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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

Page 6

by Kira Freitas

  Abby sighed when he saw Kai pass by again. He waved smiling at me, but ignored Abby's presence. She bowed her head with sadness and got up.

  - I'm going to sleep!

  - It's okay! It's okay! You can go and I'll lock up later.

  She turned to come in and walked into the stairwell. I stayed on the balcony for a few more hours reading, until I decided to go in and get some sleep. It was getting too cold already and I needed a blanket. I went up the stairs praying that Bruce was asleep and I was scared as soon as I opened the door.

  - Professor?

  - Annabel? - Kaiser turned around scared. - I didn't expect you to come to the room so early. What are you doing here?

  Kaiser was standing next to Bruce's bed. In his hands was a dagger that he began to hit against his left hand impatiently. I held my breath.

  - That's my room! - I fired. - What are you doing here? Why is he armed with a dagger?

  He took a deep breath with a cold smile.

  - You know, I've been stuck in this village for so long that I can't even remember and it's this bastard's fault! - he said between his teeth. - I couldn't believe it when I saw the great Bruce MacCalister coming in here, dripping with blood and almost no color. I prayed he wouldn't die.

  - You knew him, didn't you? - I asked with a grunt. - I was just trying to get some information out of me. How naive of me!

  - Ah! Yes! Naive enough to fall for the talk of a poor teacher. - he hit the dagger harder. - I've known Bruce longer than you can imagine.

  He stared at Bruce's chest.

  - Professor, let go of that dagger! - I commanded.

  - That bastard, with his cousin, condemned me to hell. - he smiled cold. - You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. I'll take care of Bruce and later, I'll take her straight to MacGregor's meeting. I imagine your father is missing you.

  With this, Kaiser raised his hand and made mention of hitting Bruce, who slept deeply.

  - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  I jumped on Kaiser's back and pulled his hair. He screamed while I was trying to hang him and led us into the wall. I screamed with the pain of the blow to my back and when my head hit the cold stones.

  - You bitch! - he growled. - Lucky for you, I must deliver it in one piece. Otherwise, I'd kill her for it.

  - You'll never take me alive to Edinburgh or anywhere else!

  - Oh, great! - he smiled. - I'll make up a story about his death, but first let's have some fun!

  Grabbing my hair, Kaiser pulled hard. Before he came any closer to me, I slapped him who took blood from his lips. Angrily, Kaiser hit my head against the wall and I screamed falling to the ground again.

  - I'll take care of you later! - he said. - Now...

  He paused to freeze when he noticed that Bruce was no longer in bed.

  - Where is he? - Kaiser asked by gnashing his teeth. He grabbed my hair again and pulled. - Come in!

  - I'm right here!

  Bruce's cold voice echoed through the room. I breathed with relief when I saw him standing at the door. He was carrying a huge sword that had its blade stuck in the ground like a cane.

  - Did you think I'd run away, ma'am? - he asked sarcastically.

  - That's funny!

  He laughed and then stared at Kaiser.

  - Hello, Morvan! - said Bruce with an even colder voice. - Ready to finish what we started?

  - Nothing would give me more pleasure than to send you to hell, Captain!

  - That's very good to know, but I intend to get you in front of me.

  - Try it then!

  Chapter 08


  - Come on, Morvan! Is this where you hid? - I said in a cold voice. - That makes you a coward, you know that? Where's that friend of yours? What's the name again? Oliver?

  Morvan breathed with difficulty and swallowed dry. He squeezed the handle of the dagger he was holding tightly, as if she could protect him.

  - He's a coward too! - I continued with the provocation.

  - Thanks to you and Alec! - he cried out in anger. - If it wasn't for that manipulative bastard, my brother would still be alive.

  - Your brother was dead even before Alec did what he did. - I said coldly. - Do you remember? When you raped and killed my cousin?

  Morvan growled. He kept his look embedded in mine. His eyes overflowed with hatred. Only the two of us knew what we were talking about. It was like we were telling a story that no one had read. That's why Annabel intruded with her confused voice.

