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Wishes Page 12

by J. C. Owens

  movements. Before Auri could try to move away, Ilian began to kiss and lick his way down Auri’s neck, humming quietly, his kisses never stopping. Over Auri’s chest, he paused to lick and suckle his nipples until Auri gasped into Bredan’s mouth, arching, his body beginning to waken, to want.

  Ilian did not pause for long, but kissed over Auri’s taut belly before swallowing his shaft without warning.

  Auri’s cry echoed over the waters, his fingers clutching Bredan’s shoulders desperately. He laid his head on the broad chest, burrowing closer, and Bredan’s arms enfolded him willingly, giving him the comfort of familiarity.

  Auri’s hips flexed, and he scarcely noticed the small fingers slowly stroking down into his cleft. Ciris must have mysteriously brought oil, because the single finger that pressed gently into his body was slick and without pain.

  Auri would have jerked away then, but Bredan murmured comfort, kissed his neck, and gently nibbled on his ear, distracting.

  The finger curled in Auri and the pleasure shot through his body so that he almost collapsed from the intense combination of sensations. Ilian’s lips were insistent and talented and his tongue a thing of wonder. One of Auri’s hands left Bredan to touch Ilian’s head, wordlessly giving appreciation. Ilian hummed then and his fingers rolled Auri’s balls in their sac, making his toes curl, his thighs tighten and tremble. It was so long since…

  He pushed forward into that hot mouth and then back onto that stroking finger, beginning to pant, the water running over his skin adding extra stimulation that drove him nearly mad with want.

  “This is love, Auri. This is for you. You are beautiful, treasured, cherished, loved. He did not take that from you—he only made you think so. Wash him away, Auri. Cast him off; he is no part of you but what you allow. We will touch every part of you, paint new pictures in your mind, shower you with such love you will never doubt again.”

  Auri felt tears squeeze out past his tightly closed lids at the loving words, and he pressed closer to Bredan, almost trying to become one with him in his need.

  Ilian stopped licking at Auri’s shaft, making Auri whimper in distress at the cessation of heat. The other mate rose to his feet, kissing him gently and thoroughly before moving behind him. His finger replaced Ciris’s, soon adding a second one, making Auri arch again and moan, little sounds of need passing his lips.

  Bredan turned Auri in his arms so his shoulder was against Bredan’s chest and the others had free access to Auri’s body. Ciris pulled Auri down for a kiss, his gentle, sweet smile easing Auri’s heart. He trailed small hands down Auri’s chest, then turned and before Auri could think, he was buried in Ciris’s body, his cock sheathed in wondrous heat. He shuddered, grateful for Bredan’s support as he swayed.

  The distraction was needed, for he had no time to tense as Ilian’s long, slender cock slid into him without stopping. Pierced and piercing, he was frozen, shocked, ready to flee the intrusion.

  Bredan soothed him, held him close. “There is no pain this time, Auri. It is Ilian, only Ilian. Feel him, feel the love he gives you. Feel Ciris. This is nothing the same.”

  Ciris thrust back, again pulling Auri from his thoughts, and began to impale himself on Auri’s cock, writhing and twisting deliciously. Auri threw his head back on Ilian’s shoulder, crying out softly. Ilian smiled against his cheek, breathing raggedly into Auri’s ear. “You are so hot inside, Auri. So wonderful. Can you feel me there, feel me so far within you? You are pulsing around me, caressing me, pulling me deeper. Do you want me, Auri? Let me cleanse you within. There will be nothing there but me, nothing but pleasure.” He gently thrust, angling against Auri’s prostate so the shorter man quivered in ecstasy. Ilian stayed there, twisting his hips so his cock pressed and rubbed mercilessly over that spot.

  “Yes,” Auri groaned, his voice wavering. One of his hands moved back to hold Ilian’s hip, pulling him forward. “Oh, gods yes. I want you, Ilian. Take me deep, make him go away…” His voice broke on a sob.

  Ilian kissed him, then held him close, thrusting deep, then deeper as Auri directed. Auri held tight to Bredan, but he could not stop his instinct to move, and he let Ilian guide him, the thrusts behind moving him deeply into Ciris.

