met. But I couldn’t complain, I was going to make use of what I had been given. I was safe and away from those thugs at least.

  Then I get here on this alien planet, incredibly far away from where they were. Nothing more could happen to me. Right?

  Oh no, I get another group of assholes. These ones fought nonstop between each other about who was going to “mate” me first. That was not going to happen, I held the cards here, and I was going to do what was best for me. I wouldn’t stand for it. I wouldn’t be used as a plaything by more controlling assholes. I didn’t even want to think about the anxiety and stress it gave me.

  So, I snuck out one day; it was easy. They wouldn’t stop fighting enough to even realize I was gone, so I packed my bag and left. I was always told I was quiet but that’s because I was always observing. People wouldn’t notice me as much if I kept my mouth shut. It gave me a chance to watch everything around me. I studied people, the way they were… It was how I learned who I could and couldn’t trust. Like my mates Jaka and Vetok. I could trust them, they proved to me they were trustworthy and haven’t let me down like so many others in my life have.

  But even now… I thought I was finally onto some good luck. I had started to relax, not always feeling like I had to look over my shoulder. Then I went and walked off the edge of a cliff—that I didn’t see, mind you—and then fell down it. Yes, that was the kind of bad luck I’d been having my entire life. And either something had to change, or I was going to accidentally get myself killed.

  I've dreamed of falling before; it felt like I was floating. It felt freeing, so gentle, like I was on a cloud. That was the complete opposite of how this felt. The fact I was actually sliding down the side of a massive cliff with rocks and trees and other things that could actually kill me. It didn’t feel like a cloud when you were hitting rocks and trees. It hurt, like hell. Especially when they don’t stop your fall. I felt like I was in a pinball machine, bouncing from tree to rock.

  The panic really set in that I wasn’t stopping. I was trying to grab anything to stop myself from falling, but I couldn’t get a good grip on anything. It would just slip through my hands and cut them up until I finally stopped and blinked through the tears in my eyes. I sniffed and wiped the tears away.

  I took a shaky breath. “You’re okay,” I whispered to myself, as if I needed to hear the words out loud. I had landed at the bottom of the cliff. I was sitting on dirt and, although my hands were bleeding and I hurt all over, I knew I was alive.

  I was lucky to have survived that; I wasn’t dead. But then dread filled me as I held my hand to my belly. I hope that I didn't hurt my baby. Oh god, that was bad. So, so bad. I took a shaky breath as I glanced down to my little bump. How could I be so stupid as to not look what was in front of me? I didn’t hit my stomach—I made sure of that as I was falling—but all that tumbling wouldn’t have been good. I looked to my knees and saw the blood, cuts, and dirt covering my legs and feet.

  “Hadley,” Elle called out to me. My heart started to beat faster as tears welled in my eyes. Oh god, where was Vetok? Jaka? Did they fall? Were they okay?

  “Elle,” I called back, choking back a sob. I didn’t want her to know I was hurt and worry her. I was alive, and now safely on the ground. Thankfully, she was up at the top and didn’t do something stupid, like not look where she was walking and fall, like me. She was walking close by me, right before K’Tem said something, as I pushed through some brush and skated down the side of a cliff.

  I looked around me, trying to get my bearings. Wow, this was so different from where we had been. The trees were different here. The colors a little pinker than the purple trees I had become so used to. It was pretty. There were small shrubs around like up above, but they held small blue berries. I wondered if they were edible. There was a bird calling out as it fluttered through the branches. It was red—there was a red bird here! My mouth dropped open as I watched it dodge and weave through the trees. It went right over my head and past the tree in front of me.

  I gasped as my heart skipped a beat. There were three male Aashi by that tree the bird had flown past. My throat felt thick and I couldn’t swallow. Two of the males were standing on a rock, one held a spear. I noticed that as he shifted it in his hands. One was crouched in a tree, looking down at me. His spear was dropped low, as if he was confused as to what I was, the look in his eyes as I caught them had him leaning back.

