To Awaken a Monster (In the Arms of Monsters Book 1)

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To Awaken a Monster (In the Arms of Monsters Book 1) Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  While distracting her with his lips, he pushed her jacket off her body, sliding it down until it hit the floor.

  Breaking from the kiss, he licked down to her neck, sucking over the pressure point of her pulse.

  She gasped his name, moaning as he touched her breasts. They were nice, plump, and so fucking sexy. He wanted to fuck her really hard, but he held himself back. His dick was ready to explode.

  It hadn’t seen any action but his fist in some time, and he ignored the building need now.

  He lifted her shirt up over her head and then knelt on the floor, pressing a kiss to her stomach and her scar from the glass. His own body had many scars and marks from his time in the club and even before it. They all told a story, and Robin’s was just as precious to him.

  Unbuttoning her jeans, he slid them down her thighs.

  She wore black lace underwear that made her pale skin really stand out.

  Stroking the tips of his fingers up her thighs, he took her panties down, and she stepped out of them. Staring up her body, he kissed each knee, each thigh, her stomach on either side, before getting to her tits. He flicked the catch at the front of her bra, and she was naked.

  Her heavy tits filled his hands, and she moaned.

  When she went to cover herself, he captured her hands, putting them around his shoulders.

  “Don’t ever hide from me, Robin. Not if you want me to spank your ass. You’ve come to me. You play by my rules, understand?”


  “Good.” He kissed her neck. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You’re not naked.”

  “I will be.” He moved her toward the end of his bed, sitting her down. “Remember, no hiding.” He put her hands on the edge of the bed. “Don’t move.”

  He stepped back, releasing his jeans. He didn’t bother with boxer briefs either. The jeans were years old and comfortable, the denim well-worn.

  Kicking them to one side, his cock sprang out, and he watched her reaction. There was no way for her to hide her appreciation, and he didn’t want her to.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he worked it up and down, but again, he wasn’t in a rush. He wasn’t some prepubescent boy with his first woman. He was a full-grown man, and besides, the last time he was with Robin, vague though it was, wasn’t worthy of a woman’s first time.

  He was going to make her scream, moan, beg.

  Being a large man, if he tried to fuck her before she was ready, it would hurt. Milly had admitted to him she’d put some lubrication on Robin’s pussy so she’d be slick and it would fool him when he fucked her to believe it was a woman who wanted him.

  He’d hurt the woman even more because of that.

  Now though, there was no lube, and Preacher wanted her to be dripping wet.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.


  There was no hesitation from her. She didn’t doubt him, and he fucking loved the trust she gave him. He kissed her hard, and she moved back until she was lying down, spread open, waiting for him.

  Trailing his lips down her body, he got to her tits, each one with a nice hard peak. Flicking his tongue over each hardened bud, he heard her moan, and smiled as he took his time.

  There was no need to rush. Sliding between the valley of her tits, he went to her other one, biting down, not too hard, but enough to make her moan his name.

  The sound echoed off the walls, sweet precious music. He devoted a great deal of time to her breasts. They were beautiful, and were meant to know the love of a man’s mouth. He pressed them together, his tongue flicking back and forth, and he heard her moan.

  She wrapped her legs around him, but he stayed just out of reach so she didn’t try to rub her pussy against his dick.

  Kissing down her body, he palmed her breasts, teasing the nipples, twisting them but not enough to cause pain. She wriggled against him, and when he got to her pussy, she suddenly stopped moving.

  He hadn’t even touched her yet. Just poised above her. Waiting.

  “Do you know what I’m about to do?” he asked.


  “Have you ever had it done?”


  His son had a lot to answer for, unless Robin really didn’t want Bishop in the first place. He didn’t want his son becoming a rapist. It wasn’t all bad. If she’d been with Bishop, then, it would have taken away all the excitement of him being the first man between these pretty thighs, and he liked that. Preacher liked being her first, her only.

  If he had his way, she wouldn’t be with another man.

  Why does she have to be? There’s no reason to let her go.

  She’s all yours.

  She came to you.

  She wants you.

  He touched the lips of her pussy, and spread them open, staring at her clit. She was wet, swollen, and smelled amazing.

  He’d eaten pussy, but never enjoyed it.

  As he slid the tip of his tongue across her slit, she cried out, and hearing that sound, now that was a reason to keep on touching and tasting.

  Up and down and around her clit, he stroked her, the lightest of touches. He wanted to build her up, not rush or push her, just a gradual release.

  Moving down to her entrance, he circled her before teasing the opening with his tongue.

  He pushed forward, and she whimpered for more. In and out, he fucked her with his tongue before sliding up, sucking on her clit, and back down again.

  “Please, Preacher,” she said.

  “I know what it is you want, but you’re going to have to wait for it.”

  He flicked his tongue back and forth, building her orgasm but never quite letting her reach the tip. Her pussy was getting wetter as he did this.

