Seeking Kokopelli

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Seeking Kokopelli Page 6

by Shelley Munro

  “Just touching,” Adam reminded him, stroking his fingers across Nate’s chest, mapping his pectoral muscles. “Nothing to worry about.” He moved his lower body so their legs tangled and their groins brushed.

  Nate froze when their cocks slid against each other, the instant pleasure an erotic assault on his last reservations. Being with Adam felt damn good, and he wanted to be with his friend.

  His eyes fluttered closed to focus on the pleasure. He felt a stream of warm air ripple across his nipple, felt his cock buck. Then Adam sucked on his nipple, the sharp suction edging toward painful.

  “Damn,” Nate muttered. His cock throbbed while pinpricks of pleasure flowed through him.

  “Feel good?”

  Yeah. Way better than it should. Nate kept his mouth shut, worried about articulating exactly how he felt. Hell, he wasn’t sure he could.

  “So good you’re not talkin’, huh?” Adam chuckled and ran his hand down Nate’s body, across his ribs and over his hip. It was as if fire followed his touch. Nate groaned, but things became even better when Adam grasped his cock in a firm grip. No tentative handling. This was a man who knew what he was doing.

  Adam shifted closer and released Nate’s cock. Nate’s eyes flicked open and captured Adam’s gaze. Adam’s eyes sparkled with life and a hint of challenge, halting the instinctive protest tickling the tip of Nate’s tongue. Nate firmed his mouth and held his protest. Go with the flow. He wanted this. At least his heart did. The struggle in his mind was another thing.

  “You’ll like this,” Adam promised, seconds before he gripped Nate’s cock along with his own. He pumped his hand up and down, his grip tight to a point shy of pain.

  “Damn, that feels good.” Nate hissed at the combination of pain and pleasure, the ache in his balls growing rapidly.

  “I should have used lube,” Adam said. “Put it down to impatience. It’ll feel even better once our cocks get slippery. Yeah. See? Like that,” Adam said, letting their shafts rub together while working his callused hand over the sensitive heads.

  “Better? It’ll get better than this?” Nate jerked off when he was on his own, when he needed release, but this…this was ten times better. The memories of the last time with a man were a dim memory. Something he hadn’t thought of for years. Yeah, being with Adam this way made him feel great. Another stroke caused his balls to draw exquisitely tight, and he didn’t even think about holding back. He gripped Adam’s shoulders and sought his lips, kissing the man and shoving every lingering doubt away. Their mouths moved together while Adam kept pumping their cocks in his fist. The kiss deepened, tongues flirted, and soft, needy sounds built up in Nate’s chest. Until now, he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the intimacy of being with another human, giving and receiving pleasure. Oh, he’d thought about it, but being with Adam really drove the fact home. He’d been starving for the touch of a lover.

  Adam pulled back, separating their mouths. “You have to hang around and see if I can make good on my promise that it gets better.” His fist caught the delicate underside of Nate’s cock. With an easy glide of his fingers, Adam repeated the move.

  Nate studied him through the heavy fog of desire. His cock swelled even harder. Then, with the strength of a sucker punch, his orgasm ripped through him, semen spurting against their chests.

  “Perfect,” Adam said, his voice velvet-rough. He closed his eyes, and Nate watched him, saw the tension, the moment he couldn’t hold back an instant longer. His hand stilled and climax took him. His mouth opened in a soundless groan, the chords in his neck straining as his come splashed their bodies.

  Gradually, he stilled, and his mouth curled in a sexy smile. “Damn, I want to do that again. I want to do everything with you.” Before Nate had a chance to reply, he jumped off the bed and strode into the bathroom.

  Nate heard the rush of water when Adam turned on the taps and, minutes later, he returned with a damp washcloth. Nate sat up, grimacing at the stickiness on his chest and belly.

  Adam’s jaw cracked open in a wide yawn. “Man, I’m tired.” When Nate went to take the washcloth from him, he batted his hands away. “Let me. Any excuse to touch you.” With competent strokes, he cleaned up and tossed the cloth on the floor beside the bed. He switched off the light and climbed back into the king-size bed.

