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Action in Christmas: An Alpha Romance

Page 2

by Lindsay Amber

  After that first chance encounter with Audrey, I couldn’t wait to see her again. Audrey was exactly what I thought a woman should look like. When she entered the sauna, I could clearly see her entire body. I thought of making it obvious that she was visible even as she took off her towel and sat down on the bench, just a few feet away.

  Her perky tits were as visible as day courtesy of my seal training. Any prospective seal had to see clearly underwater without any specialized gear and the forty hours of underwater training made that possible. We could swim in the darkest, murkiest of environments and we could still find our way through. Thick fog or steam was nothing more than blinking in the rain.

  The small chat we had was enough to show me that she had served in the military too. If she was a nurse or therapist as she claimed, then she was probably here under orders. Nobody liked staying away from family during the holidays especially when there was no work around.

  That day, I spent the entire time alone in the sauna. If I was to get to know Audrey well, I needed to change tactic and go look for her myself.

  I made it a point to look for her the next day and get to know her. Her curves and personality could make for great company over these dreary holidays. The rest of the day whizzed by pretty fast. A team from the Geography Channel was around to shoot a documentary on the park. We had to provide security just in case they wandered off towards the wolves or bears. I hadn’t held a gun in ages and the feel of a rifle against my ribs brought back some unwanted memories.

  On my first day on the conservancy, Felix had mentioned that providing security was part of trauma recovery. He also mentioned that the conservancy was just remote enough to host a black site. That was the first time I got to know the conservancy for what it was. Though it served to help ex-servicemen, it also provided key Intel and personnel for certain types of interrogations.

  “It’s for national interests, and you know how vital this is. Domestic terrorists cannot be taken offshore for some interrogations. So we arrange a vacation for them to get what we want and they get to go home forever afraid of the wild.”

  It was for national security. I had done worse in locations I couldn’t even tell existed from my geography lessons. If this was my retirement, then I was getting it easy. I wondered whether Audrey had the same brief as I did. I had never seen her anywhere near the restricted areas where most of the guys spent time discussing interrogation methods, or simply relieving the old days of extraordinary renditions. Now the enemy was closer home. It could be a neighbour, a brother or even a spouse. I understood the need for this place.

  My mind veered back to Audrey. The documentary crew had left, and I slowly strolled towards the wellness centre hoping to find her. She wasn’t around. Not even in the sauna. The counselling office was at the furthest end of the centre. I thought of ‘just passing by’ but thought against it. As I turned back, I saw Audrey turning the corner towards the sauna. This can be a good chance.

  This time, I arrived after her. She was the first one in, so I watched as she took out the coal and added the liquid to form the steam. She adjusted the knobs, and looked behind catching me watching her.

  “Hey you, Jaxon right?”

  “Yeah, Audrey?”


  The pronounced ‘p’ made it obvious that things might get weird with a potential of excitement if I played my cards right.

  “I thought of coming to your counselling office today but decided against it, had something on my mind. PTSD stuff,” I said.

  “There are few people around. The receptionist is home for the holidays so I’m basically alone around here. Talk to me, assume we are in my office.”

  “I have never been to your office.”

  “Well, this is... different. Instead of lying on a couch and talking about your stress, we get to undress and sit next to each other, and talk about something other than stress. I get to know you first and you get to decide whether I can help out with your ‘PTSD stuff’.”

  I turned my back and stripped. I folded my clothes and took them to the lockers which were by the entrance. Turning back, I noticed Audrey had stripped too, just as the steam started to build.

  “I can now confirm that you are indeed Jaxon,” Audrey said, eyeing me up and down.

  I smiled and walked towards her. She had her panties and bra still on.

  “And I can almost confirm that you are Audrey,” I said as my gaze fixated on her bosom.

  “Good,” Audrey said as she unclasped her bra, freeing her twin wonders.

  This was signal enough for me to take off my boxers. Audrey couldn’t help but lick her lips, causing a minor twitch on my smaller head.

  “Well. You sit over there,” Audrey pointed to the bench directly opposite her. “That way, we can keep things a little on the good side.”

  I smiled and walked away slowly, feeling her eyes drilling on my back.

  “Good,” Audrey said as I sat down, “Now tell me about yourself.”

  4 Audrey

  Sitting there in the sauna directly opposite Jaxon made everything else disappear. I forgot it was Christmas or the fact that I was in Alaska. I was in a misty room and a few feet away from a man whose voice tugged at my uterus. If this wasn’t why I was here then I didn’t know why else.

  “I have always hated Christmas. I grew up without siblings. My parents retired early and went on to help starving villages somewhere in Asia. We rarely talk. I always looked forward to serving in the military. The seals were a natural choice. I flipped and became a marine after.”

  I found it strange that Jaxon would start talking about his life like that. Most people would simply start by saying where they grew up, or their relationships. Jaxon found it easier to dispense with the unnecessary first. I learned a lot more about him from that statement than if I had read an entire file on him.

  “So serving has been your entire life, huh?”

  “Yeah, I have seen my fair share and now I want to enjoy the freedoms I fought so bravely for.”

