Stay With Me

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Stay With Me Page 8

by Trejo, Erin


  I adjust my suit jacket as I stand in front of the table looking at the head of Finstein’s, one of our companies we inherited from our dad. Finstein’s specializes in computer software that we make good use of when we need to find things.

  “We’re all very sorry to hear about your father, Callan,” Greg, the man in charge says. I nod once, trying to be respectful when in reality they all know we killed that bastard. They all saw it coming.

  “Thank you. I appreciate that but let’s stay on topic, shall we? You know I’m here because my brothers and I have taken power over all the companies. As of right now, Steele is handling things while Knox and I finish our degrees.”

  “When you do finish, will one you of you be taking over?” I turn my attention to the woman on my right.

  “That hasn’t been discussed but more than likely, yes. The reason for the meeting today is to make sure that everyone is on board with us being in charge now. As far as internal affairs here, nothing changes. The only difference is now you answer to us instead of our father. Is that going to be an issue for any of you?” I glance around the table not seeing anyone that wants to fight me on this. That’s always a good sign. “I also know that my father was a greedy man. His pay grade was bullshit to be honest and that is going to change in the near future. We have appointments with the accountants coming up in a few months’ time and after that I can assure you, a raise will be in order for all of you.” Of course no one is going to complain about more money.

  “Will you be coming into the office more?” Cheryl asks from her spot. My eyes slowly find hers and I watch as she licks her ruby red painted lips. Yeah, I fucked her before but that doesn’t mean I’m going back for a repeat. Cheryl is younger, not as young as us but she doesn’t fit your typical suit and tie pencil pushers either. She’s beautiful with long blonde hair that she keeps tied up in a tight bun. I remember running my fingers through that hair once upon a time.

  “Not me. Perhaps Knox will be in the future. For now, we plan to keep things flowing as smoothly as possible with meetings as we see fit. Of course, if you ever have any problems don’t hesitate to reach out, you should all have our numbers now. Before we go, I want to mention Carol Alder. She is not to be involved in any way, shape or form. Nothing is to be discussed with her or in her presence. I know a few of you are aware of who she is; the others don’t need to be. She means nothing to this company. Is there anything else you want to discuss while I’m here?” I ask, glancing around the table once more. Everyone seems to be happy with the change so I nod.

  “Good. Then this meeting is over. Thank you all for your understanding and patience while we work out the kinks.” Everyone stands and grabs their things, turning to leave, everyone but her. I should have known Cheryl would stick around and see how far she can push me but the fact is, she isn’t going to get far. I grab my bag and heft it over my shoulder knowing I need to be in class soon for a test and standing here reminiscing on the past with Cheryl will hinder that.

  “Why aren’t you coming around?” she asks, stepping up in front of me, her palm resting on my chest.

  “I’m not needed.”

  “I don’t think that’s true,” she purrs, undoing a few buttons on my dress shirt. I clear my throat and take a deep breath through my nose.

  “Did you think I came here just for you?” Her eyes shoot to mine.

  “I heard about Shane. Are you back with her?”

  “Are you really going to stoop so low that you can’t keep your hands off a college boy, Cheryl?”

  “You are no boy, Callan. We all know just how much of a man you are.” One of her hands moves to grab my cock, giving it a rough squeeze. I groan, pressing it into her hand a little harder.

  “Well this man, as you say, isn’t interested in you anymore.” I reach up and grab her wrist, twisting it painfully until she flinches and steps back. Releasing the grip on her, I walk past and out of the conference room waving at a few people as I go. Once I’m in the elevator, I loosen the tie from around my neck. I never understood the appeal of this shit. My dad always wore a suit and tie but the three of us? We can’t stand them. Once the elevator reaches the first floor, I climb out and walk hurriedly to my car and jump in. I start it up and then call Steele.

  “How did it go?”

  “Good. Everyone’s on board just like I thought they would be. No one has an issue except Cheryl.” He chuckles.

