Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3)

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Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3) Page 13

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Standing, Packer began to unbuckle his belt.

  Lexie’s breath caught and every muscle in her body tensed. “Thomas said you weren’t allowed to touch me.” Suddenly, the bravado was missing from her voice.

  Packer took a step forward and crouched. Grabbing a handful of Lexie’s hair, he yanked her head forward. “Thomas ain’t here, is he?”

  Whimpering at the agonizing pain from her skull, Lexie cried out louder as Packer shoved her to the ground.

  “I’ve never done a pregnant bitch before.”

  Lexie’s breaths shortened, coming out as short gasps. Packer climbed on top of her. She tried to shove the big man aside, only to have him pin her hands to the dirt with ease. His strength was overwhelming.

  “Don’t worry. This will be fun.” Packer smiled, displaying his brown-stained teeth. “No, wait—I meant fun for me. You should worry.”

  Removing his hand from one of Lexie’s wrists, Packer tore her shirt open in one swift jerk. Overexcited brown eyes darted to her red bra.

  The rain started to fall hard, hitting Lexie’s chilled skin.

  At the feel of him hardening against her leg, a new wave of terror and revulsion entered Lexie. Packer’s hand went to her breast, and he began to fondle it roughly. Bile rose in her throat.

  Just as panic began to take over, Lexie saw a glimmer of metal from the back of Packer’s pants.

  Gun. It had to be a gun.

  Lexie had shot a gun before. Granted, never at a person, but it sure beat being raped.

  Body going limp, Lexie closed her eyes. If she fought him, he would restrain her again. She needed to catch him off guard.

  “That’s it. Just relax.”

  Packer hadn’t grabbed her right wrist again, and the grip on her left loosened. It took everything in Lexie not to gag from pure revulsion to have him on top of her. Touching her.

  As Packer reached down to start unbuckling Lexie’s jeans, she took a quick breath before making her move.

  Reaching up, Lexie made it appear as if she was about to touch him—only to yank the gun from his jeans.

  Packer’s eyes widened the moment he realized what was happening.

  Before he could react, Lexie aimed the gun at his stomach and pulled the trigger.

  Packer howled in pain, immediately falling to the ground. Half his body was still on Lexie, forcing her to use all her strength to push him to the side.

  “You fucking bitch!” Packer growled as he writhed in the dirt, clutching his wound.

  Scrambling to her feet, Lexie took a single step before a hand latched on to her ankle, yanking her back to the ground. Her body hit the dirt hard, the gun falling from her fingers.

  Packer pulled her toward him until she lay under him again. Blood leaked from his bullet wound onto her bare skin.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

  Terror gripped Lexie when Packer drew back a fist.

  Quickly realizing his intent was to punch her in the stomach, not giving her actions a second thought, she swiftly dug her fingers into the bullet wound.

  A pain-laced cry escaped Packer’s throat as he once again fell to the ground.

  Rolling away, Lexie grabbed the gun before lurching to her feet. Then she took off into the woods.

  Lexie didn’t stop to think about the fact that she’d just shot a man. She didn’t pause to look at the blood that coated her hand or the splatters across her torso. She focused on moving. As fast and far as her injured body would allow.

  After only a few seconds, Lexie heard Packer’s angry voice from behind.

  “I’m gonna kill you, bitch!”

  There was no time to run any farther. Packer was too close. He would hear her if she kept moving.

  Stumbling on a branch, Lexie dove behind the closest tree root and huddled down. Holding the gun in front of her, fingers shaking. She prayed that Packer didn’t have the same level of hearing as Asher did. She didn’t know if she could shoot to kill.

  In the next few minutes, Lexie heard the scuffling of feet, followed by a grunt. Then silence.

  Before she could risk a peek to look for Packer, the gun dropped from Lexie’s fingers as a sudden, sharp pain hit her in the stomach.

  Dropping to her side, Lexie curled into a ball, arms wrapping around her waist.

  As more pains hit, Lexie scrunched her eyes shut, curling her body tighter.

  Suddenly warm hands touched Lexie’s hip, causing her to cry out.