  Relaxed and replete, Nate let Adam drape himself around him. Sighing softly, Nate closed his eyes and let sleep take him. He’d worry about any problems gunning for them tomorrow.

  They’d failed. Again. Adam was alive and well, still a threat to him. Damn, his brother had more luck than an Irishman holding a bouquet of four-leaf clovers.

  You reap what you sow. Those had been the bitter words uttered by a village woman when he’d charged her to sleep with him. Desperate for a baby, she’d paid. They all paid, and he couldn’t see what was wrong with the new rules he’d instigated. It wasn’t as if Adam would have slept with them, ensuring a fruitful harvest and children to inherit. No, he would have merely touched them and offered the traditional blessing.

  They didn’t understand. He had expenses. Staff to pay. A home to run. Singlehandedly he’d taken the legend of Kokopelli into the future, made his calling into a full-time job. The people didn’t comprehend the need for change, but he did. Stagnant ways brought low growth, and prosperity suffered.

  Thanks to him, the people had food, despite the droughts and the low rate of fertility. The money he generated kept them all alive, yet none of them appreciated it.

  Justin thumped his hands against the steering wheel of the luxury SUV. Summoned home like a servant, even though he’d told the elders he wanted a few weeks off. Kokopelli served the people, they said. He didn’t take vacations.

  But soon he’d take an enforced one if he wasn’t successful with taking his baby brother out of the equation. Justin scowled, not liking the thought or the personal consequences if the elders replaced him as they wanted. They’d even ignore Adam’s homosexuality, the reason they’d replaced him in the first place.

  What should he do now?

  He couldn’t afford to have another misstep, which meant there was only one option available to him. He’d have to back off for a few weeks. The elders didn’t know Adam’s location because they hadn’t been smart enough to keep tabs on him. Yeah, he’d back off and meantime pay someone to watch Adam. Maybe he could recruit someone in the band or the road crew to report on Adam’s activities. He’d have to use guile, because otherwise the band would become suspicious. A reporter perhaps? Would they consider letting a reporter travel with the band?

  Not a bad idea, but this time he’d sleep on it for a few days before he acted.

  Nodding decisively, Justin indicated a right turn and drove down the dusty track leading to the village. After driving through the village, he turned left, the tarmac under the wheels less bone jarring than the bumpy dirt track. He pulled up outside a sprawling hacienda with relief. Home.

  Justin climbed from the SUV and stalked up the three steps leading to the large decorative wooden door. It opened seconds before he reached it.

  A dusky-skinned woman wearing a black gown greeted him with a smile. “Good evening, Mr. James. How was the conference?”

  Justin ran his gaze over her curves, showcased to perfection in the figure-skimming gown. “Lara, it went well. The topics of discussion were most enlightening. And you, my dear. How are you?” He stepped inside, closed the door and took her in his arms, placing a quick kiss on her upturned lips.

  She moaned softly, pressing closer and clinging to him.

  At her invitation, Justin deepened the kiss and lifted her into his arms. He strode along the passage leading to his bedroom, smiling in approval when he saw the bed turned back and the muted glow from the bedside lamps.

  After toeing off his black dress shoes, he placed Lara on the bed.

  The room smelled of lemons and the floral sweetness of Lara’s perfume. Soon, it would smell of musky sex and arousal. His cock tightened at the t
hought. Ironic, really. Lara was one of many women who tended to his needs. A favorite. All of this would be wasted on Adam. No doubt if he returned, he’d stick to the old ways and send the village back two hundred years in time.

  The elders would push Justin to the background, discarding him like yesterday’s trash. Justin shrugged off his jacket, his gaze running across the smooth skin of Lara’s bare shoulders to the ample curves barely concealed beneath the bodice of her gown.

  No, he refused to give up this lifestyle, which meant his brother had to go. He’d go with the reporter idea and keep contact with things that way. Let the dust settle and their wariness disperse, then he’d strike.

  And maybe it was time to think about having a son. Secure the succession. Yes, he thought, suddenly exhilarated about the idea of a dynasty. It was all within his grasp if he played the correct cards.

  Adam was the only one who stood in his way.