  I sucked in a shaky breath, my hand slowly rising to my chest as my heart started racing. Where were Vetok and Jaka? Were the
y coming for me? They would come, why did I even question that? I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  I needed my mates, I didn't know who these guys were. Were they from Clan Wolf? If so, they got here fast and didn’t have a scratch on them, but I knew in my mind they weren’t. These males were from somewhere else, and I think I just fell into their lands. Each of the males on the rock were different to each other. One was small, lighter purple and he didn’t hold a spear. The other was a dark hue of purple. He was tall, and I watched as his eyes roamed my body and then glanced to the trees above, probably wondering where I came from.

  The smaller one beside him had his hair tied back, very similar to that of Axoh, Luna’s mate. He was a healer, a takxe. That was what they called the smaller ones. I remember that from when I had those Chosen mates. The ones I ran away from. The other male in the tree watched me behind his hair. It was cut shorter of the three but it covered his eyes. It was such a pretty color, too. His color was the same dark hue as the warrior below him.

  I blinked as I saw the healer move. He came closer, hands out in front of him… all four of them were coming. I stared, frozen, unsure what he wanted. I didn’t know these males or what they would do to me. I tried to push myself to stand; my hands stung at the pressure, but it was my ankle that stopped me. I gritted my teeth at the pain. “Shit,” I hissed out looking down to it. I didn’t want them to know I was injured. If they did, they would know I couldn’t run away. I dropped back to where I was sitting and reached out to touch it before stopping myself.

  This male held his hands out in surrender as he stopped suddenly. I sat up a little, moving back as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Gosh, how bad everything had become in just a split second. How did I just let my guard down and didn’t even think something like this could happen to me? Not here, not now anyway.

  When they looked at each other but didn’t say anything, I started to shake. I I was going into shock, the pain, the fear… My breathing was coming out rapidly and I felt nauseous.

  They looked to the left, towards something. I did the same, worried that something was coming for me. What I didn't expect to see was an entire village down here at the bottom of the cliff. I didn’t see that before, distracted by the bird. It was a valley that opened right up with huts and… more Aashi. I swallowed and glanced back up to where I fell from.

  “There is something down here,” I called back up to Elle as calmly as I could. The Aashi males looked up as well, probably wondering who I was talking to, but I didn’t want to scare them and have them run off with me, so I tried to keep calm and smile at them like everything was okay. They didn’t speak to me but they watched me intensely.

  “Vetok. Jaka. You really need to come see this,” I called out again… hoping that someone was coming for me. Because these three males were looking at me like I just dropped from heaven and they wanted to take me back to their hut. Or to eat me… I kept forgetting that not all Aashi knew what a human looked like, they might think I was dinner.

  I shuffled back a little as one dropped from the tree he was in, landing silently. Fuck, he was deadly. You would never hear him coming. His spear in his hand rested loosely, not poised to attack. He cocked his head to the side, studying me. He was… beautiful. Alluring. The way his hair fell around his face and he watched me through it with those dark eyes. If I wasn’t scared for my life, I would have wanted to touch him… get to know him. Claim him. I watched his chest rise and fall with harsh breaths as if he was affected by me just as I was by him. The smaller one moved faster towards me this time.

  “Fuck, stay back. I have mates, they’re coming,” I screamed out.

  All three of the males’ eyes widened at my words, as they all took steps further away from me. They spoke between each other. I wished so badly right now that I had the translator, but it was in my bag, which Jaka was carrying. Fuck… fuck.

  “Vetok! Jaka!” I screamed again. I heard them calling out to me. So many were calling my name. I sighed in relief, they were coming for me. They wouldn’t leave me. Clan Wolf were my family now and they would protect me. I just needed to keep these males from taking me from them until they arrived.

  “Brooklyn?” the smaller one asked as he cocked his head to the side and then looked up. My heart raced faster. What? How did he know Brooklyn? Oh gosh, was he one of the guys she hugged? She told me the story of how she hugged many of the outcast Aashi males on her way to find Clan Wolf, not knowing about the whole mating hormones thing. Was he one of them? I could see the faint mate marks on his thighs. But that could have been from the queen from his old clan. How did he end up here though?

  “Do… do you know Brooklyn?” I stuttered. They all looked at each other and then back to me. The taller one with the longer hair had a huge smile on his face and nodded, pointing at his thighs.

