[Lady Justice 08] - Lady Justice and the Watchers

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[Lady Justice 08] - Lady Justice and the Watchers Page 9

by Robert Thornhill

“Car 54, copy that. We’re on our way.”

  I looked at Ox, “Do you know what that’s all about?”

  With all the terrorist stuff going on, I had been out of the loop regarding the less exotic crimes.

  “Typical purse snatching,” he replied. “A lady had just exited McGonigle’s on Seventy-ninth Street and was heading to her car with a cartload of groceries. She was approached by a middle-aged man and woman who claimed they had a flat tire and asked if they could use her cell phone to call Triple A.

  “When she unbuckled her purse from the cart to get her phone, the man grabbed the purse and the pair ran to their car which was already running and definitely didn’t have a flat tire.

  “The woman immediately returned to the store and called 911, but by the time our guys got there, the snatchers were long gone.”

  I remembered my conversation at the HyVee store with the cashier. “So they’ve been monitoring the lady’s stolen credit cards and when a purchase popped up, they were on it.”

  “Yep, it’s amazing what they can do today. Just imagine all of the credit cards that people carry. Think of them as little electronic bugs in your wallet. Every time you make a purchase on your credit or debit card, a record of that transaction is logged into a database of information collected by your credit card issuer.

  “It’s all right there, every purchase with every credit card, and they can tell in an instant what was purchased, where it was purchased and how much it cost.

  “Great, isn’t it?”

  I thought about how Maggie and I charge everything we possibly can on our credit cards to build up airline miles for free trips. Somebody out there knows how many tubes of Preparation H that I go through in a month.

  Another wonderful benefit for consumers? Or another wolf in sheep’s clothing helping Big Brother keep tabs on its minions?

  We pulled into the parking lot just in time to see a middle-aged couple pushing a cart loaded with a big box that had to be a flat screen.

  When we pulled up beside them, you could see by the looks on their faces that we had the guilty parties.

  “Sorry to bother you,” Ox said, “but I wonder if we could see some identification, please?”

  The man feigned surprise, “What’s this all about, Officer?”

  “It’s just routine. If your id’s check out, we’ll let you get on with your day.”

  They each found their driver’s licenses and handed them to Ox.

  “Earl and Doris Frankowitz. Thank you very much. Looks like you just bought yourselves a brand-new TV. I’d like to take a look at your receipt.”

  Earl glanced around the parking lot, looking like he was trying to decide whether or not to make a run for it, but apparently decided against it.

  The look on his wife’s face turned from fear to disgust and finally to outright rage as he handed over the receipt.

  “Hmmmm,” Ox said, “the name on this receipt is Virginia Long. Coincidently, that is exactly the name of a woman whose purse was stolen yesterday from McGonigle’s on Seventy-ninth Street. I don’t suppose you two would know anything about that?”

  Neither of them answered.

  “I think you’d better come with us,” he concluded. “Please turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

  Doris Frankowitz couldn’t restrain herself any longer. She punched poor Earl in the gut. “You idiot! I told you not to use the credit cards! We got plenty of cash, but nooooo --- you had to buy a new TV, and now, because of the Mark of the Beast and the 666 on that receipt, we’ve been caught! I told you not to tempt the Devil!”

  I cuffed Doris before she could pummel Earl a second time.

  On the way back to the station I asked Ox, “What was that Mark of the Beast stuff she was talking about?”

  “I think it has something to do with the book of Revelation in the Bible, but hey, I’m not exactly a Biblical scholar so you’d probably better ask someone else.”

  I made a mental note to do just that.

  Now, it seemed, this Big Brother stuff was taking on a religious overtone.

  That evening, I stopped by the Professor’s apartment before heading upstairs to Maggie. I was anxious to share the day’s events with him.

  “Walt, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  I told him about apprehending the Frankowitz purse-snatchers with the aid of the credit card chip.

  “Ahhh, yes, another giant leap forward for law enforcement and another giant step back for personal privacy.”

  “Care to explain?”

  “Once again, it’s not the fact that the technology is there. You saw today how it could be used for a good cause.

  “It all boils down to the fact that our government has the power to monitor virtually everything in our lives without even telling us.

  “Not only does your department use the information, but so does the Federal Government.

  “Law enforcement agencies can subpoena records from both the credit card issuer and the merchant to find out the time, date and place of a credit card purchase -- information that may be helpful in determining the last known location of a crime victim or suspect. The Department of Homeland Security also tracks terrorist activities by monitoring certain purchases.

  “The act itself is called ‘Hotwatch’ and in a nutshell means that the government can watch in real time, the activity of credit card transactions, airline and hotel reservations, debit card transactions, cell phone calls and rental car activities of its own citizens.

