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by Casie L. Williams

“I’m sure that is not true. You could never be an idiot, let alone a babbling one,” he said, winking as he took another sip.


  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  Fumbling around her nightstand, Layla was trying to see through her eye mask to locate the thing screaming at her. Finally, her hand connected with the screaming and vibrating noise box. Pushing her mask up just enough to pry open an eyelid, she slid the ‘answer’ button. Before the phone even reached her ear, Jo’s voice came through:

  “LAYLA! He did it! He finally did it! He actually did it! I can’t believe he did it!”

  Layla yawned audibly before mumbling, “Gr-great, what? Who? Huh? Who did what?”

  “Colin. He asked. Me. OUT!” Jo shouted through the phone.

  “Girl! That’s awesome and I want the deets, but can it wait ‘til at least I’ve had some coffee? Seriously, what the hell time is it?” Layla asked, yawning through a half smile and rubbing her eyes to get them to focus.

  “Oh sorry, I was just way too excited to sleep in this morning. Tell ya what, I’ll grab the lattes and be over in fifteen. That should give you a chance to at least wash your face.”

  Not even giving her a chance to decline, Jo said bye and hung up.

  Chapter 4

  I was so excited. I felt like I was walking on air. I was going on an actual date with Colin. Like a real date, not just him coming to the bar where we exchange a few words in between me taking care of other customers. But a real date!


  Tuesday night couldn’t come soon enough. I was a ball of energy and nerves at the same time. No, Tuesday isn’t your typical date night, but I worked most Friday and Saturday nights, so…

  We pulled into the parking lot of O’Charley’s, a great steakhouse nestled right at the juncture of the Red and Cumberland rivers. There was a gorgeous backdrop to go with the amazing food.

  Colin parked, got out and came around to open my door. I smiled as he took my hand to help me out of his white Jeep Wrangler. We walked up to the entrance, his hand just above the small of my back, guiding me. Then he opened the big door. “Ladies first.”

  The young man waiting to seat us gave us a half smile. “Patio or inside?” was all he said. Not exactly the warmest greeting, but honestly, I didn’t care.

  “Do you mind if we sit on the patio? It’s nice out,” I asked.

  A smile graced Colin’s lips. “That sounds perfect, patio please.”

  The host led us to a table by the rail where we had a nice subtle breeze and the soft sounds of the river below. I couldn’t have imagined a better scene for our first date.

  Colin pulled out my chair.

  “I’ve never had anyone do that. Thank you,” I said beaming while taking my seat and nervously tucking my hair behind my right ear. It was an unconscious habit.

  “That’s a shame, but I’m glad I was the first one to treat you like a lady,” he said, his crooked grin growing wider.

  His smile always made my tummy flutter, but now those butterflies were having themselves a dance party.

  “This is so nice,” was all I could muster. So dumb, Jo. This is so nice?! Really?

  “It really is. I’ve actually been wanting to check this place out since I got here, so I knew this is where I wanted to take you. Though it never occurred to me until now—are you a vegetarian?”

  I could hear the nervousness in his voice at the idea he may have inadvertently brought a vegetarian to a steakhouse.

  “No, I’m not.” I giggled at his concern. “No, I love this place. But I don’t think I’ve been out here. My girls and I usually sit at the bar and I try not to critique the bartenders.”

  “Really? Well I guess that’s an occupational hazard.” He chuckled and I could see his shoulders visibly relax.

  Just then the waiter showed up. “Good evening, my name is Todd. I’ll be helping you tonight. What can I start you with? Perhaps a refreshing twisted lemonade or maybe a frozen strawberry daiquiri?”

  “Actually, the daiquiri sounds great, but can you make it virgin?” I asked as I held the menu.

  “Sure. And you sir?” He turned slightly towards Colin.

  “Ya know, I always like a refreshing drink. Think I’ll have the same.” He smiled first at Todd and then turned that gorgeous heart-stopping grin towards me. I swear my stomach was trying out for the Olympics.

  “Got it. I’ll give you a few moments to look over the menu while I put in your drink order.” With that, Todd turned and left.

