All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3)

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All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3) Page 4

by K E Osborn

  After sliding into my car, I sit for a while, my head in my hands, trying to calm down before I drive on the busy roads. Eventually, I turn the key and pull out into traffic, just as fat drops of rain begin to pummel my windshield. With my wipers on full speed, and through my tears, seeing becomes difficult.

  Coming up on a set of traffic signals, I apply my brakes to stop at the red light. With my bag on the passage side seat, I turn, taking my eyes off the road to grab a tissue.


  My car suddenly jolts back, the crunching of metal grates on my ears as my head slams down onto the steering wheel and then back into the seat with force . I let out a groan as pain sears through my forehead. I glance up to see I’ve rear-ended the car in front of me.

  Just what I need right now.

  Tightness forms in my chest while overwhelming tension rattles through me, and I can’t help but let it all out. “Fuuuck!” I scream out as loud as I can in pure frustration.

  Can this day get any worse?

  White knuckling the steering wheel, I shake it violently in exasperation.

  A line of blood trickles down my temple mixing with my tears. Slowly, I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of my car into the freezing rain to make sure the driver of the other vehicle is all right.

  Serves me right for taking my eyes off the damn road.

  The driver’s door swings open.

  My heart leaps into my throat when Aiden steps out—suit, disheveled hair, fucking perfect. He instantly rushes to my side. I didn’t even notice the car he’s driving is actually Mike’s.

  “You’re bleeding.” Aiden takes a handkerchief from his pocket and presses it to my head.

  I grimace at the jolt of pain as he places it against me, but honestly, just having him near me right now is making everything better. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t see where I was going.”

  “Why are you crying?”

  “What do you expect?” I pause a little, trying to catch my breath. “What are you doing here?”

  Aiden exhales. “I was coming to see you.” He pulls my chin up so I can look at him.

  “You were?”

  “I love you,” he states convincingly.

  My heart stops, then thuds back into motion, pounding hard and fast as all the emotion of the past month rushes over me. Those butterflies come back with a vengeance, but this time in a particularly good way. I smile slightly as I stare into his eyes—his bright blue, mesmerizing eyes that are staring right back into mine.

  “I love you, too. So much. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t blame you for anything. I was just angry, no… frustrated, because I didn’t know how to handle any of it. I dealt with everything so badly. Then Sandy—”

  Aiden puts his finger up to my lips to quiet me. “Shut up and kiss me.” He pulls me into a tight embrace, leans down, and kisses me. That familiar surge of electricity flows with ease between us, sending those butterflies into a flying frenzy. The feel of his lips on mine again after so long apart, fills me with pure happiness. His tongue finds mine, and every emotion I’ve ever felt for Aiden floods back like a whirlwind, reminding me why I should never have left him in the first place. It’s like time stops, and at last we’re here together, like we were always meant to be.

  Cars honk their horns as they drive past, splashing water over us, pulling us back into reality. Aiden takes his lips from mine as we both laugh. He tucks some loose, drenched hair behind my ear and stares into my wet eyes lovingly. “Jeni, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

  “No, it wasn’t your fault. I was frustrated that Jason could get to me so easily. I think it confused everything. There’s so much leftover anger toward Jason which was directed at the wrong man. So, I took it out on the one person I love the most. I’m so deeply and utterly in love with you, Aiden. I always have been. That’s why it hurt so much. It tore me apart to be away from you, but my head and heart were telling me completely different things. I never want to feel that way again. The pain, the hurt, the confusion, the frustration… it utterly paralyzed me.”

  Aiden says nothing, but he places his arms around my body and holds onto me tightly. The feeling of being back in his arms once again gives me goosebumps like never before. He makes me feel safe. I don’t know why I ever thought any differently because right now, in his arms, I couldn’t feel more loved, cherished, and above all, protected.

  Aiden picks me up by my waist and twirls me in a circle. I giggle, feeling lighter and undeniably happy to be in his arms again. Back home, right where I’m meant to be.

