Cowboy's Curvy Nanny (Cowboy Billionaires #1)

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Cowboy's Curvy Nanny (Cowboy Billionaires #1) Page 12

by J. P. Comeau




  I let out a long breath as my brother continued to rattle on.

  “And here’s the thing about the percentages we were given. They’re all based on past things our parents did. Yeah, that’s right. They’re drawing these predictions from things that happened twenty, thirty years ago. Back when Mom and Dad were doing shit the hard way. We’ve expedited this process. We’ve come a long way in the few years since we took on this company. And our numbers have skyrocketed. I think if we’re going to get any sort of accurate prediction, we only need to be drawing from the years we’ve been running this company because that’s when we started implementing our way of doing things.”

  I nodded. “Right. So, do you have those projections, taking all of this into account?”

  Will grinned. “You know I do, brother.”

  I held out my hand, and he slapped the other file against my palm. And when I flipped open the cover, my eyes bulged.

  “You’re kidding,” I said.

  Will shook his head. “Not a damn bit. See how different the chart looks?”

  “And this is just with the things we’ve implemented.”

  “Over the past seven years, yes.”

  My eyes scanned the graphs. “This is insane. The investors are going to love this.”

  “I do think we should still be transparent and show them both files.”

  “Oh, yeah. Definitely.”

  “But, I think if you take this stuff to Houston with you on that trip coming up and get it distributed while you’re there, it’ll save Bart a hell of a lot of footwork come the end of the year.”

  I snapped my folder closed. “Get it all for me in one organized folder, and I’ll put it with my stuff.”

  My brother smiled from ear to ear. “Already done, man.”

  He handed me a laminated binder with charts and graphs that were color-coated, sorted by year, and then divided by my parent’s reign over this company and ours. Will had the stats split as well as calculated together, and I was impressed with the level of organization this took. Will usually threw shit together at the last minute. He was always doing that kind of thing to me. But with Bart’s encouragement, he had gone above and beyond.

  He was on another level.

  “All right. I got one more question,” I said.

  Will leaned back. “Hit me with it.”

  I peeked up from the binder. “Who are you, and what have you done to my brother?”

  He barked with laughter. “Like I’ve said: my passion is with numbers and graphs. I know we aren’t in a position to switch out the CTO we’ve got now. But when we do?”

  I grinned. “You’ll be the first considered for the job. Besides, I’m pretty sure Uncle Ryan’s going to be retiring within the next couple of years. So, you won’t have to wait much longer.”

  “Perfection in a bottle.”

  I turned my chair around. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Uh, uh, uh. Not so fast, brother.”

  Damn it. “What is it now?”

  He scooted his chair beside mine. “How about we talk about the attitude you came in with before I hit you with all of these lovely numbers.”

  I turned on my computer. “I didn’t come in with an attitude.”

  “Oh, yes, you did. Everyone felt it for miles. What gives? What’s happened?”

  I typed in my password. “Seriously. Nothing’s happened.”

  “Not even with a certain ex-wife?”

  I ground my teeth together. “What have you heard?”

  “Dude, I haven’t heard shit. But I know you. When you get this riled up? It’s only because of one person. And she’s the only person I’ve ever seen that pisses you off this much.”

  I sighed. “I had a conversation with Patricia’s lawyer last night.”

  “Why the hell are you talking to Patricia’s lawyer? Didn’t you get your own?”

  “Yeah. I did. Which is why I took the call. I wanted to know why the hell she was reaching out directly to me. Figured something was wrong since Patricia hasn’t once called Marie Lee or anything.”

  “Fuck, man. What happened?”

  I slowly turned in my chair to face him. “On top of everything Patricia has already done, and the money she’s siphoned off me, and the half of my retirement and investments that she can’t wait to get her grimy little hands on, she also wants fifteen percent of the family’s petroleum business.”

  Will stared at me for a long time before he cocked his head.

