by Doug Wead
credentialed journalists on, 1
Donald on, 1
drive time radio campaigning, 1
exit polls, 1
Hillary Clinton’s headquarters on, 1
historians on, 1
Jared’s account of, 1
Peninsula Hotel, 1
planning Trump’s concession call, 1
polling operations, 1
radio interview, 1
telling Trump her lost, 1
Trump family voting on, 1
Trump Jr. on Good Morning America, 1
Trump replaying, 1
Trump’s loss as accepted wisdom, 1
war room, 1
Election Night Ivanka on, 1
media making effort to create excitement, 1
Parscale on, 1
returns, 1
Trump impressed with Clinton’s party
design, 1
Trump looking better than thought possible, 1
Trump’s compassion for Clinton supporters, 1
Trump’s frustration on, 1
Trump’s victory as death blow to many, 1
Trump’s victory speech, 1, 2
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 1, 2
Élysée Palace, 1
Emmy awards, 1
energy-independent America, 1, 2
England, 1
Enron convictions, 1
environment, 1
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 1, 2 See also Brunson hostage case
European Parliament, 1
evangelical Christian community, 1, 2
Evening Standard, 1
exit poll surveys, 1, 2
Facebook, 1
Falwell, Jerry, Jr., 1, 2
Family Leadership Summit, 1
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations), 1
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 1
Fear (Woodward), 1
federal judges, 1, 2
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1
Feinstein, Diane, 1
Fellini, Federico, 1
Fethullah Gulen, 1, 2
Fethullahist terrorist organization, 1
Financial Tribune, 1 first ladies
Barbara Bush, 1
causes supported by, 1
Hillary Clinton, (See Clinton, Hillary)
independent careers of, 1
Jacqueline Kennedy, 1, 2
Lady Bird Johnson, 1, 2
Laura Bush, 1, 2, 3
Melania Trump, (See Trump, Melania)
Michelle Obama, 1, 2, 3
modern role of, 1
as mothers of small children, 1
Nancy Reagan, 1, 2, 3
Rachel Jackson, 1
Rosalynn Carter, 1, 2
5 Star Movement party, 1
5G (fifth generation cellular network technology), 1
FiveThirtyEight podcast, 1
Flood, Emmet, 1
Florida, 1, 2
Flynn, Michael, 1, 2
Foley, Diane, 1
Foley, James, 1
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1
food stamps, 1
Forbes, 1
Ford, Gerald, 1, 2, 3
Ford, Jack, 1
Ford, Susan, 1
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, 1
foreign policy America’s role in the world, 1
China, 1
England, 1
France, 1
Germany, 1
Iran, 1
Italy, 1
Japan, 1
Latin American, 1
Mexico, 1
NATO nations paying delinquent dues, 1
Saudi Arabia, 1
South Korea, 1
tax dollars funding other nations’ government programs, 1
trade deficits and, 1
Trump’s frustration with past, 1
Venezuela, 1
Fox and Friends, 1
Fox News, 1
France, 1
Francis, Pope, 1
Fredericks, John, 1
free markets, 1
free trade, 1
French media, 1
Friedman, Milton, 1
Friedman, Uri, 1
Gang of Eight, 1
Gates, Bill, 1
Geist, Mark, 1
Georgetown University, 1
Germany, 1, 2
Gettysburg Address, 1
Ghana, 1
ghost voters, 1
Gingrich, Newt, 1, 2, 3
Giuliani, Rudolph (Rudy), 1, 2, 3
Global Magnitsky Act, 1
Goebbels, Joseph, 1
Goldston, James, 1, 2
Golge, Serkan, 1
Good Morning America, 1
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 1
GOP debates
Democratic candidates, 1
distinguishing oneself from the pack, 1
Trump, Jr. on, 1
Gore, Al, 1
Gorsuch, Neil, 1, 2
government shutdown, 1
GPS, 1
#GrabYourWallet, 1
Graff, Rhona, 1
Graham, Billy, 1
Graham, Franklin, 1, 2
Graham, Lindsey, 1, 2
Greenwald, Glenn, 1
Grenada, 1
Griffin, Kathy, 1
Griffin, Phil, 1
Grisham, Stephanie, 1, 2, 3, 4
Gritz, Robyn, 1
gross domestic product, 1, 2
G20 summit in Hamburg, 1
Guaidó, Juan, 1
The Guardian, 1
Gul, Abdulhamit, 1
Gulen, Fethullah. See Fethullah Gulen
Guthrie, Savannah, 1
Haberman, Maggie, 1, 2
Halkbank, 1
Hamilton, Alexander, 1
Hannity, Sean, 1, 2, 3
Harding, Warren G., 1
Harrison, William Henry, 1
Hartson, Kate, 1
Harvard University, 1, 2, 3
Hayes, Chris, 1
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1
Heller, Dean, 1
Helms-Burton Act, 1
Helsinki summit, 1
Herndon, William, 1
Hicks, Hope, 1, 2
Hicks, Tommy, 1
Hijazi, Aya, 1
Hilton Hotel, 1, 2
Hiltzik, Michael, 1
Hitchens, Christopher, 1
Hitler comparison, 1, 2
Hollywood antipathy toward white Christians, 1
opposing Trump, 1, 2, 3, 4
