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Alpha Page 13

by Brenda Trim

  “I can guarantee that if we didn’t have an extra passenger, this Jeep would be on the side of the road for very different reasons,” he muttered and caressed her cheek.

  Liv met his gaze in the rearview mirror. Green pools of desire ignited every cell in his body as he stared into the mirror. At that moment, Lawson knew without a shred of doubt that he wanted Liv by his side for the rest of his days. The human proved time and again her devotion to him. Their relationship had survived insurmountable odds, from his captivity to the incident with Kristi, and now the ordeal with Ryan. Any other female would’ve run from him a long time ago, but not Liv. She was everything he wanted and needed in a female. He was more determined than before to share his life force with her.

  They belonged together, and nothing could stop that from happening.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Liv held the door open so Lawson could carry Ryan into the building. He remained sedated, which was a blessing because she needed to give him his first infusion of blood. She closed the door behind them and locked it, then led the way to the holding cells.

  She walked into the large room, and Jeremiah looked up from a book he was reading. “Hi, Liv. How did the sear––” he trailed off when he saw Lawson walk in, carrying Ryan.

  “Hey, Jeremiah. You’re looking snazzy today,” Liv said when she noticed his clothes.

  They weren’t the sweatpants and t-shirt provided by S&K. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a lightweight green sweater that matched the color of his eyes.

  “Thanks. Knox came by and brought me some of my clothes from home. Looks like Lawson needs to borrow some,” he commented with a chuckle.

  Liv glanced over and nodded when she realized what he meant. She’d completely forgotten that Lawson was naked. His clothes were a shredded pile of material in the back of her Jeep. For shifters, nudity wasn’t taboo like it was among humans, but Lawson would need clothes to wear when they left the lab.

  “Lawson, you’ll find some extra clothes in the dresser drawer,” she informed him, nodding toward the wooden furniture against the far wall. “Jeremiah, I want to look at your chart as soon as we get Ryan settled,” she explained as she rushed to one of the empty cells and held the heavy door open for Lawson.

  Lawson carried the Ravin into the 12x12 room and laid him on the bed. Liv grabbed the supplies she’d set aside before they left town and quickly went to work, administering a dose of the shifter blood that was given to them by the Andersons. The couple generously donated their shared lifeblood, hoping it could help Liv’s ongoing research for a cancer cure. It was pure accident she discovered it could reverse the horrid effects to aging shifters.

  “Well, at least he’s safe and secured,” Liv declared as she pulled the syringe from the Ravin’s arm. “Let’s hope when we come back tomorrow, Ryan is the one laying here. Now, it’s your turn,” she added and grabbed another syringe from her medical tray.

  She turned to see Lawson slip on a pair of sweatpants and sighed. It was a damn shame to cover such an exquisite body. Her eyes snagged on the open wound at his side.

  “Lawson, why didn’t you say something? We need to get that cleaned and bandaged,” she blurted as she rushed to his side.

  “What I need is a shower. Is there another one in the building?” Lawson asked as she took his arm and injected a dose of blood.

  “There are two more cells in the room next to this one. Wouldn’t you rather shower when we get to Safe Haven?” she asked. Liv wanted to shower, too, but preferred to do it at their place.

  “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay here tonight. In case Ryan wakes up. He will have questions, and I don’t want him to think I abandoned him,” Lawson explained as he played with a strand of her hair.

  “Of course. I should’ve considered that. Just let me go over Jeremiah’s chart, and I’ll show you where everything is,” she replied as they exited Ryan’s cell and locked the metal door.

  “So, how are you feeling Jeremiah?” she asked as she walked over to the desk near his cell. She picked up his chart and realized he hadn’t had an episode since she left for her trip.

  “I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I guess if I had to pick one word to describe how I feel, it would be stable. There isn’t one hint of the Ravin trying to take control of my mind, and you can’t imagine what a relief that is for me,” Jeremiah offered as he leaned against the bars of his cell.