  My eyes slowly flutter open. I’m in my bed as I recall my dream of crashing into Aiden and us getting back together. It was perfect and exactly what I needed to get me out of this godawful slump I’m in. I sigh as I roll over, but my eyes widen when I turn to see Aiden in my bed.

  He’s actually here.

  And for some reason, it shocks me.

  “It wasn’t a dream,” I blurt out loudly, waking him.

  Aiden’s eyes open slowly, his lips turning up into that panty-dropping smile he’s known for. “What wasn’t a dream, baby?”

  In my excitement, I lunge on top of him, smothering him in kisses repeatedly all over his face.

  “Jeni,” he chuckles, steadying me.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. It wasn’t a dream,” I blurt out again.

  His giant smile turns to a frown.

  I tense instantly. “What’s wrong?”

  He gulps and hesitates. “Tokyo… I leave today.”

  My heart stops and then restarts with an almighty thud.

  He’s still going.

  He can’t.

  Not now.

  Not after we’ve just gotten back together.

  I shake my head slightly. “I can’t lose you. I’ve just gotten you back. We can’t spend any more time apart. You’re my lifeline, my oxygen... I need you, Aiden.”

  He smirks. “Lucky I talked with Father last night while you were asleep, and he’s going with Tori, my new PA. I’ve got to say he was fucking angry, though. I’m sure he’s going to haul me over hot coals, but I don’t care.”

  “Sooo not funny.” I slap him on the chest. “Tori, your new PA… she’s quite… pretty.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Tori, pretty? I’ll tell her you said that.”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. “So, tell me about her. Does she…” I pause for effect, “… have a good work ethic?”

  Aiden chuckles. “Look at you digging for information. I hired her because Daniel and Killian recommended her. She’s great at her job, but she’s not you. She also bats for the other side… if you know what I mean?”

  My mouth opens slightly as those words sink in. “Oh, she’s a… lesbian?”

  “Yeah.” He chuckles, pulling me closer to him. “Hence, why she’ll love to know you called her pretty.”

  I widen my eyes. “Oh, well, umm…”

  He plants a kiss on my forehead. “I like this jealous side of you.”

  I exhale, needing to talk to him seriously for a moment. “Aiden, I know I owe you some sort of explanation as to why I acted the way I did. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I need to tell you why I took everything out on you.” I lean back and gaze straight into his eyes. “When I woke… after the incident… all I could think about was why did this happen to me? I have no idea why, but for some reason, I instantly blamed you. I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking you weren’t there for me when I needed you the most… and I couldn’t get past it. But you have to know it tore me up to be away from you.”

  My eyes mist up as Aiden pulls me tightly to his chest.

  “I know I’ve talked about Jason a little, but there’s a lot I left out.”

  Needing a moment to build up the courage to discuss this further, I pause and take a much needed, steadying breath. It’s time Aiden hears the entire extent of what happened.

  “As you know, Jason was extremely controlling. Anytime I did anyt
hing he considered ‘wrong,’ he’d either verbally abuse me or he’d attack me physically.” My chest squeezes with anxiety thinking back to a time when that was my reality. “No one knew about the physical side of things. Sarah guessed, but I never really confided in her because it felt like it was my fault. If I didn’t meet his expectations…” I pause to gain strength to tell Aiden the next part, “… he would force himself on me if I didn’t want sex with him, but I let him because that’s what a good girlfriend does, right? It wasn’t until I met you that I knew what real love is.”

  I turn to look into Aiden’s eyes, and just like I expect, they’re full of compassion and love.

  “The time apart made me realize just how whole you make me feel. You treat me with respect and show me unconditional love. A love I had no right to push aside.”

  Aiden’s body is stiff as he pays attention to me intently. He’s listening but struggling with his feelings at the same time. His hands fist against my back as he grumbles every now and then while I speak. I pull back a little. His eyes are no longer sparkling but dark and serious, his brow is furrowed, and his mouth is in a thin, straight line.

