Vampire's Kiss

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Vampire's Kiss Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  “I don’t want to be the daughter of a god. What a mess.” She grabbed her backpack and shoved the book inside for safekeeping. Pushed her arms through the straps and thought of her father. Not the god she didn’t know, but the man who’d raised her as his own. He’d always taught her to put others needs before her own and it was how he’d lived his life. Her mother had lost hers by doing the same thing. Katie had no one left. She thought about her staff at the club. Many of them had families, children they needed to support. What would happen to those children if the world changed?

  She shuddered.

  Katie had always thought she was fairly smart. Had gone to college and kept up with current events. Her business was successful and she hadn’t wanted for much except a man to love her. In reality her giving up her mortal life could potentially save millions. It was surreal to think her tiny existence would mean so much. Half of her wanted to curl up into a ball in the corner and cower like a scared child. The other said she couldn’t fight destiny and if she tried the consequences for humanity would be dire. The price she had to pay was small. It didn’t require her death, on the contrary if she walked away from the task handed her then she would die for certain. However, if she chose to follow the path in front of her then she would live. Most likely for a very long time and she would give her heart to a crazy man. No wait...a crazy vampire.

  She stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders. “I’ve never walked away from a challenge. Not about to start now. Besides, I think that damn vampire already has a piece of my heart.”

  Time to see if Vivian and the book spoke the truth. With her arm extended and palm facing the wall, she closed her eyes and concentrated. At first it started as a small sizzle from her fingertips. Then it turned to blue sparks that arched out and snapped in the air causing her to jump back.

  “Holy shit!”

  She tried again. This time she held her hand, palm facing upward, and imagined a small ball of light. It started as a tiny dot no bigger than a dime. She concentrated harder and the ball grew in dimension until it was as big as a grapefruit.

  Will this be big enough?

  There was only one way to find out. She wound back and launched it at the wall. It hit with a loud whack and when the small puff of smoke cleared the only damage was a chunk missing. Not enough to get her out.

  “Okay, bigger is better then.”

  She repeated the process. Staring at her palm she imagined a ball the size of a small melon. She feared going too big since she had no idea what would happen. For all she knew, she’d bring the whole room down on top of her head.

  Once she had the desired size, she tossed it. This time there was a louder explosion and debris spewed into the air. When the smoke cleared it revealed a crater, but still no opening. With a sigh she decided the best thing to do would be to continue drilling at the divot already there. She launched another ball of light. Finally, it was enough to make a small opening. She ran to the wall and peeked through the hole and saw a dim light to her right.

  Stepping back to the other side of the room she threw another ball and it was successful in making the opening bigger. Hopefully a few more and she’d be able to crawl out. She needed to find Seth, both of their lives depended on it.

  Explosions came from the other direction so Seth turned and ran toward the sound. Smoke and strawberries hit his senses.

  “What the fuck?” Worry coursed through him as he stared at the rubble, quickly followed by relief when Katie strolled out of the smoke. She faced him.

  “There you are.” She looked at him like he was some lost child then moved in front of him. Tipped her chin up and stared into his eyes. “I thought you’d abandoned me.”

  “What the hell happened here?” He tipped his head to the hole in the wall and the smoke that still bellowed out.

  She turned to glance behind her. “Oh that? It’s nothing.”

  He pursed his lips and folded his arms over his chest. “That is most certainly not nothing. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

  She shrugged. “I kinda found a little power of my own, but I must warn you. It’s pretty unstable.”

  He dropped his arms to his side. “Power? What kind of power and where is the book?”

  She jabbed her fists on her hips, her blue eyes glared. “Not even a little concern over my welfare?”

  “I sense you’re fine.” He would be damned if he would tell her he’d nearly lost his mind with worry. She was better off thinking he didn’t give a shit, but it was all he could do to keep from pulling her close to him.

  She scoffed. “Well, I’m fine thank you very much and so is the damn book. As far as my power...” She held out her hand and blue sparks arched from her fingertips. “I managed to blast a hole in the wall and set myself free. Thanks for the help.”

  He had a momentary lapse of speech before he found his tongue again. “Your transformation has begun then?”

  “So, it would seem.” She began to walk away then stopped and came back to him. Placed her palms on his chest and leaned into him. Her lips found his and her tongue swept his mouth and left a burst of strawberries before she broke off. She stepped back and looked at him for a moment.

  “I’m happy to see you.” She turned and walked away.

  Seth savored the taste of her and fought the urge that ripped through him to pin her to the ground and have all of her. Fuck it. His desires were too deep and after the scare he’d just had at losing her...he was on her in seconds. Pushed her against the wall with her back to his chest and made sure his erection pressed into the crack of her ass. He bent and placed his lips against her ear.

  “You play with fire, torke.” He watched her lips curl into a smile and he wanted to nibble the plump perfections.

  “Angel? Believe me, itov. I am anything but an angel,” she whispered.

  He ran his nose along her neck and his fangs ached. “You learned Draconic while away as well? You should take care in calling me your love.”