  “And what’s her issue?”

  “She won’t be riding my cock,” I tell him. I weave through traffic as I give him the breakdown of the overall meeting and how it went smoothly.

  “You heading to class?”

  “Yeah. Just pulling in.”

  “Check on Whisper. She was being a bitch when she left here,” he says, sounding a little off himself.

  “Something I need to know?”

  “No. Just that she was being a bitch is all.” I laugh this time because I know exactly how Whisper gets.

  “I’ll take care of her. I’ll give her nipples a few good sucks, have her come all over my fingers then she should be fine.” I hear him growl and just as he’s about to say something, I click the phone off. Smiling to myself, I love getting under his skin. Whisper wasn’t the first girl that we shared a taste of but I can honestly say she was the last. If anyone even looks at Shane like they want a piece of her, I have a bad feeling I’m going to lose my shit. I let it slide the other day because I wanted to prove a point but now she’s mine and only mine.

  With my bag over my shoulder, I hurry to class. As soon as I step inside, Whisper spots me and snorts a laugh as I make my way toward her.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “What? I can’t pull off the suit?” I ask dropping my bag on the floor and modeling for her. Whisper laughs and doesn’t seem to be in a bitchy mood like Steele had said. She seems happy enough to me.

  “I don’t think there’s anything the three of you can’t pull off. You all ooze that damn sex appeal and it doesn’t matter if you wear a suit, jeans, or a trash bag,” she huffs. There she is. I slide into the seat next to her, wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her face to mine. I’m so close I can feel her breath dance over my lips.

  “Whatever your problem is, say it now.”

  “Or what?” she challenges me back.

  “Or I will take you out of this class and finger fuck you until you can’t walk straight. Then I’ll call Steele and tell him exactly how much you liked it,” I warn her. Whisper watches me for a second before blowing out a breath knowing my threat is real.

  “He won’t use condoms.” What the hell? That’s what she’s worried about? I drop my hand and lean back in my seat as if she never spoke. “Did you hear me?”

  “I heard you.”

  “You don’t think that’s an issue?” she asks, her anger clear as day now.

  “Not really. We don’t like condoms, Whisper.”

  “I don’t like kids, Callan. See the problem?” she hisses. I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest before glaring at her.

  “Did you think my brother wouldn’t want kids at some point in his life?”

  “Did he ask me if I wanted kids?” she smarts off right back. This. This right here is why I love her little defiant ass.

  “Does it matter?” I question her, raising my eyebrow. I can see that fire building inside her and I almost laugh.

  “Yes, it fucking matters! I don’t want my kid to end up like me!” Whisper slides out of her chair and grabs her bag heading for the door.

  “Whisper!” Shit. Now I need to fix this. I grab my shit and follow her only to find her in the hall in Shane’s arms. Shane’s eyes meet mine, a sadness in them.

  “Whisper? I’m sorry. I hate to be the one to break this to you but you aren’t like them. Even if you have a baby, you would never abandon it.” Shane flinches, Whisper turns to face me, and I feel like a complete asshole.

  “No, I wouldn’t but t
hat doesn’t mean I want one, Cal. This is all too new, too much.” I nod my head and open my arms. Whisper falls right into me, wrapping her arms around my waist as I hold her.

  “I should go,” Shane says softly. With one hand, I reach out and grab her, keeping her from leaving. Whisper pulls back, smirking up at me.

  “Let me guess, you didn’t use them either, did you?”

  “None of your business.”

  “What is it with you guys? You want like millions of little Alder’s running wild?” Whisper asks with a smile on her now happy face.

  “Maybe not millions.” I shrug.

  “I need to go,” Shane says, a hitch in her voice. I ignore her.

  “Hundreds? You guys are so young,” Whisper whines. It’s cute seeing her flustered like she is.

  “So? Gives us extra time to make more right?” She rolls her eyes and presses a kiss to my cheek before turning and walking away. Once she’s out of sight, I drag Shane in front of me.

