Stay With Me

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Stay With Me Page 2

by Trejo, Erin

  “Why? Are we that bad?” The anger inside of me seems to be bubbling out of control. It’s building and building and I’m afraid when it erupts nothing will be the same.

  “No, I didn’t say that. It’s just this is a small town and all. I want more out of life,” she says bringing her bottle back to her lips. This one’s a drinker.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to be a photographer. I want to go around the world taking pictures of everything, capture their beauty.”

  “Sounds boring.” She looks up at me and I shrug. I guess after the life that I’ve lived, you don’t see the beauty in things like that.

  “Then I’d say you have a sad outlook on life. Don’t you want to see the world outside of Rolling Springs?” she asks. That stab of fury in my chest ignites. I shove out of my chair and eye her for a long second before walking away. I toss my bottle in the fire and head toward the truck for something stronger. Opening the back door, I dig around until I find the Jack and pull it out.

  “What are you doing?”


  “Did you hit her?” Leave it to Whisper to be so damn blunt. I unscrew the cap and take a long pull before looking over at her and shaking my head.

  “I don’t hit women. Thought you knew that,” I hiss in her direction as she shrugs her shoulders.

  “I don’t know as much as I thought I did about you, Callan. You’re turning into them.”

  “Into who?”

  “Your brothers.”

  “So? What’s wrong with being like them? You don’t seem to mind fucking my brother the way he is.” That might have been a low blow, but it needed to be said. A slow smile pulls across her face as she steps closer to me.

  “I never said there was anything wrong with being like them, Callan. It’s nice to finally see you come out of your little protective shell that your dad kept you locked in.” Her words fire me up more than I thought they would. Grabbing her around the throat, I slam her against the truck as visions of seeing her in his clothes flash behind my eyes.

  “Stop pushing me, Whisper.”

  “Why? Look at you,” she says. I drag my gaze to meet hers and the smile I see does something to my insides. Is she right? Have I been holding back because of my dad?

  “What’s this?” I hear Steele’s voice before he leans against the truck next to his girl.

  “This is Callan becoming himself.”

  “You might want to take your hands off my girl before shit gets heated, brother.” Steele’s voice is hard, and I know he isn’t playing but there’s a part of me that wants to push my luck with him. Maybe that’s what I need. A good fight.

  “I kind of like my hands on her. You remember the pool house, Whisper?” Her eyes shoot to mine and there’s heat in them that I didn’t expect. Steele grumbles something under his breath but it’s Whisper that pushes her body closer to mine. I slowly ease the grip I have on her throat before she wraps her arms around my waist.

  “Even if I wanted to, I’m not a cheater, Cal. I love you too much to take that part away from you.” Her words are like a slap to the face although I understand what she’s saying. I wouldn’t really touch her again since she’s with Steele now. I just can’t figure out what the hell has gotten into me lately. Leaning down, I press my lips to the top of her head and sigh.

  “I know. I love you too, Whisper.”



  “I’m glad you stuck around,” I tell Whisper as we walk toward the football field.

  “Me too. I hate school but I want to be able to have a degree while working in the studio. I just need something to fall back on, you know,” she says as she braids her long black hair over her shoulder.

  “I would hate to be here by myself,” I mumble.

  “By yourself? You have Callan. He’s just being a prick lately. Like his brothers,” she chimes in with a laugh.

  “He’s so different. He’s changed.”

  “Change is good though, right?” She looks to me. I just shrug. I don’t know if it is or not anymore. Whisper and I stroll into the locker room and all eyes turn our way. Some of the guy’s smile, others look away but it’s his that burn a hole through me. Callan watches me like I’m about to steal something. The way his gaze moves over my body causes my nerves to fire off.

  “Hey, Knox! Come give us an interview,” Whisper yells. Knox smirks but stands and walks over to us. The other guys are talking and getting ready for their showers when Callan moves. He grabs the paper out of my hand shoving it roughly into Whisper’s before gripping my wrist. He pulls me roughly toward the back before shoving me against the shower wall.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as he reaches around and starts the shower. I’m fully clothed but he doesn’t seem to mind. The water turns on and sprays around me before he jerks me under it.

