The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 1

by Kira Freitas

  Kira Freitas



  1st Edition

  Mangaratiba - RJ

  MacBride Sisters Trilogy


  The Duchess

  Book 02 of the MacBride Sisters Trilogy

  Annabel MacBride never imagined herself to be the daughter of the Scottish clan's greatest enemy. She always knew that her mother planned to marry her to a lord, so as to receive a title of nobility and Annabel knew that she would have no choice but to take orders from her mother. However, it was not in his plans to be part of a collusion to dethrone Alistair MacCalister and his wife, who was above all his sister. Known for all the trails that led to the MacCalister clan, Annabel decides to run away from her mother and ends up being chased by her father's soldiers. Even though she is a brave and skillful woman, Annabel is surrounded by danger. His only chance of survival was in the greatest hunter the Scottish clans have ever seen.

  Bruce MacCalister grew up in the midst of wars for clan control. In a cowardly way, he has lost the only true love he had ever had, and with it, he lives in a world of darkness. As the chief guard and cousin of the king, he is accustomed to having all his orders fulfilled, so he hates being challenged. When a beautiful girl with a sharp tongue and an explosive temper is put under his guard, Bruce challenges everything he believes he knows about his own feelings. Trapped in a village after Bruce saves Annabel's life, they will have to overcome their differences while a growing passion threatens to dominate them.


  The Duchess


  Plagiarism is a crime!



  Chapter 01

  Chapter 02

  Chapter 03

  Chapter 04

  Chapter 05

  Chapter 06

  Chapter 07

  Chapter 08

  Chapter 09

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  About the author

  Other Works

  Plagiarism is a crime!

  This is a work of fiction. Although places and objects are real, the characters and the story are completely fictional. Any resemblance is merely a coincidence.


  Author(s): Kira Freitas

  Edition year: 2018

  Cover designer: Vanessa Freitas

  Diagram: Vanessa Freitas

  Cover Image: Evgeniia Litovchenko

  ISBN: 978-85-921093-8-7

  "Danger and pleasure go hand in hand."

  Scottish proverb.



  I walked across the hall hard. I knew where Alistair and Aideen were dressed up at that time of day. I had just returned from the lookout and from the round of the village when I was approached by a fisherman who brought me some pleasant news.

  - Aideen! - he said when he walked into the library. - Sorry to interrupt your leisure time, but I have news about Annabel.

  Alistair was sitting at his desk and Aideen was in one of the chairs reading. He caressed his belly, which hadn't grown much yet. She took a leap, coming towards me.

  - Did you find her? - she fired.

  - Stay calm! - said Alistair. - What's the news?

  - The good news is that a fisherman was on the banks of the river at the time of the east side of Inverness and saw when a girl with light hair was attacked by soldiers.

  - Oh! Oh, my God! - Aideen whispered. - Was it Annabel?

  - Looks that way! - I answered firmly. - She knocked down the soldiers and fled into the woods.

  Aideen looked me in the eye with hope.

  - What's the bad news? - Aideen asked.

  - There are still soldiers after her and there's a threat of heavy rain.

  Aideen put her hands over her mouth and let out a scream.

  - Stay calm! - Alistair hugged her. - Bruce, please go after Annabel and bring her to Dunhill!

  - Alistair, I'm the captain of the guard! - I grumbled. - I need to be here. I've already sent men to find her.

  - No! - He said approaching me. - You're the best tracker and hunter I know. We can't waste any more time. Go and find her!

  I made a disgusted face. From the day I met Aideen's sister, all that rude little brat could do was offend me. I didn't like that spoiled one at all and would rather eat land than look at it again, who would say to be in his presence for more than a second.

  - Bruce? - Alistair called me out of my daydream. - Did you hear what I said?

  - But no way, I'm going after that devil! - I fired. Aideen looked at me with wide eyes. - It's nothing personal, Aideen! The problem is, she can't stand me, and every time she sees me, she only knows how to offend me. I don't know if it would be a good idea for me to go after her.

  - Please, Bruce! - she begged. - You have to bring her safely.

  - Aideen...

  - I would go with you, but I'm still recovering and someone must stay to protect Aideen. - Alistair said in a voice full of regret. - I know I'm asking a lot, but I only trust you. You know those trails better than anyone.

  - Please, please, please, please, please, please! - Aideen begged. - I'm afraid if I send only a few men, she might react and hurt them. You know her, and she'll come without reacting.

  - I doubt that very much! - I grumbled.

  Aideen gave me that desperate look of hers and I took a deep breath. He was inclined not to leave the castle, but the bad part about being the captain of the guard was taking orders. Especially if the one asking for them was a person like Aideen. It was almost impossible to say no to her.

  - All right! All right! - said taking a deep breath. - So be it! If your sister's on those trails, I'll find her and bring her home. If she offends me or assaults me, I won't answer for myself.

  Aideen took my hand smiling and standing on tiptoe, kissed me on the cheek.

  - Thank you!

  - What don't you ask for crying that I don't do by laughing? - I hugged her smiling.