  “Going somewhere?” I ask.

  “I have to get ready for the game tonight. I’m covering for Sam,” she says but she doesn’t sound like herself. Something is bothering her, and I know exactly what it is. I’m pushing her.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Don’t lie, Shane. I don’t like it when people lie to me.” The growl has her flinching.

  “It’s nothing. Why are you in a suit, anyway?” Okay. I’ll let her change the subject if that’s what she wants but only for now. Eventually, I will get the truth out of her.

  “I had a meeting I told Steele I’d handle this morning before class but seeing how now I am missing said class, I need to find something else to do. Or someone.” I let my eyes fall to her lips as she slowly begins to smile. Damn, I’ve missed that smile for so long.

  “There’s always the locker room,” she teases, pressing her body into mine. I wrap my arm around her back, keeping her pressed against me when I hear it. Releasing Shane, I turn to see her, Carol Alder, my so-called mother walking down the hall. Her tall stiletto shoes clicking over the marble floors as she walks toward us.

  “Ma’am! You can’t be here.”

  “I need to speak with my son!” We lock eyes as she storms down the hall.

  “What the hell is she doing?” Shane mumbles next to me.

  “No idea.”

  “Oh, you’re here,” Carol says, eyeing Shane in disgust.

  “I do go to school here,” Shane smarts off.

  “And she’s mine,” I growl, pulling her into my side. Is it wrong that I want to smirk in Carol’s face?

  “We need to talk,” she says looking directly to me.

  “No, we don’t. I think I’ve heard enough. You said your piece at the house the other night and Steele is making his decision.”

  “It’s not that easy, Callan.”

  “Isn’t it? You came back. I don’t understand why or what you want but here you are. You can’t just show up at the school and demand to see me. I am here to learn, to get my degree.” Jesus, I sound like my dad. Almost to the point it makes my skin crawl.

  “I heard you were in that… that club when it exploded.” I take a calming breath so that I don’t do something stupid that I might regret later.

  “We were. All of us,” I say as calmly as I can. Carol moves, pulling me into a hug as she fake sobs on my shoulder.

  “I’m so glad no one was hurt. That could have been devastating.” I roll my eyes. I can’t help it. She’s lost her damn mind coming here and acting like this for show.

  “Are you?” I hiss. She pulls back and looks me in the eye, a lie on the tip of her tongue.

  “Of course, I am. You’re my son.” I feel the bile rise in the back of my throat before I take a step away from her. Shaking my head, I turn and pull Shane with me when she speaks once more.

  “How is your mother and is it your stepfather, Shane? It’s been ages since I’ve seen them.” Fire erupts inside of me and I know that was a jab at Shane. Before I can rethink it, I’m spinning around and moving toward her. I grab Carol around the throat, slamming her against the nearest door. The students inside scream a little from the impact but no one makes a move to stop me.

  “I don’t know what your game is or what you think you’re going to achieve by coming back here but if you ever speak to her, look at her, or just breathe in her general direction, I will snap your neck. Do you understand me? Mom.” That last bit came out harsher than I wanted it too but by the way her eyes widen, she gets the picture.

  “Did you know?”

  “Know what?”

  “About her and her stepfather,” she says, pissing me off further. Shane gasps behind us, a small sob escaping her as she does. I don’t need to turn and look, I hear her feet hitting the marble as she takes off running.

  “What’s your play here, Carol? You want it all? You want a piece? What is it?”

  “Everything. I want everything I deserve and I will bring this whole town down around me to get it,” she snarls. So much for us playing her games, now she’s going to play ours.

  “Is that so?” I ask, cocking my head to the side to study her face. I bet she was even more beautiful once. Maybe before the hate and anger overtook her.

  “Your father ruined me. He took everything I had and left me with nothing.”

  “From what I hear you didn’t have a very hard time saying goodbye to your kids when you left.” She watches me, a small smirk playing across her face.

