Endless Love: The 4Ever series #3

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Endless Love: The 4Ever series #3 Page 6

by Isabella White

  “I’m so delighted to be able to start with this new journey. We have a project, presented to us from a brilliant neurologist living in the USA and who will be present here from time to time in the upcoming years.”

  Holly frowned. It sounded like he was about to introduce Jake.

  She was going to kill him if he had arrived early and not told her.

  They audience applauded.

  “Dr. Peters,” he said and Jake walked up to the stage, wearing a white coat.

  Holly moved to the edge of her seat as Jake started speaking in German.

  Jake was here, meaning Jamie…she jumped up, grabbed her things, and ran out of the building.

  Her little girl was finally here.

  She made her way to the childcare facility and caught a glance of Jamie’s black hair as she walked passed the window.

  She was here, she was here. Finally.

  Holly opened the door and Jamie spotted her immediately.

  “Mommy!” Jamie ran straight at her and Holly went on her haunches so Jamie could smack into her.

  “I missed you so much.” She breathed Jamie’s scent in and kissed her all over her face.

  Jamie cackled. “I missed you more.”

  “Not possible. I missed you this much.” Holly spread her arms wide to show her how much she’d missed her.

  Jamie babbled in that fast way only six-year-olds could, telling her everything about their flight—they’d flown first class—and about the house. Then she told Holly that the people talked funny here, but that Daddy had taught her some of it, so she knew some words.

  It didn’t surprise Holly that Jake was already teaching her German and she wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of Jamie’s extra lessons.

  They probably spoke it at nights.

  A picture formed in her head of Jake teaching Jamie German and them speaking it before bed, and her heart clenched from homesickness.

  She’d hardly seen Jamie before she had to leave for Zurich, and it was hard not being able to see her daughter every day.

  She stayed with Jamie, making art and laughing over Jamie’s silliness, until her beeper went off.

  She groaned. “Mommy has to go work, sweetheart, but I will see you later, promise.”

  “Okay, Mommy. Love you.” Jamie wrapped her arms around Holly’s neck and squeezed.

  “I love you so much.”

  Jamie giggled.

  Holly got up and walked to the door, pausing to look back at her daughter. She didn’t want to leave her, but she had to go make her rounds with the rest of the residents.

  At least her shift ended in two hours, then she could go home to the man she loved and the daughter she missed.

  Her life was finally perfect again, even if it was only for the next three weeks.

  The rounds took about an hour, and her queasiness made her head to the cafeteria. She had to snack the whole day to keep the sickness at bay.

  She scanned the cafeteria for Jake, but when she didn’t see him or Anna Belikof, one of the doctors collaborating with Jake on the project, she assumed they were still discussing some of the details.

  She grabbed a salad and took a seat next to Lukas.

  The group at the table were teasing Eva and Petra. They were both gorgeous girls. One was tall and slim, with dark hair and almost a purple color eyes, the other one had light blonde hair, and reminded her of Julia, not her personality but her pettiness.

  She only understood some of what they were saying, but sighed when she heard Jake’s name, and made out the word “wet”.

  Oh man, just her luck.

  “Where did you run off to?”

  She smiled. “To see the most amazing person in my life.”

  Lukas laughed. “You really do love your job.” He misinterpreted what she said, thinking she went to check up on a patient.

  “I’m going to get a cup of coffee.”

  “You sure it’s good for the baby?”

  “Haha, it’s making me tired, so it’s why I have to drink coffee,” she said in German.

  “It’s a baby, not an it,” Eva said in German.

  “It feels like an it.”

  She left them chuckling at her and headed to the coffee urn.

  Through the corner of her eye, she saw someone walking up to her but she didn’t look up.

  She turned around to pour her milk.

  “Thank you. You are not allowed to drink coffee,” Jake said from beside her, taking the cup out of her hand.

  “I’m allowed to have coffee, and if you don’t give me that cup, I swear, there will be no sex tonight.”

  He walked away. “I’ll take that chance. No coffee. Here, have some juice.” He walked away with the cup of coffee and she barely caught the juice box he tossed at her.

  “Juice, seriously?”

  The group at her table was quiet when she walked back to them and took her seat. She watched Jake walk out of the cafeteria, then turned her head to see everyone looking at her.

  “You know him?”

  “Who, Macaroon?” Holly teased.

  “You lucky fish! You worked with him?”

  Holly laughed. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Eva squinted. “What are you not telling us, Yankee?”

  “I don’t know how to say it in German,” Holly teased as she got up. She pierced her straw into the juice box and walked out of the cafeteria.

  * * *


  Being this close to Holly, working with her again, felt like home.

  And tonight, he’d have her next to him in bed, and depending on how Jamie slept, preferably naked.

  He sipped the coffee and grimaced. It tasted nothing like the coffee Holly used to make at Downsend. This was horseshit. He placed the cup on one of the food trolleys outside a patient’s room, his nose wrinkling in distaste, then headed to his meeting with the residents who had been assigned to the program.