  “Brooklyn,” the healer repeated, pointing to his thighs. Oh shit… yep, these were guys she had hugged. She already had five mates. I had a feeling this guy was going to be very disappointed when he found out she wasn’t taking any more lovers on. She had enough issues with all the others she didn’t pick. I had seen them, their eyes on her like she was the best thing since sliced bread.

  The one who had come from the tree, who made my body shiver just from his look, continued to take steps away from me while keeping his eyes on me from behind that short hair. He was very similar looking to the one who just pointed to his mate marks. Was that his brother? His twin? His eyes turned away from me when I looked up at him again and he shrunk back more. What happened? I felt this pull to him, this almost magnetic attraction, and he was leaving. Should I want him to leave? Stay? I was confused. Maybe I hit my head to be even thinking about him this way.

  I looked down to his thighs and realized he didn’t have any mate marks. It was as if he knew I was looking for the marks, his lower hands covered the area where they should be before he slipped up into a tree and I couldn’t see him anymore. He ran away… from me.

  I wasn’t sure if I should be worried or not about these males. Maybe they were looking only for Brooklyn and they didn’t want to hurt me. That they were only worried about me after I fell pretty dramatically from a cliff. To be fair, we were headed to mountains. I didn’t know we were on the top of the mountain and were looking for a way down it. That information might have helped me.

  “Hadley,” I heard Vetok shout from somewhere behind me, I didn’t turn to him. I kept my eyes on the two males still standing in front of me, just in case they had other plans with me. They looked up and over to the direction of Vetok’s voice. I smiled and let out a deep breath. He was here.

  “Babe, I’m here,” I shouted, hoping it would scare these males away, knowing that my mate was coming for me. But if anything, I now noticed more movement from the huts in the clan that was down here… Was that a blue… wait, and a green? No way.

  “Zalli,” I whispered to myself. There were other Zalli guys like Sanza—Elle’s blue alien mate—but that one, he was green. Not like an ugly green, it was really pretty, like fresh-cut grass. And holy shit, pink…

  “Pink alien?” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and he was now looking right at me. Our eyes locked as he froze, and I felt the breath whoosh from my lungs at the sight. It was strange to see someone that wasn’t Aashi out here. I guess we weren’t the only clan with different aliens.

  I felt the moment Vetok got to me, his hands gentle on my shoulders, his thumbs brushing lightly over the bare skin of my throat. I leaned towards him as I watched the two Aashi males move even further from us. Vetok was not someone you messed with. I think that was what attracted me to him at first. He was small compared to most Aashi, so he had more to prove himself as a warrior to all the others. He was sweet, kind… maybe a little possessive, but in a good way. Never raising his voice or hitting me like my ex. Vetok, he was my hero and I loved him.

  He spoke in Aashi to the males, well, more like he yelled and growled in Aashi, before quickly turning to me.
br />   “Hadley,” he purred in that deep voice, as one of his hands stroked my face, his eyes wide as they roamed over me, taking in all my injuries. I could see his face etched with worry. When he saw my ankle, I heard him muttering under his breath. I think he was cursing himself. I tried to reassure him by patting his hand, but it didn’t change the way I could see him beating himself up internally.

  He was very protective of me, but he was never controlling. I loved that about him. He could scream and yell. Scare the shit out of everyone but me. When he was with me, he was always so thoughtful, gentle, spoke sweetly and told me how lucky he was that I chose him, every day.

  “It’s okay, I’ll be okay now that you’re here.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged him closer. I could see his eyes were focused on the other males as I kissed him on his sweet purple lips. He returned my kiss, but his eyes didn’t move away from where they were. He wasn’t going to let them out of his sight, even for a second. I knew he wouldn’t, he would always be my protector.

  He understood that I needed to be carried as he gently picked me up, cradling me to his hard, muscular chest. He spat out more words to the other males as Jaka rushed in. My translator, inside the backpack, started to pick up on some of the words.

  “…don’t look at my mate. She is not for your eyes. Leave at once.” I tapped Vetok and he didn’t look at me, still watching the other males’ moves. The third male, I didn’t know where he went. But he wasn’t there anymore and I wasn’t sure if he left to warn the rest of their clan.


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