  “I learned many things and I thought you were my destined. Doesn’t that make you my love?”

  “I am your destined.” He suckled her earlobe. “I would gladly give you my love if I were sane enough to have you as my own, but we both know I am not. Now, you really must tell me what happened.” He kissed her neck and she tipped her head further to the side allowing him better access and moaned.

  “Seth?” Her breathing had become labored and he could feel her pulse beat beneath his lips.

  His fangs extended. He was on the edge and wondered what the hell he was doing. He could not take her. “Yes?”

  “You should really consider either kissing me or fucking me and be quick about it.”

  His reserves teetered. “Careful what you ask for. I may very well do both and I will not be gentle.” He couldn’t. At the moment he wouldn’t be able to give her anything but his raw desire and even that would have to be tempered or he would hurt her. She may be part goddess, but her body was still human. He reminded himself that he had vowed to never have her, but she wanted him and he hated the thought of dying and never knowing what she felt like. For once in his sorry ass existence, he wanted to be selfish. He deserved it and so the gods must have agreed since they gave him Katie. He still couldn’t mate with her or taste her essence, but he would enjoy her body.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Katie managed to free herself enough to spin and face Seth. She placed her palms on his chest. Her mouth watered at the thought of kissing him again and her body throbbed. Yes, it seemed it was her destiny to save him and that would require giving him her body and as she understood it, her blood. Her worry though was would he take all of her heart as well? What would he do with it? Crush it like a grape or would he give his in return?

  She knew it was stupid to even think about it, but how the hell was she supposed to simply give all of herself to a man she hardly knew yet every part of her body craved? Her heart would have to be damned, the world was counting on her to set events in motion and at th
e moment she needed him probably more than he did her. Something told her that neither of them would leave this place the same person as when they’d arrived.

  “Who said anything about gentle? I believe the terms fucking and quick say everything that needs to be said.” She pulled on his shirt freeing it from his jeans. He gave her a lust-filled yet suspicious look.

  “What is this really about?”

  She managed to push the shirt up his chest and run her hands along his naked skin. Damn that feels good. Never had she experienced muscles so firm and hard under her fingers. “We may both die yet in this shit hole. You want me and I want you, what else is there?”

  Without wasting any time, she jerked the tee over his head and tossed it, then pulled him to her. His mouth covered hers and his tongue speared past her lips. She opened to him and tasted every inch of his mouth. Hot cinnamon coated her tongue and musk mingled with madness assaulted her senses.

  The fire in her grew hotter. Was it her power or her desire? She had no idea, but if she was going to go up in flames then there was no other way she wanted it. No other place she wanted to be, but in his arms. Never in her entire life had she felt so safe or so sure of anything.

  She gripped his erection through his jeans and his mouth left hers. He hissed and had her shirt removed in seconds. He kissed the swell of her breasts then shoved her bra aside and took her nipple into his mouth. It was her turn to hiss. She sank her fingers into his thick, dark hair and pressed her back into the wall. Her knees were too weak to hold her up.

  He pulled the bra past her other nipple and scraped his fangs along the protrusion. God, she had never needed a man more in her life. Knew she should be mortified at the surroundings and circumstances of their little tryst, but it felt raw and dirty and heated her blood even more. Somehow, she managed to unbuckle his belt and pull down the zipper. She reached her fingers through the opening in his jeans and freed his cock. Thick, hot and harder than steel. She wrapped her hand around it and stroked. His entire body quivered and she circled her thumb, spreading his pre-cum over the tip of his shaft.

  He released her nipple and raised his head to look at her. Desire burned in his blue eyes turning them black. His fangs glistened in the light and she found herself wanting him to sink them deep and drink her essence.

  He snarled and reached for her jeans. Unfastened them and pushed them down her thighs until they were at her ankles. She toed off her shoes and managed to finish getting her pants off. He wasted no time in shoving her panties aside and dipped a finger into her depths.

  She nearly came.

  His mouth bruised hers. Their teeth scraped and a fang pricked her tongue. Blood mingled with their kiss, but before she could react he pulled free. Spun her to face the wall and shoved his knee between her legs to force her wider. Not bothering to remove his jeans, he pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance.

  She whimpered and tried to push into him.

  He dug his fingers into her hips and planted himself to the hilt. Rough denim brushed her ass and her nails scraped the wall. She chewed her bottom lip. His thickness stretched her wide, but god did it hurt so damn good.

  Before she could even catch her breath, he pulled out and thrust back in. His hips rocked faster and he pounded into her from behind. There was nothing sweet or romantic about it. It was animalistic and raw and he showed her no mercy, not that she would have asked for it anyway.

  “Don’t take this for anything other than what it is, Katie. A good fuck,” he growled.

  “Stop talking.” She’d worry about the rest later. Somehow, she would reach him and save his sorry ass.

  The friction created by his shaft as he thrust into her had her on the brink. Pressure built and wrapped around her womb. “God don’t stop.”

