My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three

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My Girl: Bloody Business Book Three Page 6

by AJ Wolf

  “An hour. I have to stop somewhere first.”

  “Okay, see you then.” She hangs up the phone before I can respond, and I smile at the screen. She does it all the time because she hates saying goodbye, worried about saying the wrong thing and making it awkward. If anything, hanging up on someone is even more awkward than anything she could say though.

  Whistling for Duke, I hold the door open for him. Walking with him to my SUV, I open the passenger door, watching him hop into the cab. He’s probably bored spending time with me after being spoiled at Mamma’s for so long and playing with Rosa. He was trained to ride in a car all day, but that doesn’t mean he prefers it.

  Climbing into the cab, I reach into the middle console, grabbing out one of the chewy bones I keep for him. Handing it over to him, I rub his ears as I back out of the lot. “Try not to drool all over the seat this time, I might have Laney in here and I don’t think she’d appreciate it.”

  He ignores me, drool already dripping all over the place and I laugh, patting his side. “Fine. I’ll just have to throw my sweater down.”

  It only takes twenty minutes to get to Mamma’s, missing most of the traffic, and I smile to myself when Duke starts wiggling in his seat at the sight of Rosa. Getting out I walk to the other side to let him out, his feet on the driveway almost as soon as his door is opened.

  Running over, Rosa giggles as Duke gives her face some love. “Can you tell Mamma I’ll be back to pick him up tomorrow morning?”

  Rosa smiles at me, picking up a ball from the lawn for Duke. “You’re not staying?”

  I shake my head as she holds the ball above her head to keep it out of reach. “Tell Mamma I’ll visit in the morning. I have to go now though.”

  She’s running around the yard now, throwing the ball a second before Duke gets it from her. “Okay, bye Jessie!”

  Jumping back into the SUV I wave out the window. I need to leave before Mamma comes out and makes me late. I have to talk to Malcom at the docks before Laney gets there.

  Getting to the docks, I have fifteen minutes before Laney is supposed to show up which should be fine. I really just need to fucking tell her what I do already, and this wouldn’t even be an issue.

  Malcom is waiting for me when I get there, smoking what looks like a joint in one hand and a burger in the other. “You want a bite?” He asks as I get closer and I laugh, shaking my head at him.

  “Absolutely fucking not.”

  Malcom was a rookie cop when my dad still worked for the force. He still works with them now and also as an associate for the Famiglia. He’s a good decade older than I am, but he definitely doesn’t act like it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never settles down, and forever lives the bachelor life fucking hookers and smoking pot off duty.

  “I saw you with the younger Luciano a few weeks back.” He raises his brows at me around the last bite of his burger, smiling as he chews.

  “And? My personal life is none of your business.” He just chuckles at me, scrunching up the burger wrapper in his palm. “Were you able to pull the file on Fontana?”

  Wiping his mouth he nods, “I was, but all I could see was that she’s been to the clinic twice and can’t access what she’s going in for. It’s a general practitioner, so it could be anything.”

  I have a good suspicion I know exactly why she’s visiting the clinic, but I’ve learned from experience not to make a solid assumption without proper proof. “Okay. Try to get your hands on the actual visit and also copies of the camera footage of her being there. Buy it if you need to.”

  I can see Laney’s car pulling in, watching her park near the back lots. “Sure thing.” Malcom takes a puff of his joint, squinting at me through the smoke. “Why do you care so much if you’re messing around with that cute leggy one?”

  “Do your job and worry about yourself.” Laney smiles once she sees me. The sundress she’s in swishing around her ankles as she walks my way. “Now leave.”

  “Well I might as well introduce myself, she’s already here.”

  “I swear to fuck, if you say anything about the Famiglia I will burn your house down while you’re still in it.”

  “You’re kind of a rude guy.”

  Pretending I don’t hear him, I smile at Laney as she steps up to us. She’s eyeing Malcom and I know it’s because she recognizes him from the pier. “Hey.” It’s said to me, but she’s already looking at Malcom, her hand coming up to brush some of the loose hair from her bun out of her face. “Do I know you?”

