The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 3

by Kira Freitas

  The noise of steps on branches scared me and put me on alert. Slowly I pulled the bow that was attached to the saddle and grabbed the bag of arrows. I squatted between the branches and tried to see who was coming. Looking between the leaves, I saw that a soldier was standing a few steps away from where I was.

  - If you try to hide from someone, you're failing miserably! - he said in an arrogant voice. - I can hear your breathing from where I am.

  - Is that so? If you approach, you'll hear much more than just my breathing. - I threatened.

  - Like what, for instance? - he asked me to stop by.

  Without standing up, I shot an arrow that stopped right in front of his left foot causing him to interrupt his stride.

  - I said don't come any closer! - I growled between my teeth. - The next one will be right between your eyes.

  The man took a deep breath and laughed. I frowned and soon understood what he was laughing at. Three other soldiers showed up behind him carrying beasts set in motion.

  - Oh, my Jesus! I wonder if there's a well around here. - I debated. - Where did you come from? Why are there so many?

  The men had a laugh. I stayed crouching with the bow ready.

  - Annabel MacBride, you must come with us without making a fuss. - he ordered it. - We weren't paid to hurt her, but if you try to hurt me or my men, I swear your mother will get her torn to pieces.

  I swallowed dry and closed my eyes. The threat he made seemed serious. I squeezed the bow hard. Lifting up, I stared at him with a challenging look.

  - You can come here and get me then. - he said. - I have no intention of leaving where I am, let alone making things easier for you.

  - I figured you wouldn't!

  Smiling he began to walk towards me. I shot the arrow at one of the men with the beast to reduce the number of armed people. The arrow grabbed his chest and he fell. The other shot the arrow, but missed the target. The man in front looked back and turned to me with fury in his eyes.

  - You're gonna pay for this, bitch! - he threatened.

  I touched my saddlebag trying to catch arrows, but they were over. Those left over pulled their swords threateningly and moved on. I swallowed dry, because this time I was surrounded and cornered. I tried to take the sword when I tripped over the horse's foot, but the man who had threatened me grabbed my hair by pulling hard. I screamed, holding his hand that held the top of my head in a strong pull.

  - They didn't tell me she was so beautiful! - he said approaching. - It smells great too! I know why you're running away and I believe I can solve your arranged marriage problem.

  I opened my eyes when I understood your words and grunted.

  - Touch me and I'll rip your eyes out! - I threatened to spit on him.

  The man smiled, bringing his face closer to me.

  - Once I'm done with you, you won't have the strength to even scream.

  I rolled up my eyes and with a grunt I stuck my fingernails in the skin of his hand, which screamed. The man loosened my hair by slapping me in the face. I fell to the ground and started crawling back trying to get close to the sword. He advanced towards me and as he was about to attack me again, an arrow went through his throat and he fell to his knees. I felt the blood splashing on my face and looked frightened at the other man, who fell to his knees a little further back, with a sword pierced through his chest. I rolled my eyes when I saw a man dressed in black from head to toe. His face was covered with a hood.

  - Annabel MacBride, I am Bruce MacCalister, Duke of Duvengar and cousin to the king. - he announced himself in a deep and deep voice, with his gaze raised to face me. - I'm here at the request of the queen, your sister. I must get her safely to Dunhill.

  I had a laugh.

  - I know the king's cousin and he's nothing but a cocky idiot. - said standing up. - You don't sound like an idiot, but I appreciate your help. I don't need an escort. I can go on my own as soon as my horse is recovered.

  The man snorted. Removing the hood, he revealed the known face of Alistair's cousin, whom I hated right away. I could not remember his name, I only recorded his features, which belonged to a very arrogant and dark man. The eyes were of a dark blue almost black, just like Alistair's. He had short hair that flew in the wind. The face had a square chin with a close beard, which joined the ribs.

  Bruce approached me threateningly and grabbed my arm making me stand.