  Rodney would be perfect for the program, but it was a bitch to get him transferred to Downsend, and there was no way he’d get it signed off to bring Rod to Zurich.

  The women ogled him, especially Anna, who seemed to be undressing him with her eyes. He hated that they were looking at him in that way. It would take weeks for them to settle down and get used to him, if he was lucky.

  But he didn’t even spare them a glance. The only women he cared about was Holly, and he was beyond ecstatic that he’d be here for Holly’s first checkup.

  He remembered the first time he saw Jamie and Romy on the ultrasound screen, when they thought there was only one baby. He had been so emotional that day, and hadn’t wanted to leave Holly after it.

  But this time it would be different, because she wasn’t going anywhere. She would be close to him and he could touch her belly whenever he wanted to, and speak to his baby whenever he felt like it.

  She wasn’t going to run away like she had the first time. Thanks to Fate and whoever made that decision of them being made for each other.

  When it was time to go home, he went to the childcare facility to get Jamie. He found her sleeping on the floor and smiled. The flight had taken a lot out of both of them.

  Luckily, Jamie wouldn’t have to send all her day at the daycare here. He’d hired a tutor through a well-respected agency, and the tutor, Victoria, was starting tomorrow. She’d not only tutor Jamie, but also watch her while he and Holly was at work.

  He picked her sleeping figure up from the ground and decided to wait for Holly at reception.

  “Is she yours?” Anna asked when she walked past him.

  “She is. And she’s extremely heavy when she’s asleep.”

  “Then put her down.”

  “And wake up sleeping beauty? Hell no.”

  She laughed. “Who is her mother?”

  He’d waited for that question. The corner of his lips twitched. “You’d think I was joking if I told you.”

  “Do I know her?”


re was a crash in one of the nearby rooms, and a resident he had seen talking to Holly earlier, rushed into the room.

  “Holly,” the resident shouted, and Jake’s lungs tightened.

  He asked one of the nurses to take Jamie, and ran into the room behind Anna.

  She was already busy helping with Holly, who lay on the floor.

  He bent down.

  “It’s okay, Jake, you can go,” Ann said, but he glared at her.

  “No, don’t worry. I got this,” he said.

  He placed his hands gently on Holly’s neck, feeling for injuries.

  “She’s pregnant,” one of the residents said.

  Jake glared at him. “Get Bianca here, now,” he ordered Anna and she passed it on. It seemed like he wasn’t going to get rid of her.

  “C’mon sweetheart, open your eyes,” He whispered, but Anna still heard it.

  “You know Holly?”

  “Yes.” He looked up as he felt Holly’s pulse. It was steady. “She’s carrying my child.”

  Anna’s eyes widened and she frowned at him.

  Holly groaned as her eyes fluttered.

  “Déjà vu,” he said and she smiled.

  “Shit, where is Jamie?”

  “Calm down, she’s safe. Just stay still. Bianca’s on her way.”

  She looked around and closed her eyes. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “C’mon, it’s not that—”

  She slapped him. “And it’s all your fault. I told you I didn’t want to get pregnant again, Jake.”

  “I’m sorry, baby.” The corners of his lips tugged up.

  “It’s not funny,” she cried out, tears welling in her eyes.

  “We’ll sort it out.”

  Bianca finally ran into the room. “Oh, Holly. Okay, all of you please get out.” Bianca ordered and the room emptied, then a nurse wheeled in an ultrasound.

  Holly still lay on the floor as Bianca put the sonar over her belly and a fast heartbeat filled the room.

  Jake touched her stomach gently. “See, the baby is fine. Safe in Mommy’s womb.”

  “Shut up,” she said. “I’m still raving mad at you.”

  “They always blame the men,” Bianca teased and Holly smiled weakly.

  “You can help her up now,” Bianca said.

  Jake scooped Holly into his arms and set her gently on the bed.

  Bianca did a thorough check on Holly. Her blood pressure was high, but Holly would feel better once she had Gus’s shake in her. Bianca stepped away from Holly when she was done. “Call me if you need anything, or if this happens again.”

  “Thank you,” Jake said as he helped Holly off the bed. They walked out of the room, his hand on her lower back.

  “That is so embarrassing,” Holly said through clenched teeth.

  “How many times has that happened, Holly?”

  “The first time.” Worry laced her words. “Jake, it feels worse than last time.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll deal with it.” They reached the reception, and Holly rushed over to the chairs where Jamie was sleeping.

  “Stay here, I’ll bring the car around.”

  “Okay,” Holly said, her eyes never leaving Jamie.



  She was quiet on the drive over to her apartment, where she picked up some clothes while Jake waited in the Audi he’d rented for the duration of his time here.

  Her fainting episode had embarrassed her, and worried her. That’s how her first pregnancy had started out. But she felt safe with Jake, and they could phone Gus to ease her worries.

  Her phone rang and her father’s name appeared on the screen. He must have found out she was pregnant, since he hadn’t phoned once since she’d been in Zurich. She rejected the call and set her phone on silent, so Jake wouldn’t answer it if he phoned again.