  “When you came to our apartment that night, when I was… well, I was drunk. It killed me to watch you walk out our door and away from our life. I wasn’t able to get up, and I basically spent the night on the floor.” He exhales shaking his head. “Once morning came around and I’d sobered up, it really hit me that you were gone from my life forever…” He lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. “I knew there was no way for me to win you back. I could see it in the way you saw straight through me, and by the fact there was no compassion in your voice. You weren’t the Jeni I fell in love with… she was gone.” His nostrils flare. “My heart literally broke. My body stopped functioning…

  “My father found me the next day. He straightened me out, fed me, and managed to get me back on my feet. He talked me into going back to work, insisting that I put my everything into it, and that it would help heal my heart.”

  He stifles a laugh. “Amazingly, though, he was right. I found the only way I could function was to immerse myself wholly back into work. I spent most of my waking hours there, and I was able to function like I did before I met you.” He weakly smiles, and my heart does a double beat.

  “Work was my salvation…” his smile falls, “… and my curse. I missed you so much, Jeni, more than you’ll ever know. Honestly, I thought I’d completely lost you.” He tightens his grip on me. “You’re my absolute everything, Jeni. I live and breathe you. I’ll never love another the way I love you.”

  My stomach flips at his words.

  “My life has purpose and meaning when I’m with you. It was empty without you. I was a shell of a man. You’re mine, and I’m yours completely. We’re meant for each other, baby. Your love means everything to me.”

  All I feel is anguish at his words. “Aiden, I don’t know what to say. All I can say is I’m sorry. Sorry I hurt you. Sorry I left you. Sorry I treated you the way I did. Sorry I was such an idiot...” I pause. “What you don’t know is how I felt about you.” My eyes focus on his. “That never changed. I always loved you. I never once denied my feelings for you. You’re the love of my life, Aiden. Life without you was bitter and empty. I was incomplete and lonely. I only hope you can forgive me for everything I put you through. I promise you that I’ll never leave you again because… I love you that much.” Aiden smiles and rubs his hand across my back. “I can only imagine what your father will be like with me now.” I chuckle.

  Aiden shakes his head and pulls me in tighter. “There’s nothing to forgive as long as you’re here with me. As for Father, you let me worry about him. What I really need right at this moment is that connection we have when I’m buried deep inside you. The reassurance of your love. You’re here and never leaving. Let me show you how much I’ve missed you.”

  After a few hours of making love, cuddling, and Aiden telling me how much he adores me, we need to start the first day of the rest of our lives together.

  “I guess we should get up and tell Sarah and Chris the news...” I pause. “Actually… are we back together?” I ask hesitantly.

  Aiden smiles brightly. “Of course, we are. But Jeni, there is one more thing I need to talk to you about. While we were apart, I started seeing someone about my time in jail…” He pauses then continues, “Would you consider going to a counselor to talk about what happened to you? I think it might help you to come to terms with it a little more.”

  I bite my bottom lip. “I’ve thought about it constantly, and I know you’re right. But, can I think on it for a short time? I think rehashing what happened right now… might make me worse?”

  “Of course…” he says, though he’s hesitant.

  I understand I have to go, but right now, I’m not sure talking about it is going to ease my mind. Maybe if I leave it for a little while, I can get my mind thinking right, and then face it head-on.

  “I have something to give you if you want it?”

  A blank look crosses my face, but he stands and makes his way to his jacket pocket where he fumbles around for a second or two. Then he pulls out my engagement ring. Elation flows through me as I sit upright, my face beaming in excitement as he walks over holding out my ring. My heart hammers in my chest as he slowly drops down to one knee, making me giggle with happiness.

  “Jeni, from the time I crashed into you…” he sighs, “… again,” he laughs, “… I knew we were meant to be together. We will always be together. Will you marry me?”

  My chest squeezes so tight as I nod my head emphatically. Aiden takes my left hand, sliding my engagement ring back where it belongs.