  Chapter Five

  Adam woke to a hard cock pressed against his backside. For the instant it took to orient himself, confusion reigned, then he remembered. Nate. A smile spread across his lips as he slowly turned over. Still asleep, Nate looked younger, the stern expression relaxed for once and not obscured by his trademark Stetson.

  Adam took the opportunity to ogle the other man, taking in his broad chest and muscles dusted with dark hair. The light beard, usually well groomed, looked darker than normal and covered his entire jaw because Nate hadn’t trimmed away the stubble for a couple of days. An equally light moustache framed his sensual lips, lips the man knew how to use to advantage. Adam’s cock bucked and his smile widened when he recalled the sensation of Nate’s mouth moving against his. Yeah, the man knew how to kiss, which made Adam wonder how those lips would feel wrapped around his cock. Something for the near future. A frown replaced the smile. He hoped, as long as Nate didn’t freak on him and backtrack.

  Nothing about this seduction was easy, which was probably why Adam was enjoying himself so much. There was a danger of getting hurt. He knew it, accepted the risk because he’d known Nate for a while, and sometimes a man had to take a leap of faith. Once Nate made a decision, he stuck to it. But he knew this decision was a huge one for Nate, and the other man wasn’t one hundred percent sure of a relationship with him. It was difficult fighting the ghost of a dead wife. The good memories.

  Adam continued his perusal, his gaze tracing the way the dark hair on his chest thinned to arrow down toward Nate’s groin. One of Nate’s many good bits. Nate was a big man, his cock in perfect proportion, and this morning standing to attention.

  Temptation nipped at Adam. Another quick glance reassured him Nate still slept. Moving cautiously, Adam inched down the bed until he was level with Nate’s groin. Unable to resist, he stroked his hand over Nate’s hip, noting the paler skin normally hidden by his clothes. Nate stirred, but didn’t wake, and Adam took his time exploring. He ran his tongue over Nate’s hip and down to the crease where leg met groin. Adam savored the faint saltiness of Nate’s skin, the heat coming off his body. He couldn’t believe Nate was actually here, in bed with him. It was something he’d wanted for a long time, and now that he had him here… Adam smirked and moved in on Nate’s cock. He ran a light finger down Nate’s dick from base to tip before wrapping his hand around the shaft. The contrast of hard and soft met his approval. Then the need to taste this intimate part of Nate rippled through him and, with another glance at Nate’s face, he lowered his head. Dragging his tongue across the head of Nate’s cock, Adam tasted him for the first time. A groan whispered past his lips, and Adam settled in to explore, learning his size and shape, the way he tasted.

  Nate’s cock hardened further under his ministrations, and Adam glanced up without removing his mouth. Watching Nate’s face closely, he alternatively sucked and laved, swirling his tongue across the tiny slit on top.

  One moment Nate was asleep and the next, his entire body stiffened. “Adam?” The gritty morning voice curled through Adam. Arousal grabbed his cock, lengthening it. Damn, he hoped Nate wouldn’t make him stop. He needed this—a connection.

  Nate’s hands came down to grip his shoulders, and Adam lifted his head, his mouth quirking when he noticed the tinge of arousal glittering in Nate’s eyes. At least it wasn’t shock. Nate hadn’t leapt from the bed, cursing him. Yet.

  “Are you okay with this?” Adam didn’t want to give Nate the chance to deny his participation at a later date. And it could happen. The man was skittish.

  Nate’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. His eyes closed for an instant, and Adam’s heart sank. He was going to tell him to stop.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.”

  It took a second for Nate’s reply to sink in. When it registered, Adam grinned with pleasure. Continuing to watch Nate’s face, he pumped Nate’s cock slowly. Once. Twice, before he took him in his mouth again and applied suction, allowing the flat of his tongue to drag across the underside of Nate’s cock.

  The swift intake of air and the stark tension on Nate’s face gave him hope. When he dragged his tongue across the head again, Nate’s hips bucked upward, pushing his cock deeper into Adam’s mouth. Going with instinct, Adam did to Nate everything he enjoyed a lover doing to him, salty beads of pre-come his reward.

  “Damn,” Nate said, his words not much more than a groan. A tremor shook his large frame, and his hands came down to cradle Adam’s head. “I thought I was dreaming.”