  She wasn’t in the mood for their arguing.

  She grabbed the bag she packed and left her apartment, locking the door behind her as she left.

  She closed her eyes in the elevator, her fatigue overwhelming her.

  Why hadn’t Jake listened to her when she told him she didn’t want to get pregnant again? But she couldn’t place all the blame on him. She’d been the one who had agreed to take out her IUD. If she brought up her concerns to Jake, he’d just tell her that everything would be fine this time. But what if it wasn’t? She wouldn’t be able to handle it if she had lose another child. She shook her head. She didn’t want to think about it, couldn’t bear to think about it, and hurriedly dashed away the tears escaping her eyes as the elevator opened.

  She had a horrible feeling about this pregnancy, and prayed that it was just her pregnancy brain making her think of the worst case scenario.

  Jake got out of the car as she stepped outside the building and took her luggage from her, putting it in the trunk of the car while she got into the passenger seat.

  Jamie’s soft snores came from the backseat, and then Jake was in the car and they were driving away.

  She hadn’t thought of getting a car while she was here. Her apartment was close to the bus station and walking distance from stores and restaurants. And she didn’t think she’d be able to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road anyway, but now that she was pregnant and fainting, she figured she’d have to think about it.

  What was her life going to be like when Jake and Jamie went back home?

  She stared at the buildings flashing by, her mind working overtime as she contemplated the next eight months… if her pregnancy even got that far this time.

  At the traffic light, Jake touched her knee and she turned her head to look at him.

  “Why are you so quiet?”

  She shook her head. “It’s nothing. Just worried.”

  “I’m worried, too, Holly. But you are not alone in this.”

  “I know. Sometimes it just feels like you’re not listening to me, Jake.” Her annoyance crept into her tone.

  “I really didn’t think you would get pregnant so soon. I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful.”

  She nodded and tried to smile, but her insides didn’t match her smile. She was still so unsure about their relationship. They were going from one extreme to another.

  And it still wasn’t sinking in that he was hers.

  It still felt like she had to convince him to be with them, even though he was doing everything to show her that he was invested in this relationship.

  She should’ve never come to Zurich.

  It didn’t matter how great it would’ve been for her career. Zurich was a mistake. She should have stayed in Boston, so they could’ve worked on their relationship like a normal couple.

  He finally turned off into a street and beautiful houses lined up one after the other.

  “We’re staying here?” she asked, her eyes wide.

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “I’m a spoiled brat, Holly. Our daughter is as well.”

  She swatted his chest with the back of her hand. “It’s your fault for giving her everything she wants.”

  “Ow.” He rubbed his chest. “I can’t help the fact that I can’t say no to the women in my life.”

  She shook her head, smiling.

  It was so easy for him to lighten the mood.

  He drove into a driveaway where a magnificent gate greeted them.

  He took out a bunch of keys that carried a remote and pushed a button.

  The gates opened and a stunning Venetian-style house appeared from behind the closed gates.

  She gasped and looked at Jake, who grinned at her.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said.

  “Like what?”

  “Like it’s too much. Nothing is too much. It’s just perfect.”

  “Are we housing six other couples?”

  He’s lips curved more. “No,” he said sheepishly.

  “We’re only three people, Jake. This is too much.”

  “Then we can chase each other around, think about all the f
un we’ll have.”

  She burst out laughing, but stopped when Jamie stirred in the backseat. “Sorry, sweetheart,” she murmured and reached behind her to stroke her back.

  He parked the car in one of the garages and got out first to go open the house.

  Holly stayed with Jamie. She’d gotten so heavy, that Holly struggled to pick up her dead weight.

  He emerged a few seconds later and took Jamie out of the car.

  She loved how gentle he was with Jamie.

  She followed him into the house, and gaped when she stepped into the large, magnificent kitchen.

  The double gas oven and large fridge, the huge kitchen island and gleaming countertops were meant for a big family, not just three people.

  He walked up the stairs as Holly put down her bag and walked down the hallway that lead to one of the living rooms.

  The wooden floors shone and the floor-to-ceiling windows complemented the room.

  White linen covered the furniture, and she took them off, revealing the gorgeous leather couches.

  A huge T.V. was mounted against the wall, not that Holly had any time to watch T.V. or understand anything since most of it was in German, but she was sure that Jake had brought Jamie’s collection of Walt Disney DVDs.

  Black-and-white photos of buildings and cities adorned the walls.

  She couldn’t believe this was going to be home for the next three weeks.

  Footsteps rushed down the stairs.


  “In here,” Holly called as she switched on the floor lamp next to her, bathing the room in a soft glow of light.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “I don’t even want to know what the rooms look like,” she said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. “It sure is beautiful.”

  “I knew you would love it.” He kissed her on top of her head and touched her stomach. She wasn’t even showing yet.

  He stroked it softly and she laughed.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re going to be one of those fathers who can’t stop talking to the belly, aren’t you?” She looked back at him.

  “If you hadn’t run away, you would’ve known it.” He kissed her on top of her nose.


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