  “That’s incredible. That means our treatment is working. Now to see if it lasts. Given your shifter metabolism, I expect we will know the answer rather quickly. It would be nice if you didn’t need ongoing treatment,” Liv informed Jerry.

  “I know you will get all the facts needed. And, I’m very aware that I feel this good because of you, Liv. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” Jeremiah said, and she saw genuine gratitude in his expression.

  “No need to thank me. I think you’re ready for the next step. How about we take you home tomorrow? And, we’re right next door if you start to feel off again,” Liv suggested and gave him a big smile. This was the moment she’d dreamt of. The day he would walk out of the cell, and live his life again.

  She was shocked when a blank stare washed over his face. She expected him to jump and down with joy. He had to be miserable cooped up in the small room. No windows, no fresh air, no interaction with others.


  “I heard you,” he muttered.

  “Well, what do you think? Don’t you want to go home?” Liv asked curiously.

  “What if I’m not ready? These four walls have become a security blanket. If the Ravin comes out, I know I can’t harm anyone so long as I’m in here,” he confessed, and Liv looked over at Lawson.

  “Well, how about you come and stay at Safe Haven for a while? Just until you’re ready to go home. After all, you have a place in the pack if you want it,” she suggested as she locked gazes with Lawson, tilting her head toward Jeremiah.

  “Absolutely,” Lawson interjected. “You’re more than welcome.”

  Jeremiah was quiet as he considered their offer. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “Do you really think I’m ready?”

  “We won’t know until we try, right?” she remarked.

  “Jeremiah, I know you’re worried. And, I know how frightening it is,” Lawson reassured as he came over and stood by Liv. “I got a glimpse of the Ravin inside me, and it scared the fuck out of me. We are here for you. Like she said, you come to Liv or me if you start to feel like your control is slipping. If we’re right down the hall, you won’t have far to go.”

  “This is unchartered territory, and there are a lot of questions I need to answer. In fact, I would love for you to assist me. Come and share your experience with other shifters because I have a feeling once word spreads that we can reverse these side effects, we might need a larger facility,” Liv acknowledged. She hadn’t thought about the bigger picture until now, and she realized she would have to talk with Bart about expansion.

  “I think I would like that. Pay it forward,” Jeremiah said with a nod. “Okay, tomorrow it is,” he replied, and she heard a hint of enthusiasm in his tone.

  “Then it’s set. Get some rest. We will be checking on Ryan periodically through the night, but we’ll try not to disturb you,” Liv informed him as she made a few quick notes in his chart.

  “I probably won’t sleep much. Too anxious. I’ll try and read for a bit. Maybe that will calm my nerves,” Jeremiah mentioned as he went to his bed and picked up his book.

  “Good night, Jerry,” Lawson said, and Liv grabbed his hand, leading him to the holding cells in the next room.

  “Are you sure you want to stay here? These cells are pretty basic. The beds aren’t too bad though. I’ve taken a nap in here before,” Liv confessed as she turned on a small lamp in one of the cells.”

  “I’ll be fine. You go home and get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning,” Lawson told her and wrapped his arms around her waist,
kissing her forehead.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Outlaw. My place is with you. Remember? We’re a team now,” Liv declared.

  “Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have met you?” Lawson asked, staring into her eyes.

  She smiled up at him. “It’s always nice to hear it again,” she replied and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You go ahead and take a shower. I’m going to go grab a few things to clean your side. I know you heal quickly, but that looks like it could get infected easily so don’t argue with me,” she ordered.

  “Yes, doctor,” he replied and squeezed her ass. “Don’t you want to join me in the shower? I might need some help.”

  “Not a chance. There’s a shifter with sensitive ears in the next room, and these walls aren’t soundproofed like Safe Haven. I would never be able to face Jeremiah again if he heard us,” she confessed with a laugh.

  “Yeah, you’re right, especially since you’re such a screamer,” he teased as he walked toward the bathroom.