  He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off, drawing her big browns to me. “He was at the pier a few weeks ago, the pervert standing by the slushie stand.”

  She smiles, nodding as she remembers. “Well pervert or not, I’m Delaney. It’s nice to meet you.”

  She doesn’t extend her hand and I’m grateful for it, this schmuck doesn’t need to be touching her. “Pleasure is mine, darlin’.”

  Her eyes come back to meet mine, slightly widening like she’s mentally calling him a freak, which she wouldn’t be wrong. “How do you know each other?”

  I speak up before Malcom, my eyes glued to the gloss on her lips. “Business associates.”

  “Ah, the mysterious business you won’t talk about.” She’s smiling and I can see she’s working up a plot in that beautiful head of hers to get information from Malcom.

  “We should leave. Bye Malcom.” I lightly grip her arm, ushering her away.

  “Leave? I literally just got here.” She’s frowning at me, but the dimple in her cheek says she’s not actually annoyed.

  “Till next time, Wolf.” I raise my hand in acknowledgment, opening my SUV door for Laney.

  “Wolf? Why did he call you that? And again, where are we going?” She starts to climb in and I hurry to stop her, remembering the slobber from Duke.

  “Wait! Let me throw something down, Duke was up here with a bone.” I reach around her grabbing a hoodie from the back to toss onto the seat. “Okay, you’re good.”

  “Are you going to answer any of my questions?” It’s asked as she climbs into the car, sitting sideways so she’s facing me.

  There’s a slit in the skirt of her dress, the tan skin of her leg flashing up to her thigh because of how her dress moved when she got in the seat. Unable to stop myself, I step up between her legs, pushing her knees to the sides of my waist, and grab the outside of her thighs to tug her closer to me. She lets out a surprised breath but doesn’t pull away.

  “You look beautiful.” I can tell she’s about to scold me for not answering a question again so I continue, “and we’re going to the drive-in theater. They’re playing that one horse movie you like, with the diving. I heard it on the radio on the way here.”

  “Wild hearts can’t be broken?” I nod and she smiles, her fingers brushing along my forearms as she scrunches up the fabric of her dress in her hands, sitting higher in the seat. “So we’ll probably be back pretty late?”

  “Probably.” The shine of her lips catches my attention again, teasing and taunting me.

  “I need to tell Donatello.” My eyes flick up to hers, my thumb smoothing over the skin of her exposed thigh.

  “I can if you want.” She looks away with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Definitely not.”

  I shrug, I knew she’d say that, but I’m going to tell him anyway. That way he can’t convince her to not go. “Give me your phone.”

  “What? No, it’s fine. I’ll just text him when we’re driving.”

  Realizing I won’t be able to get it without starting an argument I move on, squeezing her thighs before stepping back from her. “We need to get going.”

  She shifts in her seat so I can close the door, then I walk around, jumping in to see her smiling at me. “What, Laney Girl? Why do you look like that?”

  “I’m just excited. Why does everyone always assume I’m up to something?” I laugh, while pulling from the lot.

  “Because you are most of the t

  She snorts, rolling her eyes as she reaches for the dial on the radio. “Why did Malcom call you Wolf?”

  I thought she let it go, but I guess not. “It’s just a nickname I have.”

  “You never told me you have a nickname.”

  “Why would I? I like when you say my actual name.”

  She hums, I think in acceptance of my answer, sitting back in her seat once she’s found a station she likes. “Why is that your nickname?”

  Throwing a look her way, I think of how I should answer. I’m called Wolf because I’m the best tracker in the Famiglia. I sniff out secrets that no one else can find, hunt my prey until they can no longer run and always get the kill. That and my silver hair. I think that’s actually what started it; someone saying the grey was fitting for the wolf I was, and the nickname just took off. “I think it started because my hair is silver.”

  “Weird.” I laugh at her response, her giggling in her seat with me.

  “Open the glove box, I got you something.” She raises a brow but does what I say, opening it to find a fabric bag. She pulls it out looking at me. “Open it. I saw that and it reminded me of you.”