  It was a primal dance of beauty, of love, and Auri felt the last ties holding him to the nightmare begin to loosen their hold on him. The memories would not fade for many long years—they would never truly leave entirely, he knew—but the love pouring over him enabled him to be strong, to move out of the dark and into hope. His heart opened; he let Bredan and Ilian and Ciris into it, alone no more. In that moment, he came, and the mingled cries of the four men, for Bredan came at the same time, so affected was he with the erotic beauty of the other three, was as a song rising to ethereal ears.

  An unseen being of light and love saw that song as golden notes, and her love surrounded the four men, the healing she gently cast around them complete.

  * * * Two nights later, Kanar had his meal with his four mates, and his heart lifted as he saw his little tiger more at peace, that beloved face free of its expression of pain and anger. It was a great gift to the Felinian leader and his spirits lifted. He had been so very worried.

  Auri did not participate much in the discussions of the evening, but he did not withdraw mentally either. He listened, often nodding or shaking his head, and seemed much more at ease with himself and the others.

  Bredan had told Kanar what had transpired between the four of them, and it had pleased the Felinian greatly that it had had such positive results, but he wistfully wished he could have been part of it all.

  Would Auri ever let him touch him again, or would he always be taken for his brother? They had looked so much the same…Kanar sighed. Patience, it would take patience. He had to hold to hope.

  At the end of the meal, he quietly named Ilian and Ciris as those to stay with him.

  It was then the miracle happened.

  Auri looked up from his meal and into Kanar’s eyes.

  “Could all of us stay tonight?”

  * * * Auri could not believe he had uttered those words. His heart pounded and a cold sweat gathered on his brow, but he fought the fear. If he was going to heal totally, it was up to him to make the move toward it.

  Kanar was too concerned to ever press the matter, and if left, the fear might settle into something permanent, something that would make him wish to never touch or be touched by Kanar again.

  He refused to lose his mate.

  He just had to be brave. He swallowed hard. The others all stared at him, then Ilian laughed

  out loud and flew to embrace Auri, chattering a mile a minute. Auri leaned into the touch, laughing a little at Ilian’s tireless rambling, but his eyes never left Kanar.

  Kanar rose to his feet and gave Auri such a smile of joy Auri could not help getting a little emotional, laying his head on Ilian’s shoulder when it got too much. He wanted to be in control, not a shaking mess.

  As they each disrobed and went to lay upon the massive bed, Auri began to tremble despite all his efforts to the contrary, but he also had to laugh again as Ilian played the clown, bouncing on the bed and using pillows to attack Bredan mercilessly. Ciris crawled away from the combat, chuckling as he curled into Kanar’s arms.

  Before he knew what happened, Auri was engulfed into the battle, and the three of them duked it out with fervor until they had to collapse onto the bed, panting and sweaty, tangled in each other.

  Ilian raised a weak hand. “I win,” he declared. The other two were too exhausted to retaliate, so he was declared unofficial winner with the possibility of a rematch later.

  While he lay there, Auri felt open to possibilities, the seriousness of the moment taken away to be replaced with more gentle thoughts.

  He reached out with his hand toward Kanar. The Felinian froze, his eyes worried and tense, afraid to make a wrong move. Ciris kissed him, shaking his head with a smile, and removed himself from his mate’s lap, pushing him ever so gently toward

  The Felinian went cautiously, laying himself down close to his little fourth mate so he would seem as small as possible, less threatening.

  Auri reached out with trembling fingers, gently beginning to trace the lines of Kanar’s face, exploring every inch of it, detailing how different it was from Varan.

  Two beautiful golden eyes looked back at him, and there was no terrible scarring to mar the softness of the facial fur. Auri stroked the sensitive whiskers, smiling when Kanar grimaced and almost sneezed. He ran his hands through the thicker ruff around his mate’s neck and then reached up to stroke the soft ears, delighting in their texture and the way they flicked under his touch. Kanar moaned a little, tilting his head for more contact, his eyes closing in total contentment, a bass purr rumbling up from deep in his chest.