  Looking up from my menu I saw Colin staring at me. Just looking at me. He was wearing a clean-cut black t-shirt tucked into a pair of very nice fitting jeans and a black Stetson to finish off the look. Normally I would’ve been like, Really jeans and a t-shirt for a first date? Seriously buddy?! Def no second date for you. But Colin just looked… exquisite. I found myself wondering what it would feel like to be in his arms. Then looking at his crooked grin, his lips seemed so kissable… Chill girl. It’s only the first date, you don’t want him to think you’re easy. By then Todd had dropped off waters so I quickly grabbed my glass and took a sip and wondered what Colin was thinking.

  Reaching for our glasses at the same time, we both giggled at the simple action.

  “Joleene, you look amazing. I mean you always do, but… wow! I’m gonna shut up now before I really swallow my foot.” Colin seemed to answer my question concerning his thoughts before taking a gulp of his water. Maybe he was just as nervous as I was?

  “Thank you. Yeah, I normally don’t wear a dress to work,” I said, beaming from his compliment.

  Before long simple quick glances gave way to easy casual conversation, from favorite colors to how we ended up in this town.

  When Todd stopped by to get our order, we realized we hadn’t even looked at the menu.

  “No worries, I’ll get your daiquiris and be right back to get your order.”

  “Guess we better take a look.” Colin grinned.

  “Guess so.” But looking at the menu was the last thing I wanted to do. I quickly decided on the six-ounce sirloin dinner and put the menu down.

  Colin seemed also unable to concentrate on the choices. He kept looking at me, his eyes scanning across my hair and face.

  Todd returned a few moments later and set our daiquiris down in front of us. Colin still hadn’t decided. I gave my order and then Todd turned to Colin.

  “And you sir?”

  “Ya know, that sounds delicious,” he said, looking at me. “Think I’ll have the same.”

  Todd wrote down the order and headed back in.

  “Couldn’t decide, could you?” I asked, winking at him and grinning.

  “How could you tell?”

  “Because there was a bit of a lag after I gave my order before Todd asked for yours,” I explained, grabbing my daiquiri and chuckling.

  “That obvious,” he said, grinning. “You have a delightful laugh, Joleene.”

  I could feel myself blush. The heat rising over my cheeks. I wasn’t used to getting compliments. Colin definitely was a gentleman.

  The conversation flowed as we learned more about each other. Every time he gave me a compliment, I instinctively tucked my hair behind my ear, even when it wasn’t out of place. His eyes followed the motion, and there was a warm endearment in them as he did so.

  Neither of us really registered the food had arrived as we grew more comfortable with each other.

  I was so taken by Colin’s crooked smile. Sometimes, as I found myself looking at him, my breath would catch. His eyes had glints of gold as he smiled. And I knew I was blushing every time he gave me a compliment, but I didn’t care. I just tucked my hair behind my right ear again and smiled.

  We paused when Todd checked on us and took away the now-empty plates.

  “How was everything?” he asked as he stacked the plates.

  “Great!” we both answered and then laughed.

  “Good, I’ll be back when you’re ready to pay.” Todd set down the bil
l holder and backed away as our conversation resumed.

  Colin pulled out his wallet and paid the bill. Then stood up. I was bummed the date was ending so soon, but knew he had to get up early for PT the next morning.

  I gathered my purse just as Colin came up behind to hold the chair.

  “Thank you,” I said, standing and again tucking my hair behind my ear. “I’m sure you have an early morning.” I secretly wanted the night to go on and also wanted to feel his hand in mine.

  Just then, as if reading my thoughts, Colin softly grabbed my hand and led me to the river walkway. “I do, but I still have some time,” he said, not even bothering to check his phone for the time.

  Oh wow. His hand is so strong and yet gentle. It feels so warm and comfortable, I thought as Colin laced his fingers with mine.

  “So, how are you liking Fort Campbell?” I asked.

  “It’s been pretty good. The guys haven’t hazed me too bad…”

  And like before, the conversation drifted with ease.

  Before long the sun had completely set and the stars had begun to twinkle.