  - Wait! Your name is Morvan? - she asked. - He said his name was Kaiser. Kaiser? Where have I heard that name before?

  Annabel was lying on the ground, leaning on her elbows and staring at the scene with confused eyes. I noticed that there was blood flowing down her neck and I realized that she was injured, probably on her head. Without blinking, I advanced towards Morvan and hit his face with the handle of the sword. He, who didn't expect that attitude, fell to the ground. The dagger he was carrying made noise on the floor, scaring Annabel.

  - You miserable bastard! - I yelled at him pointing my sword at his throat. - His name's not Kaiser, it's Morvan. Kaiser was his brother. Both were mercenaries at Roy's behest. They're the ones who killed my cousin in a cowardly way.

  - Mercenaries? - Annabel whispered. - It was you who were with Roy the day he was wounded by my sister and expelled from Inverness. My mother guided them in their escape.

  Morvan laughed looking at Annabel.

  - I knew you could hear everything on the sly. - he said. - He's always had a way of getting there at the wrong time, like in the woods. Remember the woods?

  Annabel punched herself to the ground and stood up. She came to Morvan and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

  - You're the one who stopped me, aren't you? - she grunted. - You bastard! I thought it was a soldier, but it was you!

  She punched Morvan who fell to the ground again. He rolled up to the dagger and struck a quick blow against Annabel's arm.

  - Damn you! - she screamed, putting her hand on her arm and stepping back.

  Morvan stood up, enjoying my moment of distraction.

  - Annabel, are you all right? I asked you concerned.

  - Yeah. It was just a cut.

  I looked at Morvan with murderous eyes. I didn't have time to react, because Morvan hit me causing me to fall back. The sword slipped out of my hand and he advanced to get it.

  - Annabel, get out now! - I screamed.

  Annabel nodded and tried to run out of the room, but Morvan threw the dagger that stuck to the wall scaring her and Annabel dodged it.

  - Morvan, you coward! - ...I've stirred up. - Let her go! Your fight is with me, you ignoramus!

  Morvan had a laugh.

  - It's funny you should call me a coward. - he said. - For all I know, it was in cowardice that you captured my brother.

  I went over it to disarm it and Morvan hit me with the dagger. I dodged it to one side and it hit me with a kick. The blow took hold of my wound and I fell to the ground, but first I managed to hit him and it caused him to lose his sword. Recovering quickly, I grabbed the sword and advanced, but Morvan was faster and grabbed Annabel from behind holding her hostage.

  - Tell me what you did to my brother! - shot him in the teeth. - Tell me how cowardly you can be.

  - Release Annabel or I won't answer for myself! - ...I commanded you to proceed.

  He made a sudden move and penetrated the tip of the dagger into her throat. That made her open a cut on Annabel's skin and she grunted when she felt the blood flowing.

  - What's going on here? - Abby asked as he entered the room. - I'll call my uncle!r />
  - If you take a step, I'll kill the girl! - he said coldly. - Come over here and sit down!

  Abby looked at me and I nodded. She sat on the bed and gasped when she saw the blood flowing down Annabel's throat going towards the neckline.

  - Now, Captain, tell me what you did to my brother! - Morvan said coldly. - tell the ladies here how cowardly the man they so admire is.

  I stared at Morvan and he laughed.

  - That's right! I know of her fame as the whores and, although she lives surrounded by them, her lack of tact with the girls of family. - he disdained. - Do you prefer the more experienced ones?

  - Not exactly! I would love to be the teacher of each one who comes to me, but it is not in my nature to deceive the girls for only one night, when I can pay without much loss. - said sarcastic. - Besides, it's not in me to fulfill any obligation that's imposed on me.

