Chloe's Christmas Cowboy: A Festive Second Chance Romance

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Chloe's Christmas Cowboy: A Festive Second Chance Romance Page 9

by Bella Settarra

  “After all I’ve done for you.” He yelled indignantly.

  “Yep. After you’ve lied about me to Tyler,” she shouted back, placing her hands on her hips. “You ruined everything that night. Every chance we had of happiness. Well you’re not getting a second chance, asshole. Get out now. I want you off my land.”

  * * * *

  Chloé’s heart was hammering as she threw Bill out and slammed the door behind him. She turned back to Tyler, who was leaning casually against the kitchen doorframe, watching her.

  “Well done, baby. I’m proud of you.” His smile was enough to make her go weak at the knees and he held his arms out invitingly.

  She snuggled into his embrace, inhaling his cologne and delighting in the security his strong body offered her. He looked down at her, his lips getting closer until they enveloped hers in a lingering kiss that she felt right down to her groin. His tongue invaded her mouth and she welcomed it, like she’d always known she would.

  “I love you,” he told her in a husky whisper when he finally freed her mouth. “I always have.”

  “Oh Tyler, I love you too.” She sighed. “I missed you so much.”

  Their kiss was even more passionate this time and she felt his hard body against hers, his erection apparent through the denim of their jeans. Chloé’s skin tingled and her panties became wetter. She wanted him; she had for a long time. But something was still niggling in the back of her mind. Why hadn’t she been the most important thing to him that night? It was her graduation night and everything seemed so perfect – except the way he appeared to feel about her.

  “Stop thinking,” he murmured between kisses.

  He really can read minds. “You know me too well,” she told him with a snigger.

  He gently pulled away from her. “You wanna talk?”

  She bit her lip. “No, but I think we need to.”

  They went through to the lounge where Tyler quickly lit the fire.

  “I was expecting to go straight out,” she explained, shivering slightly.

  “Without saying goodbye?”

  Her stomach burned at the hurt look he gave her. She shook her head. “Not this time.”

  “That’s good.” He looked relieved.

  They sat on the sofa, facing each other.

  Tyler took a deep breath. “I guess you wanna know what was so important that it made me late to dinner that night, huh?”

  She nodded. “You’re a mind-reader.”

  He shrugged. “Like you said, I just know you too well.”

  She watched him expectantly.

  “Baby, I’m sorry, but it’s not a pretty story. I know it’ll upset you.”

  She suddenly felt sick, wondering if he was about to tell her he had a girlfriend.

  “Just say it.”

  He nodded. “It was Lightning.”

  She stared at him.

  “She went down that evening. I was there. I called the veterinary out and we did everything we could. We spent hours trying to get her back on her feet but it was too much for her. Your Uncle John was devastated, and he knew you would be, too.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. Of course, Tyler would try everything to save her beloved horse; he loved those horses, too.

  “I told him you’d want to say goodbye, but he wouldn’t have it,” he went on. “It was your graduation day and he knew this would spoil it. You’d been so happy and everyone was so proud of you. He said he couldn’t let this be the end to your special day. No way could he risk you coming home and wanting to say goodnight to your horse only to find her lying there like that.

  He knew it was getting late, but he said it would be better for you to be a little disappointed that I was late for our date then you should hear about your horse that night. He asked me to take her away so you wouldn’t be upset by her.”

  Chloé noticed tears in his eyes as he spoke, and reached out and held his hand.

  “Your uncle was a stubborn man,” he said, ruefully.

  “I know.” She nodded.

  “I pleaded with him to let me just take her away for the night but keep her someplace so you could go and say your goodbye the next morning. He thought it would be too traumatic for you.” He sniffed. “I’m sorry. I should’ve...”

  “What? Argued with him? I’d like to see you try.” She wiped her face with her free hand. “If Uncle John had made his mind up then no one would get to change it.”

  She recalled all the times she’d tried to win an argument with the old man – never once had she succeeded. She didn’t know anyone who had. Apart from Aunt Brenda, of course. But that was a long time ago.

  Even when it was obvious to everyone around him that he was wrong, Uncle John would never admit it. A thought suddenly occurred to her.

  “The note,” she said. “Mine said ‘sorry’. Maybe that’s what he was apologizing for.”

  Tyler stared at her. “Mine said the same. And, yes, that would make sense. He must have realized afterward that he’d been wrong, especially when you left home like that.”

  Chloé smiled, relieved that they’d solved the mystery.

  “I couldn’t believe it when they told me you hadn’t turned up at the restaurant,” he said thoughtfully, shaking his head.

  “But you believed it when Bill told you I was with someone else?” She tried not to sound judgmental.

  He let out a long breath. “I suppose it was my greatest fear,” he admitted. “I knew it was possible you’d find one of your college or uni friends a better catch than me – I’m just a cowboy.” He looked at his clothes, deprecatingly. “It’s what stopped me from asking you out before. I was sure your uncle would prefer you get with someone more educated, too. So I kept my distance. Then, when you graduated I was so thrilled when you asked me to be there. I thought then that maybe you did have feelings for me – that you might want me, after all.”