supporting Hillary, 1
“Unite for America” movement, 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1
Holt, Joshua, 1
Home Alone 2 (film), 1
Honduras, 1
Hoover, Herbert, 1, 2
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1
Hoover Institute, 1
Hoovervilles, 1
Horton, Willie, 1
hostages, American Andrew Brunson (See Brunson hostage case)
Aya Hijazi, 1
Carter on, 1
in China, 1
imprisoned outside US, 1
James Foley, 1
Joshua Holt, 1
in North Korea, 1, 2
Otto Warmbier, 1
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD), 1
Reagan redefining America’s policy on, 1
secret process for release of, 1
Trump negotiating for, 1, 2, 3
UCLA basketball team members, 1
House of Cards (television series), 1
Hsieh, Tony, 1
Huckabee Sanders, Sarah. See Sanders, Sarah
human rights abuses, 1
Human Rights Campaign, 1
human trafficking, 1
Hungary, 1
Illegal immigrants. See immigration
Immigrant’s Rights tributaries, 1
immigration from Asia, 1
child separation from parents in, 1
Democratic Party and, 1
France and, 1
; government-provided health insurance for
illegal, 1
Italy and, 1
Muslim, 1
Trump policy, 1
as Western Hemisphere challenge, 1
impeachment, 1, 2
Inauguration Day Bibles used on, 1
formal signing ceremony, 1
inaugural balls, 1
lighting Chavez candles on, 1
media coverage of Melania, 1
National Cathedral service, 1, 2
near disaster for Trump ladies, 1
parade route, 1, 2
readying for the balls, 1
Saint John’s Episcopal Church service, 1
swearing-in ceremony, 1, 2, 3
swollen feet, 1
Trump family White House tour, 1
White House private quarters, 1
incest, 1
India, 1
Indian Treaty Room, 1
industries for the future, 1
inflation, 1
infrastructure, decaying, 1
Inside Edition, 1
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 1
internet bullying, 1, 2
intersectionality, 1
Investors Business Daily, 1
Iowa caucuses, 1, 2
Iran, 1
The Iran Crisis (Wead), 1
Iran hostage crisis, 1
Iraq War, 1
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) appeal of, 1
Boko Haram collaborating with, 1
controlling land, 1
defeat of, 1, 2
Flynn on, 1
France and, 1
genocide in Sinjar, 1
massacring villagers, 1
media treatment of Trump’s victory over, 1, 2
Obama’s strategy, 1
“Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” memorandum, 1
rise of, 1
seizing American guns and vehicles, 1
Trump’s strategy, 1, 2
Islam, Frank, 1
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. See ISIS
Islamic terrorism, 1, 2, 3
Israel, recognizing Jerusalem as capital, 1
Italy, 1
Jackson, Andrew, 1, 2
Jackson, Michael, 1
Jackson, Rachel, 1
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 1
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, 1
Japan, 1
Javits Center, 1
Jay-Z, 1
Jefferson, Thomas, 1
Jefferson Memorial, 1
Jeffress, Robert, 1, 2
Jerusalem, US embassy in, 1, 2, 3
Jesus, 1
Jindal, Bobby, 1
jobs creation, 1, 2
jobs president, Trump as, 1
Joel, Billy, 1
Johnson, Andrew, 1
Johnson, Boris, 1
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1, 2
Johnson, Louisa Catherine, 1
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 1, 2, 3
Johnson, Martha, 1
Johnson, Woody, 1
Joshua project, 1
journalists. See media
Judd, Ashley, 1
“Jumpin’ Jack Flash” (Rolling Stones), 1
Kaine, Tim, 1
Kaled, DJ, 1
Kasich, John, 1, 2
Kaufman, Ben, 1
Kavanaugh, Brett, 1, 2
Kavelec, Kathleen, 1
“Keep It Great” rally, 1
Kelly, John, 1, 2, 3, 4
Kennedy, Anthony, 1
Kennedy, Caroline, 1
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 1, 2
Kennedy, John F., 1, 2
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 1
Kerry, John, 1
Khrushchev, Nikita, 1
Kid Rock, 1
Kim Jong Nam, 1
Kim Jong-un. See also North Korea American hostages and, 1
background of, 1
hating the word “hostages,” 1
Saigon Summit, 1
Singapore Summit, 1
Trump and, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Kim Yo-jong, 1
King, Gayle, 1, 2
King, John, 1, 2
King David Hotel, 1
Kipling, Rudyard, 1
Kirk, Charlie, 1
Kissinger, Henry, 1
Knavs, Viktor, 1
Korean peninsula, denuclearizing, 1
Kramer, David, 1, 2
Kristof, Nicholas, 1, 2
Krugman, Paul, 1, 2
Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 1
Kul, Ismail, 1