  “Lexie, honey, it’s me.”

  Squinting her eyes open, she saw Asher hovering above her, his eyes a mixture of anger and agony. “Where are you hurt, Lex?”

  Opening her mouth to speak, another spike of pain hit her stomach, causing her eyes to scrunch shut. “My…my stomach. It hurts, Asher. The baby…” Reaching up, Lexie grabbed on to his hand. “Help me!”


  Pushing down the anger and fear that simultaneously threatened to suffocate him, Asher pulled his sweater over his head and lay it across Lexie’s chilled upper body.

  Bending down, he gently lifted her into his arms. Lexie’s soft whimper made him want to go back and snap that asshole’s neck a second time.

  “Everything will be okay, Lex. I’m going to get you help.” Asher spoke the words softly into her ear.

  Walking through the woods back to his team, Asher wished he could move faster. Fear of jostling Lexie and increasing her pain kept him at a slow, steady pace.

  Blood coated her bare skin. Asher wasn’t sure what was hers and what wasn’t. Black and blue bruising marred her face, making him clench his jaw harder.

  Tuning in, he could hear her heartbeat—as well as the faint but fast pitter-patter of the baby’s heart.

  They were alive. Asher had to focus on that. Not the bruising on the battered woman who trembled in his arms. The beating hearts.

  After what felt like too damn long, Asher reached the car. Mason was waiting. Wyatt and Bodie were likely still in the woods, following the men who remained out there.

  A groan of pain emanated from Lexie as she dug her head further into Asher’s chest.

  “We need to get her to Sage. Now,” Asher commanded, already moving to the back seat.

  Anger washed over Mason’s face at the sight of Lexie. “Are you sure you trust her?”

  “No. But we need her. Lexie and the baby need her.”

  Nodding, Mason climbed into the driver’s seat. Wasting no time, he pressed his foot to the accelerator before hitting dial on the car’s Bluetooth. Sage picked up on the second ring.

  “Sage speaking.”

  “Sage, it’s Mason.” He spoke quickly as he turned off the highway. “I’m with Lexie and Asher, and Lexie’s injured. She needs medical attention as soon as possible. We’re heading to Asher’s place.”

  Sage didn’t hesitate. “I’m in town. Give me Asher’s address and I’ll be there as soon as possible. I have equipment in my car.”

  Mason rattled off Asher’s address before ending the call.

  Asher’s eyes drew back down to Lexie’s pale face. His heart clenched. God, he wished he could take away her pain. She should have been safe. He couldn’t forgive himself for not watching closer.

  Leaning down, he placed a light kiss on her temple, trying to avoid any bruising.

  “Asher…” Lexie’s voice was weak. Fragile. He’d never heard her like that before. Lexie was the strongest woman he knew, and she liked everyone to know it. “I’m worried about our baby. I’m hurting.”

  Lexie’s hand held her stomach as though she was trying to protect the growing baby inside.

  Asher placed his large hand over hers. He started a slow stroke with his thumb that overlapped onto her stomach. “I haven’t told you this, but not long ago, I noticed a light thumping sound whenever you were around. It was too fast to be your heartbeat. I realized it was our baby’s heart. And that’s what I can hear now, Lex. Our baby’s heart is beating.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She closed them and a te
ar slid down her cheek.

  Catching it with a kiss, Asher didn’t take his eyes off her for the remainder of the drive, praying to God that both the woman in his arms and their unborn child would be okay.

  The moment the car stopped, Asher was out. Moving up the stairs to his home, he was relieved to see Sage already waiting by the door, a large medical bag in her arms.

  Sage didn’t bat an eye at the sight of Lexie, bruised and covered in blood. Mason pulled the door open and Asher went over to the couch. Laying Lexie down but remaining by her side.

  Sage took a seat on the edge of the couch. “Lexie, it’s Sage. Can you tell me what you’re feeling?”

  Brows crinkling, Lexie kept her eyes closed. “I can feel shooting pains in my stomach. They’re lessening now but are still strong.” Eyes opening, she looked up at Sage, worry clouding her vision. “That’s bad, right?”