  I sniffle. “You had me at crashed. Though technically, I crashed into you the second time.”

  Aiden laughs as I stand, and he moves in closer, his eyes meeting mine. That spark, that undeniable electric tension fills the air as he leans in kissing me feverishly. The moment his lips touch mine, I feel it—the love, the deep connection we share, it’s everything—as his tongue dances with mine in a perfect rhythm. My hands rush through his hair needing him closer.

  How I ever could have let him get away is beyond me now.

  Aiden is my home.

  Kissing him feels like everything is going to be just fine, no matter how fucked up my head might be.

  Pulling his lips away slowly, he rests his forehead against mine as we gaze into each other’s eyes longingly. I glance down at my engagement ring back on my finger, exactly where it should be. Aiden takes my hand, gently planting a tender kiss on my engagement ring, then turns around to grab his suit pants.

  He feels them and pulls a strange face. They must still be wet from the rain last night.

  So, I yank on my robe, quickly darting toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  He raises his brow at me in what appears to be confusion, but nods as I scurry out. With quick steps, I rush to Sarah and Chris’ room and gently knock on their door.

  “Come in,” Sarah offers.

  I peek through their door. “Hey, guys. Sorry to intrude. Chris, can I borrow some clothes?”

  They both tilt their heads. “Sure. Who are they for?”

  A sly smile stretches over my face in response.

  “Jeni, did you bring a guy home?” Sarah asks, but her tone is angry.

  “Um… kind of.”

  Chris frowns in response. “You know… Aiden’s a good friend of mine, and I don’t think he’d appreciate you shacking up with some random dude so soon.”

  “Chris,” Sarah grunts, slapping his bicep.

  Aiden suddenly pops his head around the door with a sheet wrapped around his waist. “Hey, guys.” Both their mouths drop open in shock. “You’re right, Chris, I would’ve hated it if she’d shacked up with some random dude so soon.” Aiden pulls me close to him.

  Sarah jumps up out of bed, clapping her hands. Thank God she’s wearing a negligee. She runs over and practically jumps on us. “It’s about time yo
u guys got your shit together. You were both horrible to be around.”

  Chris stands, walking over to their closet and grabs some clothes for Aiden. “Here you go, dude.”

  “Thanks. For everything.” Aiden shakes his hand. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to kiss my woman.” Aiden lifts and flings me over his shoulder. I squeal as his hand moves out, slapping me on the ass.

  “Go, Aiden,” Sarah calls out as we exit her room laughing.

  Aiden carries me back to my bedroom, then flops me down on the bed.

  The mattress dips with my movement, and I sink into the plushness as I gaze into his eyes. “I’m so happy. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” I pull him down on top of me.

  He chuckles as he falls, his hands landing either side of my body to support his weight as he raises his head, and his bright-blue eyes stare deeply into mine. “Do you know how much I love you, Jenifer Taylor?” Aiden asks, his nose brushing mine.

  “About as much as I love you?”

  His smile turns to a frown. “Guess I’d better get going.”

  “Do you have to?” I pout out my bottom lip.

  He jumps off me, standing to put Chris’ pants on. “Yes. I have to go into work and brief them for Tokyo. I need to make sure Father and Tori have everything they need.”

  It hits me just how much I’ve missed working at the office with him. “Do you need a PA to fill in while Tori goes to Tokyo with your father?”

  He half smiles, then shakes his head. “I have Brielle, but thanks for the offer. How’s it going at your mom’s?”

  I shrug. “It’s all right, but I need to find something I’m better suited to. I’m going to start looking for a new job today.”

  Aiden leans forward, pulling me from the bed, taking me into an embrace. “You know I’d have you back in a heartbeat, but I can’t fire Tori for no good reason. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. I know it’s my own stupid fault for leaving you in the first place.”

  Nuzzling into my hair, he inhales. “Well, never leave me again. I’ll see if I can use some of my connections to get you a job you’ll enjoy.”


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