Vampire's Kiss

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Vampire's Kiss Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  “Where are your wings then? Oh, and aren’t you supposed to have a halo? For some reason I picture horns as being more appropriate for you.” She tried again to break free, but he held steady.

  “This conversation is getting us nowhere. I want the dagger.”

  Sapphire eyes glared at him. “Unless you plan to kill me you’re not getting it.” Plump lips curled into a wicked smile. “Even then you’ll never find it.”

  He’d reached the breaking point. The scent of strawberries mixed with her musky arousal had his mouth watering. If he didn’t leave soon he’d either drain her or fuck her. Probably both.

  “You win this round, but I’ll be watching every move you make.” He let his gaze roam to her full breasts and rest there a moment to make his point before moving back to meet her stare. With a snarl, he flashed from the room, saddened he wouldn’t be able to see the look on her face.

  Katie’s jaw unhinged. Partially due to the fact the sexy man with the fangs had vanished into thin air. The other was from the fire that currently smoldered between her legs. Her arousal had been beyond her control and it annoyed the hell out of her. Granted, the man was sex on a stick. Better than any she’d seen in her club and she had meant it when she’d told him he shouldn’t have any trouble getting a woman. Hell, had he pushed, she might have stripped and spread herself across the desk like an offering to the gods.

  His eyes had thrown her off though. Almost black, they seemed lifeless. Then there had been something else about him that was dark. She questioned her senses, the ones that told her who was demon. Since she was a child she’d been able to pick up on evil. It had a particular odor. Not sulphur like some would think, but they smelled of death.

  The dark-haired stranger had smelled like hot cinnamon candy. Yummy and delicious and she had fought to keep her tongue from flicking out and tracing a line along his darkened jaw. It was only when he’d pinned her that she’d caught a slight whiff of death. The two scents were at odds with each other and indicated an internal battle. When he’d flashed a pair of long, thick fangs, she’d wanted to beg him to bite her. She rubbed her temples and wondered if maybe she needed a vacation.

  The phone rang, pulling her back to reality. Her anger fired up again. Clearly Mr. Ruiz had somehow tried to seduce her with some kind of demon magic. He may not have the scent of a full blood, but he was something evil that needed to be put down. If he came near her again, she wouldn’t hesitate to plunge the dagger into his black heart.

  She grabbed her cell off the desk. “Hello?”

  “Ms. O’Hara?”

  She didn’t recognize the voice. “Yes, this is she.”

  “Ms. O’Hara, this is Mrs. Hansen, I live next door to your father. He hasn’t come out for his paper yet today and he doesn’t answer the door. It’s so unlike him.”

  Fear clawed her with its poisonous talons. One thing she could count on was her father liked routine. He always picked up his paper from the front yard at six in the morning. Sharp.

  “Mrs. Hansen, I’ll be right over and thank you for calling.” She pushed the ‘end call’ button and ran from the office.

  “I have an emergency. You’ll have to take over for me.” She yelled to her assistant manager, Angie, as she rushed out the front door. She hurried to her car that was parked in a private lot next door. Even in her panic, she sensed a pair of eyes on her. Was it Mr. Ruiz? She started the engine and squealed down the street. The only thing that mattered was her father and she prayed he was all right.

  Seth stood across the street and watched as Kaitlyn ran out the door and climbed into her car. His sixth sense told him something was wrong.

  “So, what gives with the sexy firecracker?”

  He jerked and found Baal standing next to him. The demon’s golden eyes pinned on the redhead.

  “Why are you here?” Seth asked.

  “Aren’t you going to follow her?” Baal leaned against the brick building, arms over his chest, ankles crossed.

  Seth sucked on a toothpick. “In due time. I have her scent so I’ll be able to find her.”

  “So, I’m guessing no luck on the dagger then?”

  He pulled his coat tight to fight against the chill. Winter in Chicago was having a hard time letting go. The April weather had been hell. “No. Again, why are you here bothering me?” Seth liked the demon, but he wasn’t in the mood for company. Not when he had a painful erection that still pressed against his jeans.