  - Good luck, cousin! - said Alistair hitting me on the shoulder.

  - Thank you! Thank you! - said sighing. - I'm gonna need it!

  Chapter 01


  I stopped to breathe when the screaming was far away. He could not see the faces of the beings who dragged Aideen into the darkness of the forest, but he heard their despair with affliction. I went back to running towards him, but with each step taken, the distance increased more and more. As I was about to succumb in despair, I felt the earth tremble and a huge crater opened in front of me. I tried to come back so I wouldn't be swallowed, but a huge hand grabbed my waist making me scream. As I was sinking into the hole, which was illuminated by fire, the frightful figure of a demon rose up revealing flaming red eyes. All the anger and hatred that emanated from his black soul appeared. I struggled trying to release myself, but it was in vain, because I was being pulled into the depths of the earth. Out of minutes of despair and screams that didn't seem to echo through the air. My fear was so great that I fainted at the dreadful laughter and the darkness that closed around me.

  A noise made me jump off the floor where I was asleep. With the beast cocked in my hands, I looked around scared, waiting for whoever came out from somewhere behind the trees. The forest I was in was known to me from my childhood and there was
no way anyone could have followed me, unless of course they knew the trails. Breathing deeply, I lowered the beast when I saw that the noise was, in fact, dry branches of trees which, the horse I had stolen, had broken with its paws. Making a face for him I approached him to stroke his ears. He looked at me like he was asking forgiveness and then he went back to grazing.

  - You're a good boy. - said shaking his head and smiling.

  At the moment of my escape, all I could think about was jumping over the back of the first horse I saw and galloping out into the woods. Luckily the animal belonged to a scout, for, besides the beast, there was a sheath with a spare sword and a bag of supplies. Among them, a blanket I had used to rest resting in one of the trees. Fortunately my sister Aila had time to teach me how to survive in the woods or wherever I was. By the time I was sixteen, I was already a perfect archer. I didn't like living like a bird and hated the condition my mother had put Aideen in, so I decided to look for countless ways to try to free her. Go out every day in hiding to learn the ways that this forest could take me. I knew that if I married Alistair, Aideen would soon die, locked in a dungeon, since the idea of keeping her in the room was mine. Thank God she was married and being very well cared for. It might not look like it, but she's always been the most fragile of us.

  I bent down to fold the blanket and pressed the cape tightly around the body. The night was cold and I couldn't light a fire so as not to attract attention. Reviewing the saddlebag, I found there was a sheepskin bottle. Walking to the riverbank, where I decided to stay until I reached the limits of Inverness and found the road to Dunhill, I filled the odour. Sooner or later I'd have to leave the woods to follow the road, so I'd been trying for days to lose the soldiers sent by my mother. Even though I was very tired, I decided to resume the trip. I held the bag of arrows on my waist and crossed the bow, which I stole from a knight, on my chest for safety. Untied the reins of the tree, I rode the horse and then returned to the trail along the river. I had barely started riding when I heard other horses whine. Looking back, I saw the glow of torches and some armed soldiers were approaching.

  - Damn it! - I whispered between my teeth. - How did they find me?

  That was the second time soldiers had managed to locate me. I was already frustrated. I was sure that was impossible, but it was getting harder and harder to get them out of my way. Without having time to think, I simply put the horse on fire and started my escape again. Looking back, I noticed it was being followed by English soldiers. What were they doing in Scotland? Had Roy managed to ally himself with King Phillipe? That would not be possible, since I heard that Alistair had taken care that no letters or messengers arrived in England.

  - Mrs. MacBride? Stop! - One of the soldiers, shouted in the distance. - Your mother wishes to speak to you.

  - But not even dead! - ...I screamed firing a beast's arrow...

  After finding out that I am actually the daughter of the bastard who molested my sister, being taken to my mother was the last thing I wanted. Especially knowing she had plans to marry some idiot. I knew how pompous and ignorant the English lords were, especially the dukes. Everyone wants the crown and the king's cousin wouldn't be any different. He'd probably use me as a trophy, parading through the court with me like I was a pet cat. I've seen it happen a hundred times at my mother's banquets. A lot of those disgusting people had wives at my age. I wouldn't marry an old man, but I wouldn't marry a dead woman!

  Another warning cry was given and a beast's dart was thrown at my horse. They wished to stop me at all costs. Turning to one of the soldiers, I pointed my beast and shot him. I hit what was in front of me and his scream echoed before he fell off his horse, colliding with the ground. I armed the beast again and shot the others who were still chasing me. An arrow went through the air and I felt it when it hit my right arm grazing. I let out a cry of pain, but I kept control of the horse.

  - Hold your fire! - a soldier screamed. - They know you want her alive.

  That phrase gave me the creeps. I shot another knight once again.

  - Damn it! She's gonna kill us all! - the soldier screamed again. - We have to get off the trail.

  Signaling to the others who came after me, they split up and suddenly disappeared. I frowned, but I stood my ground. Even with that infernal pain that took my arm, I kept the reins very firm and forced the gallop. That's when soldiers showed up in front of me scaring the horse and making it tilt.

