From A Harlot To A Princess

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From A Harlot To A Princess Page 14

by Cage Thompson

  “Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it’s almost breath-taking to the point you feel you can’t take it…”

  —Thom York

  A SMILE SPREAD ACROSS HER lips as she eased into Carter’s arms to watch the twins. The theatre lighting gave the room an intimate feel, and Carter’s hand on her thigh caused her to become heavy with lust. Her eyes began glazing over when he inched up her thigh, creating larger circles as he went. She didn’t know how they had lasted for the hour so far. Shifting her legs, she crossed them, sucking in a breath when it caused her underwear to tighten over her swollen, intimate flesh.

  Rochelle pressed the cold glass against her flushed cheek, as Rupee’s “Tempted 2 Touch,” began blaring through the overhead speakers, causing her heart rate to increase drastically. She sucked in a breath and replaced the glass on the tabletop with a shaking hand. Craning her neck, she allowed him greater access, yet, wanting him to stop.

  Girl, if you don’t drag this man into the closest private area… Lust growled in her head.

  “We booked three separate rooms,” she started breathlessly.

  Carter smiled against her neck, his fingers now at the junction of her thighs. “If you hadn’t, we were planning to,” he murmured. “Morris and Stacey have a history,” he finished casually, causing her gaze to flash towards the other couples around the table.

  To her surprise, they were almost totally in darkness, she hadn’t realized how private their table had been, and the other two were as heated, and yet comfortable, as if this wasn’t their first meeting. Though according to Carter, it wasn’t Morris and Stacey’s first time seeing each other.

  There’s a story there, she thought, but had no time to pursue the idea, for his finger stroked her mound, and she nearly flew off the seat. “Easy, tiger; we’ll get there,” he whispered, with a chuckle.

  Rochelle stilled his hand when his strokes began going lower. “We can’t here,” she said breathlessly, but he only shrugged off her hand and slid under the thin material to rub her clit. “Fuck.”

  “I’m planning to, and yes, right here, sweetheart,” he stated lowly, pulling her earlobe between his teeth. “Come onto my lap,” he murmured, removing his hand, and cupping her hips to aid her.

  Rochelle sucked in a breath as she settled right against his zipper, his hard-on was breathtakingly rigid. She heard his hiss before his teeth grazed her neck when she automatically rubbed against him. “Carter.” She murmured, when he brought his hands around, and widened his legs, forcing hers to widen. He held down one thigh with a heavy hand, whilst the other shifted her underwear, before claiming her roughly with his fingers.

  Rochelle would have bowed off of him if his other hand had not been constraining her. She bit her lip harshly when he increased the speed, trying not to let the world hear her orgasm. “Damn, you’re so hot, so wet,” he murmured, as he sucked on her neck.

  Carter covered her lips with his ‘free’ hand, as she crashed into an orgasm. Easing her forward slightly, he quickly released his belt and slid down his zipper, releasing a raging shaft. Hurriedly, he positioned and sheathed himself inside her for as far as he could.

  Rochelle’s fingers dug into the cushion of the seat as she became overwhelmed by a feeling of fullness; yet, she still felt needy. She needed him to move before she died from anticipation. Tilting her hips, she shifted and gasped, when she took him to the hilt. “Fuck!”

  Carter’s breath fanned the hairs on her neck and his eyes closed as he savored the depth. It was the first time that a woman had ever been able to accommodate all of him so gracefully. He’d always had to be careful not to go too deep or a particular angle, but this beauty… This beauty was awe-inspiring. His fingers clamped around her thighs, as her muscles clenched and unclenched around his throbbing length. She hadn’t been able to take all of him the first few times that they’d come together, or maybe he had just been subconsciously holding back when she had begun adjusting to his size. But now, now, this powerful machine of a woman could take down his kingdom with a flutter of her eyelashes.

  Rochelle, on the other hand, felt no different. She could feel his heavy breathing warm against her perspiring skin, and she knew that if she’d died right then, she’d still be the luckiest woman alive.