  “Is she huffing glue or something?”

  I snickered. “I got no fucking clue. But, I told her lawyer that the only communication she’d be having with me is with my own lawyer.”

  “Have you actually called your lawyer, though?”

  I nodded. “Late last night, when I finally settled down for bed. I told him everything that was going on, and he told me he’d reach out to Patricia’s lawyer and tell them exactly what I’ll be handing over. And if they don’t like it, we can go to court.”

  He clapped my shoulder. “I’m proud of you for finally standing up.”

  I shook my head. “It’s never been about standing up. It’s been about trying to get through this without ruining one another in the process. I don’t want this to be messy. Marie Lee’s been through enough. But if that woman thinks for one second, I’m handing over half of my life because she put up with me for two years after we got accidentally pregnant? She’s got another thing coming.”

  “Can I point something out, though? Something you could probably use in court?”


  Will sighed. “She still has yet to ask for custody.”

  The idea made me so sick I almost reached down for the trash can beside my desk. But, my phone ringing in my pocket pulled my mind elsewhere.

  “I gotta take this,” I murmured.

  Will hugged my neck. “We’re gonna get you through this, brother. All right?”

  I nodded. “Thanks.”

  And as Will left my office, leaving the binder behind, I picked up the call from my private investigator. I wasn’t sure how much more shitty news I could take, though.

  “Detective,” I said.

  “Mr. Remington. I wanted to call and inform you that I’m pretty sure your ex-wife is now working under the assumption that she’s being tailed.”

  I leaned back. “Sounds like a personal problem.”

  “Have you told anyone that is in contact with her about the fact that you’ve hired me?”

  I shrugged. “Just my brother. But, no one else knows. Oh, my lawyer now knows. But that’s it.”

  “And you’re sure your brother isn’t in contact with her or anything?”

  I chuckled. “He’d rather set himself on fire.”

  “All right. Well, then you’ve got a very perceptive ex-wife.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Why do you think she knows you’re following her?”

  “Her movements have changed drastically. She isn’t going to the usual places she’s frequented over the past few weeks. She isn’t meeting up with friends any longer. And I still can’t find her with any sort of a guy on her arm. I’m no closer to figuring out who in the world she’s left you for, but this drastic change in her patterns either suggests that she knows she’s being watched, or that she’s under threat.”

  I paused. “Under threat?”

  “I’ve seen it a few times before. If someone feels as if they are under threat for some reason, they’re patterns change. They go to different places to try and throw off whoever they feel might be tracking them down.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Patricia.”

  He paused. “Well, where do you want to go from here?”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Can we shift gears for a second?”

  “You keep paying the invoices, and I’ll do whatever you need.”

  I chuckled bitterly. “Thanks. Uh, I’ve got some issues cropping up wit
h the divorce. This woman you’re tailing, my ex? She’s demanding a great deal of my financial assets. Still, she has asked about nothing in the way of custody regarding our daughter.”

  “That’s a bit odd.”

  “Yes, it is. I’d like you to start digging into her life to see if you can find anything at all I can use in court. Because I know once she figures out that I denied her hefty financial requests, she’ll come at me with all she’s got.”

  “I can definitely do that. Heading to my office now. I can start with phone and bank records, and work my way out from there.”

  “I appreciate it, thanks.”

  “No problem, Mr. Remington. I’ll be in touch.”

  As I hung up the phone, I felt like I was sinking. I felt like I was bobbing in the middle of the ocean with no life raft, no paddle, and nothing to eat or drink. First, my ex-wife leaves. Then, the divorce. And then, Willow came charging head-first into my life like a bull out of its pen, and now I’ve fucked even that up!

  “God damn it!” I roared.

  I slammed my fists against my desk and felt the wood beneath it crack. I stood up from my chair, pacing around my office as anger grew within me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this sick with rage. My ex-wife wanted to financially rake me over the coals after she left me for someone else? My perfect nanny wants nothing to do with me after I couldn't keep my hands to myself?