  Using his fingers, he pushed two inside her, feeling her tighten around him as he worked at her clit.

  When he could add a third finger, he knew she was ready for more. Preacher would never forget the sound of her first orgasm, or the feel as her cunt squeezed his fingers, not letting go.

  She didn’t hold back from him, tightening even more.

  Hungry for more.

  He plunged her into a second orgasm, and after this one, he moved her up the bed. He gripped his cock, running the tip between her creamy slit about to plunge inside when he stopped.

  “Fuck, I need a rubber.”

  “I’m clean,” she said. “And I’m on the pill. I’ve been taking it since the accident. Randall gave it to me, and I’ve been taking it, just in case.”

  “You’re sure? I will get a rubber.”

  “You’re not seeing other women, are you? You’re clean? You won’t hurt me.”

  “Fuck no, I won’t hurt you.”

  “Then I don’t want anything between us. I know it’s stupid and I should demand you wear one, but I don’t … I don’t want to be like anyone else you’ve been with. I’d like you to trust me.”

  “I do.”

  She cupped his face, kissing him. “Then take me, Preacher. Make me yours, only yours.”

  Only his.

  He’d never had a woman in all of his life to call his own.

  Staring down into her dark brown eyes, he was struck. This eighteen-year-old woman—and she was a woman, not a girl anymore; she’d been through way too much to simply be a girl—was the first to offer herself up without any reason to. She didn’t want a place within the club or to be in one secret pact joke with her friends.

  Robin wanted him because she did, nothing else. No added reasons, just simple want.

  He’d never given himself to a woman before, never wanted to, but staring down at her, oh, he wanted, a great deal.

  Dropping his lips down to hers, he silenced all protest, not that she’d be saying any. Reaching between his thighs, he gripped his hard dick, pressing against her entrance.

  Nothing between them.

  Nothing holding him back.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he sank into her tight, sweet pussy.
r />   He broke the kiss long enough to look into her eyes, and to watch her.

  “Tell me to stop if it’s too much.” He didn’t know if he’d have the strength to, but he’d try for her.

  You’d do anything for her.

  He forgot about Bear, the club, his son, and focused on his own desires.

  This woman was forbidden fruit.

  He shouldn’t want her.

  When she came to him tonight, the right decision was to push her away, but he’d always been a selfish bastard. Pushing her away wasn’t what he wanted to do. For Preacher, taking what he wanted had always been in the forefront of his mind.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them either side of her head and slammed the last couple of inches of his dick inside her.

  Her eyes went wide, and she let out a gasp.

  “Tell me if you can’t handle it.”

  “I can.” She wrapped those legs around his waist, holding him in. “Don’t stop.”

  He had no intention of stopping, ever. Giving her a couple of seconds to get accustomed to his dick, he tried not to think of just how good she felt wrapped around his length, and fuck, it was perfect.

  So wet, sweet, tight, and she squeezed him, making it hard for him to concentrate. All he wanted to do was pound into her, but he was going to make her forget her own name.

  Robin began to wriggle, and the moment she did that, he started to rock inside her. Only small strokes at first, watching her, waiting, giving her time to adjust, but when he couldn’t stand to wait, he took over.

  Holding her down to the bed, he kissed her lips, fucking her harder, and Robin, she met him thrust for thrust. He let go of her hands to hold her close, and she held him tightly, her nails sinking into his flesh as he fucked her.

  Let her come on your cock.

  He stopped thrusting, counting to ten in his head.





  He didn’t make it all the way.

  “I want to try something,” he said, whispering the words.


  He pulled out of her, and she moaned, trying to reach for him. He moved behind her, cupping her hip. He lifted her thigh, found her entrance and she was so slick while he was hard, he pushed forward easily.

  From this angle, he could still make love to her, but he also got to touch her pussy, which he did, feeling his cock working in and out of her body before moving to her clit, stroking over the swollen nub.

  She moaned.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about this, Robin? Thought about you?”


  “You were way too young for me. You’re still too young, but it didn’t stop me wanting you. I’d watch you and know you weren’t mine, but after tonight, there’s no going back.” He kissed her neck, teasing her clit, feeling the response around his length as she wriggled on his dick.

  He loved her cries and whimpers, couldn’t get enough of them.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to take care of you from now on.” He’d been doing it since the moment she was pregnant, but now, he was going to do it properly.

  He stroked her pussy, and he felt her come. Her tight cunt squeezed him, setting off his own release, and he growled her name, gripping her hip as she let go, filling her up with his cum.

  Holding her close, he heard her pant.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “It’s just the start. Believe me, there’s a lot more to show you. First, though, I think it’s only fair I take you for a shower.”

  He pulled out of her and sat up, watching as his cum spilled from the lips of her pussy. Something primal and possessive shook him to the core. The only cum she’d ever have would be his.

  As he picked her up in his arms, she let out a little scream.

  “Put me down,” she said, laughing. “I’m too heavy.”

  “You’re perfect.”