  “Ha, very funny,” she countered then added, “I’ll remember that the next time we’re in the throes of passion,” she shouted to his back. Screamer, my ass, she amended with a shake of her head.

  Liv made her way to the supply cabinet and grabbed what she needed to dress his injury. When Lawson stepped from the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, she had half a mind to yank it from his body and have her way with him, no matter what Jerry might hear. He was beyond enticing, with water droplets running down his chest.

  Liv shook off her salacious thoughts and concentrated on her task. She applied ointment to the wound then applied gauze and tape. She noticed Lawson sway and caught him before he fell.

  “Wow, you are tired. Let’s get you to bed,” Liv insisted, and he didn’t argue as she led him to the small mattress. In fact, his eyes closed shut before she covered him with the sheet. The night was taking its toll on him, as well, she thought as she walked toward the bathroom.

  Liv turned on the shower, and steam quickly filled the small space as she undressed. She stepped beneath the warm water and relished the feel. She didn’t realize how sore she was after the encounter in the Jeep, but now, with the warmth pelting her skin, every muscle screamed in pain.

  As the events of the night played through her head, Liv was shocked she wasn’t in worse shape. Aside from the raised knot on her forehead, she was unscathed. She was lucky Lawson was there to protect her, and he took the worst of the Ravin’s beating because of it.

  She couldn’t believe the creature that destroyed her vehicle was Ryan. She prayed they found him in time. Hopefully, he improved after his injection. And, she was grateful Lawson was given his first dose, as well. She’d never forgive herself if something happened to him.

  Liv shook off her gloomy thoughts. She needed to remain positive. Jeremiah had been Ravin for several months, and he was doing much better. She had to believe her theory was right, and that the blood infusions would help all shifters, no matter how long they’d experienced the side effects. Ryan was going to be okay, and so was Lawson.

  She turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Liv stepped from the bathroom and spotted a sleeping Lawson. He was out cold, except for the slight rumble of his snore. Liv donned the S&K sweatpants and t-shirt then towel-dried her hair as best she could. She carefully slipped beneath the sheets and laid beside Lawson. They were cramped in the small bed, but she didn’t care. Liv needed to be near him after the ordeal. She kissed his cheek then settled against his broad chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. The soft thump was her lullaby, and moments later, Liv drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lawson rubbed his face as he made his way to the room next to his, wanting to check on Ryan. The last thing he wanted was to fall asleep, but as soon as he stepped out of the shower, fatigue got the better of him. He vaguely recalled Liv tending to his injury but didn’t remember lying down or falling asleep.

  He quietly entered the room, hoping the Ravin had released control, and that his brother was lying on the bed. Lawson could scarcely make out the form in the darkness, but he could tell it was the Ravin. The creature was still sedated which was odd. The tranquilizer should’ve worn off hours ago. Lawson stepped closer to the cell, glaring at the beast. He refused to allow this monster to take his brother from him. He vowed he would do whatever it took to bring Ryan back to him and his sisters.

  “Be patient,” Jeremiah offered, intruding into Lawson’s thoughts.

  He glanced at the cell next to his brother’s. ‘I hope I didn’t wake you,” Lawson replied then heard a click.

  Light from Jeremiah’s bedside lamp cast a soft glow throughout the open space and Lawson could see the male sitting on a bed. Jerry was still wearing the clothes from the night before, and his bed was made. It seemed the male hadn’t slept a wink since he and Liv left the room.

  “You didn’t. Was just lying here thinking about today,” Jeremiah admitted and stood up to stretch. “I don’t know how much of a hold the Ravin has on your brother, but for me, the beginning was the hardest.”

  “How so?” Lawson asked. It seemed to him like it would be the opposite.