  “Aidyn sent me to keep your ass out of trouble.”

  He threw his toothpick to the sidewalk and began walking down the street. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Baal tossed his head back in laughter and came up beside him, his expression turned serious. “Look, Aidyn was taken away by Zarek and gods knows when he’ll be back. Lucan...”

  Seth stopped in his tracks. “Wait. What do you mean taken away?”

  The demon’s golden eyes darkened. “He’s being punished. Was shackled and dragged off by Gabriel and a few of his goons in front of everyone. I think the gods mean to set an example.”

  His fangs dropped and he fisted his hands. “Why would Zarek punish my leader?”

  “Look, you’ve been off line for a while. Aidyn apparently broke some law and now has to pay. You know how it is with those fuckers. They change the rules like we change underwear.”

  Seth fought to regain control of his senses. His first reaction was to flash to Zarek and demand answers. However, he knew he was in no position to be demanding anything. Besides, it would only make matters worse. He needed to hold to his promise to Aidyn and get that damn dagger back before the curse pulled him completely into the darkness.

  “Where are the others?” Seth asked.

  “Lucan has gone into hiding for gods knows whatever reason. Garin, Marcus and Gwen are off fighting demons with the Draki and Cassie has been sent to the Temple of the Gods with the baby for safe keeping.” He raked his fingers through his brown hair. “Things are not going well. My people are also in the fray. Lowan’s puppets are popping up everywhere.”

  Seth didn’t like the sound of any of it, but he had his own orders and needed to carry them out. He started down the sidewalk again. “I need to get that dagger.”

  Chapter Two

  Katie whipped into the drive of her father’s small bungalow to find Mrs. Hansen on the front porch wringing her hands.

  “Oh, I’m so worried.”

  She cast her own frightened glance at the silver-haired woman as she slipped her key into the lock and pushed open the door. “Dad?” No answer. The house was silent as a morgue. No lights had been turned on yet so she reached for the wall switch and flicked on the corner floor lamp. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they did, everything looked to be in place. She padded across the living room with the neighbor on her heels.


  A slight tinge of death tickled her nose and caused her heart to pound as the panic rose into her chest. She pushed back tears as she ran down the narrow hall toward the bedroom. “Dad!” She rushed through the doorway and flipped on the light. Her father laid with his back facing her, still snuggled under the covers. Dread filled her as she rounded the other side. His face was pale. She checked for a pulse.


  “Is he...” Mrs. Hansen’s voice drifted off.

  “He’s still alive. Call an ambulance.” Katie pulled the covers back and gave him a shake. “Poppa?” He still didn’t respond. She looked for injuries, but saw none. Confusion set in. If demons had been here there would be physical evidence. Had they come searching for the dagger? Maybe while her father had slept and he’d been none the wiser. Still, it didn’t explain his current condition. She raced through the conversation they’d had on the phone last night, he hadn’t indicated he wasn’t feeling well. Then again, he would never tell her he was sick. She reached for his hand and mentally scolded herself for not coming over personally to make sure everything was okay. After all, he was eighty-five, bu
t had always been active and physically fit. His last check-up was only last month and the doctor had given him a clean bill of health. Had said her father was fit for his age.

  She kissed his cheek and refused to let her tears escape. “Everything will be fine, Poppa. Please hang on.” She gave a mental curse. Where the hell are the paramedics?

  Sirens blared in the distance and seconds later she saw the flashing lights in the driveway.

  “This way,” Mrs. Hansen’s panicked voice shouted.

  Footsteps and the sound of a wheel that needed lubrication filled the deafening silence, yet seemed so far away. Finally, two blue-uniformed men were ushered through the door by the neighbor. For the first time since she arrived, she let out a breath.

  “What happened?” the younger one asked.