  - You know, that sharp tongue of yours will still cause you trouble. - he said by grabbing my neck to analyze the blow I took. - I didn't want to come, but the queen begged me to find her and take her safely. Like it or not, you come with me. If I do anything that makes it difficult for us to travel to Dunhill, I'll have the pleasure of tying her up and throwing her over the back of my horse.

  I rolled my eyes at your threat.

  - I wouldn't dare do that! - I fired.

  - Try me, miss! - he challenged. - And you'll see what I can do.

  Chapter 04


  - Then we stall! I've never seen someone more arrogant and insensitive than you.

  - I'm not arrogant and I'm not insensitive.

  - No? The cold way you broke that horse's neck. You wouldn't happen to have a heart?

  - You're the one who asked me to do that. What did you want? That I'd stick a dagger in his heart and let him die slowly?

  - Of course not!

  - Then don't say what you don't know.

  She growled frustrated and folded her arms. The cape she wore was with the hood on her back, leaving her silver hair on show. They were tangled up like she just woke up. The dress he was wearing was dirty with a torn bar full of mud. She didn't wear a pair of boots, but a pair of sneakers, which I thought would make her feet cold. I had to admit Annabel was an unconventional maiden. It was then that I remembered Aideen and his immeasurable courage.

  Aideen was far from being a great warrior, but in a short time I could see her evolution. Every day she became an expert in fencing and horseback riding. All performed with maximum safety because of the baby. She also spent hours in the library struggling to learn about politics to deal with the people's conflicts and war that we tried not to let go. From the damage I saw on the way here, I was sure Annabel had been trained by her sister in the same way, but for much longer. She just didn't seem like the guy who solved things on the sword, because she turned out to be a fragile girl.

  - All right! All right! Dark Lord! - Annabel started talking to me again out of reverie. - What about the fact that you knocked me off my horse? Don't you think it was a little stupid and rude?

  - No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  - No? What do you mean, no?

  - You'd fall anyway, if we had to gallop out. - I answered with a frown. - I just saved myself the trouble of having to go back and collect the pieces.

  A flash scratched the sky illuminating the trees. In seconds the day became night announcing that it would soon rain. Another risk illuminated everything again and thunder snored not far away.

  - Oh, shit! - I grunted when the horse grunted frightened. - We have to find shelter before that storm collapses.

  - I tried to say that, but somebody wouldn't let me. - Annabel hummed in a debauched way.

  I shook my head from side to side and turned my eyes.

  - There's an inn not far away. - said pointing to the front of the road. - We can spend the night there or stay there until the rain passes. Of course, that's all right. Madame won't bother.

  - I'm not madam! - she grunted by closing her fists. - And no, I won't bother spending the night in an inn. So much so that there is a warm bed and a bathtub of warm water, I will be very happy.

  I shook my head from side to side and hit the reins to make Esperanza move faster. Even before she took the first step, a buzzing sound passed by my ear. I looked back in time to see at least eight soldiers armed with beasts coming after us.

  - Hold on tight! - I ordered it before I spaced Esperanza with my heel.

  Annabel gra
bbed my arm hard. Another arrow went through the air, passing close to my head.

  - We'll die if we don't lose them. - I said screaming. - There's a clearing right ahead. We can hide there before we go any further.

  - Good, but first we need to stay alive. - she said. - I can take down a few, but it'll be a little uncomfortable.

  - How uncomfortable? - I asked intrigued.

  Before I knew it, Annabel started to move in the saddle putting one of her legs to the other side and facing me. Her small, delicate hands touched my waist as she tried to balance herself.

  - What are you doing? What are you doing?

  - I'll have to do it as a shield. - she said by taking the bow off her shoulder. - Do you have a saddlebag with arrows? Mine are gone.

  - Yeah, but there's a beast stuck in my waist and several arrows stuck in my belt.

  - That'll do.

  She held the bow on her shoulder again and putting her hands inside my cape began to release the beast. The other hand, she flattened on my back to balance herself as she leaned her head against my chest. Even though the touch was over the fabric, I could feel the warmth of its skin against my neck and my neck shivered. I swallowed it dry with the thought that came to my mind.