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), 1
Kushner, Arabella, 1, 2
Kushner, Inc. (Ward), 1
Kushner, Ivanka. See Trump, Ivanka
Kushner, Jared on Access Hollywood scandal, 1
assignments, 1
attacks on, 1
breaking China deadlock, 1
on bringing corporations back to America, 1
on China trading relationship, 1
criminal justice reform and, 1, 2
daughter Arabella as biggest fan, 1
on economic growth, 1
election day campaigning, 1
election night, 1
on energy-independent America, 1
on environment, 1
on foreign travel, 1
on foreign wars as unsustainable, 1
improving White House meetings, 1
informality of Middle East meetings, 1
at Jerusalem embassy dedication ceremony, 1
leading White House Office of American
Innovation, 1
lighting Chavez candles in White House, 1
on media conspiracy, 1
on Merkel, 1
Middle East crisis and, 1
on moving American embassy to Jerusalem, 1
on Mueller investigation, 1
NAFTA and, 1
Paul Ryan and, 1
Paula White and, 1
on people in politics, 1
personal diplomacy idea, 1
on president’s decision making, 1
as president’s fireman, 1
on president’s legacy, 1, 2
on president’s style as key to success, 1
Priebus and, 1, 2
renegotiating NAFTA, 1
Republican National Committee and, 1
on Secret Service, 1
sister Dara, 1
on tax reform legislation, 1
Trump administration role, 1
on Trump as outsider president, 1
on Trump as patient listener, 1, 2
on Trump missing Christmas with family, 1
at Trump Tower meeting with Russia, 1
on Trump-Kim relationship, 1
on Trump’s compassion, 1
Videgaray and, 1
voting on election day, 1
White House first time visit, 1
White House office, 1, 2, 3
White House reputation, 1
White House salary, 1
wife (See Trump, Ivanka)
working on Wisconsin, 1
Kushner Orbach, Dara, 1
Kyoto Protocol, 1
La Guardia Airport, 1
Lafayette Park, 1
Laffer, Arthur, 1
Lankford, James, 1
Latin American policies, 1
leadership, Sun Tzu’s philosophy of, 1
League of Communists of Slovenia, 1
Lee, Mike, 1
the Left. See also Democratic Party tolerance of, 1, 2 on Trump’s economic miracle, 1
Trump’s victory as death blow to, 1
Let Me Finish (Christie), 1, 2
Lewandowski, Corey, 1
Lewinsky, Monica, 1
Libertarianism, 1
Libya, 1, 2
Lichtman, Allan, 1
Lighthizer, Robert, 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 2
Lincoln, Willie, 1
Lincoln Bedroom, 1, 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1
lobbyists investing in Clinton Foundation, 1
NAFTA and, 1
presidents benefiting from, 1
Trump and, 1
wars making money for, 1
Logan Act of 1799, 1
Luntz, Frank, 1
Lynch, Loretta, 1
Maas, Heiko, 1
Macron, Emmanuel, 1, 2
Maddow, Rachel, 1, 2
Madison, James, 1
Madonna, 1, 2, 3
Maduro, Nicolás, 1
MAGA, Make America Great Again, 1
Magnitsky Act, 1
Maher, Bill, 1, 2
Manafort, Paul, 1, 2, 3, 4
Manigault Newman, Omarosa, 1, 2
Maples, Marla, 1, 2
Marble Collegiate Church, 1
Marine One, 1
Mar-a-Lago, 1, 2
Matthews, Chris, 1
Mattis, James, 1, 2
May, Theresa, 1
McCabe, Andrew, 1
McCain, John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
McCain, Meghan, 1
McCain Institute for International Leadership, 1
McClellan, George, 1
McMaster, H. R., 1, 2
McMullin, Evan, 1
Meacham, Jon, 1
media. See also pundits; individual media outlets absent from Trump Tower, 1
on America First policy, 1
attacking Barron, 1
attacking Melania, 1
blaming voters for bad poll information, 1
as Clinton supporter, 1, 2, 3
covering Inauguration Day, 1
creating excitement on election night, 1
Democratic Party alliance with, 1, 2, 3
economy, reporting on, 1
exit polling data, 1
friendly to Trump, 1
good news, bad news maxim, 1
government’s request to ignore hostage
stories, 1
hiding Trump’s victories, 1
Jared Kushner on, 1
on moving American embassy to Jerusalem, 1
Mueller investigation and, 1
negative Trump stories reported by, 1
newspaper endorsements, 1
not getting the movement, 1
promoting election as fraudulent, 1
promoting opinions, 1
protective of presidents, 1
rallies, reporting on, 1
seeking to divide Melanie and Donald, 1
targeting Republican presidents, 1
theological expertise of, 1
Trump Jr. watching meltdown of, 1
Trump-Kim summit reaction, 1
on Trump’s successes, 1
Trump’s views of, 1
Meet the Press, 1
Mercy Corps, 1, 2