  “You were always the pawns, Callan. Don’t you see that? Your father wanted boys. He wanted men that he could groom to take over the company. Do you know why there are only three of you?” I grit my teeth not sure that I want to hear what’s about to come out of her mouth. “The first one was a girl.”

  What? We have a sister? A sister older than Steele? No. I’ve never met her. I don’t know anything about a sister. My hand slowly releases, and Carol instantly reaches up and rubs her throat.

  “I see you didn’t know that part.”

  “Who is she?” Carol shrugs.

  “She’s no one. She’s dead,” she says like it’s no big deal to her. None of this makes sense.

  “What do you mean? How?”

  “Think about it, Callan. Your father only wanted boys. The way he treated you three, the way he made you who you are. You’re a smart man, put the pieces together.” With that she turns and walks off the way she came leaving me stunned into silence. He killed her, or had her killed. If we did really have a sister and Dad didn’t want her, he wouldn’t keep her around. He would get rid of her. My God, what kind of sick fuck was he?



  I couldn’t stand there and listen to her. I couldn’t see him doing that to her and knowing what I know. So, I did what I do best and ran. Now I’m sitting in the stands with Whisper, watching the game. Callan had practice right after school and then again right before the game started. This is one of their hardest teams to play against and the new coach wanted to make sure they were all ready.

  “You okay?” Whisper asks leaning into me. I nod but I don’t look over at her. That’s when I feel her arm go around me. Steele is hollering and screaming next to her as we watch the game.

  “Run, Cal! Fuck, I should have stayed on the team,” he grumbles. “Look at them! Like a bunch of pussies.” Whisper and I share a glance before we both start laughing. God, I needed that.

  “What?” Steele asks, looking between us.

  “Nothing. Carry on,” Whisper says with a huge smile on her face.

  I watch Knox pass Callan the ball before he takes off down the field. Everyone is on their feet cheering him on including me. I don’t know why I get so excited watching him play. Maybe it’s because that’s the only time he can truly be a college football player and not a man that his Dad forced him to be. The crowd roars as Callan runs back with his finger held in the air. He got the touchdown. Not like that surprises anyone. The Alder boys all know how to
play football.

  “I’m going to grab a water. Want anything?” I ask, looking between Whisper and Steele.

  “Yeah, a water,” Steele says. I nod and jog down the bleachers and around the back toward the concession stand. Just as I pass the bathrooms, someone grabs me and pulls me inside. I’m about to open my mouth and scream when a hand comes down to stop me. What the hell?

  “You are a thorn in my side, Shane.” Carol? What the hell is she doing now? She walks around to stand in front of me while someone keeps me held in place. “You are warping him. All of this could have been so easy if you wouldn’t have come back. I thought that Matt would have killed you by now but clearly that idiot can’t do anything right.” Carol nods and the hand slowly leaves my mouth.

  “What are you doing, Carol?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  “You had a child, yes?” Blood whooshes in my ears. How does she know that? “Don’t bother asking a stupid question. I won’t tell you how I know anything, not when you’re screwing my son.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want what I’m owed. I want what was rightfully mine before that man stole it all!”

  “I won’t help you, Carol. If that’s what you think, you’re insane.” She smiles and presses her pretty manicured nail into my cheek. I wince at the pain but that isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever felt.

  “You will if you want that little girl to live.”

  “What are you talking about? She’s been adopted. She is living.”

  “You wanted to keep her, didn’t you?” She steps back, lowering her hand. “You wanted to keep that little love child.”

  “He raped me. That doesn’t count as love in my book.” I can hear the screams of the crowd, the announcer’s voices over the speakers.

  “But you wanted that child. You wanted something that would love you the way your mother didn’t love you. Something that was yours and only yours.” God, she’s disgusting.

  “Go to hell!” I roar. Her hand flies across my cheek, her nail ripping through my skin. I can feel the blood as it blooms on my flesh.


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