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Wishes Page 10

by J. C. Owens

  Auri grimaced at the pain, unable to use his bound hands to try to ease the grip, before he took in the sight before him.

  Three massive Felinians stood before them, the others having eased back so as not to get involved in the coming dispute, though their eyes were hungry upon Auri. They were obviously not senior enough to be able to challenge for this prize. His captor snarled, crouching over his prisoner possessively. The other three growled back, claws emerging.

  One lunged forward and Auri’s captor stepped over him, as they met in a tangle of powerful bodies, emitting terrifying roars, claws raking and gouging.

  Auri scrambled awkwardly back, out of the way, casting a wild look about in the faint hope he might escape in the confusion, but a large hand came down on his shoulder, holding him firmly to the ground on the edge of the crowd, forcing him to await the outcome of the current battle.

  He could only watch for a few moments before he had to look away from the primal scene, feeling ill. He had never truly realized the power of those claws, nor seen the teeth of a Felinian tear into flesh before with such savagery. This was no polite skirmish for possession; this was quite possibly to the death. Auri keenly felt his lack of size, realized how tiny he was in comparison, and how helpless.

  Fur and blood scattered over the ground, and Auri wanted to cover his ears as the group around him roared and snarled in response to what they were watching.

  It was over as quickly as it had begun. His captor stood victorious over the fallen body of his opponent. It looked like the defeated Felinian still breathed, but he was deeply unconscious.

  Auri’s captor raked the ground with his clawed feet, a shrill, piercing cry of challenge to the remaining two.

  One of them answered and sprang forward, eyes literally glowing with rage.

  Auri shuddered, pulling his knees up to his chest in instinctive self-protection. That one of these beasts would claim him…he would never survive. There seemed to be no difference between the animal side and the more civilized side as there was with Kanar and his people. These rebels were like a completely different species in comparison, their brutality and animal needs front and center.

  The second fight ended as abruptly as the first, Auri’s captor giving a savage shake of his head at the other’s throat.

  Auri could not tell if this second one lived as the limp form dropped to the blood-soaked ground and he could not say he cared, his anger rising as swiftly as his fear.

  The third combat was different. They circled each other, snapping at the air, low growls rumbling from their throats, fur bristled to make themselves appear as large as possible. It looked as though they were both fully aware of each other’s capabilities and were careful of them. When they finally closed with each other, it was with explosive force.

  Auri began to shiver uncontrollably, his fear rising, his bravado fading. The winner of this combat would claim him. He thought of Kanar and wanted to weep. His mate would never want him back after another had had him. He would be tainted beyond redemption, and the mere thought of these filthy beings imitating what was so beautiful with love…

  He squeezed his eyes shut with realization. He did love Kanar. Despite their rocky start and their differences, the bond with his mate had grown past recognition. The addition of Bredan to the bond only seemed to strengthen it, create something greater. To have a chance of love and security in his grasp, and now to have it taken brutally away… He wanted to scream his rage and sorrow.

  Kanar! his heart cried.

  He lifted eyes damp with tears to watch dully as his captor defeated the final opponent. He gave a grunting roar of triumph, the fur around his neck standing in a ruff, showing his dominance. He waited, chest heaving, for some moments, standing tall and proud, waiting for another challenge, but although the other Felinians shifted restlessly, they did not make the mistake of confronting the scarred one.

  At last he turned, blazing eyes falling upon Auri. Auri tried not to show his terror, but he found himself leaning away from the predator who stalked toward him.

  The scarred one picked him up as easily as if he weighed nothing at all, then held him by his shoulders and leaned down to savagely claim his mouth. When Auri refused to open to him, he bit the human’s lip, drawing blood. Auri cried out in pain and the scarred one’s tongue swept within, stealing his prisoner’s very breath.

  Auri tried to struggle, but it was like fighting stone itself. He could vaguely hear the cheers and growls of approval from those watching, but his senses were fading from lack of air, and he could not focus on anything but that.