  Pulling out what looked like gel, Sage lifted Asher’s shirt from her stomach then lathered some on her skin. Placing a transducer on Lexie’s stomach, Sage was quiet for a moment.

  A second later, thumping filled the room, loud enough so that everyone could hear. “The heartbeat is a perfect speed,” Sage said quietly. “Did you sustain any blows to your abdominal region?”

  Asher tensed, waiting for Lexie to respond.

  “No. He was going to punch me in the stomach but I got away.”

  Releasing a tense breath, Asher relaxed slightly, never more thankful for Lexie’s strength.

  Leaning over her, Sage touched Lexie’s shoulder. “You did really well. You protected your baby and yourself.”

  After a few more tests, Sage put her equipment back in the bag.

  “Lexie, your baby is healthy,” she said, placing her hand on Lexie’s leg. “You don’t need to worry at the moment. It looks like you went through something quite traumatic today. Science still doesn’t know the full effects of stress during pregnancy, but there are stress-related hormones that have the ability to cause complications.”

  “Complications?” Lexie gasped before Sage visibly firmed her grip on her leg.

  “You’re okay. But it’s very important from this point on that you avoid any stress. All stress. I would recommend a week or two of bed rest, then low-stress activities. Walks, baths, and still plenty of rest.”

  Asher stroked Lexie’s head before turning back to Sage. “We can do that.”

  Hell, Asher would lock Lexie in the bedroom if he had to.

  Nodding, Sage stood. “Good. Now, in terms of other injuries, there’s extensive bruising. Possibly a mild concussion. Asher, it would be good for you to help Lexie bathe, then get her something warm to eat before she rests. I’ll leave some pain meds—”

  “I’m not taking pain meds,” Lexie interrupted.

  Asher growled. “Lexie.”

  “This baby has been through a lot and I’m not taking pain meds.”

  Damn, even after such a traumatic ordeal, the woman was stubborn.

  “I’ll leave them here in case,” Sage replied softly. “They’re safe for the baby.”

  Bending down, Asher lifted Lexie from the couch. Giving Sage a nod of thanks, he then headed to the bedroom.

  Moving into the adjoining bathroom, Asher immediately stopped at the gasp from Lexie’s lips.

  A moment from running Lexie back to Sage, Asher looked down to see Lexie inspecting her face in the mirror.

  She looked like she’d been through hell, and now she was seeing it.

  Fighting down the rage, Asher moved to the bath and set Lexie on the edge. “If I could murder that asshole a second time for hurting you, I would in a heartbeat.”

  Lexie’s head shot up as he turned on the bath tap. “You killed him?”

  “I did.” Asher took a moment to inspect Lexie’s face, not sure how she would react. The only emotion he could read was relief.

  “What about the other guy? Thomas?”

  Asher helped Lexie out of her clothes before lifting her into the tub. “Red went after one of the guys, while Jobs went after the other. Both will be questioned when found.”

  Moving some hair off her face, Asher inspected the damage. Her cheek had swelled and her pupils were wide, likely from shock. She was so damn strong. “Not now, but when you’re ready, I would like you to take me through exactly what happened today.”

  Swallowing, Lexie nodded. Fear lingered in her eyes.

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight again, Lex. Consider me your personal bodyguard slash shadow. You’re safe.”

  Some of the fear eased from Lexie’s expression.

  Good. She understood.

  * * *

  “She didn’t seem surprised when we called.” Mason’s voice sounded from the living room.

  “She didn’t blink an eye at the sight of Lexie covered in blood and bruises, either,” Asher added.

  Lexie had only been standing by the bedroom door for a moment. She got the gist of what Asher and Mason were saying, though. They thought Sage was the leak. That she was the reason Project Arma knew about the pregnancy.

  “We know you’re there, Lex. You can come in.”

  Dammit, she’d forgotten about Asher’s superhearing. He’d probably heard the moment she’d stepped out of bed.

  She tread carefully into the room, and Asher was by her side in a moment. Lifting her body, he sat on the couch with Lexie on his lap.