  - I did it! I did it! - she said in a lively tone. - Keep your eye on the road and try to lose them. Leave the rest to me!

  That said, Annabel leaned to the right and shot the first arrow. She kept her other hand on my waist to avoid falling and only took it off when she was carrying the beast. Then I heard the first scream and I was sure that one of the soldiers was on the ground. I smiled with satisfaction, but then I shrunk when another lightning struck the sky. The thunder began to become more insistent and thick drops of ice fell.

  - Oh, shit! No more arrows! - she screamed. - I got it down from eight to four.

  - That's great! I think I can lose them in the clearing.

  - It's not great! - she grumbled. - I wanted to take everyone down. Where are your arrows?

  - The saddlebag is attached to the saddle. - so she could hear me above the noise of the rain. - Stand still and hold on to your firm so I can concentrate on the road.

  - No! I can kill them all. - she stretched out trying to get the saddlebag. - If I can untie the saddlebag, I'll be able to knock them down.

  - Annabel, no! - I screamed. - Be quiet or you'll knock us off the horse!

  Annabel didn't obey and kept trying to get the saddlebag. I looked back to see how far away they were. I saw when a soldier took advantage of her position and turned the beast towards her.

  - Damn it!

  Releasing one hand from the reins, I passed my arm around Annabel's waist and pulled it up against my chest just in time. With the loosening of the reins Esperanza leaned to the side putting me in the aim of the arrow. I felt the skin burn as soon as the blade penetrated my back right at waist height. I knew it wasn't a vital point, but I could bleed to death if I didn't remove it quickly.

  - Oh! God! - she said when she heard my grunt. - You've been hit.

  - Yes, thanks to you! - I screamed because of the pain. - If I'd been quiet, none of that would have happened.

  - You were trying to save us, you ungrateful bastard! - she returned with indignation.

  Ignoring Annabel, I entered the clearing. I had a plan, and I prayed it would work. Quickly and ignoring the pain I felt, I got off the horse and took him behind a tall bush. I looked from one side to the other and smiled when I noticed that the clearing was dark enough to hide us both. Because of the rain they couldn't light torches and I knew how to hide like no one else. Pulling Annabel out of the saddle too hard, I put her on the ground and pressed her against a tree. She was very small in comparison with my height and because of the width of my body, she was completely invisible.

  - What are you doing? What are you doing? - she screamed.

  - Hold still or we'll be discovered. - said whispering.

  - Is that so? - she debated. - You think you're what? Invisible? If we stay here, they'll find us.

  - If I don't shut that cheeky mouth, I'll be forced to silence it with the use of force! - I threatened between my teeth. - Then they'll find us.

  - And how do you plan on doing that?

  - You really want me to show you?

  Annabel's eyes widened when she understood what I was trying to say.

  - I wouldn't dare!

  - You want to bet?

  The noise of broken branches made her grab my shirt hard. Annabel hid her face in my chest stifling a scream when a soldier approached us. I could see over his shoulder when he started searching the light behind us. He was close to finding Esperanza. Suppressing the vertigo, I lowered my head to Annabel's ear and whispered.

  - Take the dagger from my waist.

  She nodded and slowly lowered her hand until it reached my waist. Pulling the dagger slowly to my hand, Annabel clung to my shirt again. I took a deep breath before turning over quickly and throwing the dagger, which hit the man's throat. Other soldiers entered the clearing from the opposite side in search of who had overthrown the other man. There were three armed with swords.

  - Stay here and don't move! - I whispered. Annabel nodded.