  At last, the tongue slowly left his mouth, and all Auri could do was gasp. He had not even the strength to spit at his captor, as much as he wanted to remove any part of this being from within himself.

  Powerful arms swept him up and he could only lie there, closing his eyes against the leers of the other rebels, their eyes hot and needy.

  For all he knew, he would be given to them next.

  They passed through the crude doors of a wooden hut, and Auri was thrown down on a vast mattress covered with cloth and furs. The musky, stale odor of the furs rose up, and he half choked with disgust as he struggled to sit.

  The scarred one grasped his ankle and yanked Auri toward him as his claws extended.

  Auri tried to kick him with his other foot, but his captor deflected it easily and brought the claws to bear. Grasping the waist of the loose pants Auri wore, he sliced easily through the material, tearing it away. He held Auri down as he pulled his boots off, then the shirt and jacket went the same way. He released his prisoner then, and Auri pushed himself away until he hit the wall, curling his legs up and trying to cover his nakedness as best he could, fists clenching in his bonds.

  The scarred one simply watched, his claws slowly sheathing, his eyes hot and cruel.

  “So you are my beloved brother’s latest prize. He always had exquisite taste.” The sarcasm was so strong it took some time for Auri to realize the portent of the words themselves.

  “Brother?” he questioned, hating the shake in his voice.

  “Did he not tell you? My heart is broken that I have fallen so far from Kanar’s favor he has told one of his mates nothing of me.” He watched Auri’s bewilderment with a half smile that held nothing of humor.

  “I am Kanar’s older brother, the one who should be ruling. Who shall rule. The weakling was given control after I was exiled. I have decided he should share with his brother. He does not need four mates, whatever the fates have decided. I think it is time he remember me and what I am capable of.”

  “Kanar is no weakling. He will come for me.” Auri fought to make his tone sure and strong.

  His captor chuckled, an eerie, bitter sound. “I hope so. It is time for his rule to be over.” He leaned closer, golden eye gleaming. “You are my bait, little human. When I fuck your brains out, he will feel it through the link, your bond. He will not be able to control himself, and he will confront me.” He straightened, claws extending and retracting in tune with his thoughts, tail lashing. “He will die, and I will rule as should have been since the beginning. The fools chose him because they wanted peace, wanted the war to be over.” He laughed then, and it held a hint of madness that made Auri shiver. “They did not see the answer.” His eyes glowed with purpose. “I will seize the illanium and control it. We will sell it to the highest bidder and buy ships, great gunships. We will take the war to the Empire.” He stripped off his kilt and laid his weapons aside before kneeling on the bed, slowly stalking toward Auri on all fours. “Then we will have all the wealth and power we will ever need.” His feral smile grew larger. “And all the little humans we could ever want.” He grabbed Auri’s ankle again and pulled him beneath him in one powerful movement.

  Auri froze in terror as claws traced around his eye. “Before he dies, I will take Kanar’s eye as he took mine.” Great teeth gleamed as the scarred one leaned closer. “And you will see it all, my little human. You will live. Be first
in my own harem, and every time I take you, you will mourn for him. You will see the Empire fall and witness how humans should be treated.” He laughed as Auri snarled and tried to struggle as best he could.

  The golden eye filled with lust then and he knelt up, prying Auri’s thrashing legs apart with ease.

  Auri’s eyes widened as he saw the dripping cock emerge from its sheath, felt its pointed tip positioned at his opening. He fought desperately, arching and straining, but his strength was as nothing to his captor. The scarred one grasped Auri’s hips and with a single tug, speared him onto his cock.

  Auri’s agonized scream rent the air, and the scarred one laughed as he leaned over, his words bringing as much pain as the rape.

  “My brother will come. And he will die…”

  Chapter Eight

  Auri woke slowly, pain throbbing through every part of his body. He whimpered, beyond even trying to hide his weakness. He opened one eye, the other swollen shut, and saw no one within his limited vision. There was no sound in the hut, though he could hear Felinian voices just outside. Guards, no doubt.

  He tried to lift his head, but the moment he moved his neck, he nearly passed out. Another whimper escaped his lips as he fought to stay conscious.