  “The Feds don’t have to have a warrant. In fact, the preferred way to execute a ‘Hotwatch’ is to bypass the protections of the Fourth Amendment and instead use a subpoena to order credit card issuers and other retailers to provide detailed, real time information about the financial moves of the person being watched. A judge will then issue a non-disclosure order, which insures that the target will never know they’re being watched.”

  “Holy cow!”


  Then I remembered Doris Frankowitzs’ comment about the ‘Mark of the Beast’.

  I told the Professor what she had said.

  “So do you know anything about that?”

  “I can tell you what I know from the secular point of view, but you might want to talk to a man of the cloth to get the religious interpretation.”

  “Well then, let’s start with the secular.”

  “In the last few days we’ve been talking about all the ways the government has to keep track of each of us, OnStar in our cars, GPS chips in our phones, electronic chips in our credit cards, sophisticated data mining systems filtering our emails, faxes and phone calls and so forth.”

  I nodded, “It’s a pretty extensive list all right.”

  “That’s just the tip of the ice burg. We haven’t even mentioned biochips yet.”

  “Bio what?”

  “They are devices that are quietly being implanted into humans. For instance, at least six million medical devices such as artificial body parts, breast implants, chin implants and so forth are being implanted in people each year.

  “Most of these medical devices are carrying a hidden guest --- a biochip.

  “In 1993, the Food and Drug Administration passed the Safe Medical Devices Registration Act, requiring that all artificial body implants have ‘implanted’ identification --- the biochip.”

  I couldn’t resist, “So what you’re saying is that when I see a gal parading around with a set of store-bought knockers, she’s broadcasting more than just sex appeal.”

  “Yes,” he said with a smile, “remember that the next time you ogle.

  “You’ve probably never heard of the ‘Digital Angel’ either.”

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “Just imagine a small device, inserted just under the skin with a maintenance-free regenerating power supply.

  “It has all kinds of potential applications, such as major corporations insisting that their employees have the chip for security r
easons, people with certain health risks could be monitored and convicts paroled from prison could be tracked.

  “The company that makes the device, which, by the way, is the fifth fastest growing technology company in America, is touting the ‘Angel’ saying that the device is small enough to be implanted in a child, facilitating its use as a safeguard against kidnapping.”

  “Of course,” I said, “let’s start tracking the kids in kindergarten. You’re never too young to be a terrorist. Could this protection against kidnapping be just another wolf in sheep’s clothing?”

  “Somewhere in the Book of Revelation, it says that the people who take the mark of the beast are ‘deceived’. That could mean that they are being tricked, or that they do not know the full implications of what they are doing.

  “You have to admit that all these tracking devices come in very appealing packages.”

  “No question about that,” I replied, “but what does all this have to do with this ‘mark’?”

  “Somewhere else in the Book of Revelation there is a scripture that talks about the ‘last days’ in which no man can buy or sell without the name, number or mark of the beast.

  “A great many Christians believe that the ‘mark’ is tied to all the things we’ve been talking about.

  “When you stop to consider that in our country over ninety-eight percent of all transactions are ‘cashless’ and cash accounts for less than four percent of all bank deposits, it’s pretty clear that we’ve already become dependant on financial systems that are traceable and trackable.”

  I was still confused. “So how about the number 666?”

  “In my opinion, that’s kind of a stretch, but here’s the thinking.

  “We’re the very first generation that has had the capability of living in a ‘cashless’ society. Have you noticed that when you purchased almost anything, it is swiped across a scanner?”

  I remembered all right. That’s how the store knows what coupons to mail to Maggie.

  “Each product carries a bar code on the back, part of the Uniform Product Code System.”

  The Professor picked up a book he had recently purchased and flipped it over.

  “See the bar code? It, and every other bar code, has 3 unnumbered bars or lines at its beginning, middle and end that are slightly longer than its other bars. According to the proponents of the 666 theory, these lines are designated as corresponding to the number six, so every bar coded item is in fact marked with a 666, the ‘Mark of the Beast’.”

  “This is getting waaaay too complicated,” I said. “What you’re telling me is that all of the prophecies that were predicted thousands of years ago in the Book of Revelation and all the stuff that Orwell talked about in 1984 is happening today and our government is the catalyst of the whole thing?”

  “I’m not telling you anything. You’ve asked questions about what’s going on in our world and I’ve given you answers. How you interpret that is up to you.”

  I wished he would quit that!

  Just then, there was a knock on the door.

  The Professor opened it and Jerry the Joker stepped into the room.

  “I thought I heard you guys talking. Hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

  Jerry joined our little group about a year and a half ago. He fancies himself a stand up comedian, which initially grated on our nerves until we pointed him in the direction of amateur night at the local comedy club.

  Now he is only occasionally annoying.

  “The Professor was telling me about your recent conversations regarding the FDA so I’ve been doing a bit of research.