  “I did.” The words fell out of her mouth and she noticed how grateful he looked.

  “When it all went wrong I suppose I let my doubts get the better of me. Bill told me exactly what I was afraid of hearing. I felt that I had to accept it once and for all. I hoped to get the chance to talk to you about it the next day; let you know I understood. Then I heard you’d left. Your uncle said he didn’t even have a forwarding address for you.”

  “This is such a mess,” she said, as more tears poured down her face.

  “It was,” he said, taking her in his arms. “But it’s all sorted now.”

  “Yeah, when it’s too late,” she moaned.

  “It’s never too late,” he whispered, before kissing the top of her head.

  She turned her face up to him and he took her lips in a lingering kiss; the type she wished could last forever.

  “I love you so much,” she said, when it finally ended.

  “I know.” He sniggered and she swiped him, playfully.

  “Big head,” she said, giggling.

  “I know that, too,” he admitted with a nod. Then he laughed. “And I love you back.”

  He kissed her, their bodies melding together. His was hard and hot. She relished his hands running up and down her back, sending tingles through her. She couldn’t get close enough to him and moaned as their kiss became deeper.

  “Let’s go to my room,” she murmured as he planted kisses down her neck.

  He lifted her into his strong arms and took her through, still kissing her. Carefully he laid her on the bed before kicking off his boots.

  “You sure?” His eyes were on fire while he unbuttoned his shirt.

  A smattering of chest hair beckoned her.

  “Oh yeah,” she assured him, her pussy drenching her jeans.

  Chloé pulled off her jumper and T-shirt at the same time before unfastening her belt buckle.

  Tyler had wasted no time in stripping to his shorts, and reached over to help pull off her jeans. She felt relieved as the cooler air surrounded her skin, and then embarrassed when she realized he could see how wet her panti
es were. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his huge erection which, she was pleased to note, had also soaked his underwear.

  He followed her line of vision and grimaced. “I don’t know about you but I’m finding these things mighty uncomfortable,” he admitted. “Is it too soon to remove them?”

  She giggled. “Nope. I think we’ve both waited long enough, don’t you?”

  He raised his eyebrows expectantly at her. “I will if you will.”

  With a laugh, she pulled off her panties, followed by her bra.

  His erection was larger than she’d imagined and he straddled her, pressing it against her pussy, sending shivers through her entire body. His lips covered hers once more and she moaned into his mouth as euphoric sensations ran through her. Every fiber in her wanted him, and the sooner the better.

  His hands trailed up and down her skin, and her breathing became more labored by the second. She moved her legs a little further apart and almost came on the spot when he pressed her there. With a shriek she pulled him even closer toward her, desperate for his touch.

  “Just a second,” he murmured.

  She could have cried as he slowly lifted his weight up.

  “I want you now,” she pleaded, panting hard.

  “I know, baby. And you’ll have me, I promise.”

  He’d leaned over for his jeans and grabbed his wallet from the back pocket. He pulled something from it and held it up to her.

  She gaped. A condom.

  “It’s a little old,” he admitted, checking the use-by date before tearing the foil open. “I keep it there just in case, but I’ve just never wanted it until now.” He grinned at her and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

  He sheathed himself and then ran his fingers over her pussy and through her soaking folds. His eyes looked much darker as he gazed up at her.

  Her breath hitched. He stroked her slowly, deliberately. Then his thumb circled her nub, which ached with need.

  She groaned again. “Please, Tyler.”

  He gave her a sultry smile.

  Another gush escaped her pussy, this time drenching his hand. He nodded.

  Next, she felt the tip of his cock nudge against the mouth of her pussy. She had never felt more ready in her life. She widened her legs to welcome him in, thrusting her pelvis upwards in invitation.

  Despite the enormity of his cock, Tyler managed to push it slowly into her and she mewed with delight. It caressed every nerve-ending, filling her to the brim. As he gently rocked back and forth she could feel his skin against hers right up inside her. Gently pulling out and easing back in, he kept up a steady rhythm, while kissing her face and teasing her nipples with his fingers.

  When he bent down and took a nipple in his mouth she almost screamed. He sucked hard before nipping the tip, sending her head flailing uncontrollably around the pillow while she squealed. Then he licked the pain away, turning it into the most exquisite pleasure, and sending more shivers through her over-sensitized body.

  Fire raged through her and she felt that she couldn’t take anymore when he suddenly upped the pace, his hard cock ramming in and out of her like a rod of hot steel. She knew she was making some sort of noise, but didn’t care. She couldn’t think. All she could do in that moment was feel. There were no words to describe the sensations that racked her body and mind, the intensity mounting with every nano-second.

  “Tyler.” She screamed as her climax overtook her, screwing her eyes tightly shut, seeing colors swirl in front of them while elation pulsed through her.

  He came with an unbridled roar which elevated her own passion and she held him tighter to her, feeling his heart hammer into hers; two souls becoming one.


  Chloé remembered Tyler slumping onto the bed next to her, and pulling her into his arms, but after that she must have fallen asleep. She heard water running before she opened her eyes and realized she was alone.