  “What the hell, Callan?”

  “You looked a little hot, Shane. Staring at all the guys out there.” His voice is low and husky.

  “Are you insane? I wasn’t starring at anyone! Let me go!” I try to move away from him, but he keeps me held under the spray. My clothes are sticking to my skin, the heat in the room is consuming me.

  “You want something, Shane?” His eyes are full of hunger, but I can also see the fury in them.

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask as his fingers slowly drag down my cheek. Heat coils inside of me as his fingers keep moving. Slowly he slides them into the top of my wet jeans.

  “You want to suck me off, Shane? Like old times?” His words are harsh. I want to hide my face from him but he doesn’t let me. As soon as I turn my head, his free hand is there grabbing my chin and forcing my gaze back to his. He tilts his head to the side and stares into my eyes.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Doing what? Making you wet?”

  “This, Callan,” I snap as he keeps his eyes on me. There’s an unsettling feeling inside of me, one I can’t explain.

  “On your knees,” he demands. I shouldn’t do it. I shouldn’t want to but when he steps back and loses his pants, I lose my mind. Like a good girl, I drop to my knees as Callan strokes himself in front of me. I can’t pull my eyes away as I lick my lips and wait. He grabs the back of my head and slowly caresses it as he pulls himself closer to me. Then he places the tip on my tongue and I nearly explode. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with Callan. So long that I’ve missed his touch. He thrusts into my mouth twice before pulling away from me. His pants are up his thighs as I sit on my knees wondering what the hell just happened here. I look up at him through the water that sticks to my lashes as he smirks. That’s when I hear it. Chuckles from the side. Turning my head to the left, I see that some of his teammates are watching us. Embarrassment washes over me. My cheeks heat and tears spring to my eyes.

  “Get out of here, Shane,” Callan growls. I look back at him before shoving myself off the floor of the showers. It takes me seconds to run through the crowd of men and out of the locker room. I don’t stop running until I get to the door to head back into the school. Then I lose it. I drop to my knees and sob into my hands when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” Luke. It’s Luke. He drops down next to me, wrapping his hand around my back as I sob harder. “Why are your clothes wet? Never mind. Come on,” he says helping me to my feet. I let him lead me down the sidewalk toward the dorms. I don’t know why I go with him but I do. Luke is a good guy. I know he would he never do to me what Callan just did. Maybe that’s why I’m so quick to follow him inside. We make it up the stairs when he opens a door and ushers me in.

  “I shouldn’t be here,” I say, softly shivering from the cold water that now clings to me.

  “You’re soaked. It’s fine, Shane. Let me get you something to change into.” I watch as Luke moves around the room grabbing some clothes before setting them on the bed. “I’ll wait outside.” With a quick nod, he leaves the room and I change into his clothes. They’re too
big but they will be fine to get me home in. I turn to the door and pull it open when Luke turns to face me.

  “A little big,” he says nodding toward the shirt.

  “Thanks for this.”

  “You want to talk about it?” he asks. I shake my head and wrap my arms around myself.

  “It was stupid.”

  “You look upset still. It wasn’t that stupid if it upset you, Shane.” God why does he have to be right? Why did he have to see me like this? A new wave of embarrassment hits me as I let my head drop down. Looking at the floor, my chest aches. I love Callan. I think I always have but he’s tearing my heart out. Luke’s hand comes to my chin, lifting my face so that I’m looking at him.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t let someone else make you feel this way. You don’t deserve it,” he says softly. My heart leaps into my throat as I look from his eyes to his lips. It’s as if he knew what I was thinking and leans in, pressing his lips to mine. There is no explosion when our lips touch. There is no feeling of euphoria like with Callan. It’s just… normal. Maybe that’s what I need right now. Normal.

  Luke pulls back and looks me in the eye. I don’t know what to say to him. I don’t know what I want to say. If everything could just be this silent, I would be happy. If I never had to face any other bullshit in my life, I would live forever in this moment.