  Nate dreamed about him. The knowledge made his stomach flip, a combination of pleasure and relief settling on him. Maybe the fight to win the man wouldn’t turn into a battle. Adam wasn’t sure how he felt about that when he’d prepared for a war. He reached up to tweak one of Nate’s nipples. The guttural moan made him smile. Damn, he liked this man. Wanted him desperately. He was willing to fight for him, yet a part of him felt cheated at Nate’s surrender, which begged the question: Was he playing games with Nate? Adam sucked on Nate’s dick again and immediately rejected the thought. Nah. He really liked Nate. They were friends. Friends and now lovers. A good combination. Yeah, he could imagine being with Nate for a long time, and for a man who had taken things one day at a time since he was a teenager, this was huge. Nothing about the realization frightened him, which told him he was right to pursue Nate.

  Wanting to talk, Adam dragged his mouth off Nate’s cock, slowly, to maximize the sensations for his lover. Okay, so he wanted to torture Nate a little for taking so long to come around to his way of thinking.

  “Was it a good dream or a bad one?” They needed honesty between them. If they didn’t have truth, they had nothing. Without warning, Adam’s past intruded. He thought of his family, the family who had rejected him because he preferred men to women. The family who still rejected him.

  Ashamed and mortified by his preferences, they’d told him to leave and never return.

  During the years since, he’d wandered, searched for unconditional love. Still searching. Always searching.

  Adam frowned, staring at Nate, wanting a clue as to the man’s feelings and thoughts. Normally able to read people well, when it came to Nate he didn’t have a clue.

  “You gonna stare at me all day or get me off?” Nate asked in a husky voice.

  “You’re confusing,” Adam blurted. “Sometimes you behave like a virgin teen, all wide-eyed and shocked, and at other times you’re blunt and to the point.” He shook his head. “I never know how you’re gonna react.” Nate kept him off-balance. A challenge. Maybe it was all about the thrill of the chase. Who the hell knew? Bottom line, Nate baffled him.

  Nate snorted. “You don’t want an easy man. You’d get bored.”

  “I don’t get bored.”

  Nate’s dark brows rose. “No?”

  “No. I thought you’d panic if you woke up to me sucking your cock,” he confessed, not liking the direction of the conversation. Adam decided talking wasn’t a good idea after all. Too much discussion might cause problems. Nate might decide to leave the bed, for one.

bsp; “I like morning sex.”

  Adam scowled in earnest. “A man could feel used hearing comments like that.” He gestured at his cock, rearing from his groin in distinct interest. “Are you going to return the favor?”

  Nate tensed, averting his gaze. Yeah, exactly what he’d thought. Nate was acting like the outraged virgin again, and later he’d accuse Adam of seducing him.

  “I don’t know.” Nate surprised him by actually answering. He turned back to capture Adam’s gaze. “You make me feel good, but I keep thinking about Rosa.”

  Rosa again. Adam started to slide away, but Nate made a sound. He moved fast, slapping a hand on Adam’s shoulder to hold him in place. “No, don’t stop.”

  Their gazes met, held.

  The air hissed from Adam’s lungs.

  “Aw, what the hell.” Giving up, Adam lowered his head and went for the kill, using every bit of his expertise to make Nate come. He covered the tip of Nate’s cock with his mouth and moved down, gradually taking him deeper. Unable to watch Nate any longer, he closed his eyes, concentrating instead on his other senses. He tasted the salty liquid leaking from the tip each time it spilled on his tongue, heard the soft groan of pleasure from Nate and felt Nate’s hands burrow into his hair.

  Nate’s hands tightened, gripping his head almost painfully. If he’d had longer hair, his eyes would have teared with the sting. The jerk of pain flashed through Adam’s body and filled his cock with blood.

  He caressed Nate’s balls and lower shaft with his hands while his mouth and tongue pushed his lover higher. Nate groaned, letting Adam touch him without reservation. Adam smiled around Nate’s cock and decided to push him harder. He ran one of his fingers up Nate’s shaft toward the head, opening his mouth so his finger slipped inside. Once he was sure his finger was nice and wet, he removed it, intending to push Nate even more. While he kept up the suction on Nate’s cock, he moved his damp finger down until it skimmed across Nate’s hole.


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