  Setting the bag in her lap, she opens the top, pulling out the dainty silver chain necklace inside. The small matte crescent moon hangs between her fingers as she holds it up, dimples flashing as she runs her thumb over its surface. “I love it.”

  “I thought you would.” I watch as she clasps it around her neck, the small moon falling to the middle of her collar bone.

  “Puoi essere il mio lupo e io sarò la tua luna.” You can be my wolf and I’ll be your moon.

  Thinking back to her story the similarity pangs in my chest. The only difference between our story and theirs being that I won’t be kept from my moon. Covering up my silence, I bite my lip, faking a groan that makes Delaney laugh. “Fuck, tell me more. Talk dirty to me.”

  “You’re so weird. Doesn’t your mom pretty much only speak Italian? Why is that sexy to you.”

  I laugh at her comparison, shaking my head at her. “Don’t make it gross, Laney Girl. And it’s only sexy when you do it.”

  “Whatever.” She smiles as she says it, pulling her phone out of the front of her dress. I didn’t even realize she had it there.

  “How did that not just fall out the front of your dress?” I’m definitely using the phone as an excuse to look down her top, her tits bouncing when I accidentally bump the centerline. She frowns over at me but doesn’t comment.


  That’s all she says in a way of explanation and I chuckle, reaching over to snatch the phone from her fingers.

  “Hey! What’re you doing?”

  “Calling Donatello.” I quickly flick through her contacts, but don’t find his name. “Which one is his?”

  She crosses her arms, smirking like she thinks I can’t figure it out. “I’m not telling you. Give me my phone back.”

  Eyes flicking between the phone and the road, I open her messages, seeing only three contacts, mine, Bev, and Loser. Taking a guess on Loser, I press call, bringing it to my ear with a smile when Laney huffs from her seat. “Loser? How fitting.”

  “Vita Mia.”


  “You fucking piece of shit.” My smile grows, knowing he’s fuming by his tone alone.

  “I just thought I’d let you know that we’re going to the drive-in and Laney will be home late. Maybe not until tomorrow morning.” She tries to grab my arm, but I quickly switch the phone to my opposite side, away from her.

  “Touch her and I’ll...“

  I cut him off, choosing my words carefully so Laney won’t question me. “I’m glad you see things my way and we didn’t have to keep this a secret. I’ll tell Laney you’ll be busy the rest of the night and won’t be able to contact her.”

  “Fuck Yo…” I hang up before he’s finished, tossing the phone onto the back seat where it’s out of Laney’s reach.

  “Jessie! Why was that necessary!” She’s looking back at her phone, looking like she’s contemplating taking off her seat belt to get it.

  “Donatello said he hopes you have a good time and not to text him because he’ll be busy.”

  She frowns at me, still eyeing her phone. “Did he say what he was doing?”

  I can tell the thought of him being busy makes her nervous and it irritates the shit out of me. She’s probably worried he’s going to be with someone else. “Something came up with work.”

  That seems to pacify her some, because she sits back in her seat, thumbing her necklace as she looks out the front window. “He really said he hopes I have a good time?”

  “He did.” He most definitely did not, but I know he won’t try to contact her because he won’t want me spilling his own dirty secret. I wonder if he even knows what said secret has been up to.

  Forty minutes later and we’re surrounded by a hundred other cars and sitting in the back of the SUV, back hatch open so we can see the screen. I had a blanket that’s kept in the car for emergencies and we laid it out to make the back more comfortable.

  “You should have told me we were doing this so I could have just worn sweats.”

  I toss a piece of popcorn at Laney, smiling at the frown she gives me. “I didn’t know until I heard it on the radio.”

  “Do you have any extra clothes in here?” She’s already leaning up to look over the seat and I smack her ass, making her jump.

  “Nope. Sorry, Laney Girl. You’re stuck in your dress.” I pull her backward, into my lap, between my legs and she lets out a squeak. “Unless you want to take it off for me.”

  I can’t see her face, but I can see the rise and fall of her chest as her breaths come quicker. “The dress is fine.”

  I smile into her neck, eyes running along the length of her exposed leg. “You’re kind of a buzzkill.”