  “I don’t know. Mrs. Hansen, the neighbor called me and said my father hadn’t left the house to get his paper. He was fine when I spoke to him on the phone last night.” Katie reluctantly let go of her father’s hand and moved off the bed. She stood in the corner and watched while they checked his vitals and radioed the hospital. An IV was started and tears rolled down her cheeks to see his aged hand, so frail looking, with a tube attached to his splotched skin.

  Katie chewed her knuckle and watched as they picked up her father and placed him on the stretcher. She followed down the hall and out the front door. “I’m riding with you.” She turned to Mrs. Hansen. “Will you please close up the house?”

  The older woman pulled Katie into a hug. “Don’t worry about it, dear. You go with your father and I’ll see to everything.”

  “Thank you.” She turned to climb into the back of the ambulance and gave one last look out the door. She was being watched. Had Mr. Ruiz followed her? She was beginning to think owning the dagger was nothing but a curse.

  Seth stood next to Baal and watched the house across the street where Kaitlyn had disappeared into. Paramedics showed up and loaded an elderly man into the back. His fiery redhead climbed into the ambulance behind the stretcher with the help of a young, good-looking EMT and Seth’s fangs extended once again. He didn’t like the human touching her.

  He inhaled.

  Strawberries mingled with sadness reached him and he could only assume the man was someone dear to her. The ambulance tore off down the street and the silver-haired woman who’d been watching walked to the house next door.

  “Do you sense what I do?” Seth knew Baal would, but he needed the conversation.

  “Oh, yes and by the stench I’d say there were two of them. We need to go in and see if they found the dagger. If they beat us to it...”

  Seth held up his hand. “I don’t need reminding. You go. I need to follow her and find out what’s going on.” The demon’s stare burned a hole into him, but he refused to meet Baal’s gaze.

  “You have it bad for this one. Is it possible she belongs to you?”

  “No.” He would have known. Would have felt the need to claim her yet he hadn’t. Hope that he would ever find a mate, one who would save him from Drayos’s curse had diminished long ago. Now, all he could wish for was to keep his mind in check long enough to finish his job. He pulled up Vivian’s image, remembered her dark hair and how she lay dead on the ground all because of him. He ground his teeth. When would he ever find peace?

  “I’m going to track her. If you wish to search the house just be sure you leave everything as you found it.” He started to walk away, but Baal grabbed his arm.

  “I’m supposed to be watching you.”

  Seth jerked free. “As I said, demon, I don’t need a damn babysitter.” He didn’t wait for a reply before he flashed away. Seconds later he found himself outside a hospital room. Machines beeped and pierced his sensitive hearing, but then another bitter heartbreaking sound reached him. A female’s sobs. He scanned the room. It was only Kaitlyn and the patient, so he entered. The elderly man lay in bed with tubes and wires attached to him. Death lurked in the corner, waiting to claim its victim. Kaitlyn sat on the edge of the bed, one hand wrapped around the man’s and she stroked his hair with the other. Her tear-streaked face cut through Seth like a hot blade. She sensed his presence and looked up.

  “You.” Venom dripped from her voice. “Get out.”

  “Let me help.”

  She wiped a tissue across her eyes. “How can you help?”

  “I did not lie when I told you what I was.”

  She let out a nervous laugh. “If you were truly my guardian angel, my father wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “I don’t control life and death.” He cocked his head. “Well at least not humans.”

  She sneered at him. “Then whose life do you control?”

  “I am sworn to protect humanity. Demons, at least the evil ones, are whose destiny I control.”

  She gave a half-hearted laugh again. “And why should I believe you?”

  “You saw me fighting with them not long ago.”

  “You mean when I saved your ass?”

  He shrugged. “Think what you wish,” he stated as he moved to the bed and touched her father’s other hand. He closed his eyes and through the din of voices that always rang in his head, he reached into the old man’s mind. The connection was weak and he was shocked at what he found. Demons had done this to him. Their signature left telltale signs all over his insides. They’d ripped his soul to shreds. Seth opened his eyes and gave a hard stare at Kaitlyn.