  The sarcasm hid some pain. This wasn’t the setting to handle such heavy emotions. Most ex-marines opt for sarcasm or irony when they are trying to avoid talking about something. Jaxon seemed eager to talk briefly about his trauma in a matter-of-fact way, before anything else.

  “We both know war isn’t the way it used to be. I’m going through the same thing, served my time abroad. Baghdad, Mosul, Tripoli, Ukraine... Some I can’t even remember. I’m here as punishment for some other work I did,” I commented.

  “Your punishment may be someone else’s reward. Most of us here think this is some sort of nirvana.”

  “And you?”

  “Depends on how today goes...”

  I liked how direct Jaxon was. He knew how to draw me out, even as he deflected from addressing the difficult things. I knew from his seal to marines shift that he worked in special ops or in wet work operations. The spies and suits always need some marines around to provide cover. Now, that role is taken over by private mercenaries. They are the new Gi-Joes for hire.

  “Well, today is entirely in your hands,” I said, “It’s always been.”

  Jaxon grunted. It was the same grunt as the first day we met. This time, despite the low visibility, I saw the grunt was accompanied by something else. His left hand moved between his legs and shifted. He was adjusting.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” I asked.

  “No. Not really. I have a confession... You see, we were trained to see in virtually any condition imaginable. I can see you as clear as day. You look really hot.”

  It was my turn now to clear my throat and shuffle. I crossed my legs, noticing the shimmer from my fluids pooling at the junction of my thighs.

  “You are being a naughty boy, aren’t you?”

  “I can’t help it. Just as I am sure you can’t help it with your... huh, shape.”

  Jaxon stood up and came to sit next to me. There was still some distance between us. Distance enough for just one per

  “I hope you don’t mind me coming over. You see, all this talk of war and the past is somehow not doing us a favour. We have the sauna to ourselves. I find you immensely attractive. I’m sure you find me likeable as well. I just want you to see the effect you are having on me.”

  I thought about resisting his request. I had all the cards here and a simple, ‘Not today’ would have been enough. I wanted him. I knew that much. I was an adult and I knew the importance of going after what I wanted.

  “Fuck it.” I thought. I want this just as much as he does. I needed to feel life more, and this encounter gave me an opportunity to unwind. Plus, I really liked Jaxon.

  As if on cue, my eyes shifted to his groin. Though he was sitting, I could see his stiff cock jutting upwards defiantly. He leaned back, and put his hands behind his head.

  “This feels much more comfortable. This room was built for relaxation and to unwind.”

  I understood him. He came here to think and unwind. The sauna meant something to him. The best I could do was to either give him space or completely immerse myself in his.

  “Okay, since there’s no point in being coy,” I said, “I hope you don’t mind me doing something about the effects you’ve had on me.”

  I opened my legs slowly, allowing Jaxon’s eyes to shift rapidly from my perky tits to my well shaved mound. If his vision was that good, I hoped he could see the glistening effects he was bringing out of me.

  Jaxon grunted again. This time, I had an unobstructed view of his hard cock and seeing it twitch made my juices flow.

  “Since we cannot have a patient-client conversation here, then I must assume we don’t have any ethical issue if I do this...” I said as I grabbed his shaft with my hand.

  My hands wrapped unsuccessfully around his shaft, leaving some space between the fingers. He was well endowed. The warmth and feel of it all reminded me of my blow dryer. I moved my right hand towards my mound and tilted my head back.

  Jaxon remained still. The only movement I could feel from him was his pulsating cock, as I tried to make my fingers meet around him.

  I pumped up and down, but failed to coordinate between him and my own quivering whim. As if reading my mind, Jaxon’s sinewy hands dipped between my thighs, immediately replacing my own, which I moved to cup my ample breasts.

  I quivered, shuddering under the wrecking waves of the intense orgasms. Jaxon wasn’t done. His expert fingers had done the job. He slowly removed his hand, and cupped my bottom. I thought his hands would remain there. He nudged me to rise up. I did.

  “I want you inside me,” I purred.

  Jaxon moved me to between his legs, and patted both sides of the bench. There was a condom lying just next to his thighs. The corky bastard had thought ahead and got one just in case. I rolled my eyes as I watched him put it on.

  I rose up on the bench with him below me. I towered like a goddess overlooking her worshipper. Slowly, I descended on his cock, feeling it slowly part my lips. I felt stretched; wonderfully stretched as my body comfortably accommodated him. It was like he was made to fit inside me, and fill any other spaces he could find.

  “Oh shit,” I moaned, “You are huge.”

  He grunted and latched onto my neck, planting kisses as he moved to my puffy nipples.

  I liked how quiet he was. He was the ideal man. Every time he grunted, I would get wetter, bringing me to the edges of another rapturous climax.

  “Ready?” he moaned in my ears.

  The sound sending jolts right to my clit.

  I nodded and his movement changed. He moved faster drawing his full length in, and then out. My senses went haywire. I could feel everything, the warmth of his shaft penetrating me, his hot breath on my neck, and my nails clawing onto his muscular back. There was no coming back from this.