  She swallowed when she realized that she could also feel his pulse both against her back, and inside of her, between her legs. Her head fell onto his shoulder, exposing her neck to his deft lips more.

  What did this feeling mean? Her heart questioned longingly.

  That there’s no going back; the Hummingbird Club is over for you, Reason pointed out boldly.

  Her lips fell apart when he passed his lips over the sensitized flesh. She groaned deep in her throat, before pushing down the saliva that sprung into her mouth.

  Carter swallowed too, his Adam’s apple bumping against her shoulder, as she started to shiver as if feverish, her vaginal muscles tightening around him and he knew that he had to still her before she caused them both to combust before he was ready. His lips brushed her earlobe as he brought his mouth up. “Take a sip of your martini, and don’t spill even a droplet,” he murmured into her ear.

  Rochelle shook her head in declination. She didn’t think that she could move without going up in flames, much less try to retrieve her glass. She gasped, and bit back a strangled cry, when he cupped her hips to pull her down as he flexed his hip upwards, hitting her sweet spot when he sank deeper into her channel.

  “Not a word,” he hissed. “Now, get the drink.”

  She knew that it was just a mild warning, and knowing Carter, he wasn’t afraid to let her fall apart a lot more vigorously than he had planned. With a shaking hand, she reached out and encircled the base of the wide bowl of the martini glass before carrying it with a trembling hand to her shivering lips. His lips brushed her ear once more, and his breath ruffled the hairs as he spoke, his voice low, yet, carrying above the club’s noise.

  “It’ll help you to calm down a bit, and allow me to regain my shattered control,” he stated, before pressing his lips to her throat, causing her to crane it to enhance his access.

  Carter sucked in a breath when her muscles clenched around his throbbing length, and his slacks tightened over his powerful muscles. He gripped her hips, and eased her off a bit before pulling her back. He felt her fingers dig into his thighs, causing him to shiver. His control was shattering rapidly once more. “Sit back, sweetheart; press your back to my chest, and rock your hips. Don’t rise and fall, unless you want your friends to know that you’re not just sitting in my lap,” he murmured against her neck.

  Rochelle swallowed as her nipples hardened painfully at his words, and she complied slowly, allowing her body to adjust to his size and depth. She pressed her back to his hard chest, her head lolled against his shoulder, exposing her neck to his lips, even more, raising her heart rate. Her fingers reached forward to clasp his hand, as he clamped his thumb and index around her clitoris.

  “Let go of my hand, Rochelle,” he warned, and she shivered.

  She turned her face into his neck to let out a shaky breath. “You’re killing me, Carter. I can’t handle this,” she groaned. Exhibition had never been her style, but the way her blood was pounding in her ears at the thought of someone knowing what they were doing, or watching them, had her thinking that she was mistaken in her thoughts.

  Carter flexed his hips in another warning, and growled in his throat, when she gasped and sank her teeth into his neck to muffle her cries of ecstasy. “Let go,” he hissed, and his fingers tightened around her pearl, as his world stumbled. He felt her groan vibrate against his shoulder before she removed her hand. "Clamp your vaginal muscles around me and rock."

  She groaned once more, and shook her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  "It's up to you, sweetheart; I can surely keep up the torture all night," he murmured silkily, knowing that she didn't
know that he couldn't dare hold up to that threat.

  Rochelle peeked at the others through the pleasure-hazed slit of her eyes, and blushed when she saw the look of wild abandonment on the twins' faces. She sucked in a breath as the pressure began building rapidly; she hadn't realized that watching others would turn her on so much, or knowing that they had no idea what they were doing; maybe, it was the idea that they knew. Whatever it was, it was causing the intensity of Carter's prowess and boldness to engulf her and set fire to her blood.

  Carter bit the walls of his cheeks as his sacks tightened when she shivered around him as she neared her peak. Moving his other hand from her hip, he pressed it to her stomach to increase the pressure and upped the speed of his fingers toying with her clit.