  Ordinarily, Lexie would tell him that he didn’t need to do that. She’d fight for her independence. But the feel of Asher’s big, strong body surrounding her own took away just a small amount of the lingering fear.

  “How long have I been asleep for?” Glancing out the window, she could see it was almost dark outside.

  Mason stood with his arms crossed beside the couch. “About an hour.”

  That’s why her body still felt exhausted. And she’d probably spent a large chunk of that time tossing and turning.

  “How are you feeling?” Asher asked.

  Sore. Scared. Angry.

  Although the latter only came in spurts when she got small bouts of reprieve from the first two.

  “I’m okay. I’ll be better after some time passes.” She hoped.

  “We’re here for anything you need,” Asher said firmly.

  Mason nodded. “All of us.”

  Lexie knew that and she was grateful. So grateful for all of them.

  Resting her head on Asher’s chest, she glanced over to Mason. “Sage isn’t one of the bad guys.”

  Mason’s expression didn’t change. “I’d like to believe that. But it’s a bit suspicious that as soon as she comes into town, bad things start happening. Your apartment gets broken into, then you’re kidnapped.”

  Cringing, Lexie had to agree that the timing wasn’t great, but she still didn’t think Sage was the culprit of all this. “Call it women’s intuition, whatever you want, but she’s got a good heart. She wouldn’t sell out a pregnant woman. I can tell by the way she cares for me as a patient. Speaks to me with respect. She’s here to help, not hurt me.”

  The look on Mason’s face told Lexie just how much he believed in her women’s intuition—which was not at all.

  “Do you feel up to telling us what happened?” Asher asked softly, his hand rubbing her back.

  No. But she had a feeling the words would never come easily. So now was as good a time as any.

  Mason took a step forward. “I can leave if you want.”

  Lexie shook her head. Mason would hear the story anyway. There wasn’t much point in him leaving.

  “It’s okay.” Taking a breath, Lexie drifted her gaze down to her hands, comforted by Asher’s touch. “I was coming out of Marino’s Pizzeria. A guy grabbed me and threw me in the van. I tested the back door, expecting it to be locked. It wasn’t. I opened it and was able to escape when the van slowed.”

  Lexie’s fingers began to explore Asher’s hand. The distraction was soothing.

  “I didn’t get far. They found me, dragged me back to the va
n. When they saw the flat tires, we hiked through the woods. One of the men separated from us. He got a call and said they needed him back at base.”

  She felt Asher look up at Mason at her last words. No doubt they were silently communicating the need to search for this “base.”

  “Did they give any clues about where they were taking you?”

  No. Darn it, she wished she could be more help. Shaking her head, she tried not to feel like a failure. “No. Nothing to help with where we were going. They did say that they’d had some kind of ability-enhancing drugs, but that was it. They were told not to hurt me.”

  Asher cursed. “Well the fuckers didn’t do a good job of that.”

  They didn’t do a good job of anything, Lexie thought to herself.

  “They weren’t nearly as enhanced as you guys. The guy carrying me got tired and needed a break.”

  “What happened next, Lex?” Asher asked, voice smooth and comforting.

  Lexie had a feeling he knew exactly what had happened next. He’d seen her hiding half-naked. But she got it. He needed to be sure.

  “Thomas went back to check that they didn’t leave tracks. Packer attacked me. He wanted to rape me.” Asher stiffened beneath her. She didn’t dare raise her gaze. “While he was on top of me, I was able to grab his gun. I shot him. Then when he came after me again, I attacked the bullet wound.”

  A shiver coursed up her spine at the memory of what she’d done. She’d never injured another person like that in her life. Even thinking about it made her feel nauseous.

  “You did what you had to do to protect yourself and our baby. A lot of people wouldn’t have been able to.”

  This time Lexie did glance up to look at Asher. There was still overwhelming anger in his expression, but there was also something else. Admiration?

  “I ran. Then you found me,” Lexie quickly finished, wanting to stop reliving the ordeal.

  “And I would find you again. In a heartbeat.”

  Lexie believed him. He was the strongest man she’d ever met. Both physically and mentally. She had no doubt that he would find her in a hurricane if he had to.


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