  He replied with a grunt. Her limbs trembled and a wall of pleasure slammed into her with such force had Seth not had a hold on her she would have slid to the floor. She screamed as the orgasm consumed her and turned her muscles into a quivering mass of gel. She barely heard him roar his own release behind her as he shoved deep and touched her soul.

  He pulled her to his chest, still hard inside her and nuzzled her neck. She held her breath and waited for the pain of his fangs in her vein, but it never came.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled. “No. I’m not that fragile, but something tells me you held back anyway.”

  He grinned and nipped her chin. “As much as I could.”

  She took in a long slow breath. “Are you going to bite me?”

  His features hardened and he pulled free. “No.”

  Now she was offended, plus in order to tie them together he had to have her blood. Vivian had implanted the knowledge in her memories. The transformation Katie needed to make was becoming Seth’s mate. Not only would it save him, but it would finish awakening her goddess power thus waking her father. The easy route would have been to simply tell him, but she couldn’t. He had to be willing and come to her on his own accord. Christ she was going to have to either seduce him into it or trick him. She was quick to learn that the gods played by fucked-up rules.

  It had only taken his men hours to carve out Lowan’s temple high on the cliff of the Vutha Mountains using their demon magic. He stared out of the wall of glass, his hands clasped behind his back.

  “Chaval, what is the word?”

  “My lord, your wench is waiting in your quarters.”

  Lowan smiled. “Perfect. What of the guardians?” He turned to face Chaval.

  “I have done the recon myself. The king is with the gods apparently being punished for some crime he committed. The others are fighting the many demons you have invading the cities.”

  Lowan brought his fingers together and touched his lips. “This is excellent news. How long before we can expect their company?”

  “I have ordered all the troops to retreat. I’m positive the guardians will follow. I expect our men to begin showing up here within the hour.”

  Lowan stepped closer and clasped his shoulders. “If your plan succeeds in bringing the guardians here you will be rewarded handsomely.”

  Chaval bowed his head. “Thank you, my lord.”

  Lowan skirted around him and headed toward his rooms. Anxious to release some pent-up energy before the fight ensued. He flung open the door and was greeted by huge doe eyes, shiny raven locks and plump red lips. He’d not seen such beauty in a long time and was momentarily stunned.

  “What is your name?”

  The girl moved from the window and stood in front of him before she dropped to her knees. “My lord, my name is Raven.”

  “Raven. What a lovely name for a pretty girl.”

  She flashed a smile. “Thank you, my lord. How may I serve you?”

  He was a bit perplexed and wondered if Chaval had placed some kind of spell on her. She appeared absolutely infatuated with him. Most females brought to his quarters quaked in their shoes. He walked to the side bar and poured himself a glass of wine. Swirled the dark liquid in the glass before turning back to his whore. “Rise up, Raven, come here.”

  She jumped to her feet and practically ran to him.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  Her eyes widened. “If it pleases you, my lord.”

  He poured another glass and handed it to her. “It pleases me. Tell me, where did my men find you?”

  She accepted the glass, careful not to let her fingers touch his. “Why your temple, of course.”

  He arched a brow. Hadn’t realized he had a temple in the human realm. He narrowed his gaze, which caused her to tremble.

  “My lord, have I said something to upset you?”

  “No, but I don’t have a temple. Not yet at any rate.” He sipped his wine. “Perhaps you should explain in further detail.”

  She nodded. “Of course. I assumed that your grandfather’s temple would also be yours. I was in a private place where we worship Satan.”

  He tossed his head back and laughed unt
il tears pricked his eyes. They worshipped the devil that was in reality Hades and he was far from what humans assumed him to be. “My dear. Hades is my grandfather and while he does have an evil streak, he is not what you think.”

  A puzzled look crossed her face so he placed his hand to the small of her back and led her to a chair by the window. She was in definite need of a lesson before he fucked her. Hell, if she was good he may even let her live for a few days.

  “Sit,” he commanded. She didn’t hesitate and plopped in the chair. He took a seat across from her. “So, you came here willingly?”

  “Yes, my lord. I was told I was chosen to be the mistress of Satan’s grandson. I am very honored.”

  He ran a finger around the rim of his glass. Interesting. “I see. So how many of you worship my grandfather?”

  She blinked and he found her brown eyes endearing. “I’m not sure. Thousands maybe?”

  He would have to remember to question Chaval about this further. “And what do you do when you worship?”

  She fidgeted with tie on her robe. “We offer a sacrifice. Usually a live animal.” She averted her gaze. “I hear that some offer humans, but I have never done that.”

  He leaned forward in his seat. “Raven, I demand you look at me.”

  She met his gaze.

  “If I asked it of you, would you kill for me?”


  He relaxed. This girl was going to be his ticket into the human world. So, there are those who worship granddad. Well, I will be their savior instead. “Raven, I will not ask that of you. Not yet anyway. I will, however, ask you to take me to your temple and introduce me to its other members. Can you do that for me?”

  She straightened, pride had her shifting her shoulders back. “Oh, yes, my lord.”


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