  She used his neck to muffle the screams that she was sure could have been heard if the music had not been pounding in the large room. Ripples rocked her slender body as multiple orgasms dragged her over the precipice of lust over and over again. She felt Carter's groan vibrate against her spinal column, and the warmth of his seed spreading inside her body as he filled her to the hilt, overwhelming her with his sheer size and volume.

  As a tidal wave of emotions ran over him, Carter closed his eyes, forcing his body under control. His heart rate was soaring, and he swore that he could feel it even in his tongue. He swallowed and tasted the metallic flavor of blood, realizing that he must have bitten his cheeks too hard.

  She released a shaky breath when he leaned down to kiss her forehead before muttering a breathless thank you, which she acknowledged with a slight movement of her head on his shoulder. She swung her legs to the side to cuddle him, and sink into his warmth, but had briefly forgotten that he was still embedded in her and was rapidly hardening once more.

  Carter's breath hissed between his teeth as the friction from her movements increased the rigidity of his rapidly growing hard-on. His muscular arm came around her middle to clamp her to his chest, effectively keeping her still. Reaching down with his free hand, he pulled out his crested handkerchief to bring it to his lap. "Lean forward and allow me to slide out," he instructed softly, and she complied reluctantly, knowing that she'd miss his presence within her.

  An automatic whimper passed her lips as the fullness began to diminish, leaving behind an almost unbearable ache. Her breath hissed between her clenched teeth as the handkerchief brushed her clitoris and her labia as he cleaned away their combined fluids, the material warm from its closeness to his overheated torso. The cloth of her barely-there panty swiftly followed to resettle in its previous location, chafing her over-sensitized nether lips and pearl. His dick jerked against where her ass cheek and thigh met, still wet from his exit, causing her body to tighten in response.

  "Scoot over and retake your seat," he whispered. But instead of doing so and collecting her purse that had cluttered to the marble floor, she sat riveted, staring as he cupped his now fully mast length and began to quickly wipe it down. "While you're at it, collect your purse, and let's take this to the room, because I can't promise not to throw you onto this table the next time if you don't stop looking at me like that," he murmured- his voice soft, but a steely note lay beneath its surface.

  A groan pried her lips apart when he reintroduced his shaft to his chinos, and for the first time, she realized that he was going commando.

  Well, somebody came well-prepared, she thought.

  A chuckle slid from between her lips as she bent down to collect her jeweled clutch from under the table.

  He never failed to amaze and amuse her, and he never hid his vulnerability to her from her either. What a combination, she thought dreamily.

  She sucked in a breath from shock, when a warm hand cupped her still exposed ass, and if it wasn't for the firm palm between her shoulder blades, she would've probably cracked her skull with the force that she'd jerked up with. Pulling in rapid gulps of air, she eased from beneath the table and met his eyes. Fire blazed through his now dark green eyes, and heat washed through her in the same instant that her nipples became mini pebbles.

  "Now, Rochelle," he commanded, as her eyes ravaged his too handsome face. Wrapping his fingers around her forearm, he lifted her from her seat, after ensuring her dress sat right on her body. With a brief nod to the pair of twins, who she wasn't even sure noticed, they exited their nook at the table.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief- but the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.”

  —Hilary Stanton Zunin

  ROCHELLE TURNED OVER IN THE bed, only to collide into a hard, warm wall.

  “Morning, sunshine,” a deep voice whispered, causing the wall to vibrate ever so gently.

  She shifted to snuggle closer to the warmth, and gasped, when a very hot rod met the base of her spine. “Go back to sleep,” she murmured, and he chuckled, flexing his hips, causing his shaft to rub against her skin that was rapidly being filled by goosebumps.

  “We need to get ready to head back,” he informed her, his voice laughingly loud.

  With a shrug, she pulled the sheets over her head with a groan, causing him to laugh outright.