  The first wave hit me so hard, I almost fell off him. I shuddered as the second wave hit me, forcing me to clench myself around his cock. That was enough to make him release inside me. I felt everything; hot and copious.

  Despite my years in the military, I felt spent. Jaxon went soft underneath. We dislodged and remained quiet in the thick mist.

  “That was amazing... You are amazing,” Jaxon said.

  I grunted, and we both laughed. I cupped his face and kissed him deeply. If this was the first and only time we ever got to do this, then I had made the best of it. He was hands down the most amazing lover anyone could ever hope for.

  “See you around beautiful,” he said and rose up to leave.

  I felt like clinging onto him but steadied myself. I smiled, knowing he could see me.

  “I hope I do,” I said.

  He left me, alone, sated and happy beyond measure.

  5 Jaxon

  As I left the wellness centre, I couldn’t help but notice that I had a bounce to my step. Audrey felt right for me. It was like we had been lovers for decades. Something about her drew me in. It was exactly what I wasn’t ready for. In her, I could tell, we would have amazing sex together. Her curves and smooth skin, coupled with her gorgeous smile and amazing wit, was the perfect recipe for me to fall for her. This was something I wasn’t planning on.

  It was Christmas Eve, and I asked Felix to send me any job he saw fit. I wanted to remain active throughout the holidays. There was a team from Interpol coming to inspect the facility and needed somewhere to question a French mercenary suspect who had killed some Americans in Ukraine.

  “If I were you, I’d keep myself from listening to the person they have in there. I don’t want you going off the rails and killing him.”

  “I can compose myself well. You don’t have to worry about that,” I said.

  “Trust me. Once you hear what that sick son of a bitch did you won’t him to ever get out of here alive.”

  I doubted it. I didn’t know anyone who was in Ukraine. Nobody in my past or present still served there. As far as I was concerned that shit-show took its fair share of career casualties. I vaguely remembered Audrey had mentioned Ukraine.

  No. No. I don’t need her in my head now, I said to myself.

  The suspect, a French Muslim, had detonated a remote controlled mining explosive in Donetsk, killing some American privateers working on a road contract. That’s as much as I heard from the brief interrogation the Interpol agents conducted on the suspect.

  There seemed to be a holdup as more agents arrived.

  “What’s happening?” I asked the only officer authorized to speak on the entire thing.

  “Well. The suspect has mentioned something that we needed clarification on. Only one person in a 400 mile radius can even help us with that information and she’s here working as a nurse. We need permission to interrogate her too.”

  “You mean as a suspect?” I asked knowing exactly who they were talking about.

  “No, simply as someone with valuable Intel. She confirms what we suspect and we are done. Suspect gets shuffled around a bit more and disappears.”

  All these sounded exactly as before. It was the language of black sites and wet works. Black ops servicemen like me did a lot more good than bad. So I assumed this was about the good rather than just a pissing contest between states. Mercenaries knew what they had signed up for. I only knew of one former marine who knew more about this than anyone else; Ethan.

  I saw Audrey brought in for questioning, but left soon afterwards. It was either she was hard to crack or she simply didn’t know anything.

  Another team took over the shift and I took a break in my cabin. I called Ethan to find out if he knew more. I briefed him on what I saw as he kept quiet, listening.

  “Okay... Now listen. I know how things operate down there. You haven’t been told not to speak about this to anyone, but you are still expected to keep things on the low. So whatever I tell you, you must be careful who you tell it to.”

  “Yeah sure, I’m straight.”

  “Well, a couple of weeks ago, some mercenaries posed as agents and received classified Intel. They were going in
to clean up a situation that only those who worked in Black ops in the area knew about. Their identities were leaked and the bombing occurred. At first, people thought it was American agents who died, but on closer look, it was civilians, so the entire thing was thrown under. Rumours later came out that they might have leaked some Intel to some people on the outside; People who knew about the entire racket going down there with weapons sales and human trafficking.”

  “What does that have to do with this place then? There are enough sites around the world with better security they could go to.”

  “You are missing the point, anyone who was interrogated or who heard the interrogation will need to be wiped. It’s probably another group of mercenaries pretending to be certified agents. I have worked there and I know your security is shit. They probably hacked you and knew one of you guys worked in Ukraine or knows about it.”

  “Oh shit!” I swore.

  “Yeah, oh shit. If I were you I’d simply walk away. Be the fool and walk away. Heroes die.”

  I hang up. Ethan was right. Heroes did die. But so does everyone. My mind went immediately to Audrey. If she was in danger, then it was upon me to get her to safety. I didn’t care whether she was of national interest. It was getting late and I knew she would probably be at her cabin.

  Everyone had a layout of the conservation and we knew where each other lived. Audrey was just a few dozen yards from my cabin. I got ready and jumped on one of the warden bikes and drove there.

  I knocked on her door but nobody answered. I felt some muffled noise and I barged in.

  6 Audrey

  The door flew open as Jaxon barged into my living room. I was tied up and on the floor. Two men were in the bedroom ruffling through my stuff. They had made it sure that if they found nothing they would kill me, and if they found something they would kill me and my family.


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