  And the only one paying for any of this was my fucking daughter.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have custody, either.

  I raked my hands down my face. I had to get away from everything for a while. Then, it hit me. When the hell exactly was that business trip to Houston?

  I scrambled back to my chair and pulled up my schedule before a smile crossed my face.

  “Perfect,” I murmured.

  I typed away at my desk, contacting the hotel I was booked with. The weekend conference started Friday, but if God wanted to smile upon me, I’d be able to back up my reservation a few days. Hell, I could make it a week-long thing, get the hell out of here for a while, and clear my head before coming back home.

  And after backing up my reservation three whole days, I stood to my feet.

  “Time to get going,” I said to myself.

  After rearranging my schedule and shooting an email off to Will and Bart about the change in plans, I closed up my office for the day. My check-in time was before midnight this evening. So, I decided to take the convertible I kept cooped up in the garage and drive it to Houston. I would enjoy the nice road trip with the top down and a milkshake in the front seat beside me. Then, I would spend five days in Houston, where I got to enjoy their outstanding barbecue and sweet tea before the three-day conference started on Friday.

  I raced home and headed straight for my bedroom because I couldn't wait to get the hell out of this city any longer even though the girls were outside playing. And I didn’t want anything distracting me in the process.



  I could’ve sworn I heard Bryce pull up in the driveway while we were out back. But, I didn’t see him come outside of the garage. So, now that Marie Lee was at the dinner table for her snack time, I made my way up the stairs.

  “Bryce?” I called out.

  “In my room,” he called back.

  I walked up the rest of the stairs and made my way down the hallway. His bedroom door was cracked, and I heard his soft footsteps padding aimlessly around his bedroom. My heart seized in my chest as I ran down all the things that could possibly be wrong. But, when I eased his door open and leaned against the doorway, I didn’t expect to see a gigantic suitcase against his mattress.

  “Going somewhere?” I asked.

  He turned away from his closet. “Yep. Got a conference in Houston.”

  “Oh! That seems a bit… last minute.”

  “Well, the conference is this weekend, but I’ve got other business in Houston as well. So, I figured I’d go a few days early and knock out two birds with one stone.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “So, you’ll need me to hold down the fort while you’re gone?”

  He peeked over at me. “If you could, I’d really appreciate it. I’ve already transferred extra money into your account in case you want to order pizza one night, and generally for the overtime it’ll take for you to be here with my daughter while I'm gone.”

  I nodded slowly. “I appreciate that, thanks.”

  “Not a problem.”

  When should I tell him?

  “Oh! One more thing,” he said.

  My eyebrows rose. “I’m all ears.”

  He pointed at me. “I’d like you to sleep in the main house while I’m not here. It’ll make me feel better to know an adult is actually in the house with her.”

  “Oh, of course. I’ll put myself up in the guest bedroom down the hall.”

  “I really appreciate it.”

  Now. Tell him now. “So, I’ve got some--.”

  He held up his finger. “Sorry! Sorry. One more thing. Marie Lee has a doctor’s appointment I scheduled for her on Thursday. I’ll leave her pediatrician information behind. I noticed she had a little rash on the backs of her legs, and I wanted to get a doctor’s opinion on it.”

  “Noted. So, I wanted to talk with you about--.”

  Marie Lee’s voice drifted up the stairs. “All done!”

  I sighed. “Right.”

  Bryce grinned. “Duty calls.”

  “But, we do need to talk before you leave. Okay? I’ve got news.”

  He nodded. “Sure, whatever you want. Just let me finish packing, and we can talk.”

  That never happened, though.

  As I was wiping Marie Lee down in the bathroom, Bryce got a phone call that took him out to the front porch. After sitting Marie Lee down with the activity she chose in her little living room corner, I made my way back upstairs and found Bryce’s stuff only half-packed. He had clothes laid out on his bed, but not all of them had been packed away.