  Auri picked up one of the huge hands, stroking the fur on the back, memorizing the markings. Here was the biggest difference from Varan. Varan had had very dark hands, the golden fur shading into a sable. Kanar’s were the opposite. The golden color went lighter and lighter toward his fingers until the black stripes lay over almost white fur. Nothing like Varan. Nothing at all.

  Auri rubbed his face against the hand, convincing himself it would not hurt him. This was Kanar, not his older brother. This was someone who loved him, did not want to simply possess him.

  Kanar let him lead, laying back as Auri moved down over his shoulders and to his chest and stomach, petting the softest of fur. The purr intensified and Kanar looked to be boneless in his pleasure, his eyes half lidded, his body laid out for Auri’s perusal.

  The other three lay with each other, lazily stroking and cuddling but not interfering in the least with Auri and Kanar. This could only be between the two of them.

  Auri delighted in the new knowledge Kanar was deliciously sensitive and ticklish right next to his sheath. With the lightest of touches, his cock would appear and withdraw rhythmically from its protection, and his whole body would shudder with the depth of pleasure it produced.

  Auri felt powerful, in control. All this power and strength in Kanar, yet he willingly gave itself into Auri’s hands, responded to his every touch. He leaned down as he gently teased around the sheath area, laying his lips on his mate’s. Kanar moaned into Auri’s mouth, slowly brought up a hand to hesitantly stroke his hair, caress his cheek.

  Auri leaned into the touch, not away, and he felt his mate relax a little more. Auri felt like Kanar needed his reassurance, and it further empowered him, made him attentive and less focused on his own fears.

  He felt the soft brush of fur across his back and realized Kanar was playing with him, tickling him with the tip of his tail. He found himself smiling, then arching with a little moan as the tip gently brushed his cleft and down the backs of his thighs. It was so very, very different from his experiences with Varan it did not enter his mind in that moment to feel fear or protest the touch. It felt divine.

  He kissed his mate more deeply yet, brushing his tongue over Kanar’s, drinking in his taste and very essence, needing to use that sense to produce new memories to overlay the old. He put one leg over Kanar, pushing him fully onto his back, straddling him, relishing the warm fur on his inner thighs and how it cushioned his balls and tickled the underside of his growing erection. He writhed a little, enjoying the sensations engendered, his hands resting on the large chest before him.

  Bredan leaned closer, quietly offering a small vial of oil, and Auri accepted it, gently and thoroughly anointing Kanar’s shaft, even though it was wet in its own right. Then he oiled his own fingers and, watching Kanar’s eyes, began to prepare himself, hardly able to believe he was being so freely wanton in front of so many watching eyes. He arched as his first finger penetrated, the feeling odd, dual sensations of touching and being touched. He played there, giving out a small breathy gasp as he felt his own prostate. He arched as he massaged there, panting with pleasure and need escaping his lips.

  Kanar moaned and began to pant as well, his huge shaft erect and quivering with need as he watched the erotic performance.

  Auri added the second finger, licking his lips as the sensations intensified. He rose to his knees, oiled fingers on the other hand working his own shaft, burning eyes watching Kanar’s rising heat, his need pulsing between Auri’s thighs like a heartbeat.

  At last Auri could take no more. He needed…he needed his mate now, right now.

  He pulled his hand free, almost whimpering at the loss, then positioned himself over Kanar’s shaft and let his body drop, enveloping the huge girth with one motion.

  Kanar gave a feral cry, his teeth baring at the intensity of pleasure that bordered on pain. Auri did not move, his body shivering, not knowing whether to indicate ecstasy or agony. There were both and Auri wanted them, wanted to know this pain was his own choice, and it would lead to only pleasure, only closeness with his mate, his love.

  Kanar made a peculiar chuffing noise in his throat, a feline call to his mate and Auri responded, beginning to move. The pain receded, the pleasure grew. He was vaguely aware of other hands touching him, touching Kanar, but it was all one, all part of the whole and it was right, not an intrusion.