  He carried her through to the bathroom, putting her into the shower and turning on the water. She cried out, and he followed her.

  “Shit, that’s cold.”


  He pressed her up against the tiles, silencing her as he kissed her.

  She stopped fighting him, and the water warmed as he took possession of her mouth. She ran her hands up against his chest, circling his neck.

  “You know, you can’t keep kissing me every single time I don’t like something.”

  “I don’t know, it’s working so far.”

  “That it is.” She kissed him again.

  Running his hands down her back, he cupped her ass, drawing her close.

  “What are we going to tell the others?” He pulled back to look her in the eye. “You do want to tell the others, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t want us to sneak around behind their backs, lie. You know, do the kinds of stuff people hate. Especially you.”

  “We’re not going to be lying to them. I’ll talk to your father.”

  “What about Bishop?”

  “How about we wait for the right moment to tell them? We can deal with each person when the time comes. I’ll deal with the club.”

  “I should be the one to tell Bishop. There’s nothing going on between the two of us, but he’s my best friend.”

  “Together, we’ll handle it together. You don’t need to do this on your own.”

  “Okay. I won’t do it on my own.” She cupped his cheek. “This is so surreal. I tried to convince myself so many times that I didn’t feel anything for you, but it was all a lie. All I’ve been doing for months is lying to myself, to everyone. Wait, what about O’Klaren? Can he hurt us?”

  “I’m going to take care of him.”

  “You’re not going to do anything that will put you in jail, are you?”

  “Would you come and visit me if I did?”

  “Yes, of course, but I’ve only just gotten you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Babe, they’ve not gotten me yet, and they never will. I’m always one step ahead of the game and always will be. This you can trust me on. I promise you, I won’t do anything to fuck it up.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she moaned his name.

  The sound was everything.

  He had a plan for O’Klaren. Some people believed he’d forgotten what that son of a bitch did, but when it came to justice and revenge, Preacher was always one step ahead.

  O’Klaren had taken too much from him.

  Robin should still be pregnant, and for that, there was going to be a special kind of justice. He already had it rolling. He just needed time.


  The following morning, Robin woke in a strange bed, only it wasn’t strange.

  She turned her head to see Preacher, already wide awake.

  “Were you watching me sleep?”

  “Yes. You snore, you know.”

  “I do not.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I do?”

  “No,” he said, laughing. “You’re too cute.”

  It was rare to see Preacher laughing, and she liked it.

  Snuggling up close to him, she felt strange. Yes, she’d had sex, and she remembered it. There was a pleasant feeling between her legs, and it only served to remind her of last night and the multiple orgasms Preacher had given her.

  “This is nice and weird,” she said, touching his chest. “I wonder if I’ll ever get used to touching you.”

  “Why is it weird to touch me?”

  “You’re Preacher. Leader of one of the most feared biker clubs, my best friend’s dad, and, like, scary as hell.”

  “Do I scare you?”

  “All the time.”

  “Good.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I like to scare.” He pushed her to the bed, and she held him tightly, feeling her arousal spike as he spread her legs open by moving between them.
“Tell me to stop.”


  “You know I’ve got a lot of time to make up for?”

  “Me too,” she said. “I’ve never fooled around, or had sex in strange places.”

  “Strange places?” he asked.

  “You know, the back of a car. Against a tree. In a bathroom.”

  He snorted. “Believe me, there are some weird places.”

  “What about your office?” She smiled at his shock. “Is that a weird place?”

  “No, but now I’d like to see you over my desk. Every single time I’m there, I’ll be reminded just what you were willing to do.” He brushed some hair off her shoulder. “How was last night? Are you sore?”

  “I’m not sore. I feel good, actually. Nothing to worry about. I’m feeling like a brand-new kind of woman.”

  “Brand new?”

  “Yep. This is what I’ve been wanting for a long time now.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I asked first.”

  She giggled. “Okay, I honestly don’t know. There’s Bishop, and I guess I felt I was supposed to be nervous around you. I don’t know. There was something expected of me, and I tried to live up to it, but failed miserably. Does that in any way answer your question?”

  “A little bit, but not a whole lot.” He stroked her arm.

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked, repeating her question.

  “You were my son’s girl, and besides, I don’t know how traumatic the first time had been for you. You held yourself together really well, never letting anyone in.”

  “You really believe that? I felt I was falling apart.”

  “Not once did you show it. I had to respect that, and I did. You’re a strong woman, Robin. More than you think.”

  She touched his cheek. “You make me feel strong.”

  He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the inside of her wrist. He went to say something but was stopped by the ringing of his cell phone.

  “Shit, I’ve got to take this.”

  He pulled away from her, and she watched him as he grabbed his phone, accepting the call.


  Silence but she heard some mumbling across the line. She sat up as Preacher got up.

  “When? … Shit. Okay. I’ll be right there. Don’t do anything.” Preacher hung up. “I’ve got to head out. I’ve got shit I need to do.”


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