  So, I took the liberty of packing everything up and setting it off to the side.

  He needs to know. Even if you have to leave a note.

  I curled my nose up at the voice in my head. Leave him a note? Hell, no. This needed to be a face to face conversation. But, as I made my way out of Bryce’s bedroom, something hanging on the door caught my eye.

  And when I saw it was a suit, my jaw hit the floor.

  “Bryce is a suit guy?” I breathed.

  I reached out, running my fingertips over the soft material. It didn’t take a genius to know that this suit was incredibly expensive, but it felt so wonderful against my skin. I spread my hand against the breast pocket, imagining what he might look like in a suit.

  And when my thighs started warming, I quickly scampered out of his bedroom.

  I needed to be watching his daughter, anyway.

  “Such a weak little idiot,” I hissed to myself.

  When I came around the corner of the living room, though, I didn’t find Marie Lee playing. Or coloring. Or reading a book. Instead, I found her sprawled out on her fluffy rug, snoring softly to herself. I cupped my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggling. The poor girl was so exhausted that she had fallen asleep without her blanket or anything! So, I scooped her into my arms and walked her upstairs, settling her down in her own bed.

  But, when I pulled away, something happened.

  It was something I never expected.

  “No, no, no. No leave,” she murmured.

  Her hands tightened against my clothes as she pulled me into bed with her.

  “Stay,” she yawned.

  I heard the front door open. “Hey, I think Daddy’s back home.”

  Marie Lee started softly snoring again, though, which meant I could try and sneak away. When I heard Bryce’s footsteps coming up the stairs, I figured I could exchange myself with him. I mean, a girl wanted to fall asleep with her Daddy anyway, right?

  But, just as Bryce got to the door, I tried
to move. And Marie Lee’s grip on me only tightened further.

  “No, no, Wiwwow. Stay.”

  I kissed her forehead. “But, Daddy’s here.”

  “No, Daddy. Only you.”

  Her words gave me pause. So much pause, in fact that I stopped breathing. When my lungs finally drew in the much-needed air, though, I looked over toward the door.

  I found Bryce staring at me with a look I couldn’t interpret.

  I cleared my throat. “I, uh… took the liberty of packing the rest of your suitcase. I packed up the clothes you had piled up on your bed.”

  He nodded slowly but didn’t say anything. His eyes just kept staring at me. And the more he stared, the more vulnerable I felt.

  “I’ll just stay here for a bit,” I whispered.

  I wasn’t sure how long I laid there, but eventually, Marie Lee turned away from me. And when she let me go, I eased myself out of the bedroom. I needed a drink. A stiff drink, a nap, and a fucking reality check.

  “Seems like you’ve become part of the family,” Bryce said.

  Not the reality check I needed. “Can we talk for a second, if you have time?”

  I turned around and watched Bryce’s smile falter, and it filled me with guilt.

  “That depends,” he said.

  I closed his daughter’s bedroom door. “On what?”

  “Do we need wine, sparkling cider, or standing on the porch?”

  I blushed at his words. “Uh, maybe standing on the porch with some distance between us?”

  He pouted playfully. “Doesn’t sound like much fun.”

  “Well, it’s not going to be a fu--.”

  His cell phone started ringing in his pocket, and he raised his finger, stopping me in my tracks. Of course, the one moment I had him alone to talk about this like an adult, something else interrupted us. I was ready to tug that man downstairs, push him into a chair, and blurt out the news he needed to know sooner rather than later.

  But, as I watched him answer his phone, I knew it wouldn’t happen today.

  “Ten minutes,” he mouthed.

  I nodded, but I knew damn good, and well, we’d never get back to it.

  Still, I headed downstairs anyway. I grabbed a couple bottles of water and headed out to the patio, waiting anxiously for him to show up. But, when ten minutes passed, I cracked open one of the water bottles and chugged it back.


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