  Annabel faced me with a look full of contempt. I knew she was remembering the kiss I forced. I had noticed his reaction and it will surprise me with the reaction of my own body. If I hadn't stopped myself, I would certainly have possessed it on the floor or against the wall, without any ceremony. It was not in me to sully the honor of any maiden, especially when it came to Annabel MacBride, daughter of Roy MacGregor. I didn't want the bad blood of a MacGregor maculating the MacCalister house. The further away from Annabel I stayed, the better it would be, yet I would not let her die at the hands of that scoundrel.

  Morvan made another sudden move, wounding Annabel and she screamed.

  - Morvan, I'm warning you! If you hurt Annabel, I'll kill you in the cruelest way there is.

  - Do you know how it feels to lose blood? - he whispered in Annabel's ear.

  - No. - Annabel answered with her voice embargoed.

  - Tell her what it's like. - he said looking at me. - Tell me how bad it is to be left to die slowly. Say it!

  I took a deep breath dropping a growl.

  - The body falls asleep as if all its strength were slowly fading with every drop wasted. - I responded by closing my eyes. - Your skin becomes pale, until you lose consciousness and your heart stops. Then you die.

  - Exactly! - he said smiling. - The most sadistic way to do this is by tying her victim up and making several strategic cuts, but in respect to her father, I can tie her upside down. That would considerably lessen your suffering.

  He threatened to cut Annabel's neck again and despair took hold of me.

  - Stop! - I asked in a tormented voice. - I said I'd bring him in for trial, but I lied. I killed Kaiser before we even got to Dunhill.

  - How's that?

  - I tied his feet to a tree and made cuts all over his body. I sat in front of him and watched as he slowly died, day after day.

  Morvan growled.

  -- I found Kaiser's body in the same state he had left it. Not even a decent burial, that bastard gave it to my brother. - he said in a cold voice. - You see that? I'm not the only coward here! The Black Knight you respect so much, he's nothing but a sadist.

  - No more than you! - said Annabel in a cold voice. - Your brother deserved everything Bruce did he and something else. I wouldn't have acted differently.

  - What'd you say? - Morvan asked in an angry voice.

  - I know what they did to Cora on the edge of that side. - she kept talking. - In Bruce's place, instead of making him bleed, I would have watched as he drowned desperately, but the captain was much more creative.

  Morvan grunted.

  - Bitch! - he shouted lifting his fist with the intention of hitting Annabel on the chest, but she was quicker and, seizing the opportunity, hit a header against the nose of Morvan, who hit the wall. - Bitch!

  - Get out! Get out! - I've ordered you to move in against Morvan. - Now!

  Annabel grabbed Abby's hand and they ran to the door. Morvan and I started a body fight. He had greatly improved his attacks. I believe you committed yourself after your brother's death. They used to fight together. Kaiser always distracts his opponent so Morvan could stab him in the back. Morvan and his brother had a reputation for being the most cowardly and cruel men Roy had. However, I was much more skilful and pulled off his dagger blows with my sword.

  The noise of the vase breaking against Morvan's head and the window breaking as soon as I threw it at her, was the height of the fight. Looking from above, he concluded that he had fallen on a pile of hay, but he was dizzy and couldn't stand up. Crossing the room with my sword in my hand, I ran out of the inn. Turning around the building, I found Morvan standing in front of the hay pile and looking at all sides. I certainly planned how I'd get out of there.

  - Going somewhere? - I asked ironically. - I'm not done with you yet!

  The blood flowed from my forehead because of a cut and I rubbed my hand preventing it from falling into my eye. Morvan let out a laugh while breathing deeply.

  - You know, killing your cousin like that was perhaps the most pleasurable job Roy has ever done for me! - he laughed even louder.

  He lifted his gaze to face me and stood up.

  - I heard when Annabel said she used Valerian in her food. I know the effects she's having, and I saw my chance show up.

  I looked at Annabel, who was getting closer with Abby.

  - You just didn't expect her to stop drugging me, did you? - I fired ironically. - As cowardly as your brother!

  - A bad luck, actually! - he replied sarcastically and spit out the blood. - You talk like a hero, but you're a monster. A monster like me.

  - I'm not like you!