  “Are you okay?” he asks when I don’t say anything.

  “I’m… I don’t know what I am anymore, Luke.”

  “You’re Shane McCormick. You’re you,” he says. Those aren’t the words I remember. Callan said them to me once when I felt lost. He said that I was Shane McCormick. The girl that didn’t want to be seen but people couldn’t help but notice. Oh God. What am I doing?

  “I need to go,” I say once more, pushing away from him. I head for the door quickly calling out another thank you over my shoulder. It takes me seconds to run down the steps and out the door slamming into someone. Large hands wrap around my shoulders when I look up into two big blue eyes.

  “In the men’s dorms. What an unpleasant surprise,” Knox says keeping a grip on me. His eyes slowly move up and down my body before he raises an eyebrow. “And in someone else’s clothes.”

  “Leave me alone, Knox.” I try to move out of his grasp but it does no good.

  “Baby brother might not be too happy to know that I saw you here in that,” he says nodding toward my clothes.

  “Callan has no say in what I do or wear.” That gets a laugh out of him. His hands fall away from me, resting at his sides as he smiles.

  “You might not think so now but we both know that’s a lie,” he says.

  “You can’t be serious? You saw what he did in the locker room.”

  “What I saw was a girl ready and willing to suck my brother off. That’s all I saw.” The authority in his gaze makes me nervous. I don’t like him looking at me like that.

  “I wouldn’t say shit even if I could.” He’s afraid I’d tell on Callan for what he did? Who the hell would I tell?

  “Which you can’t. I mean, what are you going to do? Call Steele? He’s the master at this type of game.” His words are like a stake to the chest, knocking the air from my lungs.

  “I know that all too well. Now leave me alone, Knox.” Brushing past him, I hear him chuckle. I don’t stop to look back at him or listen to what he has to say. I don’t think about it as I walk to my car. Once I’m inside, I let my head fall forward, resting on the steering wheel as soft hot tears stream down my cheeks. I keep my eyes closed, taking deep breaths until I get myself under control.



  I yawn as I kick my feet up on the chair in front of me. I know I said I wanted to finish college but now I’m not so sure. Listening to the asshole at the front of the room talk about business and shit isn’t working out for me today. I’m tired, I want to go home. I’m sick of being here. In fact, I’m sick of everything related to this place. Deciding I’d much rather be somewhere else, I shove out of my seat, grab my bag, and head for the door. As soon as I step outside, I see her. Gina? I think that’s her name. the girl from the bonfire is walking toward the parking lot. I jog to catch up to her.

  “Hey!” She turns when she hears me, a small smile crossing her face.

  “Hey, yourself.”

  “Haven’t seen you since the bonfire,” I say watching the way her lips curve.

  “You haven’t been looking hard enough.” Ah, she’s a playful one.

  “Where are you heading right now?” What am I doing?


  “Care for some company?” This is wrong. I don’t want this girl but the thought of having Shane’s lips wrapped around my cock won’t leave my mind. I let her taste me, one small taste then I pulled away. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking having her do that right there when I knew the guys would all walk in. Maybe I wanted to push her buttons the way she does mine. She doesn’t see it, in fact, I don’t think she knows just how hard she fucking makes me.

  “Sure. I’d love some,” Gina says batting her lashes at me. I nod and follow her into the parking lot when I see Shane. She’s wearing… is that some man’s sweatpants? The t-shirt she has on is way too big and her eyes are puffy and red. I know I’m the one that made her cry and I wish I could feel bad for it, but I don’t. My eyes follow her when Gina throws her arms around my neck. Her lips are pressing into mine before I can react, her hand cupping my cock like it’s a lifeline. I groan into her mouth just as Shane looks over. Her eyes widen as she takes in what’s happening. That’s when I pull away from Gina. I shouldn’t care what Shane thinks. I shouldn’t care that she saw that, but I do. Goddamn it, I do.