  A cool cloth descended on his forehead, wiping away blood and sweat as well as many others fluids he did not want to remember. Auri froze, his breath hitching in renewed terror.

  “Shh. I am not he. I only wish to help.” The voice was unfamiliar but undeniably human.

  Another human? Here?

  The cloth bathed the blood from his right eye, gently soaking it. When the stranger’s touch departed, he could actually open it a little, though everything was blurry.

  “Why are you here?” Auri croaked, fear at his utter helplessness making him shiver, renewing his own pain.

  The cloth returned with fresh water, the touch gentle and smooth.

  “I am to care for you. He said so.” There was a quiver to the voice, showing this person feared the scarred one as much as Auri now did. Obviously he had also had dealings with Felinian brutality.

  Auri subsided then, in too much pain to be able to do much else. He slid into fevered dreams,

  whispering Kanar’s name even as silent tears slid down bruised cheeks.

  * * * When he awoke again, his mind was a little clearer. His hands were free of their bonds, and the aches in his body had lessened somewhat. There were voices close by and Auri stiffened, afraid to move in case it brought the scarred one’s attention back to him.

  They spoke in swift Felinian, so he could understand very little of what they said, only that there was an undercurrent of satisfaction that boded ill. He could hear the sound of eating, smell food, and his own stomach ached with need. His right eye was a little less swollen and he could see more of the hut, but he did not dare turn his head to view any more. He lay silent and still, wondering how much time had passed since his capture. He had no idea how long he had been unconscious both times. It could have been hours, it could have been days. By the reaction of his poor stomach, it had to have been a considerable amount of time.

  Most of the voices faded as people left, then he heard approaching footsteps and froze utterly, heart pounding, his breath suspended.

  Hard hands turned him on the bed, made him sit up against the wall. The movements sent shards of agony through his body, and he almost blacked out. When he came back to full consciousness, he stared into the golden eye of his captor. He shrank back instinctively, this being having taught him the true meaning of fear, of helplessness, and of hatred.

  A satisfied smile curled his captor’s lips as he viewed his handiwork. “He is coming. Full of rage if I gauge correctly; rage that will slow his reflexes, make him easier prey.” He trailed a claw down Auri’s cheek. “This day will see your mate die and like the good brother I am, I can only take in all his mates, make them mine. Or maybe I will give the others to the most loyal of my followers.”

  Auri’s eyes widened and his mind screamed with rage. He would die before he let this beast touch the others. The thought of Bredan, Illian, and Ciris undergoing what Auri himself had was too much.

  He lunged forward, ignoring his body’s cries of pain, his fingers curling around the hilt of the dagger at his captor’s waist. Claws sank into his back, but he was beyond feeling anything but fury and

  determination. He drew the weapon and turned, scoring a long gash along the scarred one’s thigh before he was thrown to the floor, his hand crushed as the knife was forced from his hand.

  A sweeping backhand knocked him flat and he lay there, stunned, waiting for death. At least then he could not be used against the ones he loved.

  A huge hand curled around his throat and lifted him into the air and back onto the bed.

  “My brother named you true. You are a small tiger. But I am bigger and I am dominant. I will enjoy breaking you.” One clawed finger took blood from the thigh wound and painted Auri’s lips with it before forcing his mouth open and making him taste what he had done.

  “Your first lesson will be that you are mine utterly, and that will be when you see him die.” He rose from the bed with the lithe grace all Felinians seemed to possess, the shallow wound not seeming to hinder him at all, much to Auri’s disappointment. “Right now you have hope. When he is gone you will have none. Your defiance will not last long after that.” He picked up something from the table and returned with it in his hand. Before Auri could react, his captor had leaned over him and pushed something around and onto his neck, metal clicking shut.

  Auri reached up with disbelief, trembling fingers tracing the metal encircling his neck.

  The scarred one smiled. “Do not worry. You will have a more ornate one in time, fit for a king’s mate, but for now…”

  He turned away, gesturing curtly to someone out of Auri’s sight. “Tend him. I want him ready for when my brother arrives.”