  Tyler emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, a towel wrapped around his waist and a huge smile covering his face. “Sorry if I tired you out, baby.”

  He came over to the bed and planted a big kiss on her lips before she could speak, his wet hair dripping onto her. “I hope you don’t mind, I took a quick shower. Kind of felt the need to cool down.” He winked at her salaciously and she giggled.

  “I could use one, too,” she admitted, sitting up.

  “I meant what I said; I do love you,” he assured her, kissing her cheek.

  “I know,” she said, mimicking him from earlier. Then she giggled again. “I love you, too.” She reached up, pulled his face down to hers and kissed him on the lips.

  He chortled once his mouth was freed, and she got off the bed.

  “I’ll make some coffee,” he called to her as she quickly made her way out the door. For some reason she felt shy letting him see her naked, despite what they’d just done.

  “Good idea.” She climbed into the shower, welcoming the hot water that streamed down her body. As her hands cleansed her skin, she recalled the feeling of Tyler’s hands roaming up and down her, grazing her deliciously with his rough fingers.

  It felt as though her whole body glowed with euphoric pleasure, and she hummed to herself as she got ready.

  “Here you go.” Tyler beamed at her as she joined him in the kitchen, and he handed her a large mug of coffee. He’d put the old radio on and a Christmas song was playing.

  She gawped at him in realization. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

  “It sure is. At least, for the next half a day.”

  She looked around the stark room. “But I’m not ready. I’ve got nothing in – the decorations aren’t even up yet.” Panic-stricken, her mind whirled.

  “Well that’s okay. You can always come over to my place. I’ve got a tree up and everything.”

  She shook her head. “But... it wouldn’t feel right.” She suddenly felt sad. “I always spend Christmas here. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” A lump formed in the back of her throat.

  Tyler walked over to her, smiling softly. “Then we’ll have Christmas here. I’ll just go fetch it.”

  She gasped in disbelief. “But you can’t just fetch Christmas. It’s something that just has to be here.” Her face became hot as she tried to hold back tears.

  He chuckled. “I meant the tree,” he said, kindly. “I’ll bring it over. But you’re right about Christmas being here. And it is. It’s in the very fabric of this house. All the love and laughter is still here. Always will be. Nothing’ll ever change that, whatever else happens.” He took her in his arms, his warm body enveloping hers.

  “And so much has happened,” she said with a sigh.

  “Yes it has.” He looked down at her. “And things will keep on happening. New memories will fill this place to add to the old ones. Maybe new people, too.”

  She smiled. “I like the sound of that.” The lump in her throat began to dissolve.

  “So how about we get started on this Christmas, huh?” He grinned. “As I remember it there was always a smell of baking going on – cinnamon and ginger, if memory serves.”

  She shook her head. “I haven’t got anything in.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing I have. Come on, you can help me fetch it across.”

  She took another large sip of her drink and then pulled on her boots and coat. He held her hand as they trudged through the slushy snow to the small cottage. They hadn’t had another downfall since late last night, and it was already starting to thaw in places.

  “This is lovely,” she said when they got inside to see the whole place decorated with fresh holly and ivy. A large tree stood in one corner, dominating the sitting room, adorned with cinnamon sticks tied with ribbon, and strands of ivy trailing from the branches.

  “It’s not much, but it’s enough.” He shrugged.

  “I can’t believe you’ve done all this just for yourself. You must really love Christmas,” she said, following him into the tiny kitchen.

e frowned at the huge turkey which almost filled the whole table.

  “Well, actually, I wasn’t planning to be on my own tomorrow,” he admitted. “I’ve invited Adam and his girlfriend over. It just wouldn’t feel like Christmas without a few friends about the place, don’t you think? And his girl’s pregnant so she shouldn’t be cooking.”

  Chloé’s heart lifted. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she told him. “I hope they’ve got big appetites, too, as there’s enough here to feed much more than three people.”

  He nodded. “You’re right,” he said. “That’s for the welcome stranger. You know, anyone else who might decide to drop in and join us on the day.”

  “Like who?”

  “Well, you, for instance.” He grinned.

  “Were you hoping all along that I’d be home for Christmas?” She frowned.

  “Where else would you be? You said it yourself, there’s no other place you’d want to be on the big day.”

  “You do know me well,” she said, hugging him tightly.

  She helped him pack up the turkey, tins of biscuits, fruit, vegetables and a load of other festive delights into some large shopping bags. He’d also bought baking ingredients, which he held up with a sheepish look. “I’m hoping you might be able to make use of these,” he said. “Otherwise I was going to give them to Maisie. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with them.”

  She giggled. “I can’t do a proper Christmas cake,” she admitted, “they take months of seeping in brandy and stuff to get their flavour, but I’m sure I can do something.”

  “Hmm, Maisie did mention something about that when I got the stuff, actually, he said, thoughtfully.

  As they hauled their load back to the ranch house, Chloé couldn’t stop thinking about her best friend. “Do you think Maisie and her dad might like to join us tomorrow?”

  He smiled. “I think you should ask them.”

  “I will.”


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