  “There is this rush of power that the Ravin brings. It’s very enticing. You don’t realize its manipulation until it’s too late. I enjoyed the change in the beginning. I felt like I could rule the world. It wasn’t until I couldn’t control the beast that I wanted out. By then, of course, it was too late. Hopefully, now that your brother has been given a dose of the shared lifeblood, he can see the error of his ways,” Jeremiah explained.

  Lawson recalled his personal experience. Yes, he did feel a surge of power, but not once did he want to give into it. He wondered if it was different for each shifter. Maybe some fell victim easier than others. He prayed Ryan fell into the latter category.

  “Thank you for telling me. That makes sense now that I understand it better,” Lawson said as he watched the Ravin in the other cell.

  “Keep the faith, and don’t give up on him,” Jeremiah reassured. “Having your support will be a huge benefit. Trust me.”

  Lawson could hear the hurt in the male’s voice. “You’ve got our support, too. Don’t ever forget that,” he promised. “I better go see if Liv is up. We’ll be heading back to Safe Haven soon, so get your game face on,” he said with a nod of his head.

  “Roger that,” Jeremiah called out as Lawson turned and left the room.

  He walked to the other holding area and realized he hadn’t checked his phone in a while. And then it dawned on him that he didn’t know where he put his cell phone. The last time he recalled using it was right before he went searching for Ryan outside Cassie’s home. It was in his jacket pocket, he remembered. He must’ve lost it in the woods when he shifted.

  “Fuck,” he cursed as he walked into the room.

  “What’s wrong?” Liv groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her long hair was a wavy mess, but she looked more beautiful than ever.

  “I just realized I lost my phone in the woods by Cassie’s,” he replied and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He leaned over and kissed her lips. Lemony sweetness surrounded him as her scent washed over him. Liv wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned back, tugging him with her, kissing him with abandon.

  “Screamer, you’re playing with fire,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “You’re terrible,” she scoffed and punched his chest. “How is Ryan? And Jeremiah?” she asked

  “The Ravin is still sedated, but Jerry is ready to go when we are. I don’t think he slept at all last night,” Lawson explained as he brushed red tendrils away from her face.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. He seemed petrified about leaving. We’ll have to keep a close eye on him when we get back,” she commented as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

  “I agree. As soon as you’re ready, we can go,” Lawson replied. The sooner they got back to Safe Haven, the better. He imagined Knox was ready to release his interim
title as Alpha.

  The Jeep bounced down the dirt road to Safe Haven, and Lawson looked at the hotel as it came into view. He couldn’t stop thinking about Ryan, and part of him hated leaving the lab, but he needed to check on his sisters and the pack. He’d already been gone longer than expected, and he didn’t want his shifters to think he was the type to abandon them. It was crucial they trust his leadership.

  Liv looked over her shoulder at Jeremiah. “I’m sorry about the cold air blasting you,” she apologized, referring to the broken windows.

  “No worries. I’m enjoying the fresh air. It’s the first time my wolf has stirred since turning Ravin. It feels good,” he admitted as he took in the scenery.

  “Well, this human is freezing her butt off. I can’t wait to get inside. My first stop will be in front of the fireplace,” she confessed as she huddled in her jacket.

  “And, my first task will be replacing your windows right after I check in with Knox and my sisters. I’m sure they’re going to be pissed at me for not touching base,” Lawson said as he pulled around the back of the hotel and parked.

  “Yeah, and I wasn’t much help, either. I have a dead battery and my charger is with my things at the cabin. Great team, huh?” Liv teased as they climbed out of the Jeep and headed toward the back door.

  Lawson grabbed her hand and twined their fingers. “I think we’re a perfect team,” he said with a knowing wink.

  As soon as they stepped inside the hotel, they were bombarded by a ranting shifter. “Why the fuck haven’t you returned my calls?” Knox blurted. “Didn’t you see my text messages? Do you not know what A-S-A-P stands for?”

  “I lost my phone so, no, I haven’t seen shit. And, yes, I know what it fucking stands for,” Lawson barked in return. “What has your panties in a wad?”


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