  “Yes, my lord.” The voice was soft and low, utterly submissive.

  The scarred one took a last look at Auri and swept from the hut, speaking briefly to someone outside before leaving.

  Auri began to shake, his eyes fixed on the doorway.

  “Please let me tend your wounds.” The gentle voice made him start, and he turned to stare at the human who had cared for him before.

  The man was young, blond hair, blue eyes, and something jogged in Auri’s memory. Something Kanar had spoken of.

  His eyes widened with realization. This was the mate who had been stolen almost a year ago, the mate of Kanar’s friend.

  The young man was covered with bruises, his eyes dull and resigned. He did not look up at Auri, only stared at the floor as he waited for an answer.

  Auri reached out with shaking fingers, touching the young man’s cheek. He flinched away, then stilled, quivering with the obvious desire to flee.

  “You are Aidar, Malar’s mate,” Auri whispered.

  The blue eyes flew up to meet his, shock in their depths before tears filled them. He looked away then, face drawn and lined with grief.

  “I was…once.” The voice shook and the young man, Aidar, bit his lip to contain the urge to uselessly weep.

  Auri wanted to weep himself, seeing a mirror of what he himself would become.

  * * * Aidar washed the blood and filth from Auri’s hair, then dried and combed it until it shone.

  “He commanded that you have no clothing, only these.” Aidar’s voice was apologetic, timid, obviously expecting Auri to make a scene as he presented two anklets and two bracelets, solid metal, obviously meant to restrain.

  Auri stared at them, saying nothing, then shot a look at Aidar. Auri might be punished for resisting, but he had the feeling it would be Aidar who would take the brunt.

  He took them silently and put them on his own wrists and ankles, hearing the small release of breath that signaled Aidar’s immense relief.

  Auri saw no point in resistance that would harm others. If he was passive enough, pliant,
it might gain him some edge for what was to come. Perhaps in some fashion he might be able to aid Kanar, free himself and Aidar.

  He could not leave without this poor, battered boy. He could not live with himself if he did, knowing now how Aidar suffered.

  He leaned forward, taking Aidar’s hand gently, his thumb stroking the back. “We will get out of this, Aidar. Kanar will save us.”

  The younger man looked at him in silence, not negating his words, but there was no hope or belief in those blue eyes.

  * * * The sun was past its zenith when the sound of horns announced Kanar’s arrival.

  The rebels stirred restlessly when they saw the size of the army amassed against them, and they looked to the scarred one for reassurance. He stood, legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, a smile of anticipation on his lips. “He will do nothing to us, you fools. Not if he values his little mate.” He carded his fingers through Auri’s black hair. Auri sat curled at his captor’s feet, wrists together before him and ankles bound together with the metal restraints.

  The rebels relaxed somewhat, though their restlessness did not cease. This battle between Kanar and his brother would decide the fate of their world.

  In the distance, Kanar stepped forward, his stance clearly aggressive and battle ready, his fur bristling with all he felt. Auri felt pride rise. He looked more than a match for his mad brother. The scarred one left Auri with his second in command and slowly, casually approached his brother. Kanar left his own army with his younger brother, Neel’s mate, Nadim.

  The two met some small distance from the opposing forces, their faces hard and cold with all they felt.

  There was a long silence; even the forest itself seemed to be waiting, soundless.

  “Greetings, brother.” The loathing in the word was evident in the scarred one’s sneer. “It has been too long since we last spoke.”

  Kanar’s eyes roved over his sibling, a faint regret shining for brief moments before he hardened utterly.

  “Greetings, Varan. You have forced this meeting by the abduction of my mate, Auri. Such a thing is against all morals within our clan. I find this a crime of such low character that I am astonished even you could have conceived it.” His gaze slid to Auri, ice settling into his eyes as he catalogued each wound upon his beloved little tiger. His attention returned to his opponent. “You will pay for everything, even the tiniest bruise you have inflicted upon him.”


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