  They'd been locked away in their own little world for a whole three weeks. They only ventured out when they were in the mood to include their friends. A blush stole across her cheeks when she remembered how she'd humped his back in the water while he'd held her against it at the beach. Then she'd taunted him with the Merlot and sundae at Pizza Hut when they'd went out for a simple dinner. She groaned as she remembered the hours of torture she had faced in the bedroom when they'd returned to the hotel suite.

  A small cry passed her lips when firm fingers slipped between her exposed nether lips, and she instinctively moved so that he could sink inside, but instead, he pulled back his hand and laughed. Rochelle shrugged off the sheet to look up at him with daggers in her eyes.

  "What the hell was that for?" She snapped, and he raised a brow in warning.

  "Are you forgetting that we should collect your mother today?" He questioned, his voice slightly hard, and she shivered at the anger in his green depths.

  She knew that it wasn't directed at her, but her father, but it still shattered the secure bubble that she had been cocooned in for the past few weeks. It reminded her too much of what resulted from her father being angry.

  With a sad smile, she nodded, before swinging her feet to the floor.

  Carter's gut clenched when he saw the contentment in her eyes shatter before she walked to the bathroom. His fingers balled into fists when she passed him with her head down as if she was going to the gallows, and it killed him not to reach for her to comfort her in the way that she'd become used to. With a sigh, he went to repack their overnight bags, while she had her shower.


  Carter looked across at her in the Jaguar. They had given the Range Rover to the twins, and had taken the smaller vehicle. He smiled as she looked back at him, laughter shining in the depths of her hazel eyes; no doubt it was from the pheromones racing through her system.

  Carter had given up his fight quickly to be stern earlier to join her in the bathroom. They had ended up having a fiery coupling, and it was then that he'd seen the tears. He had looked into her eyes then, and he had seen it; the very thing that he had been both hoping for and dreading: her love and devotion. She didn't want this to end like all her other 'appointments.'

  He eased the car out of the hotel's parking lot behind the Range Rover to head for the road that would take them across the north coast, and back to Kingston. Briefly and subconsciously, he touched the top pocket of his pressed shirt, releasing a breath that he hasn't realized that he had been holding when he felt the little square. Reaching across the divider, he enclosed her fingers with his hand before bringing her fingers to his lips.

  "There's something that I want to ask you," he murmured silkily, holding her eyes briefly, as he maneuvered the vehicle through the early morning

  "Like what?" She questioned, as she turned towards him in the seat.

  "Put on your seatbelt," he commanded, and reached for his cell when it began ringing, throwing her a frown when she failed to comply fast enough. "De Silva," he answered.

  "You've been delinquent about your security detail over the past few weeks," his grandfather murmured disapprovingly, down the phone line, and Carter automatically looked up and into the rearview mirror. "The Mercedes and Audi a few cars behind you, the boys and your companions are security, so don't - as the Americans say- freak out, when you spot them," the king stated, causing Carter to roll his eyes. Beside him, Rochelle chuckled at his childish display, and he shot her a warning glare.

  She laughed and mouthed, "You should see your face," before sticking out her tongue, causing him to chuckle.

  "I'm glad that you're enjoying the company, boy; just hurry and get her pregnant."

  Carter threw a glance at her, this time with a toe-curling, warm smile, as they neared a stoplight. "I'm planning to do a lot more than that," he started, anchoring the cell between his shoulder and ear, in order to shift the gear stick to gear down the car.

  "Then you'll have to keep her under surveillance constantly, Carter; no harm can come to her, or your future children."

  Carter washed his eyes over her, and this time, she frowned before mouthing, "What it's it?"

  "I know, Grandfather," he responded, before severing the call after another warning from his elder to keep safe.

  "What's that goofy grin for?" Rochelle chuckled, as they slowed behind the Range Rover at the stoplight.

  Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the little black box in order to hand it to her. He saw shock, joy, and uncertainty, flash through her eyes successively, and he allowed his smile to widen reassuringly. "I didn't want to do this, this way, but seeing that you're so curious, open it," he murmured, as her hazel eyes held his emerald ones and her fingers lifted the lid. "Look at it," he prompted, and a gasp escaped her lips when she complied.


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