  Faster he rose and fell, lost in increasing bliss, his hips thrusting and twisting. Kanar put hands on Auri’s hips, claws so carefully sheathed, and helped his movements. Auri began to shudder, to lose his rhythm. His movements became erratic, his eyes rolling back as the pleasure became almost unbearable. At the last moment, with a massive effort, he opened his eyes and met Kanar’s heated gaze.

  “Kanar!” he screamed, almost a benediction, a blessing of sorts, telling the world, the universe itself how he felt—this was his mate, and never would anything part them again. He was free of the past— Empire, loneliness, perfectionism, striving to be what others wanted. This was his world now, and it would be forever his choice to remain here.

  Kanar gave a grunting cry and bathed Auri’s insides with his very essence, his love, cleansing, reaffirming, healing.

  Auri fell to the great chest, panting, and he sighed as he felt strong arms enclose him, protect him. He would never fear those arms again. That was behind him.

  Warm bodies cuddled close, kisses and stroking, gentle murmurs as the other mates enfolded them, celebrating the moment as the family they were.

  Kanar gave Auri a tender kiss, even as he gently touched each of his other mates, pulling them close as they formed a loving tangle upon the great bed. Auri lay replete upon the massive body of his mate, surrounded by a true family at last.

  He had received his greatest wish. For the first time in his life, he was utterly, completely content and loved.

  He smiled slowly.

  And it was only the beginning.

  ~ About the Author ~

  J. C. Owens originally wrote historical fiction under the name J.C. McGuire and still loves the genre, but having discovered the art of writing erotic male/male fiction, is now obsessed with it. Fantasy backdrops make a beautifully blank page to work with and J. C. only wishes that the characters were real!

  J.C. spent many years in a medieval re-enactment group, learning and living history and that persona and experience give life to J.C's writings. Interest in even more ancient history spurred trips to Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt and that also colors the characters and worlds of the books.

  Love of ferrets and greyhounds and all living creatures is the pivotal point around which J.C's "real" life revolves.

  Most of all, J.C. enjoys telling stories...

  Find out more about J.C. Owens here: http://jcowensauthor.net

  ~ Also by J.C. Owens ~


  Kidnapping the brother of a mob boss was madness. If only it had stayed that simple. It had all gone wrong. Sent as a mercenary to kidnap Kirith Martinelli from his tropical island home, Landon finds himself on the wrong end of a job gone bad. But there’s more to Kirith than meets the eye— he’s the brother of feared mob boss Enzo Martinelli, and he’s taken Landon as h
is captive. Kirith makes Landon an offer he can’t refuse: stay with him for three months—until he tires of Landon’s body—and then Landon may go free.

  Landon, fearing his own criminal family more than the man before him, quickly agrees. Three months will buy him enough time for his brothers to lose his scent, and then freedom will be his. But that freedom has a steeper price than Landon bargained for as he’s drawn into the secrets of Kirith’s past. He can’t ignore the sadness and loss behind his captor’s beautiful eyes, and Landon finds himself wondering if three months will be enough—for either of them…

  Wings 2: Dominion of the Eth

  The collar would stay, for Rylis would never free Tamrin… Childhood memories of the Eth did no justice to what Rylis Tanyan would encounter in the depths of the Teeathun forest. But what he had treasured before had betrayed him, and now he must fight to escape the confines of the forest and his feelings for Tamrin, the Eth whom he’d loved long ago...

  ~ More M/M Romance from Etopia Press ~


  © 2011 Diane Hartsock

  Only true love or magic could make the sex burn so hot... From the moment Taden rescues Nathaniel from the Sutherlin soldiers' torture, he finds himself caught in the gaze of the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen; amazing eyes that hold him thrilled and confused. The Sutherlins are planning to invade the beautiful Tahon Valley, but as Taden secrets Nathaniel from their reach, he finds himself drawn to the young man. Not only does he feel the urge to protect him, but he feels an ache he hasn't felt in many long years.

  Nathaniel claims to be a traveler from a distant continent, saying he comes in peace. True or not, the youth has powers beyond anything Taden has seen— control over men and animals and the very weather. Taden falls hard for the strange traveler, protecting him not only from the Sutherlins but from his own mistrustful people, who don't understand Nathaniel's powers and accuse him of being a witch...


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