  - Really? So what bothers you every night? - he provoked. - Tell me you don't have nightmares.

  I closed my eyes hard. Morvan knew that I had nightmares about the day of Cora's death and for various other reasons. I knew it tormented me because I regretted it every day.

  - See? - He whispered ironically. - You're just as much a monster as I am. The difference is, I have no regrets.

  - There's something I'll never regret!

  With a growl, I lifted my sword and advanced to give Morvan a mortal blow, but a desperate scream stopped me.

  - Stop! Annabel screamed. - Don't do it! Don't do it!

  - That man killed Cora, Annabel! - said without looking at her. - He doesn't deserve an extra second of life.

  The sigh of surprise and indignation of the people who were around, was unison. From the silence the buzz began to emerge and soon a chorus of revolt began to scream for me to kill him. Cora was very dear to everyone and had the habit of visiting every village she could. Everyone knew his reputation for benevolence and charity. When the news of his death ran through the fiefdoms and villages of the Highlands, there was a commotion of no size. Many cried his departure for days. These were weeks of mourning, especially in Dunhill, where Alec and I were recovering because we almost lost our lives, and Alistair was consumed by the pain of losing his sister.

  - No! - Annabel shouted once again looking at the people around her. - We have laws! We're not barbarians!

  She approached me.

  - Alistair's soldiers, his subordinates, must arrive at any moment now that the snow has dissipated. As bad as Morvan may be and for all his barbarities, he deserves a fair trial and must be brought before the king.

  - That man doesn't deserve a trial! - I fired. - Annabel, he tried to kill her!

  Annabel paused to sigh.

  - Everyone deserves a trial! - she said touching my fist lightly. - Kill this man and you'll have to live with this guilt again. Save his life and you will save your soul with an act of benevolence. Cora would approve of his attitude, for she would not want to see him suffer any more.

  - I already live with his brother's blood. I might as well hang out with that bastard too.

  - Bruce, don't let yourself go on living as you do.

  - And how do I live?

  - Tormented!

  I froze by your words and worried voice. I noticed that his words shut even the people who were asking for his death. I turned my head to face Annabel's gaze.
There was concern in his eyes. His expression was soft and patient. Something told me that she was willing to stay there all night, until I gave up and everyone went to their homes. I remembered the words of the old riddle and looked at Annabel's hand over mine. That's when I realized the soft touch. He warmed my skin and took my body with relief. Without realizing it, I lowered my sword and nodded at her.

  - Does anyone have a rope? - I asked, looking around. - I will also need someplace safe where I can arrest you until my soldiers arrive.

  - There's a trap door under the kitchen, which served as a storage room. - said Abby's uncle. - We use it to store food in case of a village attack. There's only one way out and in. A small barred window serves to make the air circulate. I think we can arrest him there.

  - That'll do! - I responded by settling down.

  Using a rope that the stable had thrown at me, I tied Morvan's hands. I grabbed his arms and dragged him into the inn. Kai, the stable boy, opened the trapdoor and I threw him in there like a worm. Morvan fell anyway and grunted with pain.

  - Thank you! Thank you! - I whispered to Annabel as soon as we were alone. - You were right about Morvan. It wouldn't bring me any glory to kill him.

  - Hmm! I didn't hear right! - she said smiling in a debauched way and banging her index finger against her ear. - Can you repeat what you said?

  - Don't push it, MacBride! - I said in a serious voice. - Don't push it!

  She let out a laugh, but then she made a face. I approached her and with my fingertips I assessed the wound on her neck and head.

  - You need some stitches. - said by passing his hand through the wounded skin. Annabel's body shook and she sighed.

  - I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. - said she holding her breath and closing her eyes. - It's nothing I can't handle.

  - I'm sure of it!

  She moved a little away from me and twisted her fingers. I knew she was scared. I just didn't know if it was because I knew I could try to kiss her again or because of what I told her about Kaiser's death.

  - Don't be afraid of me, Annabel! - said taking his hands. - I regret every day the path I've taken. Believe me!


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