  “I was hoping that I could share it with you.”

  The Professor and I exchanged glances. Knowing Jerry, we figured that we might as well get it over with.

  “Sure, Jerry,” I said. “What wonderful things have you found for us?”

  “Well, as you know, the FDA is responsible for testing all the newest drugs and medical devices to make sure they’re safe for us to use.

  “I ran across a glossary of terms and definitions the FDA uses in its investigations. After I read it, I figured this might account for all the problems we’re experiencing with their recommendations.”

  He handed me a piece of paper.

  Glossary and Definitions For Use in FDA Trials

  Barium: What you do when the patient dies from using one of our drugs

  Urine: The opposite of ‘you’re out’

  Dilate: To live a long time

  Enema: The opposite of friend

  Node: Was aware of

  Rectum: Dang near killed him

  Constipation: Endangered feces

  White count: The number of Caucasians

  Hernia: Pertaining to a female’s knee

  D&C: Where Washington is

  Bunion: Paul’s surname

  Ova: Finished, done with

  Paradox: Two doctors

  Penis: Someone who plays the piano

  Humerus: Really funny

  Genital: Non-Jew

  Pap Smear: To slander your father

  Pelvis: The evil twin of Elvis

  I handed the paper back to Jerry.

  “Uhhh, thanks. I’m sure this will be helpful --- maybe.”

  “Saw it and couldn’t resist it,” he replied. “Well, I’ll let you guys get back to what you were doing.

  “I node urine a hurry, so I’ll get this meeting ova.”

  He waved and was out the door.

  “Interesting chap,” the Professor said.

  “That’s an understatement,” I replied. “Well, I’d better be getting upstairs to Maggie. She’ll think I got lost.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” the Professor added. “I’m glad you stopped by.

  “Professor Rhinehart called. He’s taking Amir to the Royals game Friday evening and asked if you and Maggie would like to go. Amir’s been dying to chat with you.”

  “I’ll check with Maggie, but sure --- I think that would be a fun evening. Do you think Dr. Rhinehart would mind if Ox and Judy tagged along?”

  “I’m sure that would be fine. I’ll tell him to reserve six tickets.”

  Maggie was indeed excited about the prospect of seeing a Royals game. It had been several years since we had visited the ballpark.

  A quick call to Ox verified that he and Judy were on board.

  I spent most of the dinner hour humming Take Me Out to the Ballgame which almost caused Maggie to change her mind, and after several admonitions to ‘stifle it’, I changed the subject to my recent conversation with the Professor.

  After regurgitating the Professor’s comments to Maggie, my thoughts were now re-focused on the ‘Mark of the Beast’, and I remembered the Professor’s comment that I should talk to a man of the cloth for the religious viewpoint.

  I figured it was time for a face-to-face with Pastor Bob.

  I punched in his number and he answered with “Dial-A-Prayer. For a mere thirty pieces of silver we will forward your fondest desires to the Almighty.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Hi, Walt. I saw your name on the caller ID and couldn’t resist.”

  That’s why I like this guy. He’s the very antithesis of John Wesley’s famous quote, “Sour Godliness is the Devil’s religion.”

  “I have a theological question and you’re the only theologian that I know. Can I come over?”

  “Well first of all, such an admission is probably a sad commentary on your spiritual life, but on the bright side, the fact that you have such a question is promising. Sure, come on over.”

  As we had done on several previous occasions, Pastor Bob met me at the chapel door and we retired to his private office.

  “So what theological dilemma are you struggling with today?”

  I told him about Doris Frankowitzs’ comments after her arrest and my subsequent conversation with the Professor.

  “So, that’s the Professor’s take on the whole thing from a secular point of view. What’s your vi
ew --- from the pulpit, so to speak?”

  “Walt, you should be a fisherman the way you keep opening these big cans of worms.

  “First of all, you need to be aware that during the time the Bible was written, people were very limited in their understanding of how things worked in their world.

  “Without the knowledge and information we have today, many of the events that they were experiencing were recorded symbolically.

  “The Book of Revelation is the epitome of symbolic writing. You could read the words of a hundred Biblical scholars and come out with a hundred different interpretations of the significance of the prophetic revelations.”

  “So what about the people who believe what the Professor said? Are they right or wrong?”

  “Oh, Walt, it’s not a matter of right or wrong --- it’s what they believe, so to them, it’s right.”

  “So what’s your take on it?”

  “Let’s look at the verse in question.

  “It is found in Revelation 14:9-11 ‘And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name’.”

  “That’s pretty harsh.”

  “Let’s look at the symbolism. Many theologians believe that the forehead and the hand refer to the mind and the actions of men. God wants his message to be in men’s minds and their actions to reflect that message.

  “If, on the other hand, their minds and actions reflect the work of the Devil then they’re in deep doodoo.”


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