  “Oh goodness, it’s getting late. I hadn’t realized the time.” I began searching in my purse for my phone. “Wow, it’s almost ten, we should head back to your Jeep.”

  Colin’s eyes became downcast and his smile slipped a bit. “Yeah we have a ruck march tomorrow.”

  “That doesn’t sound fun.”

  “It’s not,” he chuckled.

  Walking back to his Jeep, we held hands and enjoyed the comfortable silence again.

  Colin opened the door and waited for me to get situated. It was apparent neither of us wanted the evening to end.

  On the way back to my place, the conversation picked back up. A couple times one of us would make a comment about the song on the radio and he would either turn it up or down.

  Before either of us wanted, we were at my apartment complex. Colin parked the Jeep and came around to the passenger door.

  He truly is a one-of-a-kind gentleman. A girl could get used to this, I thought.

  Holding hands, Colin walked me to my door. I had never felt so special.

  I wondered if he would kiss me. I wanted him to, but again didn’t want to come off as easy.

  Finally, Colin leaned in and planted a slow and sweet kiss on my cheek. I couldn’t help closing my eyes as his lips graced my skin. When our eyes met, I could see how much he liked me. I only hoped he could see the same in mine.

  Chapter 5

  As Colin drove back to the barracks, he found himself unconsciously turning off the radio and letting his thoughts take over, replaying the entire evening. The conversation, the way she looked in her simple lavender dress, how the sunlight reflected in her eyes. The tint of pink in her cheeks as she smiled and blushed, her shoulder-length, golden-brown hair softly brushing her shoulders. My goodness, she truly was gorgeous. Colin loved how Joleene would tuck her hair behind her right ear, even when it wasn’t out of place, whenever he complimented her. The slight coloring to her cheeks told him she might not be used to compliments, but he was only speaking the truth. He was completely enamored with her.


  Someone was blaring their horn, snapping Colin from his revelry. He continued driving, his thoughts quickly drifting to her laugh. Oh man, her laughter was so infectious. She was beautiful inside as well.

  Before he knew it, he was at the main gate. He turned his lights down to his runners and reached for his ID. As he rolled up, handing over his ID, the other soldier checked it and walked around the Jeep, then wished Colin a good night.

  Back on his way, Colin began thinking of Joleene's hand in his as they strode down the river path, the way her fingers naturally intertwined with his, without a single thought. Holding her hand was beyond words. Mmmmmm… it felt so right. How her hand fits in mine. He came to his parking lot by his company and found a parking spot, some distance from his barracks. But honestly he didn't care. It gave him more time to think about walking Joleene to her door. After helping her out of the Jeep, he captured her hand. He didn't want her to go. Part of him wanted to pull her to him and kiss her, but he thought better of it. Instead he held her hand as they walked to her door. He tried to keep her close without stepping on her toes. He could feel her body warmth and smell her soft lavender scent.

  Oh, I should have said something about how great she smelled or something. Colin started as he stopped short and sidestepped the oncoming night sergeant who was making his rounds.

  “Oh, hey Sergeant. Sorry. My mind was somewhere else.”

  “A bit late, specialist.”

  “Yes, sir. Lost track of time, but set for tomorrow already, Sergeant.”

  “Good deal. You best be going, zero 400 comes fast.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Getting to his door, Colin thought, Sergeant’s right. I best be getting to bed, but Joleene's skin was so soft ... and his thoughts began to drift as he quietly unlocked his barrack’s room believing Kimber was asleep.

  “Dude, how was it?” Colin’s roommate, Isaac Kimber, caught him off guard as he walked in.

  “Oh you’re awake?”

  “Yeah.” Kimber was finishing packing for the ruck march in the morning while “The Last Witch Hunter” played for sound. “Just getting everything around. Tell me how’d it go?”

  “Man, it was great. She is amazing.”

  “Really?!” Kimber lifted his eyebrows and gave the typical ‘Ah yeah, brotha I know what you’re sayin.’

  “Just stop. Nothing happened. We talked and went for a walk on the river bank. We held hands. Hell, I didn’t even give her a kiss.” Colin felt he had to make sure Kimber didn’t think ill of Joleene.