  She scoffs, reaching across her chest to lightly smack my mouth. “You’re rude.”

  Chuckling I decide to test my luck with her, moving my fingers to her leg as I press a kiss to her shoulder.


  My fingers pause their wandering at her voice. “Laney Girl?”

  “I’m still with Donatello.” She looks over her shoulder at me, big browns dark in the lowlights. “It’s not fair to him to be messing around with you.”

  I nod, resting my lips just above her skin. “Did you tell him about the pool?” I know she did, based on mine and his conversation earlier.

  She rubs her lips together, eyes shifting around the car. “Yes.”

  “And what did he say?”

  She stays quiet a moment, like she isn’t sure if she wants to tell me. “He said I could do what I want. But I know he doesn’t mean that. How could he?”

  She toes off her sandals, pushing them off to the side with her foot and I put my free hand on her waist to bring her attention on me. “Do you really think Donatello would have said that at all if he didn't actually feel that way?” I know he doesn’t, but I already told him she was our girl.

  “I don’t know.”

  I kiss her neck, watching her fingers bunch into the fabric of her skirt. “Laney Girl, if he said it then it’s fine.”

  Bringing my hand on her waist higher, I run my thumb along the underside of her breast, pushing the weight of it into my palm. Based on how soft she feels in my hand, she’s not wearing a bra and fuck if that doesn’t make my dick hard.

  She’s quiet, probably overthinking this in that beautiful head of hers, but she isn’t tense against me anymore. “You already got the okay, Laney Girl, don’t overthink it.”

  Gripping her thigh in my palm, I pull her leg so it’s bent at the knee, nipping at her neck in the spot I know she likes the most. She arches at the next pass of my tongue, her back bending just the slightest bit like she tried not to do it and failed. The hand on her thigh is tickling its way to her panty line, her breath catching when my fingers skim the edge of the lace.

  “If you want me
to stop you better say it now, Laney Girl.” She doesn’t say anything, just kicks the button on the right side of the car, making the hatch door close on its own. I take it for the go I needed, yanking the top of her strapless dress down to sit at her waist, hand wrapping around her tit to squeeze it in my hand.

  She’s wet through her panties when my fingers press against the fabric, tracing the outline of her slit with my fingers. I press against the thin material, spreading her beneath my fingers, my palm pressing against the swollen nub of her clit through the lace. Her neck drops back as I increase the pressure, her slickness seeping through the thin fabric with the next pass of my fingers. Both her knees are up now, split to the sides so I have complete access to her. Dropping her tit, I grab her bun, arching her neck even farther so I can suck the sensitive skin into my mouth.

  As much as I want to sink my fingers into her perfect little pussy, I keep my fingers on top of her panties rubbing circles over her clit instead, knowing that’s what my girl prefers. Her arm comes back to grab the back of my neck, her legs starting to move as she thrusts against my hand, her tits bouncing along her chest in time. She moves in a way that her ass hits my dick and I bite her skin in response. The breathy sounds coming from her mouth is almost enough to make me come in my pants.

  I can tell she’s close just by the way her legs move closer together, her fingers pinching into my forearm as she clutches it in her hand. Her sounds changing in pitch just the slightest bit. I press my mouth to her ear, letting go of her bun to pinch her nipples between my fingers. “Say it, Laney Girl. Tell me who’s making you come.”

  It’s barely out of my mouth before her thighs clamp around my hand, her toes curling in the air as she moans my name. “Jessie, Jessie, Jessie, ah, Jessie!”

  I’d sell my soul to hear that sound on repeat. The sound of my name leaving her lips like a prayer. I let her get her breathing under control then turn her in my arms, cradling her to my chest. Palming her face, I can smell the sweet scent of her on my fingers and it drives me nuts. My dick is begging for its own taste of her, but I ignore it, pressing my lips to my sweet girl’s forehead and brushing the wild hair from her face as she stares up at me. I want to watch her ride my dick, see those beautiful tits of hers bounce in my face, but I know she’s already going to feel guilty for allowing herself this.


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