  - Damn it! - I screamed scared.

  By controlling the horse, I managed to stay on it. Without thinking, I pulled the sword from the hem and pointed the beast with the other hand.

  - Get out of my way! - I commanded with a firm voice. - I don't know how you found me, but God forbid if you try to stop me! I will kill each of you with the tip of this sword or the arrow of this beast.

  There were at least five knights in the siege who looked down on me.

  - We don't want to hurt her, but we won't hesitate. - one approached and reached out. - Come with us and I assure you nothing bad will happen to you. You can trust me.

  I had a laugh.

  - Me? Trust an Englishman? Not even dead! - ...I pronounced with debauchery. - In fact, you shouldn't be here. The king will kill them if he finds out they've crossed the border and are helping a traitor. It's not your king's cause, so get lost before he finds out.

  - That decrepit old man doesn't have the strength to stop us!

  Another soldier had a laugh. Catching the beast, I aimed right at his forehead, which he swallowed dry and stopped laughing.

  - The king who now rules this land is not a decrepit, but a very brave warrior. So will all your subjects who won't bow down to any Englishmen. - I growled.

  - Careful, Mrs. MacGregor! - the man who stretched out his hand said smiling. - The queen occupying the throne is also English, so you serve England too.

  Snarling, I held the beast harder.

  - I'm not and never will be a MacGregor! - I fired angrily. - I'm Annabel MacBride, daughter of Loch MacBride and no one's gonna take that away from me. Much less an insane tyrant. I might kill him, but first, I'll kill him first.

  Raising my chin in defiance, I pulled the beast's trigger, but the arrow didn't hit my target. They had a laugh. Then I threw the beast to the ground and pulled the bow over my head and prepared three arrows.

  - Get out of my way! - said preparing the scope. - Now!

  - Enough of this joking, young lady! - one of the men shouted, signaling to the others.

  - I'm not kidding! - he said between his teeth. - And don't call me a girl!

  Shaking his head, the captain signalled for the soldiers to come towards me. I didn't wait for their action and I shot the arrows. Two stuck to the chest of one of the soldiers in front of me and the other to the foot of the other who had jumped off the horse.

  - Get her! - the captain screamed.

  Before more soldiers came towards me, I waved my sword in the air. Pulling the reins, I pushed the horse forward and so it was, until I could open the way for them. A third soldier came on foot and tried to grab my leg, but I hit him with the sword. Passing the other two with ease, I was able to gallop the horse. I tried to put a distance between us, but they seemed to have the trail map on their heads. Maybe my mother instructed them. I reached a fork which I had never seen before and without thinking about where it would end, I entered. Snowflakes fell thinly through the trees and I shook with the cold wind that blew.

  - I don't remember this way! - I whispered looking around.

  The stretch became dark with treetops intertwining in the others, limiting the passage of light. The air seemed heavy and suffocating.

  - That's not supposed to be here. - I whispered, I was already scared to see that I was lost. - I thought it was just a woods.

  Fear suddenly consumed me, thinking I might be lost. I had to return to the trail by the lake, so I stopped for a few moments to breathe. Staying silent as Aila had taught me, I concentrated on the wind that blew not too hard,
but it was enough to make terrible noises. I felt a twinge in my arm and the view started to get blurry. I couldn't lose consciousness now, or I'd run the risk of being captured. The wind blew harder this time, flying my hair. I sighed again. The noise cut through the trees and I forced my vision into a gap between two of them. I smiled when I realized that the wind was going in that direction as if it showed me the way. I had to be careful, because there could be a canyon. Slowly I set the horse in motion and slowly passed through the crevice so as not to hurt the animal or scratch my legs and arms. The gap, in fact, was two low-canopy trees, born one on the side of the other, forming a zigzag. They were very young, so they weren't the same height as the others yet. The passage was narrow, but flat. Just the roots of the trees as an obstacle. I sighed when I saw that I had come out on a not too steep hill. That brought me relief and I was happy. I smiled when I made sure I had found the trail further down from where I was.

  - Thank you so much! - I whispered, raising my eyes to the sky.

  I had lost myself on that trail because of those soldiers, but at least I was heading in the right direction. I took a deep breath when I felt a hook and covered my bleeding arm. I decided it would be safer to go back inside the fork and get some rest, but first...

  There was something wrong and I had the slight impression that I would find the reason for being followed so easily. Getting off the horse, I grabbed one of his paws and lifted it up. As sure as tomorrow is born every day, that horse had a horseshoe with a differentiated brand. That's how the soldiers managed to track me down. Pulling a knife, I looked at the horse and took a deep breath.

  - I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to take that off or we're both gonna die. - I said in a sorrowful way.

  Seeming to understand me, the horse lowered his head, concentrating on the small focus of grass not covered by mud or ice. With patience I began to remove the piece of metal that protected their hooves. One by one, after some time, I removed the horseshoes and threw them down the hill causing them to fall into the river. Looking back, I saw that there were a lot of marks to be erased.


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