  Because of the darkness and my black clothes it was difficult to be located. I moved fast and had the trees as allies. Despite the intense pain, I could not succumb. Dunhill was only a few hours away and had promised to take Annabel safe and sound, even if I wanted to kill her later. I pulled out the sword slowly and when a soldier passed me, I grabbed his throat and cut it firmly. The other two panicked looking for me around, but could not see me. I was happy that that storm had collapsed just at that moment. I leaned against a tree when another man walked past me. I grabbed my arm pulling hard and crossed the sword firmly into his chest. The other one could see me, but it was too late. I defended myself from the coup and we started an intense fight. I used the sword of the fallen man beside me for a double defense and attack. He was a good warrior, I had to admit, but I was better prepared. So when he made it easy, I kicked him and got him on his knees. Without thinking about anything, I crossed both swords like scissors, cutting off his head and causing him to separate from his neck. The body fell to one side and I heard a low, frightened scream behind me. Annabel was standing with both her hands in her mouth and her eyes wide open. I stared at her, but realized that she was not afraid of the fallen man, but of me. His intense and frightened look brought me a tightness to my chest. It was like she was disapproving of my barbaric attitude. I took a step to get close to her, but her legs weighed and an intense pain went up my back. I let out a scream, and before I knew it, I was on the floor. The darkness took hold of my eyes and then I surrendered.

  Chapter 05


  - A compliment? Coming from you? I wouldn't even appreciate it if it earned me a few coins. - I fired in a debauched tone.

  Bruce made mention of answering, but bent over backwards. In a hurry, I went to him in time to support him.

  - You're not well! We need to get to the inn so I can remove that arrow.

  - No! - He whispered. His voice came out weak. - We have to take shelter in the stable. If the soldiers show up and meet us at the inn, we will put the lives of those around us at risk. On the other hand, if we're in the stable, the chances of finding us will be minimal.

  - How do you know they won't look for us there?

  - Because of you.

  - My cause?

  - Yes. Madames don't sleep in stables, so we'll be safe there.

  Once again I let out a growl and let go of Bruce, who hit his chest against the muddy, soaked ground.

  - Why did you do that? - he grunted, leaning his hands on the ground to stand up.

  - Because you're just an arrogant idiot! - I answered between my teeth. - I wish you were dead! Stand up alone if you wish.

  With this, I walked towards the stable and left it lying on the ground. I stopped in front of the horse and smiled. Esperanza whined for me
, so I took the reins and drove her inside. There was no stable nearby, but there were two free stalls and a hay heap in one corner. I noticed he'd make a great bed and it was pretty spacious. I just needed a blanket and everything would be fine. After the work of putting the horse in the bay and removing the saddle, I went to the outside, determined to take the imbecile being inside. When I came out the door I almost fell back with the cold that ran through my spine. Bruce was still in the same place, but now he was on his stomach.

  - Bruce? - I screamed at him walking. - If this is a joke on you, I swear I'll finish the soldiers' work!

  Crouching beside him, I shook Bruce, who just moaned. The hands were covered in blood and a puddle was already forming around where the wound was. I touched his forehead and found him feverish. I stood up and looked around. There was no one on the street at that time, but the sound of flute and clapping echoed from inside the tavern. Everyone should be there, or at least the men. I didn't want to go there for help, but I was determined to save Bruce. He might have been an egocentric sarcastic, but he had saved me and I wouldn't let him die like that.

  - Good Lord! - said a little girl leaving the inn. - Annabel! What are you doing here? I heard she had been kidnapped by English soldiers.

  I was very squeezed in the attempt to recognize the girl, and I realized that she was Abigail, the daughter of my old nanny.

  - Abby? - I said, running to hug her. - Thank God, someone I know! I need help getting him to the stable.

  She looked in Bruce's direction and approached him.

  - That's the Black Knight! What are you doing with him? Don't you know it's dangerous? He kills anyone who tries to challenge him. No mercy, no pity.

  Her voice of despair made me realize that Bruce's fame preceded him wherever he was. I couldn't get attached to the fact that I was dating a bloodthirsty, skillful killer. He needed help and he had to be quick.

  - Stay calm, Abby! - said lowering down to take one of Bruce's arms. - He saved my life and he's hurt. Can you help me carry it?


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