  “So, let me get this straight, you didn’t even kiss her and yet you think she’s amazing?” cocking one eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Yes. It is possible to go on a date with a woman and not have sex.” Colin shook his head and began making sure his ruck sack was in order. “Dude, whatever, believe me or not. I’m gonna double check all my gear is ready then hittin the sack.”

  “Alright, chill. I’m just bustin your chops.” Kimber raised his hands in surrender all the while smiling from ear to ear. “Yeah, I’m all set just packing up. Night.”


  Sergeant was right, 0400 came faster than Colin would have liked. He stumbled through getting ready, trying to wake up. The crisp air smacked him as he left his room. His eyes popped open fully and he found himself ready for the task all soldiers hate: ruck marches. But this was to qualify him for his EIB, expert infantry badge. He wanted it. He was ready.

  By mile 18, Colin found himself fighting fatigue—mental and physical—focusing on his breathing and keeping his rhythm. His thoughts drifted back to the night before.

  He held onto Joleene's hand. Oh, how perfect her hand felt in his, their fingers intertwined together. So naturally as if they had been together for years.

  Once they got to her door, he remembered lingering for just a moment. He wanted to kiss her but didn't want to scare her off. So he merely grazed her cheek. She smelled so good. The lavender scent was still fresh to him. He could almost smell it. That's when his thoughts really began to wander into dreaming.

  I could have walked slower to her door, or better, held her hand lingering a bit more at her door, or...

  He saw himself turning to face her before she reached for her keys, reaching up with his left hand and sliding it to the back of her neck and tangling his fingers in her hair, staring into her eyes…

  “Damn Dawson! Where the hell’d you come from?” Kimber shouted as I passed him at mile 22. I hadn't even realized I was passing him until he said something and tossed me the chem-light, signifying I was the leader for the march.

  Tucking the glow-stick in my helmet, my thoughts went back to Joleene. Her hazel eyes really weren't hazel, but more green with flecks of gold. They didn't twinkle but were so full of joy.

  Maybe sparkled would have...would
be a good way to describe them. No, that doesn't fit them either.

  He could stare at them and get lost for days. Slowly, he found himself leaning down and just as he was about to capture her lips with his own…

  “Ahhhhh damn! What the… Ahhhh, son of—” A pain was shooting down his leg, ripping him from his thoughts. His leg was cramping with a mile left in the march. Stumbling to the side of the road, Colin dropped to the ground to try to stretch out the cramp so he could finish the march and qualify.

  “Hot damn!” he groaned, rubbing down his calf.

  “You good?” Kimber came up seeing Colin off to the side.

  “Yeah, cramp.” Colin groaned while rubbing his leg.

  “Thought you said nothing happened last night,” Kimber jeered

  Colin looked up at Kimber as he was getting ready to pass.

  “Shut the hell up, Kimber!” Colin threw the chem-light at him, mumbling under his breath how much of an ass Kimber could be.

  Concentrating on simply walking or rather hobbling, the last mile kept Colin from finishing his thoughts.

  Chapter 6

  “So…?” Layla was sitting on the edge of her seat trying to look patient as she waited for Jo to finish her sip of coffee.

  Smiling and watching her best friend about to fall out of her chair waiting for the juicy details was priceless. “So, what?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding me?” Layla almost shouted; she had to adjust herself before she really did fall out of the chair.

  “What? It was nice. He was sweet.” I was purposefully giving little away. It was too funny watching Layla.

  “That’s it? It was nice. He was sweet. That’s all you’re gonna tell me? You dragged me out of bed to tell me that?!” Layla was playing up the indignation, damn near spitting out her coffee. I coughed at the way she was acting.

  “Ok, settle, girl. It was amazing! He took me to O'Charley's. We sat out on the patio and talked and talked. I don’t even remember how dinner was. Once we left the restaurant, we walked the boardwalk holding hands. Oh my gosh, the way his hands felt…” My voice drifted just thinking about how natural it had felt to hold his hand. Our fingers entwined. The casual silence that was so comfortable. The conversation that we’d had was as if we’d known each other for years instead of really only getting to know each other that night.


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