  Shoving Gina back a step, she looks up at me like I’ve lost my mind and maybe I have but it’s Shane’s eyes that are haunting me right now.

  “What the hell?” Gina snaps until she follows my gaze. “She just came out of Luke’s room.”

  “Luke Norton?” I ask, glancing back at Gina. She nods, licking her lips as I lose it. I storm away from her and straight for the dorms taking the steps two at a time. How dare that little fucker touch her? Who the hell does he think he is? When I’m in front of his door, I start pounding until he opens it.

  “Callan? What the hell?” I don’t stop to ask questions. I grab the front of his shirt and plow my fist into his face. Luke stumbles and falls back onto the floor when I move for him again. I get a few more good blows in before I’m being pulled off him.

  “Yo, Callan. What the fuck man?” Nate, one of my teammates asks looking between the two of us. Anger courses through my veins as I look at Luke.

  “You keep your hands off, Shane,” I warn him.

  “She isn’t yours to decide that.” Did he just have the balls to say that to me? I step toward him when Nate grabs my shoulder to keep me back.

  “I won’t warn you twice. If you value your education here, you better stay the fuck away from her,” I growl.

  “And if I don’t? You think I can’t get into another school? All three of you Alder assholes treat women like shit. What do you care if I was being nice to her? Clearly you weren’t!” I shrug Nate’s hand off me and move in again. This time I land a few more hits before Nate shoves me from the room. I look at him, ready to take him on next when he holds his hands up in defeat.

  “You might run this school, Alder but he can still press charges. Just calm down,” he adds. I nod my head and take a deep breath before turning and jogging down the steps. I’m outside, taking in the fresh air when I hear Whisper.

  “Going around kicking people’s asses isn’t really your style,” she says smiling up at me.

  “He deserved it. And how the hell do you know already?”

  “You just ran out of there and I can see the marks on your hands,” she says nodding to my knuckles. I look down and see the bruises already forming as I clench and unclench them.

  “He had it coming,” I state.

  “Did he? Or are you acting lik
e your brothers for another reason?” I want to ignore her, but this is Whisper. She isn’t going to go away.

  “Shane was wearing his clothes. Gina saw her come out of his room.”

  “Gina? As in slut Gina? Gina that will hike her skirt up for anyone with a cock? That Gina?” Okay, I get her point. Whisper rolls her eyes and I can’t stop the smile that crosses my face. Tossing my arm around her shoulder, I pull her into my side.

  “Want to get drunk?”

  “God, I thought you would never ask. Your brother has been hiding the liquor bottles.” She laughs.

  “From you?” I ask looking down at her by my side.

  “Yeah. Apparently, I’m frisky when I’m drunk.” She rolls her eyes once more.

  “I don’t think so. I think you have to let go every once in a while, right? If not, you might lose your mind.”

  “Is that what you were doing back there?” she asks, tucking her arm around my waist.

  “Something like that.”

  “You love her?”

  “I don’t know anymore, Whisper.”

  “Yes, you do. It’s not a trick question, Callan. Obviously, you loved her at some point, right?”

  “It was high school. I don’t think you can consider that love,” I tell her.

  “Sure, you can. If that’s what you felt. You can’t let something you love get away, Callan. You just can’t.” The sadness in her tone causes me to flinch. I don’t like sadness in her. She deserves more than that.

  “You’re happy aren’t you, Whisper?” She stops walking and moves to stand in front of me, her hands on her hips.

  “Are you turning this around on me?” she asks, her eyebrow raised and ready.

  “No. I’m just asking you.”

  “I love Steele, Callan. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone in my life, but I love him.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Well, I hate when he isn’t near me. I hate the feeling I get in my stomach when he leaves. When I wake up, I think about him. When I go to sleep, he’s all I dream about. Steele and I don’t have some kind of conventional love story, Callan. I can’t explain what it does to me when he’s a dick. It makes me feel… loved.” I know she loves my brother. I know how she feels about all of us, but I can’t decide how I feel about Shane. I trust Whisper’s instincts when it comes to people. Hell she was spot on about us.


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