  “Do you know what happened to him?”

  “The doctors said he had a severe heart attack, but I suspect it was something else.” She chewed her bottom lip. He hated seeing her so weak.

  “To humans it looks like his heart, but the demons got to him.”

  She swallowed hard. “How do you know?”

  “I can see inside him.” He looked down at the frail man and wished he could save her father. Instead, he had to tell her there was no hope. “Your father will die, but I can give him enough strength to speak to you one last time.”

  Her bottom lip quivered and she sniffled. He sensed she fought to keep control, probably didn’t want to show too much weakness. “Can you really do that?”


  “Tell me, is he suffering? Please, if you are what you say, don’t let him suffer.”

  “I will see to it that he doesn’t.” He closed his eyes once again and reached for her father’s mind.

  Are you here to take me to the light?

  No, another will escort you. Do you recall how many demons attacked you? Seth asked.

  There were two. Nasty-looking creatures.

  Seth had no doubt. He needed to hurry, time was running out. I have one last gift for you. Your daughter is here, speak to her. Seth poured his energy into the dying man.

  Katie hesitated and considered calling for security, but then her father’s eyes popped open.

  “Poppa?” she gasped.

  “Katie, me darlin’ girl.” His voice was so low she had to lean closer to hear over the drone of the monitors.

  “Oh, Poppa, you’re going to be okay.” He looked so weak and frail it pulled at her heartstrings

  “No, wee one, tis me time. The angel here is giving me the strength ta say me goodbyes.”

  She sent a quick glance at Mr. Ruiz who still clutched her father’s hand, his eyes closed. A chill crept up her spine. Could he be telling the truth? It would stand to reason if there were demons then there would be angels. She should be angry that she had been left alone to fight evil and even more so that her father was now on his deathbed because of it. She couldn’t help feeling she was responsible, but she had to force back all her emotions and concentrate on her father.

  “Poppa, you shouldn’t talk such nonsense. I need you here.” Her father was all the family she had left. The thought of him leaving her was unbearable. She had always been strong and independent thanks to him. It was how he had raised her after her mother died when she was only six. She tried hard not to remember all the strangers gathered around when her
mom had gone missing. At the time she had blamed herself. She must have done something wrong and her mother had run away. Weeks later though, they found her mutilated body and it became evident what had happened.

  “Katie, ya listen ta me now. I love ya, lass, but I’m old and tired and ready ta see your ma. Those demons though, they be vile creatures. Promise me ya will let the angel here protect ya from harm.”

  Her tears spilled and she choked back a sob. “I will avenge your death, Poppa. On that I swear. You go and be with Momma now. I’ll be fine.” No, she wouldn’t. She’d never be fine again, but she would hold onto the thought of her parents being together again. Her father had missed her mother terribly, had never remarried, having been so devoted to the woman he loved.

  “Course ya will, Katie. You’re a special lass and as I’ve always told ya, destined for greatness. There’s a letter tucked deep in me safe that your ma left fer ya. Tis time for ya to read it and learn who you really are. Goodbye, me lass.” His lashes fluttered and his eyes closed. His chest rose and a ragged breath escaped. The heart monitor flatlined.

  She buried her face into the crook of his neck and sobbed. The last person she loved had left her. Alone.

  Chapter Three

  Seth hovered in the distance and watched the funeral. He shrouded himself in magic so the mourners wouldn’t see him. Baal popped in beside him.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” His gaze never left Kaitlyn.

  Baal snorted. “Miss me, vampire?”

  He finally turned to acknowledge the demon next to him. “Not really.”

  Baal schooled his features. “On a more serious note. I found two demons hanging around the father’s house.”

  Seth straightened. “What kind of demons?”

  “Lowan’s minions. They were looking for the same thing we are.”

  “The dagger. Were they the same ones who killed her father?” He glanced back to the funeral and noted people beginning to leave.


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